These photos do not belong to any of the films and were introduced in the case file without explanation of their origin. They are obvioulsy done during the trek. They could be from the film in Dyatlov's camera №55242643. This camera was introduced in the inventory of the case in March 1959 due to the fact that the camera was taken from the tent by one of the students volunteering in the first search party. He developed the film with the intend to do some private investigation into the matter till he was asked by the official investigators to hand over the camera and the film which he did. By deduction none of the films in Koskin's photo archive belongs to Dyatlov's camera. Some of the loose photo may be from the film that was inside that camera. Koskin is listing this photo, but the girl on this photo does not participate in the trek. She has hiked with Lyuda before, and they may even wear the same quilted jacket. On the other hand photo №2 is not in Koskin's archive, so there could be more photos out there. The point is that cameras are at least 6. On photo №6 left to right Dyatlov (left, bended), Zolotaryov, Dubinina and Kolevatov (right) brushing ashes from Dyatlov's homemade stove. We can see Kolevatov's Finnish knife. Note how the tent is suspended on a rope tied to nearby trees. From this photo and other we can speculate that Lyuda liked to hang around the seniour member of the group - Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolle. That can explain her choice to join them at the last hours of her life.