Snowstorm in the Mountains-1
About the search for the bodies of the 9 students hikers
Vol-1 Snowstorm in the Mountains
Started February 27, 1959
Finished March 1, 1959
27 chapters
Gennadiy Andreyevich. To do:
(1) Gladyrev
23/II flew single seater(?) An-2 -55-84 on the search
24/II crew consisting of Gladyrev Pyotr Vas - commander of the ship; Patrushev - 2 pilot; navigator - Karpushin Georgiy Aleksandrovich.
Took off 8:30 am. Wonderful weather. Flew to weather reconnaissance Weather in the mountains
was cloudy. (????) closed. To Mt Otorten are 1129m - 200km to Vizhay, along Lozva river. Other planes not allowed. Mountains were often(???). From the air(???) Otorten. We flew to the village of Manya on the Vishera river. Crossed the Urals on the western slope. Otorten is flat. On its huge mountain peak, there are rocks along its ridge. Or is it huge blocks of snow. The peak itself is flat, the rocks are covered with snow. 4h 25m in the air. From the top(?) flows Vishera. On this day, the helicopter landed one batch. Skiers UPI hikers. In two groups, 11-12 people. Dropped them on Otorten.
23 [/II] landed at the mouth of Auspiya river 15 km near Mt Otorten. Skis, tents, sleeping bags, backpacks [see drawing on scan 6]
Skiers were meeting with the Mansi. Mansi found traces of 15 days ++ By walkie-talkie. On the next day (???) on the northeastern slope of the mountain 1072. It is below Otorten. Tent 500m from the top and 500m to the forest. In the tent were the Mansi and skiers. The skiers of Chernyshev group also met near the tent
These are the skis of 9 people. The ski poles were around the tent. The was 300-400m from the top, and 500-600m from the forest. It is amazing why there is not a single bush on the side of the mountain. Climb to the top
1079 tent -15km straight-Otorten [see drawing on scan 7]
They flew and before that everything was under the snow(?) And thought the stone was a black spot. From the tent east of 500-600m 4 people were found in the hollow
In the tent are all things, documents, photos, all products, millet(?), Skis. If the photographs are here, then they did not go from here(???)
on the road, and then something(?) surfaced(?). These days, when the students were there, there were snowstorms. The tent was set up to the snowstorm thoroughly. A snowstorm can force to pitch the tent on the slope. It may have collapsed and they ran out of the tent. These days there were snowstorms. They did not reach the top 300-400m. We put up a tent. Tent on ski poles. On many pos(?) side is the leeward(?).
One came out, he was blown away. He screamed. Everyone ran out. The Ural mountains are not big, but the weather changes quickly. We were flying in clear weather, haze over the mountain and half an hour later everything was engulfed, clouds. Maybe there was a drop and there were stones.
They were frightened by the drop and rushed out of the tent. They tumbled and blown away.
- need to study the situation in advance. If the weather ahead worsens, need to fly (?) back.
The area was assigned and it was 3-4 km to go along from each other. It is impossible to move in the forest, there you loose sight (?) of the tent as a landmark(?). This is a task for the air force.
They had a route. [see drawing on scan 9]
We arrived at Polunochnoe. To Vizhay by car, to 2nd Northern on reindeer. From the 2nd Northern one night. Go to Otorten and returned to the camp. Then
Dyatlov the leader of the group of skiers. 4 engineers from factories, 5 students (2 girls). Dyatlov group has been here. They could not go to the taiga.
We can see(?) tracks. Matches (?) and smoke signal(?)
It is difficult to see a person in the forest if he does not identify himself with a fire, rockets. In a clearing it is easier to find. You pay attention to every mark. Snag, stone. Go around, make sure.
First confused deer tracks
Then they we saw many traces of deer. The skiers (?) saw a black spot of a campfire. All mountains form(???)
(2) City committee
Sverdlovsk Industrial Institute called the city committee that 9 ski hikers are missing from a trek. The search began. There were often calls from Sverdlovsk to the city committee. Airplanes flew from Sverdlovsk. Stepan Kurikov Mansi rode on a deer, brought a walkie-talkie, and at certain hours he called Ivdel.
