This section contains information found by dozens of researchers and scattered across various thematic sites. The materials are systematized and will be supplemented and refined in the future as new information becomes available. The Russian abbreviations database contains what I had to hunt down while translating anything from Russian e.g. case files, news articles and Igor Pavlov's manuscript. I am sure these will come handy while navigating through Russian literature in general. The gallery People contains both past and modern times individuals, you can tell by the photos, all names can be looked up in the WHOIS database. The search on the site will return results from all the pages. If you want to look up a name on the WHOIS table please either use the alphabet index or Ctrl+F.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
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Abyzov Vasiliy Alekseevich (Абызов Василий Алексеевич) (1897-1978) in 1959 - Major General; Head of the Ural District Military Supply Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, born in 1897. In 1916 he was called up for military service in the active army. Took part in World War I, fought on the Southwestern Front as part of the 3rd Cavalry Corps of the 7th Army. For his courage he was promoted to junior non-commissioned officer. In June 1918 he voluntarily joined the Red Army. He fought on the fronts of the Civil War. He served in the border troops, graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War he was a Colonel, the Head of the 93rd Border Detachment of the NKVD Troops of the Ukrainian Border District; Head of the NKVD Troops Staff for the Protection of the Troop Rear Units of the Southwestern Front 1942-194); Chief of the NKVD TroopRear Units of the Bryansk, 2nd Baltic and 2nd Far Eastern fronts 1943-1945. In February 1945, Vasiliy Alekseevich Abyzov was awarded the rank of Major General. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star 1941; Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class 1943; Order of the Red Banner 1941, 1944, 1950; Order of Lenin 1945; Order of Kutuzov II degree 1945; medals "20 Years of the Red Army" 1938; "For the Defense of Stalingrad"; "For the Victory over Germany"; "For the Victory over Japan". He was the Chief Supply Officer of the Ministry of State Security in the Ural District, Sverdlovsk 1948; Chief Supply Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Sverdlovsk Region 1953, the Ural District Military Supply Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs 1954-1961. Retired since 1961. He died in Lipetsk in 1978. | |
Agafonova Tatyana Vladimirovna (Агафанова Татьяна Владимировна) (1930-1994) in 1959 - a reporter for Komsomolskaya Pravda; was sent from Moscow to Sverdlovsk, but did not find material for the article.She was a publicist in Letters Department, a roving reporter in Information Department and a special correspondent in Komsomolskaya Pravda in 1957-1976. The first Soviet journalist in Cuba. The mistress of Alexei Ivanovich Adzhubei (Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev’s son–in-law), editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda 1957 - May 14, 1959. She learned about the death of a hiking group in the northern Urals through her own journalistic sources. She went on a business trip to Sverdlovsk as a Komsomolskaya Pravda reporter. When she came back, she said that the group had died due to their own mistakes and there was no material for the article. It is possible that the publication was banned. For a very short time she was married to an architect, there were no children. After the publication of the interview with the People's Artist of the USSR Galina Ulanova, she became her close friend and assistant. They lived together in an apartment on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. She is also a scriptwriter of a TV serial about the great ballerina. She died suddenly from cancer. | |
Agisheva Sara Mihaylovna (Агишева Сара Михайловна) in 1959 worked at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Akselrod Moisey Abramovich (Акселрод Моисей Абрамович) (1932, Velikiye Luki -1998) in 1959 worked as a senior foreman in the Ural plant Gidromashin; graduate of the metallurgical faculty of UPI in 1956; lived in the settlement of Sysert at 6 Rosa Luxemburg St. apt.2. He took part in the search for the Dyatlov group. Flew to Ivdel on Feb 25. On Feb 26-28, as the head of the search party, he examined the area of Otorten. During several days Mar 1-6, he participated in a search operation in the area at height 1079; since Маrch 3 – a head of the civic search party. Testimony | |
Akshentsev Yuri Nikolaevich (Акшенцев Юрий Николаевич) in 1959 was at Zolotaryov’s funeral on May 11 (according to Bogomolov, he also assisted organizing the funeral). Born in 1938 in the town of Polevskaya, Sverdlovsk region. Graduated from UPI in 1963 as a metallurgical engineer. In 1957-1958 worked as a metal worker and furnace helper at the Seversky metallurgical (now pipe) plant named after F.A. Merkulov. Since 1963 he worked at the Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences where he was a Head of the laboratory of precision alloys, Deputy Head of the Department of Precision Metallurgy. Ph.D. in Engineering Science 1969. Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation (2003). | |
Aleksandrov Yuri Anatolyevich (Александров Юрий Анатольевич) (1932-2011) in 1959 - an employee of the reference laboratory/laboratory of high-energy electrons in Leningrad Polytechnic Institute at the Russian Academy of Science. According to unconfirmed information, he could have taken part in research related to the investigation of the death of the Dyatlov group. Born in Leningrad in 1932 into a family of Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology employees. His father, Anatoliy Petrovich Aleksandrov, later became a President of the USSR Academy of Sciences. His mother was Antonina Mihaylovna Zolotaryova. In 1933 his parents divorced, but remained friends. Yuri stayed with his mother and they were evacuated to Komsomolsk-on-Amur during the war. After the war, they returned to Leningrad, but in 1948, after a long illness (cancer) Antonina Mihaylovna Zolotaryova died. Yuri moved to Moscow to live with his father's new family. In 1950 he became a student at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. He was a great tourism enthusiast. He was actively involved in hunting and tourism (Moscow region, Kola Peninsula, Sayany). In 1960 he became a member of the City Route Commission at the Moscow State Committee for physical culture and sports.After graduating from Moscow State University in 1955, he was assigned as an employee in the Reference laboratory of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Russian Academy of Science. In 1959 he started working in high-energy electrons laboratory and became a leading researcher, head of integrated design team, later - Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of High Energy Electrons. Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, head of the scientific group. | |
Aleksandrov Anatoliy Petrovich (Александров Анатолий Петрович) (1903-1994). Soviet physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Y.A. Aleksandrov’s father. Born in the city of Tarashcha, Kiev province, in the family of a magistrate judge. He was a cadet, during the Civil War he served in the Wrangel army, had military awards. After graduating from Kiev University (Faculty of Physics, 1930), he worked at the Kiev X-ray (Medical) Institute in the X-ray Physics Department, and then at Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology, where, together with S.N. Zhurkov and P.P. Kobeko, he developed a statistical theory of strength. Just at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, together with I.V. Kurchatov and V.M. Tuchkevich, developed a method for protecting ships from magnetic mines, which was successfully used in the Soviet navy and on civilian ships. On August 9, 1941, A.P. Aleksandrov and I.V. Kurchatov arrived in Sevastopol to organize work on equipping the ships of the Black Sea Fleet with the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology system, and by the end of October it was installed on more than 50 ships. Since 1943, Aleksandrov participated in the creation of atomic weapons. He was I.V. Kurchatov's deputy in Laboratory №2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences (later known as the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy). In 1946-1955 he was the director of the Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (he was appointed to replace the disgraced Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa). In 1951, it was Aleksandrov, at a meeting with Kurchatov, who decided on the possibility of applying the changes proposed by B.G. Dubovskиy to solve problems with the core of the AI-1 reactor. In 1955 he became Deputy director of the Institute of Atomic Energy, and after the death of Kurchatov 1960, became its director. At the initiative of Aleksandrov and with his participation, ship power plants for the nuclear icebreakers Lenin, Arktika and Siberia. In the 1960s, on the initiative of Aleksandrov, the largest in the USSR helium liquefaction unit was built at the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. This provided a wide range of fundamental research on the physics of low temperatures, as well as the technical use of superconductivity. He was the scientific supervisor of the project of high-power channel-type reactor. From Nov 25, 1975 to October 16, 1986 he was the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences. His titles and awards include: Hero of Socialist Labor 1954, 1960, 1973; holder of the Orders of Lenin 1945, 1949, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1960, 1973, 1978, 1983, Orders of the October Revolution 1971, Orders of the Red Banner of Labor 1945; Order of Sukhe-Bator (Mongolian People's Republic, 1982). He was awarded with medals "For the Defense of Stalingrad" 1945, "For the Defense of Sevastopol" 1945. Laureate of the Stalin 1942, 1949, 1951, 1953, and Lenin 1959 prizes. Died on Feb 3, 1994. He was buried at the Mitinskoye cemetery in Moscow. | |
Alekseev Igor (Алексеев Игорь) in 1959 was a student of Sverdlovsk Law Institute. He was supposed to participate in the search for the Dyatlov group as part of Blinov's search party (Apr 17-27), but at the last moment the Director of Law Institute did not allow him to join the search. | |
Alikin Sergey Petrovich (Аликин Сергей Петрович) (1918-1999) in 1959, according to unconfirmed information, took part in the search for the Dyatlov group. Born in 1918. The family often moved cities because of his father’s work. His father, Pyotr Grigorievich Alikin, was a prominent member of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party since 1903. He started as a worker at the Motovilikhinsky plant. Then Director of the Baranchinsky Electromechanical Plant (in the 1920s); Head of the All-Union Electric Society; employee of the Soviet trade mission in Berlin 1932-1934; official of the USSR Ministry of Electrical Industry, Moscow 1934-1936; Director of Sverdlovsk-Energo, Head of construction of the Kamensk-Uralsky aluminum plant 1936; Director Nikolaev-Energo, Ukraine; plant construction manager in Severouralsk 1937. Allegedly, during the war, Sergey Petrovich Alikin served as a pilot, was shot down near Smolensk, after leaving the encirclement he was arrested on suspicion of collaborating with the Germans. He served time in the Far East and Kolyma, several times he unsuccessfully tried to escape. After his release in 1953, he returned to the Urals. There got a job as a gamekeeper-hunter in the state industrial farm "Denezhkin Kamen". Soon he abandoned everything and started reclusive life in taiga on the Kutim River in the Perm region 1954–1994. Somehow, he was still on the staff of the forest department of the reserve and even completed some tasks. The rest of the time, he was engaged in hunting and fishing. In 1994, he was partially paralyzed, and he was taken to the city of Severouralsk. He spent his last years in a nursing home, where he died in 1999. | |
Alma (Alta) Альма (Альта) Specially trained rescue dog of the East European Shepherd breed. The military, led by Captain Chernyshev, took with him a specially trained dog. It was Alma who discovered the body of Zina Kolmogorova on February 26, 1959. | |
Andrusenko Ivan Gavrilovich (Андрусенко Иван Гаврилович) in 1959 was a manager of the Ivdel airport, in 1958 – Tolya airport Chief Officer. | |
Anisimov Anatoliy Leonidovich (Анисимов Анатолий Леонидович) born in 1937, in 1959 was a soldier in military unit 6602, member of the Komsomol, Russian, service record №65764, completed his studies in the 7th year. Serviceman, witnessed a fire ball in the sky on 17 Feb 1959 Testimony | |
Anisimov Nikolay Anatolievich (Анисимов Николай Анатольевич) (1918-2000) was married to N.S. Kolevatova, who was A. Kolevatov’s sister. Born in Krasnoufimsk, Sverdlovsk Region. He graduated from UPI 1940 and became a mechanical engineer. Laureate of the USSR State Prize 1974. Awarded with medals. According to relatives, he is a Laureate of the Stalin Prize. In 1940-1942 and 1958-1978 he worked at Uralmashzavod and in 1942-1958 at the Stalin plant (Plant № 9, Sverdlovsk) as an engineer, senior design engineer, chief of section, department head, design bureau chief. Participated in the development and organization of serial manufacture of field, tank and self-propelled guns. Supervised the development, testing and the launching of the Akatsia and Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers. Has 19 invention certificates introduced into production. | |
Anisimova Nina Sergeevna (Анисимова Нина Сергеевна) see KOLEVATOVA (ANISIMOVA) Nina Sergeevna. | |
Ankudinov Vladimir D. (Анкудинов Владимир Д.) Forensic expert, who worked at the Central Ural Scientific Research Laboratory for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR, the very one where the tent of Dyatlov group was examined in 1959. | |
Antonov V.I. (Антонов В.И.), allegedly, was the only security officer in the city of Ivdel in 1950s. | |
Anyamov Aleksander Prokopyevich (Анямов Александр Прокопьевич) in 1959 - a hunter, lived in Anyamov’s yurta (North Toshemka to the south of Ostraya Sopka on Chistop). Dryahlyh Mihail Timofeevich flew to visit him on Feb 22. | |
Anyamov Aleksey Alekseevich (Анямов Алексей Алексеевич) born in 1918, Andrey Alekseevich Anyamov’s brother, Aleksey Alekseevich Anyamov’s father, lived in the village of Suevatpaul. He could have participated in the Kurikov and Nevolin search party on Feb 23 - Mar 3 instead of his son (Aleksey Alekseevich Anyamov appears on the list of the group). | |
Anyamova Olga Alekseevna (Анямова Ольга Алексеевна) born in 1928. | |
Anyamov Andrey Alekseevich (Анямов Андрей Алексеевич) born in 1898 in Lyamya Paul, in 1959 - was a hunter and shepherd. Apparently, he was Pyotr Anyamov’s brother from Lamya Paul. He lived in the village of Suyevatpaul, where Shumkov's group visited him. Allegedly, while hunting in mid-February, he saw traces of skis on the Lozva River (above the Auspiya) and the Auspiya, leading to the Ural mountain range. (Testimony) In 1970s, he was a shaman and keeper of the Sort-Khuri-Aki idol. He died in 1975. Wife: | |
Anyamova Agafya Gavrilovna (Анямова Агафья Гавриловна) born in 1908. | |
Anyamov Andrey Alekseevich (Анямов Андрей Алексеевич) born in 1939, a hunter, in 1959 - lived in the village of Suevatpaul, Andrey Alekseevich Anyamov's nephew. Took part in hunting in mid-February. He is thought to have been a member of the Kurikov and Nevolin search party Feb 23 - Mar 3 (Andrey Alekseevich Anyamov appears on the group's list). Allegedly, he was killed by fellow countrymen shortly after 1959. | |
Anyamov Konstantin Tseskin Анямов Цескин Константин Mansi hunter | |
Anyamov Nikolay Pavlovich (Анямов Николай Павлович) born in Suevat Paul in 1936, a hunter. In 1959 lived in the village of Suevatpaul. He was the second nephew of Andrey Alekseevich Anyamov who also went hunting in mid-February. Member of the Kurikov and Nevolin search party on Feb 23 - Mar 3. In 1953 he was elected secretary of the primary organization of the Komsomol of the village of Suevat Paul (the first Komsomol organization among the Mansi youth). Wife: | |
Anyamova-Bahtiyarova Elizaveta Nikolaevna (Анямова-Бахтиярова Елизавета Николаевна) born in 1940. | |
Anyamov Nikolay Vasilyevich (Анямов Николай Васильевич) (1929-1995) according to his son Valeriy, in 1959 - lived in the village of Suevat Paul and took part in the Kurikov and Nevolin group on Feb 23 - Mar 3. Brother of Stepan Nikolaevich Kurikov’s wife. Born in the upper reaches of the Lozva in Aktyl-tollikh-pavyl, later changed his residence many times: Yalping-ya-pavyl in the upper reaches of the Vizhay, Sui-vat-pavyl, "10", 2nd Northern. In the early 60s, he settled in the village of Keras-kolyn-ya pavyl (Treskolye). He worked as a forester. Died of kidney failure. Wife: Fekla Ivanovna Аnyamova b. 1930. Children: Roman b. 1951, Olga 1954, Sophia 1956, Timofey 1960, Stepan 1964, Valeriy 1975. | |
Anyamova (Nomina) Fеkla Ivanovna (Анямова Номина Фекла Ивановна) - Nikolay Vasilyevich Anyamov’s first wife. | |
Anyamova (Bahtiyarova nee Pelikova) Aleksandra Vasiliyevna (Бахтиярова, урожденная Пеликова Александра Васильевна) - Nikolay Vasilyevich Anyamov’s second wife, widow of Pavel Prokopyevich Bahtiyarov from Pelym. | |
Anyamov Prokopiy Vasilyevich (Анямов Прокопий Васильевич) - Nikolay Vasilyevich Anyamov’s brother. In the 60s he lived in the village of Suyevatpaul. In 1961 while hunting he was accidentally killed by Nikolay Stepanovich Kurikov, Stepan Kurikov’s son. Wife: | |
Anyamova (Sambindalova) Darya Petrovna (Анямова Самбиндалова Дарья Петровна) born in 1933. Son: Vladimir born in 1947. | |
Anyamov Pyotr (Анямов Петр) - in 1959 –a shepherd, lived in Lamia Paul. Shumkov's group slept at his house. Anyamov's brother from Suevat Paul (most likely Andrey Alekseevich Anyamov’s) | |
Anyamov Saveliy Pavlovich (Анямов Савелий Павлович) born in 1938, Nikolay Pavlovich Anyamov’s brother. In 1960s he lived in the village of Suyevatpaul. | |
Apter Boris Arkadievich (Аптер Борис Аркадьевич) is a well-known histologist, forensic expert. In 1959, he was the Head of forensic laboratory N126 of the Ural Military District (Sverdlovsk), where, according to unconfirmed information, the results of histological examination and tissue samples from the first five hikers were sent, which were then seized by the regional KGB officers in the thanatological department in Bolshakov St. | |
Aristov Averkiy Borisovich (Аристов Аверкий Борисович) (1903-1973) in 1959 - Deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR. Was born in 1903. in the village of Krasny Yar, Astrakhan province. After graduating from the Leningrad Metallurgical Institute 1932 he worked at the plant "Tsentrolit" (Leningrad) as a melter foreman, senior foreman, head of laboratory, deputy technical director of the plant. He started teaching in 1934 at LMI. Since 1935 - Assistant, Associate Professor at the Ural Industrial Institute (Sverdlovsk). Ph.D. in Engineering Science 1939. Member of the the All-Rusian Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1921. Since 1940 involved in party work: a secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the VCP(b); second secretary of the Kemerovo regional committee of the VCP(b) 1943; first secretary of the Krasnoyarsk city committee and regional committee of the VCP(b) 1944; First Secretary of the Chelyabinsk Regional Committee 1950; Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Khabarovsk Regional Council 1953; First Secretary of the Khabarovsk Regional Committee 1954. Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1952-71; head of the department of party, trade union and Komsomol bodies of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1952-53; member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee 1952-53; 1957-61; Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee 1952-53, 1955-60; Deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR 1957-61. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to Poland 1961-1971 and Austria 1971-1973. He died in 1973 in Vienna (Austria). He was awarded three Orders of Lenin. | |
Arzamastsev Sergey Aleksandrovich (Арзамасцев Сергей Александрович) in 1959 took part in the search as a member of the Blinov group on Apr 17-27. He died when floating logs down a stream in Transbaikalia in 1964. | |
