31 January 1959

The sequence of frames in film №1 is questionable. The film is cut and it is hard to tell which frame follows which. According to the sequence of frames it turns out that Krivonischenko's quilted jacket was burned on the night of January 31 to February 1. However, it Zina Kolmogorova writes in her diary that the jacket was burned on the night of January 30 to January 31. There is a contradiction between the sequence of the film frames and the entry in the diary, only one of many in this case.

There is also the question about the stove, if it was used on the night of January 31st. They lit a fire to cook their meal. Dyatlov's stove was used to heat the tent, not cooking. Whether they used the stove or not on the night of January 31st is not clear from the diaries, but in this photo taken on the morning of February 1st Yuri Krivonischenko is dusting ashes from the stove, so most likely they used it. Nothing is definitive on this case. You have to use your own judgment. Is Krivonischenko cleaning it because it was used or just putting it away - we will never know.

Dyatlov group diary

31 January 1959
Today the weather is a bit worse wind (west), snow (probably from the pines) because the sky is perfectly clear.
Started relatively early (around 10 am). Took the same Mansi trail. Till now we walk along a Mansi trail, which was crossed by a deer hunter not long ago.
Yesterday we apparently came across his resting stop. Deer didn't go much further. The hunter didn't follow the beaten trail and we are now in his steps.
Today was surprisingly good accommodations for the tent, air is warm and dry, despite the low temperature of -18C to -24C. Walking is especially hard today. We can't see the trail and sometimes we have to grope our way through. All we can do is 1.52 km (1 mile) per hour.
We are forced to find new methods of clearing the path for the skis. The first member leaves his backpack on the ground and walks forward, then returns and rests for 10-15 minutes with the group. This way we are continuously laying ski tracks. It is especially hard for the second to move along the new trail with full gear on the back. We gradually leave the Auspiya valley, the rise is continuous, but quite smooth. Fir trees are replaced by wispy birch-wood. We came out of the tree line. Wind is western, warm, piercing. The speed of the wind is similar to the air draft created by a taking off airplane. Firn, open spaces. I can't even think of setting up a storage. It's close to 4. We have to start looking for a place to pitch the tent. We are going south in Auspiya river valley. This apparently is the place covered with the deepest snow. Wind is not strong, snow cover is 1,22 m. Tired and exhausted we started the preparations for the night. There is not much firewood. Frail damp firs. We started fire with logs, too tired to dig a fire pit. We are having dinner right in the tent. It's warm. It is hard to imagine such a comfort somewhere on the ridge, with a piercing howl of the wind, hundreds kilometers away from human settlements.


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