(3) 28/II Airfield
Southern Ural is under the influence of cyclone. The cyclone flow from Magnitogorsk, Aktyubinsk 20-30km per hour. Our areas are influenced by the high pressure ridge. Clouds are high today. Visibility not good 4-10. In the morning there was some wind 30km/h.
Mountains will be visible. The weather girl explains (?) on the weather map. All pilots are listening. Everyone is worried about the weather. Will it always be like that. Near the earth, the wind east and north-east of 3m/sec. If flying north you get tailwind.
- tomorrow
- tomorrow same(?)
- the day after tomorrow same weather
- Verkhoturye(?) what is the weather like?
- fog, visibility 1km
- Sverdlovsk
- Sverdlovsk is closed. Up to 12 hours the fog will dissipate.
Pennants are being written. Paramonov:
- To Tolya, in search of, in search of
The purpose of the helicopter is to lift the team. Colonel:
- 4 people found. 34 people searching for 9 bodies(?). Known till now(?)
Akselrod group at peak Otorten and Grebennik group from Vizhay river valley bring here
- I want to note the cold(?). We all sleep in the dining room
Colonel Ortyukov Georgiy Semyonovich - Head of Military Institute of UPI
Vishnevskiy Andrey Mihaylovich - Head of Physical Education Department
Pletnev Nikolay Fyodorovich - Deputy Director Institute Academic Research (???)
Kuznetsov Vladimir Savvich - AN-2 Crew Commander
Serebryakov Vas Ego - Navigator Squadron
(4) Airborne
We taxi out at 9:20 am from the site. The engine roared, there were milestones at the airport. Here she is again the taiga. Mountains in a haze of light and their peaks covered with snow seem like clouds, a ridge of clouds. How many trees were felled in the clearings and in the taiga and covered with snow. 6 people are flying
Dark gray taiga with white meadows of various bizarre shapes, swamps, small slides with whitewashed peaks. Here is the road to Burmantovo. And the plane lands
1079 Mt 1.5-2km; 880 [see drawing on scan 15]
From (???) back
Again, straight as an arrow, a white stripe in the clearing of the road. Some village is half covered with snow. A group of houses is scattered. Village. Forest. Camp. Gloomy pensive Ural. The weather is raging. We don't stop, the wind will start throwing stones (we are flying and correspondent Ural worker and (???) Fyodorov did not object). The cabin is warm. The river turns white with high banks.
We cut into the taiga. High rocky shores of snow-covered gray villages(?). White swamps with rare rows of brown herringbone, fir. Gray wind-blown taiga with white round spots of swamps and glades. (At first, when we flew, the mountains were not visible) Mount Oyka-Chakur. From the north side of it flows a river. And it is in a wide valley overgrown with forest, snake (white) without strong zigzags goes into the mountains. We fly over the mountains. One with two gentle peaks breaks to the west. A glacial rocky ridge is visible. Here is a chain of mountains that are covered with coniferous forest. They don't go all the way to the top.
(???) and the peak is covered with snow. Oyka Chakur is a double(?) peaked(???) covered in snow. From there, a height of 1700m spread around. The plane goes to the mountains. (They say the bodies were found disrobed. The tent was torn. It was a stone avalanche rushing from the mountains and people were thrown away for two kilometers. People went through all the rigorous checks before the trip). The plane goes to the mountains. The goal today is to throw the pennants out to the two groups so that they get ready and send a helicopter to them. If the steam falls, then in an hour. If a triangle, then in two they are ready to fly. Here they are bare mountains. Dozens (???) of sharp peaks, barely entered valleys
Interestingly, the black forest rises along the southern slopes. Here is some narrow rivulet, almost right at the foot of the mountains. In some places gray or icy stone crests arise. In some places on the peaks they resemble snow (?) Columns. Mountains are licked everywhere by the winds, ribbed zigzags in the snow. We fly to the Otorten and Lozva river. Under it are gray rocks. Ahead of the bend. Dozens of mountains, hills - this is Otorten. Here is a big cliff. Yesterday a pennant was thrown here. How bare are the mountains blown by the wind. Like a clod
Snow, rocks, cliff. We circling over the mountains. What a huge cliff. The plane descends into the hollow between the mountains. Shine in the sun (???) the sides of the mountains. (???) thawed patches. Fir-trees, as if (???) step on the mountains, on the peaks (???). The shadow of an airplane creeps along the mountains. The day is sunny. We are looking for those skiers, (???) stones. Here are a few mountains that are all covered in forest and they are black, gloomy. Here are the big stones on the mountain.