Artsis Evgeniy Solomonovich (Арцис Евгений Соломонович) in 1959 – a chairman of the Moscow hiking club. According to unconfirmed information: in February 1959, when returning to Moscow from trekking to the Subpolar Ural through Sverdlovsk, his group was ordered to start search for the Dyatlov group, but a day later it was reported that the search had been stopped due to the discovery of bodies. He was born in Moscow in 1937. In 1960 he graduated from Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology named after Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov with a degree in Chemistry and Polymer Production Technology. Since 1965 worked as a junior researcher, then - Deputy shop foreman in the State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology. Since 1976 - in NPO Plastics (senior researcher; head of the sector since 1986. Since 1991 - in the Polyplastic group of companies (head of the marketing department). Candidate of Chemical Sciences 1969. He has state awards: "For Valorous Labor in reclamation of fallow and virgin lands" 1957, "Inventor of the USSR", "Labor Veteran". He took up tourism as a sport in 1955, specializing in ski tourism. Master of Sports in Tourism. Has taken more than 40 hikes,including first ascents. 1959-61 - Chairman of the Moscow hiking club. For 42 years he worked at the Moscow Route Qualification Commission; in Central Route Qualification Commission USSR (member, Deputy Chairman and Chairman in 1981-92); Deputy Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Moscow Tourism. Member of the Federation Presidium tourism. Participant of Russian and All-Union seminars of secondary and higher hiking training in ski tourism. He took part in refereeing championships of the USSR and Russia in ski trips and ski tourism technics. He was awarded several Badges of Honour: "Meritorious Traveler of Russia", "For active work in tourism and excursions" and "For services in the development of tourism and excursions". | |
Askinadzi Vladimir Mihaylovich (Аскинадзи Владимир Михайлович) born in 1937, in 1959 - 5th year student of the Physics and Technology Faculty of the UPI (Department of Experimental Physics, group 517, specialty №24); lived at the address: Room 301, 66 Lenin St, Sverdlovsk; the head of the UPI search party Apr 27 - May 8. Born on Apr 10, 1937 in Voronezh in a family of builders. In 1945, after his father was recalled from the active army, he was sent to build a plant manufacturing weapons-grade plutonium in Novouralsk (Sverdlovsk-44), where his family moved in 1946. Graduated from high school №49 in Sverdlovsk (in Sverdlovsk-44). In 1954 he became a 1st year of the metallurgical faculty of the UPI (specialty - ferrous metallurgy), later (apparently - from the 2nd semester) he transferred to Phystech; from September 1959 - in pre-diploma practice. After graduating from UPI in 1960 he was assigned to All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics (Chelyabinsk-70, Snezhinsk), where he completed his postgraduate studies and worked for 13 years. In 1973 for family reasons was forced to move to Sevastopol. In total, he worked in the defense industry for 35 years, also as the head of department and a chief designer of specialized design-engineering department (Sevastopol). Since 1996 he has been teaching at the university. Until retirement - a lecturer at the Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry. Master of Sports of the USSR in tourism 1970. Specialty - water tourism. Interview 2012, Interview 2014 | |
Atmanaki Georgiy Vladimirovich (Атманаки Георгий Владимирович) (1934 Kramatorsk - 1962) in 1959 – a foreman in a cold-rolling department №3 at the Pervouralsk Novotrubny Plant; graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute in 1957; lived in the city of Pervouralsk, 21 Vatutina St. apt.18. A member of Karelin’s search party, which looked for the Dyatlov group in the area of 1079 height on Feb 27 - Mar 9. He died on the route in the Central Caucasus. Testimony | |
Ahmin Yuri Nikolaevich (Ахмин Юрий Николаевич) (24.VI.1918-02.XI.1981) in 1959 - Deputy Prosecutor for Special Cases of the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office; member of the Bureau of the City Committee or Regional Committee(?). Born on Jun 24, 1918 in the city of Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region. After graduating from school in Sverdlovsk in 1937, he went to study at Sverdlovsk Law Institute. He graduated from the institute in 1941 and immediately went off to war as an enlisted man, and at the end of the war he was in the rank of captain. He used to be a platoon commander, company commander, battalion executive officer, first assistant of executive officer of a rifle regiment. Fought on the Leningrad front, in Vladivostok, on the 2nd Ukrainian front. With the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front in 1944-1945 he participated in battles in Romania, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia. He left military service in 1946. He was awarded three medals, The Orders of Red Star 1944 and The Order of The Patriotic War of the 2-nd Class 1945. In June 1946 he started work at the Prosecutor's Office in Sverdlovsk. First he was appointed to a position of prosecutor in the city prosecutor's office, then in October 1947 he became the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region. In October 1949 he was appointed the Head of the Investigation Department of the Sverdlovsk Prosecutor's Office. Since November 1951 - Head of the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk region. In November 1952, he was appointed prosecutor of the city of Sverdlovsk and held this position until September 1957. From October 1957 until July 1959 he worked as the Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region. In August 1959, by order of the Prosecutor General of the USSR dated on Aug 27, 1959 №529 was appointed prosecutor of the Yaroslavl region. Due to family circumstances he was released from office by order of the USSR Prosecutor General dated March 30, 1963, №218. He returned to Sverdlovsk, took the position of the head of the investigative department under the Internal Affairs Department of Sverdlovsk region (organized on Jan 7, 1963). Class 3 State Counselor of Justice. Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region for Special Cases | |
Avdeev Boris Fyodorovich (Авдеев Борис Федорович) in 1959 a student at UPI (Physics and Technology Faculty, Department of Molecular Physics), took part in Blinov's group trekking. He did not participate in the search. A graduate of UPI in 1960. | |
Avenburg Vladimir A. (Авенбург Владимир А.) (1925-1981) in 1959 - senior lieutenant, platoon commander of the 52nd separate railway maintenance company (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, in the town of Serov. He was the head of the search party in the area of a height 1079. Reported together with Potapov and Sogrin abnormal phenomenon observed on 31-III-59 4:00 (Report) He died in Mordovia. Not married, no children. | |
B ^ | |
Babenko (Бабенко) in 1959 - First Lieutenant Air squadron 142, military unit 32970 (Aramil), MI-4 pilot, took part in the search. | |
Bachurin Emil Fyodorovich (Бачурин Эмиль Фёдорович) (Jun 22, 1935 - Feb 24, 2009) – a writer, geologist, polar explorer, contactee and researcher. Tragically died in a fire. In 1958-59 and 1961-1963 he worked in the Northern, Polar-Ural and Hydrogeological expeditions of the Ural territorial geological department. During the search for the Dyatlov group, he was a cook and stoker at the intermediate base of the Northern expeditions. | |
Bagautdinov A.I. (Багаутдинов А.И.) in 1959 – a UPI student, group F-453; took part in the identification of the belongings of the deceased. Kolevatov borrowed felt boots from him for the trek | |
Bahtiyarov Aleksander Prokopyevich (Бахтияров Александр Прокопьевич) born in 1907; became the main shaman after the arrest of Nikita Bahtiyarov in 1938; in 1959 - a hunter; lived in the settlement of Bahtiyarovs on the North Toshemka river in the area of the Vapsos river. Krasnobaev went there on Feb 26 (Krasnobaev's testimony). On Feb 12 he met Karelin's group in the area of Chistop. Brother of Timofey Prokopyevich and Pavel Prokopyevich Bahtiyarovs. He hanged himself in 1961. Children: Peter (1943), Miron (1946), Galina (1947), Albina (1952). | |
Bahtiyarova (Sambindalova) Varvara Kuzminichna (Бахтиярова Самбиндалова Варвара Кузьминична) born in 1913, Aleksander Prokopyevich Bahtiyarov’s wife, sister of Sambindalov Yakov Kuzmich. She is known for killing eight bears on her own. | |
Bahtiyarov Dmitry Prokopyevich (Бахтияров Дмитрий Прокопьевич) Aleksander Prokopyevich Bahtiyarov’s brother. In 1963 he lived with his family of 7 people in the settlement of Bahtiyarov on the N. Toshemka River near the Vapsos River. There is no information related to 1959. | |
Bahtiyarov Evgeniy Vasilyevich (Бахтияров Евгений Васильевич) Unconfirmed reports indicate he was Vladimir Vasilyevich Bahtiyarov’s brother born in 1915. | |
Bahtiyarov Ilya Ivanovich (Бахтияров Илья Иванович) born in 1891. In 1959 he lived in Burmantovo. In the 60s he lived in Bahtiyarov yurts in the area of the Vapsos river. Lame in one leg. Uncle of Nikolay Yakimovich, Pyotr Yakimovich and Katerina Yakimovna. Daughters: Anastasia (1934) and Kadolya (1943). | |
Bahtiyarov Kirill Vasilyevich (Бахтияров Кирилл Васильевич) in 1959 - a hunter; lived in the settlement of Bahtiyarov on the S. Toshemka river in the area of the Vapsos river. Krasnobaev went there on Feb 26 (Krasnobaev's testimony). Pavel Vasilyevich Bahtiyarov’s brother, about the same age (about 60 years old in 1959; according to other data, Kirill Vasilyevich Bahtiyarov was born in 1912. | |
Bahtiyarova Mariya Prokopyevna (Бахтиярова Мария Прокопьевна) born in 1922, Aleksander Prokopyevich Bahtiyarov’s sister. There is no information related to 1959. In the 60s she lived with her family of 5 in the settlement of Bahtiyarov on river. S. Toshemka in the area of the river Vapsos. Children: Semyon Prokopyevich (1945), Ilya Kirillovich (1949), Zinaida Kirillovna (1952). She is thought to be Kirill Vasilyevich Bahtiyarov’s wife. | |
Bahtiyarov Nikita Vladimirovich (Бахтияров Никита Владимирович) born in 1929 in the settlement of the 1st dam. In 1959 - a hunter, lived in Ivdel, settlement 1st dam, 60 km from Vizhay on the Tiltiya river, south of the Ivdel River in the foothills of the Eastern Urals). Nikita Vladimirovich Bahtiyarova’s brother from the settlement of Old Vizhay in the upper reaches of the Vizhay River. Testimony | |
Bahtiyarov Nikolay Nikolaevich (Бахтияров Николай Николаевич) in 1959 - a hunter; lived in the settlement of Bahtiyarov on the S. Toshemka river in the area of the Vapsos river. Krasnobaev went there on Feb 26 (Krasnobaev's testimony). Allegedly, the Bahtiyarovs did not accept him as a family member. They considered him to be an impostor, because he was a just a stranger who came and called himself Bahtiyarov, although his surname was Ignatov. Later, in the 1960s, he lived in the village of Old Vizhay together with Nikolay Yakimovich Bahtiyarov. | |
Bahtiyarov Nikolay Yakimovich (Бахтияров Николай Якимович) (1928-1997) was born in the village of Old Vizhay. In 1959 – a hunter and reindeer breeder.He is said to have been the most respected shaman in the Northern Ural mountains. He lived with his family in Bahtiyarov yurts (Old Vizhay settlement) in the upper reaches of the Vizhay River, upstream of the Anchug tributary, 60 km from the Vizhay settlement. On Feb 22 Dryahlyh flew there to visit him. Brother of Pyotr Yakimovich and Katerina Yakimovna Bahtiyarov. Children: Tamara (1951), Aleksey (1954). Testimony | |
Bahtiyarova Tatyana Alekseevna (Бахтиярова Татьяна Алексеевна) (died 1928) Nikolay Yakimovich Bahtiyarov's wife. | |
Bahtiyarov Pavel Grigoryevich (Бахтияров Павел Григорьевич) in this document | |
Bahtiyarov Pavel Prokopyevich (Бахтияров Павел Прокопьевич) lived in Pelym. Brother of Timofey Prokopyevich and Aleksander Prokopyevich Bahtiyarov. He died of pneumonia. His widow married Nikolay Vasilyevich Anyamov. | |
Bahtiyarov Pavel Vasilyevich (Бахтияров Павел Васильевич) born in Vizhay in 1900; in 1959 - a hunter, who lived with his family in the Bahtiyarov settlement on the N. Toshemka river in the area of the Vapsos river, 20 km north of the settlement of Old Vizhay, 36 km from District 100. Krasnobaev went there on Feb 26 (Krasnobaev's testimony). Refused to participate in the search for the Dyatlov group on Feb 26. It is not known where he was in the period Feb 16-25. Related to Bahtiyarov Pyotr Yakimovich and Nikolay Yakimovich. In 1954 he lived in Bahtiyarov yurts in the upper reaches of the Vizhay; in the 60s he lived in the village of St Vizhay on the left bank of the Vizhay river upwards the mouth of the Anchug river. Son: Yakim Yakimovich (1942). Testimony | |
Bahtiyarova (Pelikova) Varvara Kuzminichna (Бахтиярова Пеликова Варвара Кузьминична) (died 1905) Pavel Vasilyevich Bahtiyarov's wife. | |
Bahtiyarov Prokopiy Savelyevich (Бахтияров Прокопий Савельевич) born in the settlement of Old Vizhay in 1942. In 1959 - a hunter, lived in Bahtiyarov Yurts (Old Vizhay), Dryahlyh flew there on Feb 22. Sergey Savelyevich Bahtiyarov’s brother. Testimony | |
Bahtiyarov Pyotr Yakimovich (Бахтияров Петр Якимович) born in the settlement of Old Vizhay in 1925. In 1959 he had tuberculosis, lived in Bahtiyarov yurts (Old Vizhay) with his family, Dryahlyh flew there on Feb 22. Brother of Nikolay Yakimovich and Katerina Yakimovna Bahtiyarov; Nina Vladimirovna Bahtiyarova’s husband. Allegedly, he had relatives in the village of Suyevatpaul. Testimony. His name is misspelled here as Pavel Grigoryevich Bahtiyarov His name is misspelled here as Pyotr Yakovlevich Bahtiyarov | |
Bahtiyarova Nina Vladimirovna (Бахтиярова Нина Владимировна) lived in Bahtiyarov yurts (Old Vizhay). Dryahlyh flew there on Feb 22 ( | |
Bahtiyarov Pyotr Yakovlevich (Бахтияров Павел Григорьевич) in this document | |
Bahtiyarov Sergey Savelyevich (Бахтияров Сергей Савельевич) born in the settlement of Old Vizhay in 1938); in 1959 - a hunter; lived in Bahtiyarov yurts (Old Vizhay), Dryahlyh flew there on Feb 22. Prokopiy Savelyevich Bahtiyarov’s brother. Testimony | |
Bahtiyarov Timofey Egorovich (Бахтияров Тимофей Егорович) was mentioned in | |
Bahtiyarov Timofey Prokopyevich (Бахтияров Тимофей Прокопьевич) born in 1926; in 1959 – a hunter, brother of Pavel Prokopyevich and Aleksander Prokopyevich Bahtiyarov; lived in the Bahtiyarov's yurts on the N. Toshemka river in the area of the Vapsos river. Krasnobaev went there on Feb 26 (Krasnobaev's testimony). It is not known where he was on Feb 16-25. Most likely he accompanied Pavel Vasilyevich Bahtiyarov. Later he was killed in unclear circumstances, the date of death is unknown. Children: Valeriy (1950), Daniil (1953), Procopiy (1956). | |
Bahtiyarova Antonida Mihaylovna (Бахтиярова Антонида Михайловна) born in 1932. Timofey Prokopyevich Bahtiyarov's wife. | |
Bahtiyarov Vladimir Vasilyevich (Бахтияров Владимир Васильевич) Unconfirmed reports suggest he lived in the upper reaches of the Ivdel River. He might have been Nikita Vladimirovich Bahtiyarov’s father. Presumably - in 1935 – a chairman of the native council in the village of Toshemka (Toshem-Paul). | |
Bahtiyarov Yakim Ivanovich (Бахтияров Яким Иванович), died in 1939, father of Nikolay, Pyotr and Katerina Yakimovich. He told Pyotr about a man being blown off a mountain | |
Bahtiyarova Katerina Yakimovna (Бахтиярова Катерина Якимовна) lived in Bahtiyarov yurts (Old Vizhay). Dryahlyh flew there on Feb 22 ( | |
Bahtiyarova Sonya/Sofya Prokopyevna (Бахтиярова Соня/Софья Прокопьевна) born in 1917, lived in the settlement of Bahtiyarov on the S. Toshemka river in the area of the Vapsos river. Krasnobaev went there on Feb 26 (Krasnobaev testimony). Sister of Timofey Prokopyevich and Aleksander Prokopyevich Bahtiyarov. Has a daughter Elizaveta Aleksandrovna 1947. | |
Baranov (Баранов) in 1959 - until Feb 23 participated in negotiations with the Mansi in Suevatpaul; helped to organize a search party headed by Nevolin and Kurikov. He could have been a member of the municipal government in Suyevatpaul; a geologist in the Northern Geological Expedition. (Radiograms) The following people are known: | |
Baranov V.S. (Баранов В.С.) – a Member of the Ivdel State Committee of the Komsomol in the late 50s. | |
Baranov (Баранов) - in 1958 – a senior foreman, a foreman driller of the Languro-Samskaya geological exploration crew in the Northern exploration expedition. | |
Baranov Aleksey Ivanovich (Баранов Алексей Иванович) was born in the village of Vindrey, Torbeevsky district of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1904. A Russian, was sent into internal exile, unskilled laborer in Samsky wood division in the Ivdel region. Arrested on July 10, 1942. On Sep 4, 1942 was sentenced to 10 years in a corrective labor camp (gulag). | |
Baranov N.D. (Баранов Н.Д.) -a Head of the Commandant Department of the Ural Region in 1931. | |
Baranov Pavel Egorovich (Баранов Павел Егорович) - a Chief of the city police in Ivdel in 1954-1956, a member of the Ivdel City Committee of the CPSU in 1956. | |
Baranov G. (Баранов Г.) in 1968 – a head of the Ivdel LPU MG (Linear Production Department of Main Gas Pipelines). | |
Baranov Yuri Semyonovich (Баранов Юрий Семенович) in 1974 – a pit superintendent of the grinding-sorting factory under Marsyat mining administration (settlement Staraya Sama). | |
Baranov V.N. (Баранов В.Н.) - in 1979 – a lieutenant colonel, commander of the 497th separate technical railway battalion as part of the 5th ZhDB. In 1959 could have taken part in the construction of the Ivdel-Ob railway. | |
Bardin Kirill Vasilyevich (Бардин Кирилл Васильевич) (1.XII.1929-1995) in 1959 – a Master of Sport of the USSR in tourism; member of the Route qualification commission of the Presidium of the All-Union tourism sector. Representative of the Russian Sport Committee in the commission from the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the RSFSR to investigate the causes of the death of the Dyatlov group; in period March 2-10 was on the pass. Co-author (together with Evgeniy Evgenyevich Shuleshko) of a memorandum on the results of the investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group in the Organization Bureau of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the RSFSR, a preliminary version of which was included in the case files. Lived: Moscow, G-2, 30 Arbat St, apt.24. A Russian psychologist, a well-known specialist in the field of psychophysics, general and educational psychology, Doctor of Psychology 1976, professor. Graduated from the Psychology Department of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University 1954, began his scientific career at the Institute of Psychology in the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences under the guidance of P.A. Shevarev. Since 1972 he has worked at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in recent years he was a Chief Researcher of the Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Master of Sports in Water Tourism; member of the Central Route Qualification Commission. Back in 1955 he had the 1st category in tourism, led hikes of the 3rd category to the Altai mountains and Vetrenniy Poyas; had the experience of a winter hiking in the Northern Urals of the 3rd category. | |
Bardin Vasiliy Vasilyevich (Бардин Василий Васильевич) (1885-1938) - Kirill Vasilyevich Bardin’s father. Was born in 1885 in the town of Efremov (Moscow region), a Russian, a non-party man. Higher education. In 1905-1917 was a member of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. In the 30s - a member of Moscow Сity Bar Association. He lived in Moscow, at 30 Arbat St, apt.24. On March 9, 1938 he was arrested on charges of participating in a counter-revolutionary terrorist organization and sentenced to death by VKVS (Military Collegium of the Supreme Court) of the USSR on October 3, 1938. He was executed the same day, on October 3, 1938. In 1956 he was fully exonerated. | |
Bartolomey Pyotr Ivanovich (Бартоломей Петр Иванович) in 1959 – a board member of the hiking society of the UPI sports club, was invited by Dyatlov to join the ski trek. He rejected just a month before the start due to pre-diploma practice in central control unit in Mosenergo (Moscow), which coincided in time with the dates of the ski outing. He took part in the search in the area of height 1079 as part of a group of climbers on Mar 13-23. Was born in Moscow in 1938. A Russian, a member of the Komsomol since 1952. During the war, the family was evacuated to the village of Makushino, Kurgan region. There in 1944 he went to a secondary school №1 in the village of Glubokoe, East Kustanai region of the Kazakh SSR, which he finished 1954. The family lived in the village Glubokoe, at 8 Pushkin St apt.2. In 1954 he became a student of Radio Engineering Faculty of UPI (group R-159). His parents moved to Sverdlovsk too. His father, Ivan Savelyevich Zakharov, born in 1899, was a job foreman in Vtorchermet plant; (secondary ferrous metals) in 1959. His mother, Bartolomey Ellen Oskarovna, born in 1909, in 1959 - was a civil engineer in the Uralstalkonstruktsiya trust). They lived in Sverdlovsk, at 21 Michurin St apt.46. At the end of September 1954 upon recommendation of the Deputy Dean approved by the acting director of the UPI Siunov, he was transferred to the Faculty of Power Engineering at specialty "heating engineering" (group E-159). According to Bartolomey this happened because his parents had been repressed. In 1956, in his 2nd year at his own request he was transferred from group E-259 to group E-252. In 1959 he completed his studies at the Power Engineering Faculty of UPI (group E-552) with a degree in Electric Power Plants, Grids and Systems, with professional qualifications of an electrical engineer. The recent graduate was offered to continue his scientific activities at the Department of Power Plants, Grids and Systems. He started as an assistance lecture, later became a senior lecturer. Since 1989he has been the head of the department "Automated electrical systems". In 1966 he passed Ph.D. defense and in 1985 he passed the defense of a doctoral thesis. Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, a full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences 1994, full member of the International Association of Electrical Engineers (USA, 1996). One of the first masters of sports in tourism in the Urals, an honored traveler of Russia. Since 1961 - Head of the Tourism Security Commission in UPI, since 1962 – a Chairman of the regional route qualification commission. | |
