June 7, 1964


Dyatlov Pass: Happy Birthday Igor Pavlov

I have been on the case for 10 years. I have never heard anyone explain the mystery surrounding the Dyatlov Pass incident in all its complexity and myriad of discrepancies. Igor Pavlov's theory covers all the facts and it is the only explanation for the coldest case of the 20th century. Since our book came out I do not look for a solution anymore but focus on bringing to light all the information I can put my hands on. The core of this data lies in Igor Pavlov's archive which he piled up for decades. Today he would have turned 58 and it is the first birthday he is not going to see, at least not from this side of the world.
Teodora (Teddy) Hadjiyska

Shortly before his death Igor Pavlov wrote these lines:

There were nine of them
They loved life
They didn’t think about death
But they were all to meet their death
In the wilderness of the Urals.
How – and why – did they die?
Who – or what – killed them?
Was it Yeti? Aliens? A natural disaster?
A fatal coincidence or cold-blooded murder?
The investigation lasted 63 years
Because the witnesses knew
That if they wanted to live
They had to keep silent.
But now, at last, we can talk about
What happened on the slope of 1079…

Их было 9.
Они любили жизнь и не думали о смерти.
Их тела обнаружили в глуши Уральских гор.
Как и почему они погибли?
Йети, НЛО, лавина, ураган или люди?
Или роковое стечение обстоятельств?
Расследование продолжалось 63 года.
Свидетели знали: жить хочешь — молчи.
Только сейчас можно рассказать о том,
Что произошло на склоне высоты 1079…




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