(???) ate, on it a zigzag of snow. We are spinning, but we see nothing. Maybe this group went to the place of death. Pilots worry about the living (?). Sprinkle the corpses with gunpowder and take them out last. Maybe (???) the weather and sit and do not fly (???). And (???) a person would die (???) Jan 31 or Feb 1. In the air already 1h 05min.
This is how the mountains look below us [see drawing on scan 20]
A cliff near some stream. The mountains were wrapped up (???) with snow, compressed by wind from (?) The neighboring saddle. Between them landed where the forest blackens. Here are the zigzags of snow on the slopes of the mountains.
Regiment (?) And Andrey Mih. concerned that they find nothing. Below us are rocks, rocks on (???) a mountain with zigzags of snow. The sun shines in the cockpit, when the plane tilts, it warms the face. How clean, bright, beautiful, calm. I think that there can be terrible storms. Zigzags of snow from the trees. There is a lot of snow in the troughs. Mountains, mountains (???) the second hour is buzzing (???). Stones around on voids in the snow. The side of the mountain glistens in the hollow, ahead in the haze of the peak. The lake between the mountains is deep (?). A string of traces is visible. - (???) went carts (?) 1-2 hours (???).
Here immediately blows out (?) the tracks.
- we cannot find, went to the place of our(?) landing.
A mountain covered with forest (???) the peak is bare, white, and on it are two rocks, like two people standing nearby. The gray slope of the mountain. It (???). Here is the place where they were planted, and now (???) on scraps from twists. The tops of Christmas trees, snow-covered on a mountainside. (???) How cool are these mountains. You see this when the plane descends into (???) and an ice wall rises in front of you. Eyes tired from staring
(???) in the group (???) - traks (Snowstorm in the Mountains) ++
(??) village (???) group of people [see drawing on scan 23]
Mountain 1079 tent at an altitude of the slope. The tent was raked. Poles, skis, duffel bags. (???) Igor (?) (???) the slope of the mountain. The tent is dug up. The mountain with a white ridge, a crest turns black (???) of the forest. White streaks of the river. Near the mountain people are visible skiing.
From the tent, the mountain slope goes to the forest. (???) snow. (in the group of people at the tent is the reporter from "Na smenu" newspaper Yarovoy). The airplane is noisy, hot. I did not see a single group. Does not find. Worried. Do not take our eyes off (???) (???) Razor-sharp. Icy (?). This is their route, they must overcome Oyka-Chakur 1279m in curls of snow
Storm in the woods (???).
Otorten 1182m. The ski poles didn't break.
3 mountains (???) descend into the ravine and are covered with snow (2h10m in the air). Zigzags of the stream under the snow. The ski track is often visible (???).
Many kilometers flat wall of the ridge
River. There is a ski track on it. High white puffed mountain. The forest is clogged with snow. Islands of forest on the river. We are looking for the second landing group (???). They go to Vizhay. The river whitens. Shadow from the forest on ice. Here the forests are snowy. On the plane, the navigator leads in rows. A pilot leads the cockpit, senior lieutenant Kuznetsov leads, next to the navigator is captain Serebryakov. The navigator mainly drives the plane. The pilot controls. Flight mechanic
Burdasov. Half of the crew spend hours near the window. Everyone is worried. Consumption (?) 125l per hour. 1200 liters refueling. The day before yesterday, the pilots were 5h50m in the air.
An icy oblong mountain flashed in the sun. There are ice rocks in the forest. The crested shadow of the forest on the river. The village is reflected in water.
Disaster around 2 (???). Suddenly we saw. Rocket, smoke sig(?). Standing on the river, several people. lie(?) on the trail. People in the plane worried, prepared a pennant. Comrade Grebennik choose a platform on the river and wait for the helicopter. We will call for helicopter. Маке
a fire. The note was tied to a stone, a cord from it, red material (???) The flight mechanic is ready to throw out a pennant. Went down low. Skis, (???) tent, people are 4 people. And they threw a pennant out of the open door. Then they gave a circle and saw them wave (???) with the pennant.