Baskin Semyon Borisovich (Баскин Семен Борисович) (27.I.1930-1999) in 1959 - a representative of the Central Sports Club "Burevestnik" in the Commission under the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the RSFSR to investigate the causes of the death of the Dyatlov group; in the period Mar 2-10 was at the pass. In 1959 – a coach in the alpine training camp "Dzhan-Tugan for junior mountaineering instructors. According to Slobtsov, in 1959 - he was the Head of Rescue Service in the Caucasus and most certainly he was in charge of mountain rescue service in the Caucasus in 1963. In 1954 he worked as an instructor in hiking camps in the Caucasus. According to one of the climbers, at that time he was just the 2nd category instructor, and once he undercut a summit ascent, thus depriving the participants of skill category. In 1955 he was a pioneer explorer on the route along the North wall of West Shkhelda, which is of the highest degree of difficulty. A mountaineering instructor DSO (Voluntary Sports Society) "Burevestnik" 1956; senior mountaineering instructor; Senior Alpine Skiing Coach Dynamo Sports Palace; chief specialist of the Central Council of the Central Council of the All-Union Physical Culture and Sports Society "Dynamo" by 1998. Master of Sports in Tourism 1956; judge of the All-Union category in rock climbing 1974; "Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation" 1998. He lived in Moscow at different addresses: 12/9 Spiridonovskiy alley, apt.21 in 1956; Moscow I-51 at 3 Malokaretnaya St. apt.1 in 1959; Moscow-410 at 9 Yurlovsky Drive, apt.124 in 1974. He died of a heart attack in Austria, where he was invited to work as an instructor at one of the ski resorts. | |
Bastrykin Alexander Ivanovich (Бастрыкин Алексaндр Ивaнович) Head of The Investigative Committee of Russia (Wikipedia) | |
Batalova Galina Kerianovna (Баталова Галина Керияновна) in 1959 - a 3rd year student at the Radio Faculty in UPI. In February-March 1959, she provided telephone communication between the search headquarters in Ivdel and SK UPI. She kept records of all conversations and telephone messages related to the search works. These records were later seized (by prosecution officers?). After graduating from UPI, she worked with Boris Slobtsov at specialized design-engineering department PO Box 320 (Scientific Research Institute of Automation, Sverdlovsk). | |
Belyasov Aleksander Danilovich (Белясов Александр Данилович) in 1959 – a technician in the mechanization department №1 (Sverdlovsk), Thibeaux-Brignolle's neighbor in the company dormitory; helped identify the belongings of the deceased. | |
Bienko Vladislav Nikolaevich (Биенко Владислав Николаевич) born in 1936, in 1959 - a 4th year student of the mechanical faculty of UPI (group M-485). He was included on the list of the Dyatlov group. Dean's office of UPI did not allow him to join the ski trekking. For reasons unknown to us, he was sent to a logging base in the Perm region (possibly due to problems with his studies, because in the 4th year he did not receive a scholarship). Therefore, he did not participate in the search for the Dyatlov group. He had to write an explanatory note (for the investigators?) about why he had not joined the ski trekking group and stayed in Sverdlovsk. Later, together with K. Svechnikova, at the request of Ivanov, he printed photographs of Dyatlov group for friends and comrades. Born in Kiev in the family of a military man, he changed several places of study. In 1949-1954 he studied at secondary school №1 in Sverdlovsk, which he graduated with a gold medal. That gave him the right to become a student at Moscow Aviation Institute (faculty of aircraft construction)without taking exams. In 1956, due to illness, he moved to Sverdlovsk to live with his parents and transferred to the 2 nd year of the mechanical faculty of the UPI (department of lifting and transport machines), which he graduated in 1960 with the qualification of a mechanical engineer specializing in lifting and transport machines and equipment. He had his undergraduate practice in AURI (All Union Research Institute)(Stroydormash); defended a graduation thesis on "Development of an earthmoving machine for trenching during exploration work" summa cum laude. He lived in Sverdlovsk at the address: 58 Sverdlova St, apt.20 with his parents (father - Nikolay Vasilyevich, born in 1909, a retired colonel, mother - Nina Timofeevna, born in 1911, a housewife) and a brother Yuri (born in 1939, a student tat the Ural Electrotechnical Institute of Railway Engineers). Married, his wife, Bienko Anna Lvovna worked as a teacher in the village of Shchelkun, Sysertsky district of Sverdlovsk region. In 1964 he moved to Minsk, where he has been living with his family so far. According to the recollections of fellow students, he was somewhat detached and arrogant and was not popular among hikers. Receipt | |
Bizyaev Konstantin Fyodorovich (Бизяев Константин Федорович) (03.VI.1922-1990) in 1959 – a major, head of the Ivdel City Police department. Born in the city of Verkhoturye, Sverdlovsk Region. In 1941, after graduating from a medical school in N. Tagil, he volunteered for frontline duty. Was wounded twice. Paramedic of the 912th Infantry Regiment of the 243rd Infantry Division of the Kalinin Front, 354th Artillery Regiment of the 139th Infantry Division of the Central Front 1941-43 and of the 18th separate reserve engineer-sapper battalion of the 4th engineer brigade of the Ural Military District 1943-45. Left military service in 1945. Law enforcement official since 1946. In 1947 together with his family (wife Vera Ivanovna and daughter Svetlana) transferred to Ivdel. Since 1947 worked as a security officer in charge of transportation of convicts , commandant, security investigator, deputy chief in Ivdel Police department. In 1957-62 he was the head of the Ivdel Department of Internal Affairs. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy in Ivdel City Council, member of the City Committee of the CPSU 1960. Later he was transferred to work in Ivdellag N-240. In 1962-64 – a deputy head of the minimum-security prison №22. He retired in 1964 holding the rank of police major and moved to Tolyatti, Samara region, where he died later. He had two daughters and a son. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War; Medals "For Victory over Germany", Medal For Battle Merit (twice), Good Conduct Medal (all three classes), Labor Veteran Medal, Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR". | |
Bizyaev Sergey Konstantinovich (Бизяев Сергей Константинович) - the son of K.F. Bizyaev. Born on Jun 7, 1950 in Ivdel. In the 70s he lived in the city of Nizhnevartovsk. In 2002 lived at 61, Oktyabrskaya Embankment, Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region, postcode 624590. | |
Biryukov (Бирюков) - a military man, army unit 6602, participated in search in the area of height 1079. | |
Blinov Yuri Andreevich (Блинов Юрий Андреевич) (1937-2010) in 1959 - a 4-year student of Physics and Technology Faculty at UPI, group F-4 (24th department); one of the route organizers for the Dyatlov group. Later he was invited to lead another group of hikers which took the same route; on Jan 23-25, this group went along together with the Dyatlov group. Initiated the search at the end of February, led the search party in the area of height 1079 in the period Apr 17-27. Was born in 1937; in 1955 he graduated from secondary school №99 in Sverdlovsk and became a student at UPI, Physics and Technology Faculty. When he was in his 3rd year 1957-58 he was the head of the tourism society in the UPI; in October 1959 - the housekeeping manager of the UPI tourism society. In his 5th year 1959-60 - Komsomol leader of the group. Graduate of Physics and Technology Faculty UPI (Department of Experimental Physics) in 1961 (group 652, specialty №24). All his life he worked in the nuclear industry Zarechniy, research organization of the Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant, the head of the laboratory, Candidate of Technical Sciences. | |
Blinova Galina Kuzmovna (Блинова Галина Кузьмовна) born in 1941, Yuri Andreevich Blinov’s wife. Laboratory assistant-x-ray operator in group 4 at Beloyarsk NPS (Zarechny, Sverdlovsk region); Honorary pensioner of the nuclear industry (21 years work experience in the nuclear industry). | |
Blohintsev Leonid Dmitrievich (Блохинцев Леонид Дмитриевич) - in 1959 a fellow of the RI MSU (Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University), Member of the Moscow City Route Commission for Tourism. He was born in 1932. in Moscow, the son of Dmitry Ivanovich Blohintsev, a Soviet physicist. In 1955 he graduated from the Physics Department of Moscow State University. 1956-1959 – a postgraduate student of chair for Physics at MSU. He was actively involved in tourism. The head of expedition to the Subpolar Urals,he lead the group of MSU and RI-9 staff, which included Kolevatov 1956. The member of Moscow City Route Commission for Tourism 1959, member of the City Route Commission at the Moscow State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports 1960. After completing his postgraduate studies, he has been working at the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University: (junior researcher in 1959-65; senior researcher 1965-86; head of laboratory 1986-91; chief researcher, Head of the Department of Atomic Nuclear Physics since 1991). Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 1960; Doctor of Physics and Mathematics 1980; Professor of nuclear and particle physics 1989. Member of the Scientific Council of Moscow State University, the Scientific Council of the RIN P of the Physics Department of Moscow State University. | |
Blohintsev Dmitry Ivanovich (Блохинцев Дмитрий Иванович) (1908-1979) – a Soviet physicist, Associate Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences 1958 and the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences 1939. Leonid Dmitrievich Blohintsev’s father. Born on Dec 29, 1907 (Jan 11, 1908) in Moscow. Graduated from the Physics Department of Moscow State University 1930. He started teaching there, in 1936 – a professor, then head of Theoretical Nuclear Physics Department. He was the founder of Nuclear Physics Department at the Physics Department of Moscow State University. In 1935-1947 he also worked in Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1947 he was appointed a director of the research laboratory in Obninsk, on the basis of which, under his leadership the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering was founded. The head of V-Laboratory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (implementation of the resolution "On the design and construction of facility 627"), later on its basis the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Science was created. He initiated the creation of the Joint Institute of Nuclear research (JINR) in Dubna. In 1956, the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of Eleven Countries unanimously elected him as the first Director of this institute. In 1956-1965 - Director of JINR, since 1965 - Director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR. Supervised the design and construction of the first nuclear power plant, which was commissioned in 1954 (Lenin Prize, 1957). Together with A.I. Leipunsky he supervised the development and design of the first in Europe liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor. He put forward the idea 1955 and built pulsed fast reactors-1 1960 and pulsed fast reactors-2 started up in 1984. Hero of Socialist Labor 1956; Commander of 4 Orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, Red Banner of Labor; has a personal Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Order of Cyril and Methodius, 1st class (Bulgaria). Winner of the Lenin Prize 1957, the Stalin Prize 1 class 1952 and the USSR State Prize 1971. | |
Bova Vladimir Kuzmich (Бова Владимир Кузьмич) in 1959 – allegedly, an executive officer of military unit 6602. Later (after Busygin, 1961) - commander of unit 6602. | |
Bogomolov Victor Fyodorovich (Богомолов Виктор Федорович) (27.I.1933-19.VII.2021), in 1959 - chairman of the city hiking club in Sverdlovsk, Member of the Route Commission under the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports. Approved the route for the Dyatlov group on Jan 8. He helped to arrange Zolotaryov’s funeral. A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics of the UPI 1955, group M-521, a mechanical engineer. He worked as a design engineer at the Uralelectroapparat plant, and then (at least from 1959 until retirement) at the plant at PO Box 320 (now R&D research and development center "Avtomatika" named after Academician Nikolay Aleksandrovich Semikhatov). Activist of the UPI hiking club. In 1954-55 – a chairman of the hiking division of the UPI sports club. He met Zolotaryov in 1958 at the hiking camp in Artybash (Altai); later he met him at negotiations with the Kourovka tourbase on the placement of teams participating in the annual hiking meeting 1958. Unconfirmed reports suggest he recommended Zolotaryov to participate in the expedition led by Sogrin in 1959. Master of Sports of the USSR in sports tourism 1963, Sverdlovsk, voluntary sports society "Trud", College of Communications; candidate for master of sports of the USSR in mountaineering and orienteering; International class orienteering instructor; Judge of the All-Union category in tourism. He headed the UPI hiking club, the Sverdlovsk regional hiking club (since 1957) and the Fakel hiking club. Chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional Tourism Federation 1977-201). Awarded with medals "For Valiant Labor in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s birth" 1970, "Veteran of Labor", badge of honour "Celebrated traveler of Russia". | |
Bogomolov Stanislav Evgenyevich (Богомолов Станислав Евгеньевич) Journalist from "Uralskiy Rabochiy" (en. Ural Worker), met with Lev Ivanov in 1990. | |
Bondarev Yuri Anatolievich (Бондарев Юрий Анатольевич) in 1959 - 5th year student of the mechanical faculty of UPI. In March, he took part in the delivery of bodies from the morgue to a mass meeting near the UPI students residence and at the cemetery. He was a member of the Athletics club and was fond of tourism. He learned about the missing group led by Dyatlov when he returning from work experience internship in Taganrog. In March, on behalf of the Komsomol committee, he took part in the delivery of the bodies of three dead hikers from the morgue on Shchorsa St. to the building of students residence and later to the cemetery. After graduating from UPI, he worked at Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant as Deputy Head of Department. Lives in Chelyabinsk. Interview | |
Bordyugov Albert Aleksandrovich (Бордюгов Альберт Александрович), the Commander of helicopter unit of the 123rd air squadron (Ivdel); flew the Po-2 aircraft and the Mi-1 and Mi-4 helicopters. In February 1959, he took part in the search for geologists of the Northern prospecting party №7 of the Bazhenov expedition in the area of the settlement of Vershina. | |
Borey (Борей) serviceman of military unit 6602; member of Chernyshev's group in the search in the area of height 1079 | |
Boreyko Borislav Iosifovich (Борейко Борислав Иосифович) in 1959 – the Head of the Thanatalogical Department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine. | |
Borisov Boris Aleksandrovich (Борисов Борис Александрович) in 1959 – a student at the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute (geological prospecting department); participated in the search in the area at the height 1079 as member of the Karelin group Feb 27 - Mar 10. | |
Borsch Elvira Andreevna (Борщ Эльвира Андреевна) - in 1959 worked in the Ivdellag Central Hospital. | |
Brusnitsyn Vadim Dmitrievich (Брусницын Вадим Дмитриевич) was born in Sverdlovsk in 1938, in 1959 – a 3rd year student at UPI, metallurgical faculty; lived at 111, Sheinkman St, apt.31, Sverdlovsk. He participated in the search as a member of the Slobtsov group Feb 23 – Mar 4. He was introduced to tourism by his elder brother (who studied at UPI and went on hikes with Maslennikov), with whom he first went on a hike while still being a 7th grade pupil. He continued to do tourism at UPI, after the 3rd year he switched to mountaineering. Leading specialist of the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant. | |
Bryuzgin Boris Ivanovich (Брюзгин Борис Иванович) in 1959 - forensic scientist from Serov. Unconfirmed reports indicate he took part in the forensic research of the bodies of the deceased hikers of the Dyatlov group. It is unknown when or whose body exactly. In the 60s - 70s, he was involved in autopsies in a labor camp in Ivdellag. | |
Budina Mariya Savasyanovna (Будина Мария Савасьяновна) (1922-2003) in 1959 – a storekeeper of the UPI ski base in the basement of the 10th student building.Started working UPI in 1939, her position was officially called a repairer of the ski base of the Department of Physical Education at the UPI. Work experience - 42 years. Honorary member of the voluntary sports society Burevestnik. She was buried at the Mikhailovsky cemetery in Yekaterinburg. | |
Budrin Aleksey (Будрин Алексей) UPI student, fellow hiker | |
Burgach Tamara Konstantinovna (Бургач Тамара Константиновна) (1924-2009) - Semyon Zolotaryov’s common-law wife during his residence in the cities of Pyatigorsk and Lermontov. She was born on Jan 1, 1924, in the village of Pushkino, Azerbaijan SSR. During the Second World War, she served near Baku in the air defense, air warning service(28th regiment; called up by the Pushkino regional military commissariat in 1942; a sergeant, filter officer; did not participate in battle actions. Disabled person who suffers from a systemic disease (2nd group). Awarded with medals "For the defense of the Caucasus", "For the victory over Germany". After the war she worked in the village of Pushkino: assistant to the head of the 1st unit of the Pushkin regional draft board 1945-46; Responsible secretary of the newspaper "Krasniy hlopkorob" (Red cotton box) 1946-47; secretary of the machine-tractor station 1947-49; Secretary of the Arkhangelsk village council 1949-51. Her common-law husband was Konstantin Hromov, a journalist of the "Krasniy hlopkorob", with whom she had a daughter Lyudmila 1948. In 1951, they separated and Burgach and her daughter moved to Pyatigorsk to live at Tamara’s uncle, who worked as a taxi driver. Their address was: Pyatigorsk, Kirov Avenue. She worked in Pyatigorsk as a secretary-typist of the Inspectorate for Determination of Yield 1951-54; proofreader of Pyatigorsky department of Giprodortrans 1954; secretary-typist of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the Kavkazneftegazrazvedka Trust 1954. From November 1954 she worked in the system of uranium mining enterprises in the city of Lermontov: operator, seamstress at the Talliev mine of the USSR Ministry of Tsvetmet 1954-55; seamstress, a dressmaker for the manufacture and repair of work clothes at the enterprise PO Box №1 1955-59. In 1963-70 – an insurance agent of the State Insurance Inspectorate for the city of Lermontov. She had known S. Zolotaryov at least since 1952. In March 1955, in agreement with Zolotaryov, in order to get a better apartment, she tried to bribe to the head of Housing & public utilities department, PO box №1. On February 10, 1956 in the Pyatigorsk maternity hospital, their son Sasha was born, who was given the mother's surname. At least until August 1956 Sasha Burgach attended day nursery №1 in Pyatigorsk. They lived at the address: 8, Rudnichnaya St, Pyatigors. In 1956 Semyon Zolotaryov and Tamara Burgach separated for reasons unknown. When Burgach found out about Zolotaryov's death, her words were "It serves him right! He died like a dog." All photographs of Zolotaryov and their son were cut from the family albums, except for just two. There is an alternative account of the events. Burgach's relative think that she tried to make Zolotaryov come back to her using their child. Once sh e left their son on the porch of Zolotaryov's house, hoping that after that he will return to her. But at this time Zolotaryov was no longer in the city (or he left immediately after this incident). According to the Burgach daughters, due to difficult family circumstances, the mother gave her son Aleksander to the mother of her common-law husband. Later, during all her life she was looking for him, but without any result. According to Zolotaryov's relatives, the common-law wife was not involved in raising her son, and Semyon was forced to hire a nanny and earn extra money to support his son. Closer to 1959, Zolotaryov's father moved to live with his daughter Mariya in Udobnoy, and his mother left for Lermontov to live there for some time and, possibly ,to look after her grandson. After Semyon died, his sister Mariya wanted to take the boy into her family, but Burgach explained that she had given her son to her relatives in the Kuban. In fact, Burgach (or a nanny) sent the child to an orphanage, from where he was later adopted by an unknown family apparently, from Germany. Soon after break up with Zolotaryov, Burgach received a room in a communal apartment in Lermontov. In 1957, she had her third common-law husband, Ivan Ivanovich Schetchikov, a shift supervisor, PO Box №1. He has three youngest daughters: Irina (1958), Stella (1960) and Elena (1969).The family lived in Lermontov at 6 Gagarin St. They lived happily until her husband died. | |
