December 1958

December 1958


"A group of hikers from the Ural Polytechnic Institute saw the New Year in – and, with it, the winter vacation of 1959 - on the bank of the Chusovaya River not far from the “Boitsy” station of the Perm railway. Winter vacations were the time of the long-awaited hikes that would take students away from the city for many days. The hikers, under the supervision of Igor Dyatlov, UPI fifth year student, were now checking through their tent and personal equipment in anticipation of the ski trip in the Northern Ural Mountains."
1079 The overwhelming force of Dyatlov Pass / chapter 1

Treks in 1957 and 1958, same tent with the chimney of Dyatlov's custom made stove sticking out.


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A letter written by Krivonischenko on December 27, 1958, addressed to Igor Dyatlov discussing the details of the upcoming trip to Northern Ural starting on January 22, 1959. The letter contains a poem which Krivonischenko dedicated to his fellows hikers.

Krivonischenko letter to Dyatlov

"Hello everyone!"

Happy New Year, hiking friends!
Let me wish you
Camping in faraway mountains
Ascending summits in the wild.

Let your backpacks be light,
weather always fine,
winter not too cold,
and summer to be mild.

The dirt not to bother you,
The sugar not to get wet,
When the river is boiling
And you go overboard.

Pants not to shred into tatters,
So you can patch them and go,
After drying your jacket at night
To have left more than a sleeve.

Your shoes to be good
Not a year, but dozens of years,
Wish your to leave your tracks
all over the map of Russia.

I’m going on the hike from the 22nd if the temperatures below 30 degrees don't last longer than 5-10 days, that is, there will remain about 10 days to finish my work, after which I can go on vacation, but without finishing it the administration won't let me go.

In temperatures below 30 and 24 mph wind, whatever needs to be done outside is canceled, same as at 40 degrees without wind. Kolya Thibault probably knows about this. We haven't worked for two days, how long will this go on depends on the temperatures.

I still have questions about the equipment - what of the public equipment I need to take, and what can I leave. Also interested in the situation in Sverdlovsk with camera films, I do not have a single one.

Kolka Popov wrote about our expedition. He knows. Now I will write again. If he has at least the slightest opportunity - he, of course, will join us. I am in high spirits and good shape, I will be in Sverdlovsk between January 10 and 20. I will keep in touch through UPI sports club. I will go to the institute right after I arrive.

That's all.

I wonder how does the group come along, who stays, who doesn't. I hope I can go with you, and if I don’t (which is not likely) you will get a telegram till the 20th.

Now about the money. When, where, to whom and how much to send?

I’ll bring a bill of health with me. December 29-30 we have a medical board (physical education), and I’ll get it from there.

That, in fact, is all I can say. In all honesty, I missed my camp life very much and I dream of an expedition as a great blessing. I have my own skis.

Greeting to all hikers.

December 27, 1958

P.S. In preparing the trip, do not forget to take into account the mandolin (for the weight), since I already play a little, and probably there will be N. Popov

G. Krivonischenko

Ed. note - Krivonischenko always signed G. for Georgiy. Yuri is a nickname used by his friends.

Dyatlov gathers a group for the Subpolar Ural from as early as Oct 15, 1958. On Dec 12, 1958 he invites Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle, Yuri Doroshenko and Nikolay Popov, if the latter is allowed from his place of work, the Tatarstan Research Institute. Nikolay Popov is always pictured with a mandolin in his hands. Below is a letter where he begs Dyatlov to take him on the trek. The reason why he didn't join the group is unclear.


Hello Igor!
Hello brothers!

No wonder they say: word gets around. Although the TatNII is far from UPI, I overheard that you are going on a hike to the Subpolar Urals. Goska, holy-moly! Take me for God's sake!

Igor! First, please get back to me right away. Secondly, tell me who is coming. Thirdly, how many days is the trip, and how much it will cost me, so I have all the facts to make an informed decision if I can afford to go.

For my part, I want to tell you in advance that I have no skis, no ski boots, and no backpack. But I have everything else. Do you think possible for me to get backpack, boots and skis from the institute? I would be very happy if so. I'll find the rest myself. Igor, be sure to write right away, if the group does not mind my part me joining, so that I can inform you in time whether I can go or not. In the meantime, I will start getting ready without wasting any time.

Give all the brothers greetings from the Gloomster. Let me know what is like the new (hiking - ed. note) section. And most importantly, unlike all past times, at least write an answer.

My life at the moment is tolerable, but the hiking aspect is very bad: although we are only 5 (in total!) qualified hikers, were trained over the summer, but there is no section. Neither in the TatNII, nor anywhere else in Bugulma. And for the whole of this winter we made only one hike that lasted a day. There is neither equipment in the VSS (Voluntary Sports Society - ed. note), nor enthusiasm among the youth of the city of Bugulma.

Well bye for now! Hiking greetings from the Gloomster (signature)
Dec 12, 1958

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Zina wrote to her friend Lidiya Grigoryeva. The letter was written during the exams "We are taking exams now", that is, in the period December 13-27, 1958. The dates of exams and tests in December 1958 are known from Zina's record book - see below.


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