All this on the Vizhay river. 2nd Northern. Wide river. That's where the pennant was dropped:
Oyka-Chakur 1279_______________Vizhay river_______village of Vizhay
The route of the dead group: Burmantovo
Otorten 1079_____skied___2nd Northern___rode___Vizhay_______hitched
(see drawing on page 28)
Pennant dropped 6 people. The plain began. The motor is buzzing, the propeller. Place of death from the 2nd Northern mine 40-50km. The joint venture flew an airplane (6h50m airplane can). A helicopter flies towards the left side and quickly left behind, hiding in a haze. Here is the airfield, pushpin.(???) hit, shaking. Motor and (???) in place
(5) At the airfield
The tent has 31 people. 5 people near Otorten mountain. And the group to which the pennant was thrown 5 people.
Мы выбросили 4 десанта на расстояние 350км маршрута. Мы искали по хребту. Там собаки, прокурор. Может всем туристам придется остаться.
A total of 41 people are gathered (???) on Otorten. The first days of the search were foggy and nothing was visible in the mountains. 4 people in one direction.
One person in 50m. Jan 31 was a severe hurricane. It was quiet here, and you can’t work there. Of the 16 days of the route, they died on 2-3 days. They are all crippled and beaten. The deer tracks deceived the pilots. The helicopter, raising snow, took off. And now it's already a bee above, the sound of an airplane is heard. State of the bodies: The dead are barely clad. One leg in felt boot, the other boot missing
Went into the clouds. The helicopter took cereal, probes(?) for the search of the bodies
- what are you reading - one pilot asked another pilot
- "The Road to Calvary" (ed. note - "The Road to Calvary" is a trilogy of novels by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy, if you translate the title literally it sounds like "Walking along the pain"), he answered seriously
- We have so much pain here and you are still reading about more pain?
(6) Communication with the tent
- Raup, Raup, Kayomka. Do you read me. Over. (ed. note - Sulman's call name was "Kayomka", Nevolin's who was the radioman of the Northern Geological Expedition was "Raup", Colonel Ortyukov's was "Krot")
A helicopter came closer (?). Melnikov (?) Five were taken by helicopter. I can't find any more. Some people work on the search and dismantling the tent. 8 pairs of shoes. One pair is missing. 9 backpacks. Communication at 4:45 pm
- Report the results of the day?
- Has Akselrod arrived?
- Helicopter flew long ago? And what did he take?
- At (???) prepare full report and work plans for tomorrow
There is no connection with Akselrod and he hasn't arrived. We don't know what did he take. The helicopter went off in search of Akselrod.
(7) Talking at the airport (after talking with the tent)
On the 28th they went skiing from the 2nd Northern mine. Yudin fell ill and returned to the 2nd Northern.
They probably pitched a tent in calm conditions. After they took off their boots came the attack. They were probably sleeping. We assume it was January 31. It is strange that it (the storm) didn’t tear off the tent, didn’t scatter their backpacks, but only blew away the people. So many puzzles?!?
(8) Last communication
Helicopter took Akselrod group of 5 people and is flying them. Second group goes to Vizhay
(9) During the search, the pilot was afraid of the wind, hid behind the mountains,
the wind blows and presses the plane to the ground. A pilot flies between the mountains, sees how he presses, and then, if the wind does not press much, he flies again and looks. (We were in the air for 3h 50min on AN-2)
(9a) Do not forget about parents (?)
(9b) All Ivdel lives by this tragedy. Many speculations and gossip arose, but everyone is very sorry
[Map distance: Otorten - 1182m; (???) 62 parallel north latitude
From Otorten to Ivdel are 19cm х 7.5km; from 2nd Northern to Auspiya 7.5km х 3cm;
From Suevatpaul to Otorten 7.5km х 8cm; Polunochnoe-Vizhay; 2nd Northern-Otorten 6cm. recorded 18/II 1990 Revda]
(10) The Akselrod group arrived - an engineer in Sysert. Tipikin, Sogrin, Yaborov, Chigvintsev from UPI. They stayed 3 days. Three went searching, two stayed in the camp, (???) food and a walkie-talkie. Inspection of the area. Has an eye where to look. Intuitively. Surface is very hard as a tile. Snow blows away. Dyatlov is from Pervouralsk(?) The snow is hard on the slopes of the mountains, and in the forest you can't pass 100m, waist-deep. It (the snow) accumulates on skiing and all you do is fall.