Burdasov (Бурдасов) in 1959 - a military pilot of the Ural Military District (142 separate air squadron, Aramil), flight engineer of the AN-2. He took part in the air search. | |
Burimovich Grigoriy Grigorievich (Буримович Григорий Григорьевич) in 1959 - First Deputy / Acting Prosecutor of the RSFSR. Was born in Astrakhan in 1899. After graduating from the Law Faculty at Saratov University, he worked as a judge, and then in the prosecutor's office in the town of Engels. Deputy Prosecutor of the Stalingrad Region 1941-44; prosecutor of the Saratov region 1944-48. In December 1948, he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR; later - First Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR. He was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". | |
Busygin Yakov Antonovich (Бусыгин Яков Антонович) in 1959 – a lieutenant colonel, commander of military unit 6602 of the 32nd convoy brigade of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; after the reorganization of 1968 - 38th convoy brigade of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. At least from the end of 1957 to August (at least) 1959 – a lieutenant colonel, head of the 32nd department of the escort guard, which carried out security in Ivdel labor camp. Beginning with December 12, 1959 all the documents on the 32nd experimental design office are signed by the acting head of the 32nd experimental design office, Lieutenant Colonel Kotyurgin. Left or was transferred from Ivdel in 1961. In 1959 Captain Chernyshev was his subordinate | |
Busygin Yakov Antonovich (Бусыгин Яков Антонович) (5.IX.1911-), in the service of the Red Army since 1941. Place from which ordered to active duty: Leninsk-Kuznetsk regional military commissariat, Novosibirsk region, Leninsk-Kuznetsk district. Member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1941. At the front since May 1942: senior lieutenant, acting regiment's political officer of the rifle battalion №872 of the rifle regiment №282 of the rifle division of the 1st shock army of the Northwestern Front 1943; captain, agitator, acting regiment's political officer of the rifle regiment №59 of the Pavlovsk Red Banner rifle division №85 of the 42nd army 194). Wounded in 1944. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner 1943, 2 class Order of the Patriotic War 1945. If in 1959 he had served in Ivdel, then in 1961 he could have been discharged due to his age (50 years) or retired for length of service (20 years). | |
Bushueva Irina (Бушуева Ирина) in 1959 - a 4th year student of the UPI radio engineering faculty (specialty "Automation and telemechanics"). During the search for the Dyatlov group, she was at UPI and helped to prepare food parcels for the search parties which worked at the pass; helped to equip Oleg Grebenik's search party. | |
Butorina Lyudmila Prokopyevna (Буторина Людмила Прокопьевна) Head of the department newspaper "Ulalskiy rabochiy" [en. - Ural worker] in 1959 | |
Buyanov Evgeniy Vadimovich (Буянов Евгений Вадимович) Writer-publicist, Master of Sports on mountain tourism, author of "Mystery of the Dyatlov group death" - ambassador of the avalanche theory | |
Bychkov Boris Mihaylovich (Бычков Борис Михайлович) in 1959 – a Civil Engineering student at the UPI. On the instructions of the Prosecutor's Office together with Evgeniy Chubarev and Yuri Yudin was involved in printing of photographs from films made by the Dyatlov group. | |
C ^ | |
Chagin Egor Ivanovich (Чагин Егор Иванович) born in 1874 (Perm region). In 1959 he was retired, lived in the village of Vizhay, Ivdel district. Unverified reports suggest that there might have been a mistake in the date of his birth in the interrogation report. He is remembered to be in his fifties in 1959, not more. He was a gambler and often played cards for stakes. Allegedly, he was one-legged, it is unknown where and how he lost his limb. He died (drowned) in the mid-70s. | |
Chagin Ivan Egorovich (Чагин Иван Егорович) born in 1885, the father of E.I. Chagin, lived with him. Most likely it was he who was the character witness for the Mansi (Testimony), but the protocol contains the wrong name and patronymic confused with his son. He is rumoured to have been one of the Old Believers. In 1941 –a member of a collective farm "Northern Lighthouse". In 1945 – a hunter, a best worker, member of the Sobyaninsky village council. He died in the 60s. | |
Chaika Yury Yakovlevich (Чайка Юрий Яковлевич) born May 21, 1951, Presidential Envoy to the North Caucasian Federal District since 2020. Previously he served Prosecutor General of Russia from 2006 to 2020 and Minister of Justice from 1999 to 2006. Wikipedia | |
Chaschihina P.G. (Чащихина П.Г.) in 1959 – a consulting chemist in the forensic medical examination department of material evidence (forensic laboratory) Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (SRBFME) at 37 R.Luxemburg St. Her signature is on the receipt dated May 10, 1959, for accepting biological samples of the first five bodies (Receipt). Apparently, she took part in a forensic chemical examination in March 1959 as well as Deminova. She worked in the chemical department of the forensic medical service in Sverdlovsk even before the Second World War. She is thought to have left Sverdlovsk in the early 60s. | |
Cheglakov Aleksey Semyonovich (Чеглаков Алексей Семенович) born in 1924 (Kursk region). In 1959 – the head of Vizhay camp department; lived in the settlement of Vizhay. He took part in the search as a guide of the Slobtsov group from Feb 23 to (approximately) Mar 3-4. In 1953 - Junior technical lieutenant of internal service, Assistant to the Chief of OVPK 9 forestry department; in 1959 - the head of the OVPK Vizhay camp department, then (according to his son Vladimir): a brigade leader in the prison camp; chief of supply department Burmantovo; in the early 70s he served with the rank of captain in the Ivdel region; finished service in Shipichnoye as the head of the prison camp, hold the rank of major. On May 25, 1961, he took part in the inspection of the crash site Yak-12 123rd under the direction of G.V. Patrushev as an attesting witness. Wife: Lyubov Fyodorovna Cheglakova. Children: Valentina (born in 1948), Natalia (born in 1952) and Vladimir (born in 1956). According to documents of the Ivdel Town Committee of the CPSU, in 1957 he was a candidate or a member of the VCP(b), although the records dated 1959 indicate that he was a non-party man. He might have been expelled and not admitted as a member. In 1961-62 he was a candidate or a party member according to the documents of the political department of the Ivdel Directorate for the Protection of Public Order - Corrective Labor Camps. Testimony | |
Chernetsov Valeriy Nikolaevich (Чернецов Валерий Николаевич) Soviet ethnographer and archaeologist Valery Nikolaevich Chernetsov "The Sacred Places of the Ural Mountains and Forests" published in 2004 (Культовые памятники горно-лесного Урала) | |
Chernavin B.I. (Чернавин Б.И.) in 1959 – director of Verkh Isetsky plant; he had to allow Maslennikov to participate in search. | |
Chernobrov Vadim Aleksandrovich (Чернобров Вадим Александрович) (Jun 17, 1965 - May 18, 2017) The journalist who talked with Solter on the train and started the whole fuss about the bodies being 11. "Ural Stalkers Flight from the Mountain of the Dead" | |
Chernousov (Черноусов), a radio operator, took part in the search in the area of height 1079. The author of the radiogram to Sulman dated 27.02. He was included in the search party to provide communication with the Akselrod group on Feb 27. It is not known how he was taken to the pass, probably by helicopter together with with Yarovoy. Radiograms | |
Chernousov Evgeniy Arsentievich (Черноусов Евгений Арсентьевич) Attorney at the Moscow Bar Association "On Malaya Dmitrovka" providing legal assistance to the families of the members of the the Dyatlov group | |
Chernyh (Vipler) Gennadiy Frantsevich (Черных Виплер Геннадий Францевич) (1924-1995) in 1959, presumably served under Aleksey Semyonovich Cheglakov. Born in the village of Karasul, Ishim District, Tyumen Region, in the family of a worker of Czechoslovakian decent. In 1940 he finished seven grades at school. From May 1941 he worked as an accountant at the Karasul meat and dairy state farm, then for 2.5 years (May 1942 - November 1944) he worked as a tractor driver at the same state farm. From November 1944 to June 1947 he served in the Soviet Army: until February 1945 he was in 387th reserve regiment, then participated in warfare with the 134th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 45th Guards divisions of the 23rd Army (Leningrad Front) as a squad leader (sergeant). Upon demobilization, for 12 years (June 1947 - October 1959) he worked in the Ivdel corrective labor colony of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in the positions of inspector of cultural and educational unit (five years), senior inspector of technical supply unit (three years) and squad leader of a paramilitary fire brigade (four years). In October 1959 he went to work in the Ivdel Workers' Supply Department under Directorate "Specivdelles"; worked there for 13 years: the first nine years, until June 1968, worked as a senior commodity expert, chief department, head of the catering department, then four years, until June 1972, was deputy head and head of Workers' Supply Department. In March 1967 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Technical School of Soviet Trade in absentia with a degree in Commodity Merchandising. In 1976 - the Public Institute of Enterprise Management under the Lenin District Committee of the CPSU in Sverdlovsk. During the last 13 years 1972-1985, until his retirement in May 1985, he worked as head of the Workers' Supply Department of the Ural territorial geological administration. While working in the city of Ivdel, he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council of workers' deputies, a member of the city committee of the CPSU. Awarded the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", badges "Excellent worker of Soviet trade" 1983, "Winner of the socialist competition in 1975", Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Geology of the RSFSR and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Geological Exploration Workers 1984, three anniversary medals. Died almost 71 years old; buried at the Shirokorechenskoye cemetery in Yekaterinburg (site IV). | |
Chernyshev Aleksey Alekseevich (Чернышев Алексей Алексеевич) born in 14.X.1918 in Kirov region. In 1959 – an assistant chief of staff of military unit 6602 in charge of training (department of battle and physical training), captain of internal service. He lived in Ivdel, at 26, Pavlik Morozov St, (the house is currently demolished). He was the leader of the search party looking for the Dyatlov group on Feb 26-27 in the area of Mount Gumpkopai, from Feb 27 - in the area of height 1079, from Mar 8 - headed the united search party, from Mar 13 - member of the operational team (on the resolution of the Regional Executive Committee). Drafted into the Red Army in 1938 at the Khalturinsky regional military commissariat in the Kirov region. He used to be a sportsman , organizer, participant and judge of numerous shooting and skiing competitions in Ivdel. Had 1st referee category in skiing, athletics and shooting. He was in the rank of captain for 8 years. For his work on the construction of a shooting range he received the rank of major, in the mid-60s he was promoted to another military unit in Togliatti. He got out of military service in 1964. Testimony | |
Chevtaev I.G. (Чевтаев И.Г.) in 1959 Secretary of the Regional Trade Union Council | |
Chigarkov Victor Anisimovich (Чигарков Виктор Анисимович) born in 1901 in Kholmsk province. In 1959 – the Commander of the 4th Railroad Corps, Sverdlovsk. Graduated from Military Technical Academy in 1933, lieutenant general of technical troops 1959. In the Armed Forces since 1922. Political instructor of the company, attendee of the officer course at Transportation corps school, senoir company technician, company commander, atendee at officer advanced course at Transportation corps school, assistant bbattalion commander, regiment engineer, head of the regimental school, Transportation corps school attendee, battalion commander, Head of the 3rd department of the headquarters of Kiev Special Military District, assistant brigade commander, commander of the railway brigade, regiment, brigade chief of staff, commander of the 1st guards railway brigade, head of Department of Military Reconstruction of the Karelian Front, head of the central communications department at People's Commissariat of Railways, Head of Department of Military Reconstruction - 14, head of Railway troops at the North Caucasian front, 4th brigade chief of staff, Railroad Corps 1, commander of Railroad Corps 5 in 1949, Railroad Corps 4 in 1957. Retired in 1960. | |
Chigvintsev Georgiy M(ikhaylovich) (Чигвинцев Георгий М(ихайлович) in 1959 – UPI student, member of Akselrod rescue group in the capacity of radio operator, Feb 26-28 dropped off on Otorten, he stayed in the rescue camp and never actually went out on the field to look for Dyatlov group ( | |
Chubarev Evgeniy (Чубарев Евгений) - in 1959 –a student of UPI. On the instruction of the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region, he printed photographs from the films of the Dyatlov group together with Boris Bychkov and Yuri Yudin. | |
Chudinov Leonid Mihaylovich (Чудинов Леонид Михайлович) (18.VI.1921-31.III.1992) in 1959 – a captain, head of the Polunochnoe settlement Police station ( | |
Chudinov Vasiliy Mihaylovich (Чудинов Василий Михайлович), possibly the brother of L.M. Chudinov. Born in 1911 in the village of Ekaterininka, Ivdel District. | |
Churkina (Makushkina) Genrietta Eliseevna (Чуркина Макушкина Генриетта Елисеевна) (11.XII.1930-02.VII.1999) in 1959 - senior forensic expert at the Research Forensic Laboratory of the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR (Sverdlovsk). She conducted a forensic examination of the tent of the Dyatlov group. She was born in the town of Sysert, Sverdlovsk region, into a family of a lawyer (judge) and teacher. In 1954, after graduating from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, was recruited as an expert in the Sverdlovsk Research Forensic Laboratory. While working there,she made a lot of expert examinatis, including those on the most high-profile cases of those years (the death of the Dyatlov group, the case of the Korovin brothers' gang, etc.). She was also a graphology expert, technological and forensic examination of documents and trace evidence analysis. Since 1967 Genrietta Eliseevna Makushkina is a lecturer at the Criminalistics Department of Sverdlovsk Law Institute, since 1973 - Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor of the same department. She has more than a hundreds of scientific and educational publications, she is the author of three textbooks "Criminalistics". Expert criminalist, she performed and documented the examination of Dyatlov group tent, she was present at the autopsies of the bodies found in May, and maybe the only woman that visited Dyatlov Pass during the investigation Examination on the tent Interview with her son Igor Olegovich Makushkin | |
D ^ | |
Davydov Semyon Prohorovich (Давыдов Семен Прохорович) in 1959 - Deputy Head of the KGB in the Sverdlovsk Region. Colonel of State Security, Colonel (from 1955); Deputy Head of the KGB in Sverdlovsk region from Aug 14, 1954 until Aug 28, 1959. According to Rakitin’s version after the botched KGB operation and the death of Dyatlov group many high officials from the KGB were punished. As indirect evidence, Rakitin, at the end of his book, cites the names of some KGB generals who actually lost their posts in the summer of 1959. This could be also a result of the power shift among the ranks of the KGB senior command staff not related to the tragedy in Northern Ural. | |
Devyatov Stanislav Apollonovich (Девятов Станислав Аполлонович) in 1959 – a 5th year student of UPI; was a member of Blinov's hiking group ; took parti in the search as a member of the Slobtsov rescue party Feb 23 - Mar 4. UPI graduate (Physics and Technology Faculty, Department of Molecular Physics) 1960. After graduation he worked as an engineer at the Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical combine. | |
Deryagin Aleksander Petrovich (Дерягин Александр Петрович) in 1959 - chairman of the executive committee of the Ivdel City Council. Party member since 1931. Before the Great Patriotic War he worked as a propagandist in so called “Krasniy Ugolok” (propaganda room), the head of the mine. Beginning with at least 1940 he was Secretary of the Ivdel district committee of the VCP(b). In 1944 he was sent to restore the economy of Moldova, destroyed by the war, worked under the leadership of Leonid Brezhnev. Returning to Ivdel, he worked as the chairman of the executive committee of the city council (district executive committee?) of Ivdel. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council. | |
Deryagin Pavel Ilyich (Дерягин Павел Ильич) in 1959 - Dean of the UPI Physics and Technology Faculty. Graduated from UPI in 1929. After graduation until 1931, he worked at a factory and at the same time was the head teacher at a technical school. Then he served in the Soviet army. From 1933 to 1941 he worked at UPI, first as an assistant, then as an assistant professor. In 1939 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. From 1941 to 1948 –a shop superintendent at the plant. From 1948 to 1954 he worked as a chief engineer at a radio industrial plant. From 1958 to 1960 he was the Dean of Physics and Technology Faculty, has been repeatedly elected a member of the Faculty's Party Bureau. For work during the war and in peacetime, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Medal For Valorous Labor, the badges "Excellent Worker of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy", an honored worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He died in 1986. | |
Disher Bronya Grigorievna (Дишер Броня Григорьевна), in 1959 head of the Bayanovskaya iron ore prospecting and exploration party of the Northern Expedition. | |
Dobroserdov (Добросердов) - in 1959 – an officer of military unit 6602, photographed with Dyatlov and Blinov groups in Vizhay. | |
Doroshenko Yuri Nikolaevich (Дорошенко Юрий Николаевич) born on Jan 29, 1938 in the village of Dvoretskaya Polyana, Streletsky District, Kursk Region (in the mid-50s this locality was included in the city area of Kursk). During World War II, he was evacuated with his family to the town of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region (p / box 8, 5th section, 5-3, Kalinina St.). In 1955 he graduated from secondary school №44 in the town of Reg having received a medal. In 1959 - a 4th year student of the radio engineering faculty of UPI (group R-463; specialty: automation and measuring devices). As part of the board of the UPI sports clubhe was responsible for sports and tourism work. According to recollections of his relatives, he was a close friend of Kolmogorova, but they split up before the ski tour.Perished on Feb 1-2, 1959. Expelled from the institute on Mar 1, 1959 due to death (order №143 on Mar 23, 1959). | |
Doroshenko Nikolay Danilovich (Дорошенко Николай Данилович), the father of Y. Doroshenko. Non-party man, descended from a peasant family. Graduated from the Kiev Hydro mechanical Institute in 1935. Water supply engineer. During World War II he was evacuated with his family together with the plant from the Kursk region to the town of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region. He died in 1954. | |
Doroshenko Nadezhda Artemovna (Дорошенко Надежда Артемовна) (1915-2003), the mother of Y. Doroshenko. Non-party woman, descended from a peasant family. A housewife. In 1955, after her husband died and her son Yuri became a student at UPI, she moved with the other children to Kazakhstan. She lived in Aktyubinsk at 29 Novo-Kooperativnaya St. Later, together with her son Vladimir, she moved to Kiev, where she died in 2003. | |
Doroshenko Vladimir (Volodya) Nikolaevich (Дорошенко Владимир Николаевич) (1941-2008), the brother of Y. Doroshenko. Born in the village of Dvoretskaya Polyana, Streletsky District, Kursk Region (in the middle 50s this locality was included in the city area of Kursk). In 1955 he moved with his mother to Aktyubinsk (Kazakhstan). Studied at UPI. Later together with his mother moved to Kiev. He died of cardiac arrest in 2008 while climbing Elbrus. | |
Doroshenko (Rashevskaya) Irina Nikolaevna (Дорошенко Рашевская Ирина Николаевна), Yuri Doroshenko’s sister. She was born in 1945 in the town of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region. Moved with her mother in 1955 in Aktyubinsk (Kazakhstan). In 1962 she graduated from secondary school №10 in Aktyubinsk. In 1968 she graduated from the Road Construction Institute (Ust-Kamenogorsk). Lives in Ust-Kamengorsk. Letter, | |
Drapkin Leonid Yakovlevich (Драпкин Леонид Яковлевич) (24.X.1924-11.VIII.2019) in 1959 – a senior investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk region. Was born in Tyumen. In 1942. volunteered for the Red Army and was sent to the Chelyabinsk Military Aviation School of Mechanics, after which from October 1943 to May 1945 fought at the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Belorussian fronts (293rd strike fighter division, 20th Sevastopol guards bomber aviation corps of the 3rd Guards Bomber Division of Long-Range Air Force: a mechanic; aircraft technician). March to June 1943 he had front-line training on the Bryansk front with the 163rd strike fighter division. Upon demobilization in 1949 he became a student at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, which he graduated with honors in 1953 and was assigned to work as a lawyer in a legal consultation office; in Tara, Omsk region. In 1956. becomes an investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of the Zheleznodorozhny District of Sverdlovsk. In March 1959 he was appointed senior investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region; in 1963. Prosecutor-criminalist of the regional prosecutor's office. In 1967 he switched to teaching at the Department of Criminalistics of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute: Senior Lecturer 1967-1974; Associate Professor 1974-1988. Head of the Department of Investigative Activities and Informatics 1988-1993; professor (since 1989). In recent years - Professor of the Criminalistics Department of the Ural State Law Academy; Professor and Head of the Scientific School of Criminalistics, Department of Criminalistics, Ural Law Institute (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia); member of the editorial board of the Russian Legal Journal. Candidate 1972, Doctor 1987 of legal sciences. Awarded with the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree; medals "For Military Merit", "For Victory over Germany", "For the Liberation of Warsaw", "For the capture of Budapest "," For the capture of Berlin ", "Anatoliy Koni "of the Ministry of Justice 2003; the UN silver medal" For outstanding services in the development of forensic science and forensic examination"; signs "Excellence in Higher School"; "For Fidelity to the Law" 1st class; Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation 1997; Academician of the Russian Law Academy 1999; Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation (2004). | |
Drobot M.I. (Дробот М.И.) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Drozdov Georgiy Tikhonovich (Дроздов Георгий Тихонович) in 1959 - Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative and Trade-Financial Bodies of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR; he could have been the head of the health personnel sector (or similar), in charge of physical education and sports;he signed the resolution, dated May 30, 1959, which stated the cause of the death of the group , after the investigation had been initiated by the Central Committee of the CPSU. Born in the village of Plotki, Smolensk province in 1904. In 1920 he was a student at teaching courses; graduated from the evening department of the Communist University named after Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov; from 1933 he studied (but did not graduate) at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism; a student of the Higher Party School at Central Committee of the VCP(b) 1939; graduated from the correspondence department at the State Pedagogical Institute. Member of the VCP(b) from 1926. From 1918 to 1923 – a secretary, deputy chairman of the Poor Peasants' Committee (the village of Plotki, Smolensk province); Commissioner of the volost committee of the RCP(b) and the volost revolutionary committee for surplus appropriation and labor service (Smolensk province); chairman of the Plotki Peasant Mutual Aid Committee (Smolensk province); Chairman of the Plotki Agricultural Society (Smolensk province); school principal (Smolensk province); Chairman of the Volost Committee of Political Education (Smolensk province). In 1923-1929 at Komsomol and party work. From 1933 he worked as a head of the Political department at the Machine-Tractor Station, then the head head of the political department of the state farm. In 1939-1945 in the Central Committee of the VCP(b). Deputy Head of the Department of Party Organs of the Central Committee of the VCP(b) of Ukraine 1945-46; Deputy Head of the Directorate of the Central Committee of the VCP(b) of Ukraine 1946-48; Head of the Administrative Department of the Central Committee of the VCP(b)) of Ukraine 1948-51; deputy Head of the Administrative Department of the Central Committee of the VCP(b) 1951-53; Head of the Department of Health and Social Welfare of the Administrative Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union(b) 1952-53; Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative, Trade and Financial Bodies of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1953-54; after the reorganization of the department - Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative Bodies of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1954-56; after the reorganization of the department - Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative Bodies of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1954-56; after the formation of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR 1956 - Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative, Trade and Financial Bodies of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR 1956-59; 1st Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative, Trade and Financial Bodies of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR 1959-60. Member of the Government Commission for the abolition of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs since January 1960. From 1960 - 1st Deputy Minister of Social Security of the RSFSR. Awarded with the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor 1948; "Badge of honor". | |
Dryahlyh Mihail Timofeevich (Дряхлых Михаил Тимофеевич) born in Udmurt ASSR, 1902.); was enlisted in the Red Army in 1941 at the Serov regional military commissariat. Artilleryman, gun commander (guard sergeant; guard senior sergeant). In 1942 - fought on the North-Western Front; in 1944 - in Poland; in 1945 - in Silesia. Awarded the Order of the Red Star 1944, Order of Glory 3rd degree 1945, medal For Courage 1942. Before joining the Red Army 1941, he worked as head of the Ivdel regional forestry enterprise. Upon demobilization, he is most likely to have returned to his previous position. In 1954-57 he worked as a director of the forestry enterprise. In March 1959 – an acting engineer of the Energolesokombinat (from June 1959 - the economic planner at the Ivdel Energolesokombinat). He lived in Ivdel at 11 Trosheva St. Was on duty trip in Dustrict 41 on Jan 24 - Feb 1. He met the members of the Dyatlov group on Jan 26-27. Mihail Dryahlyh took part in air search for the missing group on Feb 21-22. Testimony | |
Dubinina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna (Дубинина Людмила Александровна) was born on May 12, 1938 in Kegostrov, Arkhangelsk region (lumber mills 9-10). Because of her father's work, the family often had to move (the settlement of Kegostrov, the Arkhangelsk region; the city of Arkhangelsk; the settlement of Krasnogorsk, Zvenigorod district of the Mari ASSR). From 1953 she lived in Sverdlovsk, where in 1955 she graduated from school №13. She lived with her parents in a shared apartment at the address: Flat 4,120A, Mamin-Sibiryaka St, Sverdlovsk. In 1959 - a 4th year student at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the UPI (group S-440; specialty: urban construction and economy). Member of the Komsomol from 1952. A week before she joined the Dyatlov group in their last ski trekking, the Dubinins moved to a new, two-room apartment at the address:16/18, Dekabristov St, Sverdlovsk. Died on 02.02.1959. Expelled from the institute on 05/06/1959 due to death (order №282 odated May 18, 1959). | |
Dubinin Aleksander Nikolaevich (Дубинин Александр Николаевич) born in 1903 (Yaroslavl region), the father of Lyudmila Dubinina. Higher education, engineer-economist. In 1934 he graduated from the ExportLes Institute (Moscow). From 1934 to 1953 he worked as director of a number of lumber mills of the USSR Ministry of Forestry Industry. In 1953 he was transferred to the position of deputy manager of the SverdLesDrev (Ministry of Forestry Industry) trust (Sverdlovsk). 1959 - Senior Engineer, Forestry Department of Economic Council; lived in Sverdlovsk at 16/18 Dekabristov St. As of May 25, 1944 – a no-rank officer. Later he was a Lieutenant of the Reserve Quartermaster Service. He was awarded the Order of the "Red Banner of Labor" and medals "For the Defense of the Soviet Polar Region" and "For Valiant Labor in the Second World War". Member of the CPSU since 1930. Died in 1967. Testimony | |
Dubinina Iya Vladimirovna (Дубинина Ия Владимировна) is the mother of Lyudmila Dubinina. She took part in the identification of the belongings of the perished. She was born in the city of Arkhangelsk in a family of teachers. In 1930 she graduated from high school. In 1947 while working as a head of a kindergarten, she graduated from the pedagogical school in Arkhangelsk. In 1959, she worked as a secretary for Nikolai Aleksandrovich Semikhatov at the Research Institute of Automation (specialized design-engineering department, PO Box 320, Sverdlovsk) (development of calculating devices for control systems of domestic missile systems); she was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor". She died in 1980. | |
Dubinin Igor Aleksandrovich (Дубинин Игорь Александрович), the brother of Lyudmila Dubinina. In 1959 - a last-year student of the mining and metallurgical technical school (Sverdlovsk).Born in 1941. Until 1980 he lived in Sverdlovsk, in 1980 he moved to Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region. | |
Dubovtsev Valeriy (Дубовцев Валерий) - in 1959 – a UPI student ; took part in the search in the area of height 1079 as a member of Sogrin's group on Mar 25 - Apr 6. He died when rafting in Transbaikal in 1961. | |
Dudorov Nikolay Pavlovich (Дудоров Николай Павлович) (1906-1977) in 1959 - Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. A special message informing about the death of UPI students was sent to him on February 28, signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR Nikolay Pavlovich Stakhanov. Born in the village of Mishnevo, Kovrovsky district, Vladimir province, into a peasant family. Member of the VCP(b) from 1927. He was educated in primary school, in 1922 - a trainee, then a foreman at the Moscow Kalinin Crystal Factory. In November 1929 upon the recommendation of the factory party organization was sent to study at the Mendeleev Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute. After graduation in 1934 he worked as a shop foreman at the Triplex plant (Moscow). From 1937 he was in leadership roles in various construction people's commissariats (ministries): head of the production and distribution department of the Glavtekhsteklo of the USSR People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry; deputy secretary, secretary of the Party Committee of the USSR People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry; Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Cement Industry; deputy chief of General Directorate of Glazing Glass 1939; chief administrator 1940, head of the Main Department of Thermal Insulation at the People's Commissariat for building materials industry of the USSR 1941. In 1943 this Main Directorate was transferred to the USSR People's Commissariat for Construction. Head of the Main Directorate of the Gypsum Industry 1947; Secretary of the Party Committee of the USSR Ministry of Building Materials Industry 1949; head of the construction department of the Moscow City Committee of the VCP(b) 1950; Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Council 1952; head of construction department of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1954. Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR 1956-1960; member of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1956-1966. From 1960 - General Government Commissioner at the 1967 World Exhibition in Moscow; Head of the Main department of building materials industry of the Moscow City Executive Committee in the rank of Minister of the USSR 1962. Retired in June 1972. Awards: 2 Orders of Lenin, Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the Red Star. | |
Dyatlov Igor Alekseevich (Дятлов Игорь Алексеевич) born on January 13, 1936 in the city of Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, a 5th year student of radio engineering faculty at UPI (group R-555; specialty: radio engineering). In 1957 - Chairman of the Faculty Council of the Student Scientific Society (SSS) UPI. In 1955-56 - Member of the Bureau of the UPI hiking society, Chairman of the Qualification Commission, Member of the Sverdlovsk combined team (Sayany 1956). In 1957-1958 he was elected a chairman of the tourism department. Starting from January 1959 he worked as a part-time assistant at the profession-oriented academic department. After graduating from UPI, he was offered a job at this department. Member of the Komsomol from 1950. Head of the hiking group. Perished on Feb 1-2, 1959. Expelled from the institute on Mar 1, 1959 due to death (order №143 of Mar 23, 1959. | |
Dyatlov Aleksey Aleksandrovich (Дятлов Алексей Александрович) 1905-1970, the father of Igor Dyatlov. Lived in Pervouralsk, Sotsgorod, at 13 Sadovaya St. Mechanic at the plant "Chrompik" plant 521. | |
Dyatlova Claudia Ivanovna (Дятлова Клавдия Ивановна) 1906-1994, Igor Dyatlov's mother. A cashier at the Lenin club (Pervouralsk, Khrompik village). | |
Dyatlov Mstislav Alekseevich (Дятлов Мстислав Алексеевич), was born in the city of Nemyansk in 1930, the brother of I. Dyatlov. Graduated from UPI (Radio faculty, 1954), member of the tourism club. After graduating from the UPI he worked in Krasnoyarsk. In 1959 – a chief engineer of the Pervouralsk pipe plant, lived at his parents with his family. | |
Dyatlova Rufina Alekseevna (Дятлова Руфина Алексеевна) born in the city of Pervouralsk in 1938, the sister of Igor Dyatlov. In 1959 - studied at UPI, lived in Sverdlovsk and took part in the identification of the belongings of the perished. Graduated from the UPI Radio Faculty. She died in 2008. | |
Dyatlova (Perminova) Tatyana Alekseevna (Дятлова Перминова Татьяна Алексеевна), was born in the city of Pervouralsk in 1946, the sister Igor Dyatlov. Graduated from the chemistry department at UPI. | |
Dyominova Anna Yakovlevna (Дёминова Анна Яковлевна) in 1959 – an expert-chemist in the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Sverdlovsk (37, R. Luxemburg St). Unconfirmed reports suggest she took part in a forensic chemical examination together with Chashchina in March 1959. | |
E ^ | |
Evstigneeva Ekaterina Vasilyevna (Евстигнеева Екатерина Васильевна) in 1959 - a pediatric doctor at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Eliseev Georgiy Ivanovich (Елисеев Георгий Иванович) (18.IV.1913-) born in the village of Voskresenskoye, Tver region, in 1959 – a Chairman of the All-Union Council of Voluntary Sports Societies of Trade Unions at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (Physical culture and Sports Department). He sent Bardin, Baskin, Shuleshko on a duty trip, apparently they reported to him. In 1934 he was drafted into the Red Army. In 1937 he completed training courses for junior command officers in Leningrad. In 1939-1940 he took part in the war with Finland. He fought in the Great Patriotic War from the first to the last day as part of the troops of the Western, Leningrad, 1st Baltic and 3rd Belarusian fronts. He commanded a fire platoon, battery, battalion and 1020th (Konigsberg) artillery regiment of the 343rd infantry divisions. He took part in battles in East Prussia and the capture of the city of Konigsberg. After the end of World War II, he continued to command an artillery regiment until 1947. When he retired from the Armed Forces, he became a student at Leningrad Institute of Physical Education. After graduation he worked at the All-Union Central Council of trade unions , heading the Physical Education and Sports department for 30 years. Colonel G.I. Eliseev - Chevalier of two Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of Aleksander Nevsky, Patriotic War of the 1st and 2 nd class, Order of Labor Red Banner, "Badge of Honor", Red Star. He was also awarded many medals. | |
Ermash Filipp Timofeevich (Ермаш Филипп Тимофеевич) (04.IX.1923-20.III.2002) in 1959 – a head of the Science and Education Department at the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU; member of the Emergency Commission at Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU from Feb 28. Born in 1923 in the village of Torkovo, Kuibyshevsky District, Novosibirsk Region, into a peasant family. He took part in the Great Patriotic War, was drafted into the Red Army in 1941 at the Ippodromovskiy regional military commissariat (Novosibirsk, Ippodromovskiy district). Sergeant of the Guards, First sergeant. Awarded the Order of the Red Star 1943, the medal "For Courage" 1945. Member of the CPSU since 1945. In 1951 he graduated from the Ural State University. In 1951-62: 2nd, 1st Secretary of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the Komsomol; deputy head, then head of department of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU. In 1962-72 he worked in the CPSU Central Committee Establishment. From 1972the Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers, from 1978 the Chairman in the USSR State Committee for Cinematography. An alternate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 1976; deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet of the 8th and 9th convocations. He was awarded the Order of the October Revolution, other orders and medals. | |
Eroshev Victor/Vsevolod Mihaylovich (Ерошев Виктор/Всеволод Михайлович) - in 1959 – a UPI student; a participant in the hike of the Blinov group; took part in the search in the area of height 1079, as a member of Sogrin's groups on 25.03-6.04. A UPI graduate (Physics and Technology Faculty, Department of Molecular Physics) 1960. | |
Esipovsky Anatoliy Borisovich (Есиповский Анатолий Борисович) in 1959 - possibly shift drilling foreman of the Northern Expedition (worked since 1956, no further information). | |
Eshtokin Afanasiy Fyodorovich (Ештокин Афанасий Фёдорович) (02.VII.1913-19.VIII.1974) in 1959 - the second secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU. According to Ivanov, he supervised the investigation, ordered to classify data on radioactivity as secret. Born in the village of Stanovoy, Kursk province, in a working class family in 1913. Russian. Graduated from Donetsk Industrial Institute in 1937. A party member from 1943. In 1937-1948 worked at coal mines in Stalin, Voroshilovgrad and Chelyabinsk regions.From 1948 held leadership posts at the coal enterprises "Kopeyskugol", "Chelyabinskugol", "Sverdlovskugol". In 1957 he was appointed Head of the Fuel Industry Department in a newly formed Sverdlovsk Economic Council. In 1958-1962 - Second Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, in 1962-1963 -Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council, in 1963 - Inspector of the Central Committee of the CPSU, in 1963-74 - First Secretary of the Kemerovo Regional Committee of the CPSU. Member of the Central Committee in 1966-74. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 7, 8, 9 convocations. He was awarded 4 Orders of Lenin. Laureate of the Stalin Prize 1948. Died Aug 19, 1974. Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery. | |
Ezdakov Vladimir Stepanovich (Ездаков Владимир Степанович) - in 1959 – director of the Kourovka base. He worked in this position until 1967. | |
F ^ | |
Faizov T.G. (Фаизов Т.Г.) - a common soldier, demolition engineer in the 1st squad of the mine-warfare platoon of the 52nd separate railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, in the town of Serov. He took part in the search the area of height 1079. | |