- From the very beginning, it’s amazing that everything
- The prosecutor found 8 barefoot tracks
They made a fire, shot a signal rocket and the plane passed twice and did not see them. The guys were well dressed (???)
from 3/I to 5/II flew, frost. 150km to death from Ivdel
(11) March 1, 1959. Connection with the landing group. With Dyatlov tent.
- Open mountains, no?
- The mountains are open, there is a haze, wind is north
- Plan for today: 10:30 am helicopter to the camp. Drop off Akselrod and Potapov groups. Prepare for the evacuation of a service dog with guides, a radio operator with an inoperative radio station with a radio operator (ed. note - repetitive), and part of the Dyatlov group belongings. How do you read?
At 13:00 the helicopter delivered butter and bread to the assembled guys who sent the bodies and all Dyatlov group belongings.
- Do you read me? Raup, Raup. Kayemka.
- Roger.
- In short, what's new for last night after our connection and this morning?
- There is noise. Behind the regulator (???) nothing is heard. Raup, Raup, I'm Kayemka. I can't hear you. Go to frequency 47. (It seems everyone has been wary. A voice is breaking in - I have a lot of boards, I can’t hear you
- is (???) I didn’t understand anything. Everything clogs. Weak (???) noise, silence.
- from 14 (???) to (???) 50. Report what's new, what Maslennikov up to (temperature -14°)
(12) Found 4 bodies
Dyatlov clings to a birch and pressed against it. The other two are found near the cedar. Then they cut down all branches to a height of growth and made a fire. But then there was not enough wood for the fire and it went out. Then came a storm and they are all under the snow. Found diaries in duffel bags. They contain notes: what a harsh land, how difficult, but what a delight of battles in this land. There will be time, when here will be factories, cities and the happiness from being the first exploring this land. The diaries say that it’s very difficult to go. After 15m, the first changes. All the joys (?) Not (???)
At the airport, a machine for warming up engines is humming and it is humming so loudly. Pilots play chess
(13) A helicopter flew to the tent.
Took Akselrod group - 3 people. They knew Dyatlov well and flew to the rescue in order to find the bodies.
Leader (???) with orientation, so that they (???) were forced to pitch the tent on the mountain.
The whole mountain is covered with icy snow and you can get to the tent only in boots with (???). Slope (???) 45°.
(14) About myself
The second day I rush to the tent. But I am not allowed on the helicopter. They will probably not let me go. They say that it is necessary to take out the belongings.
(15) The forecast
The weather is getting worse. Overcast. We were informed from the tent. A cyclone is coming from Sverdlovsk. People are in a hurry. In Sverdlovsk, the weather deteriorates (?). Here we have sun, light haze.
(16) A conversation with a helicopter
Overflown Vizhay. Clouds hang over the mountains
(17) Found the first
campsite in the valley of the Auspiya river.
(18) Akselrod found a note on Mt Otorten
from another hiking group, 9 people from the chemical faculty of Moscow State University
their route Vizhay-Gumpkapay-Otorten-Pechera-city of Pechera. Ascended peak Otorten on July 26, 1956. From this note was tracked a student from Sverdlovsk University. They were on Otorten before the group from Moscow on June 19, 1956.
(19) Akselrod left a note (to us). Moscow asked the note to be sent to send to university
(20) The pilots returned from Otorten
Clouds are coming from the west, a who(?) roar in the mountains. Otorten is therefore closed.
(21) Conversation with the prosecutor
One (hiker) came out to pass water. And he was carried away. Everyone rushed to save. The girl found lay her head in the direction of the tent, her hands under her, her legs rest. All four were found leaning towards the tent.
(22) 1/III Conversation with the tent
- The weather is worsening. Begins to snow. The helicopter landed with difficulty. Wind is 8m/s
(23) A helicopter flew in
The weather there (???) is bad, constantly blowing on the icy mountain. They tried to warm their hands and feet at the fire(?). They cut the tent with a knife and rushed to save themselves in a panic. All towards the tent. The face is beaten against stones, they were dragged along the stones. One generally found(?) near the tent
(24) Brought the belongings
Friends are sitting on (???). These are boots, jackets, blankets, duffel bags (dogs with (???)) Now they already carry in (???). There is fog on the mountain. The Mansi first discovered the tent. They began to re (????) and trouble happened. A month passed ++ everything was icy. In fishing line 2 and (??).
blank pages
From the tent (???) 800m forest (???) 1.5km is good. The mountains are all icy and rocks. The dog crashed against a stone. (???) A helicopter sits near a rock. Dressed in ski suits, without hats. One guy in his underpants. The two of them made a fire. Socks on his feet, his legs were burnt, his hands were burned. Hands in blood. The barefoot fled 2km.