Fedchenko E.P. (Федченко Е.П.) in 1959 - – an employee (member?) of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the CPSU. | |
Fedchenko P.A. (Федченко П.А) in 1959 - Candidate of philosophical sciences, employee of the Department of Dialectical and Historical Materialism, Ural State University. | |
Fedoseev Grigoriy Anisimovich (Федосеев Григoрий Анисимович) (1899-1968) Geologist author of "On the Road of Trial" published in 1958. The events described in the book bare striking resemblance to Dyatlov Pass incident | |
Filatov Victor Germanovich (Филатов Виктор Германович) in 1958-59 – the head officer of the 2nd dep. PO Box 240/2 (including Pershinsky). | |
Filatova (Филатова) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Fomenko Igor Vladimirovich (Фоменко Игорь Владимирович) - in 1959 – the head of the hiking group in the Pedagogical Institute (Rostov-on-Don), which were hiking in February along the route Ivdel - Yurts Bahtiyarova (upper reaches of the Vizhay River) - Perm Territory. He was wanted by the investigation to testify in the case of the Dyatlov group. Graduated from Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical Institute in 1959. He worked in a rural school, Novosibirsk Pedagogical Institute, drama school, on television. Graduated from the post graduate studies (philological faculty of Moscow State University). He started teaching at the Pedagogical Institute (Kalinin) in 1969. In 1995 became the head of the department of Theory of Literature at the Tver Pedagogical Institute. Member of Dissertation Boards in Tver and Yekaterinburg. Expert in the field of literary theory. Author of over 50 academic papers. In 2007 he moved to the USA. | |
Fyodorov Ivan Ivanovich (Федоров Иван Иванович) in 1959 - – the head of the Ivdel airport. He gave permission to Grigoriev to participate the air search. In February 1960 he was under investigation in the case of alcohol poisoning of an electric welder, who worked in the Electro-mechanical department of the Polunochnoe mine department. In 1960, Nikolay Vasilyevich Kuzmin became the head of the airport and held the position until 1961 at the least. | |
Fyodorov Vadim Ivanovich (Федоров Вадим Иванович) in 1959 - a student of the metallurgical faculty at the UPI; lived in Sverdlovsk at 19 Stachek St, apt.22; took part in the search in the area of height 1079 as a member of the Askinadzi group on 25.04-8.05. | |
G ^ | |
Gagarin B. or Igor (Гагарин Б. или Игорь) in 1959, presumably, a pilot air squadron 123 (Ivdel). | |
Gagarin Ivan Stepanovich (Гагарин Иван Степанович) Deputy editor newspaper "Ulalskiy rabochiy" [en. - Ural worker] in 1959. | |
Gants Georgiy Vladimirovich (Ганц Георгий Владимирович) (26.XII.1930-6.XI.1978) in 1959 - forensic expert at the Sverdlovsk regional prosecutor's office (regional forensic medical bureau), conducted histological analysis of biological samples of the deceased; only the results of May tests are known. Born into afamily of an office worker in Odessa in 1930. In 1938 he went to school №23 in Odessa. At the beginning of the war, his father, Vladimir Mihaylovich Gants, worked at a factory in Odessa, and the family was evacuated to Uzbekistan. In 1942. His father was transferred to Sverdlovsk due to defense needs, and his family moved to Sverdlovsk from Uzbekistan. They lived in Sverdlovsk, at 2, Krylova st., apt.11. In 1948. G. Gants finished secondary school №1 in Sverdlovsk with a gold medal. In 1948 he went to Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute and in 1954 graduated with honors from the medical and preventive faculty with the assignment of the qualifications of a doctor (Diploma №789768).Member of the student scientific society at the Department of Forensic Medicine, he did his Pre-Graduate Internship at the forensic medicine department. In 1951 he entered the correspondence department of the Lesgaft Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture. Member of the Komsomol since 1944. Komsomol group leader. Medical examiner of the district, Berezovsky (since August 1954); forensic pathologist at the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine (Sverdlovsk) (since September 1954); Head of the Department for the Study of Cadaveric Material 1961-1966; forensic expert, Berezovsky 1966-1968; Head of the department for the examination of living persons at Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (SRBFME) 1968-1970. In 1969 he was certified for the qualification of a top-rank forensic expert. In 1970 he became a forensic expert in Sverdlovsk. After his mother’s suicide in 1976 (Faina Yakovlevna), who suffered from liver cancer, he had to stay in a psychiatric hospital as he had manic-depressive attacks. After returning from the hospital, he committed suicide. Buried in Sverdlovsk. He was married twice. In 1953 he married Era Sergeevna Sharunova, born in 1929, a researcher at the Institute of Biology of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences. For the second time he married in 1960. His wife, Nina Ivanovna, worked in the biological department of the bureau. He was Honored with Commendation "for the well-conducted forensic examination in the Akhenblit family murder case" 1964 (Order №215-K on the regional health department) and was given a valuable gift - a watch. | |
Gatezhenko (Гатеженко) the surname appears in the radiogram signed by Ortyukov dated May 7, 1959. This is a distortion of the name of V.V. Potyazhenko. | |
Gavrilova A. (Гаврилова А.) in 1959 - a staff member of the Organization Bureau of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the RSFSR. Her signature certifies Bardeen and Shuleshko's internal report (route commission, sent on an assignment by the Organization Bureau of the RSFSR union of sports societies and organizations) dated Mar 23, 1959, sent to the Central Committee of the CPSU on Mar 23, 1959. | |
Gaynutdinov Farid (Гайнутдинов Фарид) in 1959 - a UPI student, group R-463. Doroshenko took a fur sleeveless jacket from him to go on a hike. Graduate of the radio engineering faculty, UPI 1960 (studied with Doroshenko, Shestopalov, Tile, Kostrulin. | |
Gerzen Teodor (Ivan) Abramovich (Герцен Теодор Иван Абрамович) in 1959 - a pharmacist in Vizhay. German. He was fond of drawing and creating Christmas scenes (nativity scenes) inside glass bottles. He created a whole museum in a pharmacy. Met with Yudin on Jan 29 after Yudin left the route. In the early 60s, Herzen and his family left Vizhay. Relatives live in Serov. | |
Gilevich Yuri Davydovich (Гилевич Юрий Давыдович) in 1959 - a participant in search work in the area of height 1079 Apr 25 - May 8; lived in Kiev, at 12 Kominterna St, apt.11. Currently, no people whoused to know him live at this address. Presumably a serviceman of military unit 6602 or railway troops.(According to Zinovyev: student of physics and technology UPI; previously participated in a hike to the Bazybai rapids (Sayany) together with A. Kolevatov (unconfirmed). Known (his father?): | |
Gilevich Davyd Solomonovich (Гилевич Давыд Соломонович) was born in 1907 in the village of Voznesenskoe, Zolotonosha district, Poltava region. In the 40s he lived in Kiev. In June 1941 he was drafted into to the Red Army at the Kiev military commissariat; senior political instructor-military commissar of miner battalion of the 25th separate construction brigade. In October 1942 was wounded and was in hospitals in the Sverdlovsk region. In June 1943 he returned to the front; major, a political officer of 1587th army anti-aircraft artillery Zaporozhye-Oder regiment of the 12th army 1943, 6th army 1944-45. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree 1943, the Patriotic War I degree 1944, the Red Banner 1945, the Red Star 1945. | |
Gladyrev Pyotr Vasilyevich (Гладырев Петр Васильевич) (20.VII.1922-20.VII.1960) in 1959 - a plane commander, An-2, air squadron 123. Most likely based in Ivdel. Took part in the air search. Born in the Saratov region in 1922. In 1939 he entered Air Force Technical Academy. From July 1941 to May 1942 and from April 1944 - at the front with the 184th separate Aviation Lomzhinsky Red Banner Signal Regiment (since September 1944), lieutenant. Awarded the Order of the Red Star (May 1945), Patriotic War II degree (March 1945) and military medals. In 1946 he met his future wife, who worked as a nurse in a hospital. After demobilization in 1948 enlisted as a 3 class pilot at the Aeroexpedition of the Uralgeological Department of the Mingeology (in 1952 the aeroexpedition was transferred to the system of the Ural Office of the Civil Air Fleet. In October 1952, by order of the head of the West Siberian Territorial Department of civil aviation) he was appointed plane commander of an aerial survey squadron (AN-2 aircraft); in October 1953, by order of the head of the TD CA, he was awarded the personal rank of Senior Lieutenant of Civil Aviation. in June 1955 - transferred to the 123rd squadron of the WSTD (West Siberian Territory Department) as an aircraft commander. He flew on many types of aircraft; constantly learning, improving his skills. When in 1958 first helicopters entered squadron service, he did transition training for flying a helicopter and on March 13, 1959 he was confirmed as a plane commander of MI-4 helicopter. Killed along with the crew (6 people were killed in total) in the MI-4 accident in the Ivdel region on July 19, 1960 because of production defect of the main rotor. The helicopter was flying from Ivdel to Sobyanin's Yurts and crashed on the track 22 km from Ivdel airport (Mi-4A Helicopter Board №: USSR-66937 was in operation of the Ural civil aviation air squadron from Feb 16, 1960, and decommissioned on Nov 16, 1960. By the order of Directorate General for Civil Aviation №619 dated Jul 20, 1960 he was excluded from the lists of the squadron due to death. Presumably, materials on this accident ("the terminated criminal case in relation to the accident of helicopter MI-4 №66937 in the area of Ivdel", opened on Jun 21, 1960), are kept in the State archives of Sverdlovsk Region, Archive R-2259, series 1, №705. Hisfamily (wife Nadezhda, children Boris, Anatoliy, Lida) lived in Sverdlovsk in the "house of aviators" on Savva Belykh St. at least until 1966. | |
Golubev N.T. (Голубев Н.Т.) - a soldier of MBP (mine blasting platoon) of the 52nd separate track railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; took part in the search in area of the height 1079. | |
Golunskiy Sergey Aleksandrovich (Голунский Сергей Александрович) (1895-1962) - in 1959 N. Klinov, the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, sent him a requestr regarding the buried corpses detector. Born in Moscow in 1895. Graduated from Law Faculty at the Imperial Moscow University 1917. In 1917-19 he took a postgraduate course at Moscow university. In 1923-39 he worked at the prosecutor's office: assistant prosecutor in the Novgorod province; Senior Assistant of the North Caucasian Regional Prosecutor (from 1926); in the prosecutor's office of Kabardino-Balkaria (from 1929); then in the RSFSR prosecutor's office. In 1937 - a prosecutor of the methodological group at the Investigation Department at the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR. In 1934 he started teaching Criminal Procedure and Forensic Science at the Moscow Law Institute and the Law Academy at the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. Head of section at Law Institute at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 1939-40; involved in educational science practices at the Military Law Academy 1940-43. Collegium member and head of the Contractual Legal Department at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1943-52. Participant of a number of international conferences: Moscow 1943; Dumbarton Oaks 1944; San Francisco 1945; Yalta 1945; Potsdam 1945. USSR Public Prosecutor at the trial of Major Japanese war criminals (Tokyo, 1946); Member of the Standing Committee on conducting public trials in the most Important cases of the former German army people, who commit atrocities against Soviet citizens in the temporarily occupied territory of the USSR 1947-48; Member of the International Court of Justice 1952-1953. Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Foremsics under the USSR Prosecutor's Office 1954-58; editor-in-chief of the journal "Soviet State and Law" 1959-61. Doctor of Law 1938; professor 1938; Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences for the Department of Social Sciences and Law 1939. Awards: Order of the Red Banner of Labor 1944, 1945; Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree 1946. (ВНИИК) | |
Gorbunov Andrey Nikolaevich (Горбунов Андрей Николаевич) (1915-2002) in 1959 - worked in Ivdel Department of Internal Affairs. Born in 1915 in the Krasheneva village of the Armizonsky district of the Tyumen region. Drafted into the Red Army in 1939, a cadet of the 362nd Rifle regiment of the Trans-Baikal Military District. During the Great Patriotic War he fought with the 232nd Assault Aviation Regiment (radio operator gunner ; after being wounded, he remained in the regiment as a technician, an aircraft mechanic). He fought on the Southern, Southwestern, Western fronts. In 1941-42 participated in the battles for Kursk, Oryol, Bryansk, Crimea, Moscow. In 1943 he took part in the battles for Stalingrad, on the Kursk-Oryol Bulge; in 1944 - went through all the Baltic republics, took part in the capture of Berlin. On Victory Day he was in Courland. Demobilized in December 1945. Awarded the orders "Patriotic War", "Suvorov" 1st and 2nd degrees, medals "For military merit" (twice), "For the defense of Moscow", "For the victory over Germany", "Zhukov", "For valor and courage in the Great Patriotic War". After demobilization and returning home, from 1946 to 1949 he headed the collective farm named after Molotov; in two years he made it one of the best. In 1955 he moved to the town of Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region, where he started his service in the internal affairs bodies: a policeman; local police inspector ; duty officer. In 1983 he retired from the post of duty officer with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. Awarded medals of 3 degrees "For impeccable service", badge "Excellent policeofficer". He died in 2002 in the town of Ivdel, Sverdlovsk Region. | |
Gorbunov Dmitry Spiridonovich (Горбунов Дмитрий Спиридонович) in 1959 - a coal heaver in the village of Ivdel. Valentina Spiridonovna Mayorova‘s brother. | |
Gorbunov Evgeniy Spiridonovich (Горбунов Евгений Спиридонович) - in 1959 he lived in the city of Sverdlovsk and worked in a local end. Valentina Spiridonovna Mayorova’s brother. | |
Gorbunov Pyotr Spiridonovich (Горбунов Петр Спиридонович) in 1959 - served a sentence in Ivdellag for rape 1956. Valentina Spiridonovna Mayorova’s brother. | |
Gorbushin Artemy Vladimirovich (Горбушин Артемий Владимирович) born in 1912 in Kirov region, in 1959 - senior criminal investigator at the Ivdel Police Department, lived in the settlement of Hydrolizniy at 8 Malinovskaya St. In 1953 - the head of a special unit of Department 5 of Ivdellag. Testimony | |
Gordo Lev Semyonovich (Гордо Лев Семенович) (14.VI.1912-10.IX.1999) born in Grodno Governorate, in 1959 - the chairman of the board of the UPI sports club; lived in Sverdlovsk, at 92 Chelyuskintsev St. apt.60. He was the first (together with Yu. Blinov) to organize the search for the Dyatlov group. He took part in search works from Feb 20 (provided resources for the expedition); and was an attesting witness to medical examination of bodies of Dyatlov, Doroshenko, Kolmogorova, Krivonischenko on Mar 4 and Slobodin’s body on Mar 8 in Ivdel. Member of the VCP(b) since 1942 (party card №4819646). Education: incomplete secondary (7 classes of secondary school in Sverdlovsk in 1938). 1929-1930 - secretary of the Komsomol committee at the concrete plant in Sverdlovsk; 1930-1931 - secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Vostoksoyuzstroy trust, Sverdlovsk; 1931-1932 - head of pioneers department at the 1st District Committee of the Komsomol in Sverdlovsk; 1932-1938 - commandant of the transit point under the NKVD administration in Sverdlovsk; 1938 - in custody under investigation in Sverdlovsk; 1939-1940 - Deputy Director of the sports complex "Dynamo", Sverdlovsk; 1940-1941 - Senior Inspector of the Uralugol Combine, Sverdlovsk; On Sep 23, 1941 he was drafted into the Red Army at the October Military Commissariat of Sverdlovsk. He fought in a war on the Leningrad, Volkhov, Bryansk, 1-2 Baltic, Leningrad fronts. He was never wounded or shell-shocked during the war; 1941-1942 - sapper, platoon commander of the 262th engineering and construction battalion of the 54th Army (Volkhov Front); 1942-1945 - battalion quartermaster general; head of food supplies for the 10th assault engineer-sapper brigade (as of 02.05.1945: senior lieutenant of quartermaster service, head of food supplies of the 10th assault engineer-sapper Vitebsk Red Banner; 1945-1946 - Chief Inspector of the Directorate of Military Construction Battalions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Riga; 1946-1947 - the procurement manager at Sverdlovsk spirits producer. In 1947 - a senior laboratory assistant, head of sports facilities, chairman of the sports club, mechanical technician at the UPI, Sverdlovsk. The chairman of the board of the UPI sports club 1955. In March 1959, Gordo was dismissed from his post, and he was also reprimanded "For serious shortcomings in the work of the hiking club of the institute and violation of instructions "by decision of the Bureau of the City Committee. However, a few years later, the reprimand was" canceled", as Gordo showed great organizational skills in the UPI sports club. He had never left it, in fact; six months after the reprimand Gordo was awarded a diploma of the Central Council of the voluntary sports society "Burevestnik" for the good organization of sports work in the UPI in the winter 1958-59. He took an active part in organizing and conducting sports competitions at various levels. Awarded the title of "Judge of the All-Union categories" in athletics; awarded the badge "Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports". He was registered for military service (senior lieutenant). Had received several awards: the Order of the Red Star (presented 2.05.1945), medals "For the Defense of Leningrad" 1942, "For the Victory over Germany". He died in 1999. | |
Gordo Vladislav Lvovich (Гордо Владислав Львович) is the son of L.S. Gordo, born in Sverdlovsk in 1940. Graduated from the Power Engineering Department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Engineer. | |
Gorlachenko Mihail Iosifovich (Горлаченко Михаил Иосифович) (21.XI.1905-4.I.1976) in 1959 - Major General of Aviation; 1st Deputy of Commander-in-Chief of Air Forces in the Ural Military District; member of the Emergency Commission of Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU from Feb 28. Born on Nov 21, 1905 in the village of Brailovka, Elisavetgrad district, Kherson province. Drafted into the Red Army in August 1922. Graduated from the Military School in Kharkov 1925; 2nd Military Pilot School, Borisoglebsk 1934-35; officer advanced course for commanders of aviationr regiments at the Military Academy 1940-41; Aviation Faculty at the Voroshilov Higher Military Academy 1947-49. He took part in the Spanish Civil War, assistant commander, commander of the 4th light bomber aviation regiment. He took part in the Soviet-Finnish war. From 1941 to 1945 - commander of the 260th close-bomber aviation regiment, 198th assault aviation regiment (31st mixed Aviation Division), 226th Assault Aviation Division, 3rd Assault Aviation Corps. Participant of the Stalingrad and Kursk battles;Bryansk, Gorodok, Belorussian, Vistula-Oder, Lower Silesian, Upper Silesian, Berlin and Prague offensive operations. In June 1945 he was appointed deputy commander of the 4th Air Force for combat training; in April 1949 was appointed Commander of the Air Force of the Volga Military District. From December 1950 he was at the disposal of the 10th department of the 2nd Main Directorate of the General Staff, after which in January 1951 he was sent on a special mission to China, after returning from which, from January 1953, again served as commander of the Air Force of the Volga Military District, and in May 1958 was appointed Chief of Staff — First Deputy Commander of the Air Force of the Ural Military District. Major General of Aviation 1943. In June 1961, he retired. He died on Jan 4, 1976 in the settlement of Arkhangelskoye, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region. Awarded the Order of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov 2nd degree, the Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree, Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree; medals; foreign orders and medals. | |
Goryachko Oleg (Горячко Олег) in 1959 - worked at the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute; participant of the hike led by Karelin. On 25.02 he returned to Sverdlovsk from Serov and did not participate in search work. | |
Govorukhin Vladimir Andreevich (Говорухин Владимир Андреевич) (1926-2008) in 1959 - Deputy Chairman of the City Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of Sverdlovsk. Born in Krasnogvardeisky, Yegorshinsky District, Sverdlovsk Region. Not having finished the 7th grade, he went to work at the plant (3rd department of Urals heavy machine plant) 1942-46,at the same time he studied at the evening department of the technical school of communication. In 1946-48 he continued his studies at the full-time department. After graduating from college, he worked as a technician at the Sverdlovsk Central Telegraph 1948-50. After studying at a two-year school of the trade union movement 1950-52, he works as an instructor of the regional Trade Union Council 1952-54; chairman of the regional council of the voluntary sports society "Burevestnik" 1954-58. Deputy Chairman of the City Union for Physical Education and Sport 1958-62; director of the Central Stadium 1962-72; director of the Movie and Concert Hall Cosmos 1972-87. After retirement - director of the Sverdlovsky rest house of the regional executive committee. Mountaineering instructor in Dombai (Karachay Territory); multiple champion and prize-winner of the championship of the RSFSR and the USSR, multiple champion of Sverdlovsk, Central Council of voluntary sports society "Molniya" and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, a member of the national cycling team of "Burevestnik" Central Council and the RSFSR; speed skating champion Central Council of voluntary sports society "Molniya". Coach of the Sverdlovsk cycling team 1949-55. Multiple winner and medalist of national and international competitions among veterans in cycling, skiing and speed skating 1976-96. For high sporting results he was awarded the badge "Excellent worker of the USSR Ministry of Communications"; Master of Sports of the USSR in cycling 1949. For more than 25 years he had been engaged in wood inlay (intarsia), small sculptures, and medal making. He is one of the authors of the Sverdlovsk coat of arms 1973. He was awarded the title "Honourable Worker of Culture of the RSFSR". Chevalier of the Order of the Badge of Honor. | |
Grachev Vasiliy Ivanovich (Грачев Василий Иванович) in 1959 - deputy head of the KGB for the Sverdlovsk region. Was born into a peasants’ family in the village of Koissug (now the Rostov region) in 1918. After finishing workers‘ school 1937 he worked as a mechanic at the Krasny Don plant, as a ship mechanic on the Don. In 1939 started work in state security apparatus. In 1940 he graduated from the Rostov NKVD school; worked in NKVD departments of the Sverdlovsk region in Irbit and Upper Tavda. When the war broke out he got work in a Special Group under the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Member of the VCP(b) since 1941. In 1942. was wounded. In 1943 started work in KGB of the Sverdlovsk region: he was in charge of the personal guard of I.V. Kurchatov during his work trips to Sverdlovsk, deputy head of the department, secretary of the party committee of the KGB. In 1953. graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute by correspondence; in the 1960s graduated from courses at the Higher School of KGB named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. Deputy Head of the KGB for Sverdlovsk region - Head of the 1st Special Department (nuclear industry) (? -1959); Deputy Head of the KGB for Sverdlovsk region 1959-1960; Head of the KGB for Kirov region June 1960 - 1973. Retired in 1973 He died in 2001. Colonel, received several awards: 2 orders, incl. "Badge of Honor", badges "Honored Worker of the NKVD", "Honorary State Security Officer", medals. | |
Granin Victor (Гранин Виктор) in 1959 - a resident of the village of Gari; went on hike with the Karelin group. On February 25 he returned from Serov and did not participate in search work. In March-April 1959 he published an article about his hike with the Karelin group in local newspaper "Sovietskiy Sever". | |
Grat Ada Mihaylovna (Грат Ада Михайловна) born in 1931, allegedly in 1959 she worked as a correspondent for the newspaper "Soviet Sport" in Sverdlovsk. She collected evidence on the Dyatlov group case and an analysis of the actions of the Dyatlov group by professional hikers. She used to know G. Krivonischenko in person and went hiking with him. Lives in Chisinau. The notebook with materials was lost in 2014. | |
Grebennik Oleg Ivanovich (Гребенник Олег Иванович) born in 1937, in 1959 - - a 4th year student of the mechanical faculty of UPI (group M-485, studied in the same group with V. Bienko).Supervised the search party on 25-28.02 in the area of Oyka-Chakur. Later he married Kira Obodova. They lived in Novosibirsk at 6 Tereshkova St. apt.172. Staff member of the Special Design Bureau of Hydropulse Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk city). In 1958 he was a member of the Sverdlovsk mountaineering group, which went to Austria on exchange programme. By 1959 he received a badge“ Mountaineer of the USSR” in alpine camp "Ullu-Tau" in the Elbrus region. | |
Greshnov Aleksander Kapitonovich (Грешнов Александр Капитонович) (1909-1991) in 1959 - an engineer colonel, Head of South Ural Construction Department, PO Box 404 (Chelyabinsk-40), where G. Krivonischenko worked, too. Born in the settlement of Slashchevskaya (now a part of Podtelkovsky district, the Volgograd region). In 1926-1932 as an apprentice lathe operator he worked at a mechanical plant in Lugansk (Ukrainian SSR) and then at Novocherkassk mechanical plant (Rostov region) as a turner; in 1932 he graduated from evening workers' school at the Novocherkassk Institute of civil engineering and the same year became a student of this institute, later the Novocherkassk Industrial Institute. After graduating with honors in 1937, he received qualification of civil engineer. In 1937-1941 he worked in the Volgostroy trust (Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region): senior engineer of the bridges department, senior foreman, deputy head of construction work at the Volga station of the Yaroslavl railway. In 1941-1942 -took part in construction of fortifications near Stalingrad. In 1941 he worked at the construction of the Chisty Mokh railway line leading to the aircraft plant; after completing the work in August 1941 hewas sent to the Southern Front, where in March 1942 he was with the 5th Sapper Army as the head of the 3rd district of defensive structures of the 39th Army Field Construction Department. He laid a rail track from the regional center Novye Sanzhary in Ukraine to Stalingrad (district of the railway station "Surovikino"). In March 1942, State Defense Committee of the USSR sent him to the construction of the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant and appointed him the head of the construction site of the trust Chelyabmetallurgstroy. In 1946 he was sent to the construction of Production Association "Mayak" in Chelyabinsk-40 (now Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region), where he worked as a: section foremaster , chief engineer of the region, chief engineer of construction. In 1958 he was appointed head of the South Ural Construction Department and worked in this position until 1959, when he was appointed the head of construction of the Khimstroy plant in Tomsk-7 (now Seversk). He worked in this position until 1968. On Jan 1, 1968 he was transferred to Moscow to the post of Deputy Chief Engineer of the Main Construction Directorate of the 9th Department. He worked there until his retirement in 1982. In January 1948 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army, with the entry rank of engineer-captain; in 1958 - engineer- colonel. In 1965. by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, A.K. Greshnov was awarded the military rank of Major General of Engineering and Technical service. He was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Major General of Engineering and Technical Service 1965, Hero of Socialist Labor 1962, USSR State Prize Laureate I degree 1951. He has received numerous awards. | |
Grigoriev Evgeniy Vasilyevich (Григорьев Евгений Васильевич) (29.X.1929-) in 1959 - forensic expert at the Sverdlovsk Research Forensic Laboratory; took part in the examination of the tent of the Dyatlov group: being a young specialist, he was sent to help G.E. Churkina. He served five years as an artillery forward observer in the Pacific Fleet. During his service in the Navy, the so-called "Korean incident"took place. After dismissal, he became a student at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, which he graduated in 1957. He was assigned to the Ural Research Laboratory of the Ministry of Justice as a forensic expert, was sent to Moscow for a six-month advanced training course. He worked in the laboratory for six years. He was engaged in traceology, ballistics, fingerprinting. In 1963 he took a similar position in the scientific and technical department of the regional Department of Internal Affairs. After retiring in 1985, he began to teach and train young staff members. He founded the Museum of Criminalistics in Yekaterinburg. | |
Grigoriev Gennadiy Konstantinovich (Григорьев Геннадий Константинович) (21.VIII.1923-25.V.2017) in 1959 lived in the city of Krasnoturinsk; a newspaper reporter, worked for "Uralsky Rabochy" paper. A witness of search and rescue works Feb 23 - Mar 15. Participant of the air and ground search work in the area of height 1079, also witnessed in the investigation. Born in 1923 in the village of Atig, Nizhne-Serginsky district. In 1933 he moved with his parents to Revda. In 1941 he graduated from school №12. Was called up into the army in October 1941. Fought on the Kalinin Front with a separate 255th ski battalion of the 360th rifle division, participated in the defeat of the Germans near Moscow. Submachine gunner. Private. In March 1942 he was wounded and shell-shocked not far from Smolensk. In late April 1942 he was declared a war invalid and demobilized from the army. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the medal "For Courage" and others. Journalist. From 1944 he worked in a regional newspaper in Nizhniye Sergi. In 1948 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk party school, was an editor of a newspaper in Nizhnyaya Salda, then in Krasnoturyinsk. In 1957 graduated from the highest party school at the Central Committee of the CPSU in Moscow. For almost 12 years he worked as a reporter for the regional newspaper "Uralskiy Rabochiy". In 1965-69 he was an editor of the newspaper "Revdinskiy Rabochiy". He became a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR in 1959. Due to problems with eyesight, he had to leave journalism. For some years before retirement, he worked at school №1 in Revda, where he gave lessons in weapons handling. Member of the CPSU 1945. Awarded with the badge "50 years with the CPSU". | |
Gubin Aleksander Dmitrievich (Губин Александр Дмитриевич) (19.VIII.1916-22.IX.2004) in 1959 - 3rd Secretary of the Ivdel City Committee of the CPSU in charge of ideological work, directly supervised the work of the Union of Sports Communities and Organizations of Ivdel. Probably, he supervised the search work during the spring stage, but hdid not take part in the search personally. Born on August 19, 1916 in the village of Cheremisskaya, Shadrinsky district, Kurgan region. Drafted into the Red Army at the Sverdlovsk military commissariat in 1938; started taking part in warfare in August 1941 (Southwestern Front 1941-42; Stalingrad Front 1942; Voronezh, Stepnoy, 2nd Ukrainian front 1943-45). Senior sergeant, aviation mechanic of the 6th aircraft regiment; air flight mechanic with the 13th guards fighter division. Awarded the Order of the Red Star 1945 and medals "For Courage" 1944, "For Military Merit" 1942, "For Victory over Germany". Member of the All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks since 1943. From 1951 he worked in the Ivdel City Committee of the CPSU (transferred from Sverdlovsk): head of the department, later until retirement - a secretary in charge of ideological work 1954-76. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council. Local historian. In 1976 he lived in Ivdel at 20 Sovetskaya St. apt 8. He died in September 2004. | |
Gulyaev Vitaliy Vasilyevich (Гуляев Виталий Васильевич) in 1959 - a senior geologist of the Northern Expedition, supervised the coal work. | |
Gunko (Гунько) in 1959 - a doctor of the Central Hospital of the Department. | |
Guschin Nikolay Fyodorovich (Гущин Николай Фёдорович) born in 1925, in 1959 - worked at the DEB (Department for Economic Security) in Ivdel. In 1942 he volunteered for the front. In 1944, after graduating from the aviation school, he was sent to the 373rd night bomber aviation regiment of the 188th "Riga" bomber aviation division with the 15th Air Force (1944-45 - 2nd Baltic Front; 1945 to the end of the war - Kurland Group of Forces of the Leningrad Front). Took part in the Riga, Baltic, East Prussian, Konigsberg operations, in the blockade and liquidation of the Kurland group. Awarded medals "For Military Merit", "For the Capture of Berlin", "For the victory over Germany". Demobilized in 1950. In 1958 started work at Department for Economic Security in Ivdel. He had worked as a law enforcement official for 23 years until he retired in 1981. Major, the head of Department for Economic Security in Ivdel. | |
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Hakimov Zakiy Gasimovich (Хакимов Закий Гасимович) (16.IV.1923-) in 1959 - the head of the 8th (Vizhaysky) camp department N-240. Bashkir. Born in the village of Aminovo (Chelyabinsk region, Kunashaksky district, Sarinsky village council) in 1923. Had an incomplete secondary education (7 classes). In 1943 - candidate member of the VCP(b); as of 1953 - a member of the CPSU. In the Red Army from 1942, was called for military service at the Sverdlovsk municipal military commissariat. He fought in Voronezh 1942, South-West 1942, 3rd Ukrainian 1943-44 fronts. In December 1943was recommended for award for providing telephone communication to the command of the division with a penal company. In Jan 1944: corporal, line supervisor of the 1571th separate communications company of the 195th Red Banner Novo-Moscow Infantry Division (3rd Ukrainian Front). In December 1943 was recommended for award for providing telephone communication to the command of the division with a penal company. In January 1944: corporal, line supervisor of the 1571th separate communications company of the 195th Red Banner Novo-Moscow Infantry Division (3rd Ukrainian Front). Unconfirmed reports suggest in 1945 - a cadet of the Leningrad Military College of Communications named after Lensovet. Awards: Medals "For Courage" 1944, "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945". In 1953 - junior lieutenant, operative of the 13th Branch of Ivdellag. In 1956 - a member of the Ivdel City Committee of the CPSU. In 1957-62 head of the 8th camp department PO Box N-240. In the mid-60s he was transferred to the position of head of the camp department and he moved to the settlement Shipichnoe with his family (his wife Nadezhda worked in a hospital, allegedly, a gambler, often played cards for stakes); children: Valentina, Natalya, Vera and Boris). In February 1968 retired holding the rank of Major of Internal Troops and went to live outside the Ivdel region. There are unconfirmed reports that he returned to his native land, the Chelyabinsk region. | |
Halizov Vyacheslav Ivanovich (Хализов Вячеслав Иванович) in 1959 - 5th year student of the radio faculty UPI, group R-559; was member of the Slobtsov search party on Feb 23 - Mar 4, took part in the identification of the belongings of the perished. He had been invited by Dyatlov to join his group in the ski trek, but for some reason he had refused. 1959 UPI graduate. | |
Hamova Galina Nikolaevna (Хамова Галина Николаевна) in 1959 - a UPI student, gr. S-344; attesting witness when identifying the belongings of the deceased. In February-March 1959 she provided telephone communication between the search headquarters in Ivdel and the UPI SC. She kept records of all conversations and telephone messages related to the search. Later these records were seized. (by the prosecutor's office?) | |
Haptynskiy Leonid (Хаптынский Леонид) - an observer pilot of the 123rd AS. G. Patrushev’s air crewman. For reasons unknown to us, did not go on the last flight, during which G. Patrushev died. | |
Hatanzeev (Хатанзеев) - mentioned in the protocol of Zhiltsov's interrogation. | |
Hatanzeev Aleksey Vladimirovich (Хатанзеев Алексей Владимирович), born in 1913. Nenets. Education of 5 classes. He worked as a shepherd, on geological expeditions from Saranpaul to Ivdel.In 1938 started working as a translator at the Sosvinskaya cultural base (settlement Sosva/Kulpas). In 1940 he was drafted into the Red Army by the Berezovsky regional military commissariat (Omsk region); participated in battles on the Karelo-Finnish and 2nd Baltic fronts; three times wounded : near Staraya Russa in 1943, near Pskov and near Vyborg. Guards sergeant. Gun commander, platoon commander. In 1945 - a gunner of an artillery battery at the front courses of junior lieutenants (Leningrad Front). Recommended for decoration with the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class 1945. After the war he jbecame a party member. Propagandist. Gave talks, lectures. In 1961 he was the head of the "Red Chum" in Sosva. Most likely, on Jan 26 together with the Dyatlov group he travelled from Vizhay to Districts 41 to show films. Apparently, it was he who was mentioned in the protocol. | |
Hatanzeev Egor (Хатанзеев Егор) - in 1961 - a reindeer herder at the Chapaev collective farm (Sartyninsky chum), which was part of the Ivdel lag (PO Box 240/8). | |
Hisamatullin R.B. (Хисаматуллин Р.Б.), a common soldier, demolition engineer of the 2nd platoon squad of the mine-warfare platoon of the 52nd separate track railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; took part in the search in the area of height 1079. | |
Hryapov Vladimir (Хряпов Владимир) - serviceman of military unit 6602, participant in search operations. | |
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Ilyichev Anatoliy Vasilyevich (Ильичев Анатолий Васильевич) in 1959- the head of the KGB Department in the Sverdlovsk Region. Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel (in 1954), major-general (in 1955); head of the KGB Department in for the Sverdlovsk Region from May 1954 to February 1962. | |
Ilyina (Petrova) Sofiya Simonovna (Ильина Петрова София Симоновна) (1904-1996) in 1959 - a medical director at the UPI campus polyclinic, major of the medical service; her signature is on the medical cards of the dead hikers (from personal files). She was born in Melitopol, Zaporozhye region (Ukraine) in the family of a railway locksmith Simon Izrailevich Kanevsky. The family moved to Harbin (China), where her father worked on the China-Eastern Railway. After graduating from gymnasium in Harbin, she moved to Tomsk, where in 1925 she graduated from the medical faculty of the university; she married a medical student Boris Georgievich Ilyin (born in 1898). After graduating from the university she worked in Siberia as the chief physician at health camps and at the institute of maternity and childhood protection. In 1934 she moved to Sverdlovsk; in 1935-36 she worked as the chief physician at the polyclinic at 52 Lenin St.; in 1937-41 - Chief physician of two children's hospitals. In 1937, according to Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, her husband, B.G. Ilyin, who worked as a consultant doctor in the Central Committee of the Union of Metallurgists of the East, was arrested. After her husband’s shooting death in 1938, she married a construction-engineer Maxim Petrovich Petrov, an active participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, who died shortly after the war ended. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 she worked as the head of evacuation hospitals, including Evacuation Hospital №3860 (Sverdlovsk, 28, Lenin Ave.), later at the end of the war, she became the medical director of a polyclinic and a newly built hospital at 52, Lenin Ave. Then she initiated construction of a new hospital and polyclinic in the UPI campus, where UPI students and teachers could get health care; she worked as the chief physician there. The third husband of S.S. Ilyina-Petrova , Nikita Matveevich Golubenkov, was a plenipotentiary of the Ministry of procurements in the Sverdlovsk region. S.S. Ilyina-Petrova retired in 1980, at the age of 76. She was a deputy of the Kirov District Executive Committee in Sverdlovsk. She was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Badge of Honor, and medals. | |
Ilyushnikova Mariya Yakovlevna (Илюшникова Мария Яковлевна) in 1959 - Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Ivdel City Council of Working People's Deputies. In March 1959 she was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council. | |
Ishtenko (Ищенко) in 1959 - a member of the trade Union Committee of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. He together with Slobodin and Gordo, signed letters of the UPI trade union committee to the trade department of the city executive committee and to all Soviet and public organizations asking for assistance to the Dyatlov group. These letters were found during the dismantling of the tent. | |