Belongings of the dead: Comrades are standing near the items. Boots, fur clothes. 3-4 blankets in a pile(?). Jacket of Kolya Thibault. Slippers Zina Kolmogorova, stove, crumpled pans (?). Saw in a case.
- Dogs what?
- apparently deeply overwhelmed. We have to chop with an ax. Corpses are like bones, logs. A ski pole is broken(???)
- The dog is back. One two. The dog is digging. Pulling the pocket.
I think this is Zoe Kolmogorova's quilted jacket. Her hair is disheveled, her eyes are half closed. It's obvious that she is exhausted. In the hands of snow, legs bent. It is visible that lay (???) (Zina Kolmogorova)
Products (The wind tears the floors, blows through thoroughly, knocks down. A rush (???) flies. Fought death. On such a wind it is difficult to make a fire (?). The jacket is used to fend off the wind from the fire. They take 35-40 kg each. In a metal box are strings, loops, cord (???). They (???) in the guitar.
Bag of Igor Dyatlov (???) him. Everything was laid out there. A boot with leggings in it. Feminine. Everything is in the snow. You look at (???). It’s scary to watch. After all (????). Then they gather themselves and began to drag and load them.
(25) Meeting after the arrival of people with the dog
How was Zina found. I saw a piece(???) sticking out. Started around. Just started to go down hear "Another found". Near a large tree near a campfire. They lay down side by side. One face up, the other down. Hands are sooty. One (???). At a cedar then (???). One in underpants, torn leggings. They were stoned. There, at 30 degrees, the slope is bare and covered with ice. We rose and fell 5 times.
Tent 1.5km from the forest. They walked along the slope and did not want to go down, so they will go tomorrow. (The diary says that products were left in a labaz)
There is a guard on duty (?) group (???). Last record from February 1. All the snow drove the wind into the forest.
There are two hollows and it is very tightly covered with snow. The girl from the tent 800m by naked eye. The last 2 km and a half. Death theory. Hypothesis: Dyatlov made a fire with the girl and then went to the tent for provisions. The cap is in half, the hair is disheveled.
- (???) they say it is useless to search, (??) how is it
- is it possible mechanization
- need to send sappers, mine detectors
- one thing to exclude is to abandon the search. Before that, they wanted to explore the entire Ural Range, and now the place is known.
- the footprints are clearly visible that 4 people walked hand by hand. For 300m from the tent.
- we have elders there
- Now there are 31 people in the camp
- probed the more suspicious places
- Today they are about to leave. Wind. Maslennikov said,
what let's get down. Otherwise we get distracted
- Paramonov, didn't talk with the helicopter?
- No, he went uphill. They don't hear him.
- The pilot said that if I couldn’t get in, I would not risk it.
- In the forest, the dog cannot: the snow is deep.
- If they went there, then the trace would remain
- What is there (????). The creek flows. Then it freezes.
- The area is probed 500m wide and 1.5km long. The cliff is big. (- This happened a month ago. Maybe they fell from the a cornice)
- The instinct of self-preservation was main factor (- They were all in their underwear except one. Where is the guitar? Where is the labaz?)
- we don’t know, they had no weapons
- their products are intact. Rusks, canned food, cans with condensed milk. There is alcohol in the flask.
Here are the cameras. Films. They were handed over to the colonel. What's on the rolls.
(26) At the airport
The small airfield came to life. There were were 2-3 cornfields. Now military (?) Planes have flown. Bad connection. Since recently there was aurora borealis.
(27) At the place of death
In the forest there is a large tent, and a small tent. Stacked up a lot of products. At the helicopter there is a knot of cloak tent with a loaf of white bread 200kg, cereals, boxes of canned milk. There are 34 people there. They want to quit the operation. Continue the search for the remaining bodies in the spring.
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