Ivanov Lev Nikitich (Иванов Лев Никитич) (23.VI.1925-1997) in 1959 - an investigator at the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk region, led official inquest in 1959. Born on June 23, 1925 in the village Domikan, Bureysky district of Amur region (father, Nikita Emelyanovich Ivanov - an accountant; mother, Alexandra Leonovna (Lvovna) Ivanova, housewife. Later, their moved to the town of Sukhoi Log in Sverdlovsk Region, where his sister Yulia got her work assignment at a local fireclay factory. Cadet of the Odessa Artillery School.named after M.V. Frunze (December 1942-June 1943); marksman of the 9th Guards Airborne Brigade in Ramenskoye, Moscow Region (June 1943-May 1944); guards private soldier of the 107th Guards separate anti-tank division of the 100th Guards Svir rifle division of the 2nd Ukrainian Front (May 1944 - Sep 1944). In 1945, in the area of Lake Balaton, he was wounded and was being treated in a hospital in Romania. He was demobilized in the same year. Participant in the battles on the Karelian front. Member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1945. After demobilization, he worked as a coachman in the prosecutor's office in Sukhoy Log. He finished the courses of investigators in Sverdlovsk 1947; graduated in absentia from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute 1956. Investigator at the Prosecutor's Office of Sukhoy Log (Dec 1945 - Aug 1951); Prosecutor of the Investigation Department at the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region (since August 1951). Concurrently, he taught forensic science at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute 1957-59. Head of the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Tselinny Territory 1962-65; Deputy Prosecutor of Pavlodar Region 1965-68; Prosecutor of Pavlodar region (1968-78); prosecutor of the Kustanay region 1978-85. Retired in 1985, a lawyer at the Kustanay Legal Advice office. Third Class Lawyer 1950; second class lawyer 1952; Senior Counselor of Justice 1967. State Counselor of Justice, 3rd class. Awards: Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class; medals:"For Courage" 1944, "For Victory over Germany", "For the Development of Virgin Lands", "20 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45", "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR", "For Labor Merit"; certificate of honor of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic; badge "Honorary Prosecutor"; promotions from the Prosecutor General of the USSR and the Prosecutor of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. | |
Ivanova Aleksandra Lvovna (Иванова Александра Львовна) Daughter of lead investigator Lev Ivanov. | |
Ivanov Vitaliy Alekseevich (Иванов Виталий Алексеевич) in 1959 - a military man, lieutenant-colonel, head of Ivdellag; second in command presiding officer of the operational team for the search of the Dyatlov group (Ivdel) from Mar 13. In 1951 - a senior lieutenant, head of Tagillag. In 1956 - transferred to Ivdellag (captain, major, lieutenant-colonel): the acting head since Jun 13, 1956; head since Sep 8, 1956 (on Dec 30, 1959, the documents are signed by acting head of the Ivdel Department of Labor Camp by lieutenant-colonel Karasev). Since at least 1958 - military, lieutenant colonel. In 1964 - chief of PO Box 240 (Ivdel) with the rank of lieutenant colonel. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel Council of People's Deputies, a member of the City Committee of the CPSU 1960. There are unconfirmed reports that: he remained the head of the Ivdellag department until 1965, when he was transferred to serve in another region, where he received the rank of colonel. He was discharged from service due to doctored records. | |
Ivanova Valentina Ivanovna (Иванова Валентина Ивановна), the wife of Ivanov V.A., was a doctor at the Central Hospital in 1959. | |
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Kalinina Anastasia Ivanovna (Калинина Анастасия Ивановна) - S. Zolotaryov's aunt, his mother's sister. In the 50s she worked in one of the health resorts / recreation centers in Pyatigorsk. She was not married (a widow?). S. Zolotaryov lived in her house (possibly at 39, Essentukskaya St.), when he worked in Pyatigorsk. | |
Kamochkin A.D. (Камочкин А.Д.) in 1959 - a deputy head of the investigation department of the USSR prosecutor's office (earlier in 1951 - an acting head of the department for special affairs in USSR Prosecutor General's Office). | |
Karandashov Vasiliy Nikolaevich (Карандашов Василий Николаевич) born in 1910, in 1959 - Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the City Council (Ivdel). In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of Ivdel city council, member of the city committee of the CPSU 1960. | |
Karelin Vladislav Georgievich (Карелин Владислав Георгиевич) - born in 1932 in Kamensk-Uralsky. In 1959 - junior research associate at All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of metallurgical thermotechnics; lived in Sverdlovsk, at 101 Lenin St. apt.47. Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk hiking club (on a voluntary basis); took part in search in the area of height 1079 on Feb 27 - Mar 10. After graduating from secondary school №3 (Kamensk-Uralsky) in 1950 he became a student of the mechanical faculty at UPI; in the 2nd year I transferred to newly opened faculty of Physics and Engineering. Member of the Institute Symphony Orchestra; regular participant in faculty chess competitions; worked in the hiking division of UPI, had the 1st category in tourism. Graduated from Physics and Technology Faculty of UPI in 1956 with a degree in metallurgy of rare metals (column 620). He was placed to work at the All-Russian Research Institute of Metallurgical heat engineering, where he worked all his life. Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Head of the Laboratory of Thermal Engineering of Complex Materials at All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of metallurgical heating engineering. Full Member of the Russian Geographical Society, Member of the Ural Society of Local History. Testimony | |
Karlagin Fyodor Petrovich (Карлагин Федор Петрович) (1916-2005) in 1959 - the head of the department of physical culture and sports of the Sverdlovsk regional council of trade unions. Born in the town of Kizel, Perm region. He studied at the factory apprenticeship school to become a cook. In 1934 he graduated from the technical school in Sverdlovsk. After that he lived and worked as a cook in the Shartash health resort. As an enthusiast of physical culture and sports, he was promoted to work in the regional committee of the trade union (voluntary sports society "Pitanie" in 1937; from 1938 - voluntary sports society "Burevestnik"): technical secretary, head of the organizational department. Drafted into the Red Army in 1939: physical instructor of the 499th howitzer artillery regiment of the 166th division (Tomsk). At the front from June 1941 (Western Front). In September 1941, he was seriously wounded, a shell fragment crushed his left leg. After four operations and six months of treatment, he left hospital and at the beginning ofy February 1943 was sent to the front by the Sverdlovsk city military commissariat. He fought in the 87th Guards Artillery Regiment of the 39th Guards Rifle Division of the 8th Guards Army (South-West, 3rd Ukrainian, 1st Ukrainian Front), gun commander. He fought in the battles for the liberation of Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Warsaw, and the capture of Berlin. Cavalier of 3 military orders and 7 medals. Wounded twice. Until October 1945 a physical instructor of the regiment (Weimar). Demobilized on October 1, 1945, as unfit for military service. Returned to the city of Sverdlovsk to the regional council of voluntary sports society "Burevestnik": organizer, chairman of the regional council 1946. After graduating from the two-year school of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (Sverdlovsk, 1949-51) he was assigned to work on the staff in the regional trade union office: senior instructor in physical culture and sports in the department of cultural work 1951-52, head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports 1952-59. In July 1959 he was assigned to the post of the head of the Ural hiking division of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. In 1962, after the rearrangement, he was the Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council for Tourism and Excursions. Retired in 1979. He took an active part in the work of the regional council of sports veterans. Chevalier of the Order of the Badge of Honor. | |
Karpov (Карпов) in 1959 - a party organizer of the Northern Expedition (or Languro-Sam party). | |
Karpushin Georgiy Aleksandrovich (Карпушин Георгий Александрович) (1923-2005) in 1959 - senior navigation officer of the 123rd air squadron under the Ural Department of Civil Aviation. He took part in the air search for the Dyatlov group from Feb 20 to the end of February. Later - staff navigator of the Ural Department of Civil Aviation. He lived in Sverdlovsk in the "house of aviators" on Savva Belykh St. In 1961 - a witness in the case of the death of Gennadiy Patrushev. Unconfirmed reports suggest he pressed on Valeriya Patrusheva, a witness, and forced her to admit that her husband Gennadiy Patrushev died due to domestic troubles. For some time he lived in the same communal apartment with Valeriya Nikolaevna Patrusheva. Interview | |
Kasuhin (Касухин) in 1959 - Secretary of the UPI party committee. | |
Khrushchev Nikita Sergeyevich (Хрущев Никита Сергеевич) (15.IV.1894 – 11.IX.1971) The first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964 (Wikipedia) Telegram | |
Kikoin Abram Konstantinovich (Кикоин Абрам Константинович ) (23.II.1914-22.IX.1999) in 1959 - Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General Physics at UPI. The leader of the search party in the area of height 1079 on Mar 13-23. Lived in Sverdlovsk, at 19, Sheinkman St. Born in Lithuania (Zhagary village, Koven region). In 1922 the family moved to Pskov, where he finished school. In 1930 he became a student at the Leningrad Polytechnic institute. In 1936 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics with a degree in experimental physics. Sent to Kharkov, to the Ukrainian Physics and-Technology Institute. He was a postgraduate student of Professor Shubnikov (who was arrested in 1937 and executed in 1945). Until he finished his research degree, he did not have an academic adviser. He was fond of skiing and mountaineering. In 1939 he was going to volunteer for the Finnish war, but was rejected. In 1939 he completed his postgraduate studies, defended his dissertation in 1940 (candidate of physical and mathematical sciences). Having become a candidate of sciences, he was relegated to stand-by reserve (exemption from active duty). In 1941 his application to volunteer for the front was rejected again. He continued to work at the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology until the evacuation of the institute to Alma-Ata. In 1942 he was hired as a junior mountaineering instructor to work at the School of mountain shooting instructors in the Gorelnik tract near Alma-Ata. In Jan-Jul 1943 mobilized to the Dzharkent region East Kazakhstan region for work as an instructor of mountain rifle units. In 1943 by order of the State Defense Committee transferred to the Nuclear Weapons Project. The work was carried out in Moscow and Sverdlovsk under the leadership of Kurchatov and IK Kikoin. The project was supervised by Beria. In 1945, due to denunciation, he was removed from work. A.K. Kikoin returned to Sverdlovsk. That was the end of his successful career. In 1946 - 1952 he was the head of subdepartment of General Physics UPI. In 1946 he organized a mountaineering class at the UPI sports club, which enabled to register the federation at the city sports committee. By 1954, five times he had participated in rescue operations in the mountains, three times as a leader. In 1958 he supervised the training camp for UPI athletes at the Dzhan-Tugan alpine camp. In 1957-70 he worked as the head of the laboratory of high pressures at the Institute of Metal Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, while teaching at UPI (head of the Department of General Physics), where he moved in 1970. 1970-86 - Associate Professor, Professor 1982 of the Department of General Physics at UPI/Ural State University. The main scientific works of Abram Konstantinovich Kikoin relate to low temperature physics and solid state physics. The most significant scientific results that he obtained were related to studies of the properties of liquid He II (together with L.V.Shubnikov he carried out the first studies on the properties of superfluid helium), solid helium, properties of ferromagnetic Cr-Te alloys, properties of Mg-Bi compounds, some radiation effects under neutron, proton and gamma irradiation. A.K. Kikoin is a co-author of the following books: "Molecular Physics" (textbook for students of physics specialties, translated into English, French and Spanish); Physics 9 (textbook for secondary schools, published from 1969 to 2003); Physics 10 (textbook for secondary schools, four editions). A.K. Kikoin is the author of over 70 articles on all aspects of school physics in the Kvant magazine.From 1962 - a member of the CPSU. In 1989 he took part in the work of the Sverdlovsk Hebrew Culture Society "Atikva". | |
Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich (Кириленко Андрей Павлович) (8.IX.1906-12.V.1990) in 1959 - 1st Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. A Soviet statesman and party leader, Hero of Socialist Labor 1966. Member of the CPSU since 1931. Born into a handicraftman’s family in Alekseevka, Belgorod region. After finishing a village school 1920, then a vocational school 1925, he worked at enterprises of the Voronezh region and at a mine. In 1929 -30 was involved in the Komsomol, Soviet and cooperative work.In 1936, after graduating from the Rybinsk Aviation Institute, he started working as a design engineer at an aircraft plant. In 1938, he became the second secretary of the Voroshilovsky district committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine in the city of Zaporozhye. In 1939-41 - the second Secretary of the Zaporzhye Regional Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. In 1941-42 he served in the Soviet Army, was a member of the Military Council of the 18th Army of the Southern Front. In 1942-44 he was a State Defense Committee authorized representative at an aircraft plant. In 1944-47 - the second secretary of the Zaporozhye regional committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine. In 1947-50 - the first secretary of Nikolaevsky, in 1950-55 secretary of Dnepropetrovsky, in 1955-62 - the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional party committees. From May 1962 to April 1966 - the first deputy chairman of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR. From April 1966 - Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Delegate at the 8th conferences of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (February 1941), 19th and 24th Party Congresses; at the 20th, 22nd, 24th congresses he was elected a member of the CPSU Central Committee. At the 16-18th congresses of CP of Ukraine was elected a member of the Central Committee of the CP of Ukraine. In 1957-61, a candidate member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, from April 1962 to April 1966 a member of Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, from April 1966 a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Member of the delegation of the CPSU at the Moscow International Conference for Communist and Workers' Parties in 1969. He headed the delegation of the CPSU at the congresses of the Communist Parties in Chile 1965, France 1970 and in Italy 1968. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd to 8th convocations; Deputy and member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR 5-7th convocations; Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR of the 2-3rd convocations. He was awarded 5 Orders of Lenin, as well as medals. | |
Kirsanov Vladislav Vladimirovich (Кирсанов Владислав Владимирович ) (1937-1998) - a participant in the search as a member of the Grebennik group in the Oika-Chakur region. He was born in Tver. Graduated from the energy faculty of UPI in 1960, the physics faculty of the Ural State University in 1965, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.From 1960 - a senior engineer, head of the UPI fundamental research laboratory; 1965-1974 - Senior Researcher at the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors in Melekes; 1974-1986 - head of department at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Alma-Ata; Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics and the Computer Modeling Laboratory, Tver State Technical University from 1986; 1987-93 Pro-rector for Research at Tver State Technical University. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences 1991; Academician of the New York Academy of Sciences; member of the editorial board of Energoatomizdat; member of the editorial board at journal "Problems of Atomic Science and Technology"; Soros professor 1994, 1997; Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation 1997. | |
Kiselev Vladimir (Киселев Владимир) in 1959 - participant of the Blinov search party Apr 17-27. | |
Kissel A. (Киссель А.) in 1959 - Deputy Head of Communications at the Vysokogorsk Mine; the author of an article about high-impact weather events in the newspaper "Tagil Worker" Feb 17. | |
Kizilov Gennadiy Ivanovich (Кизилов Геннадий Иванович) Modern times journalist, Kizilov theory is that they died elsewhere and that the tent and their bodies were brought to the location they were presumambly found and the scene was staged. | |
Kladikov (Кладиков) - in 1959 - a major, unconfirmed reports indicate he was a political department staff worker at the the 5th Railway Brigade (RB)(Serov). He forced servicemen of the Railway Troops, who took part in the search for the Dyatlov group, to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Known: | |
Kladikov Nikolay Mihaylovich (Кладиков Николай Михайлович) born in 1919, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1944. In the Red Army from 1939, drafted into the army at Khalilovsky Military Commissariat in the Chkalovsk Region. At the front line from July 1941; from March 1942 - in SMERSH (Military Counterintelligence Service ) of the 57th Army: a division commander, platoon commander (rear area security, field stockade security); in 1945 - Lieutenant, platoon commander of the 41st separate company of the SMERSH in the 57th Army. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star 1944, recommended for the award of the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class 1945. It is possible that in 1959 he served in the political department of the 5th RB (Serov). | |
Klimenko Victor Nikolaevich (Клименко Виктор Николаевич) in 1959 - a soldier of military unit 6602; took part in the search. interview | |
Klinov Nikolay Ivanovich (Клинов Николай Иванович) (19.XII.1907-1991), in 1959 prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk regional prosecutor's office; state counselor of justice of the 3rd class and member of the Extraordinary Commission of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU from Feb 28, 1959. Born on December 19, 1907 in the village Malmyzhka, the Mamadyshsky region of the Tatar ASSR. Worked as a railroad worker at the station Chusovaya on the Perm Railway, a foreman at the Verkh-Isetsky metallurgical plant. In 1939 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. Worked as an instructor and head of the department of the judicial and prosecutorial personnel of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the VCP(b). From June 1941 - II rank lawyer N.I. Klinov fought at Kalininsky front as military investigator (375). For courage and heroism he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st class and other awards. In Jan 1943, by order of the Prosecutor General of the USSR, he was demobilized due to injury and was appointed assistant prosecutor on special affairs in Sverdlovsk. Prior to his appointment as regional prosecutor, he held the positions of assistant, deputy regional prosecutor for special affairs. From October 1950 to January 1969 - prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region. For merits in consolidation of legality and public order, he was awarded an honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR". Since 1968 - lecturer at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute (senior lecturer at the Department of Civil process in 1969-70, 1973-74). | |
Kocharov Georgiy Ivanovich (Кочаров Георгий Иванович) (1921-1969) in 1959 - acting director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Criminalistics under the USSR Prosecutor's Office. He was born in Moscow. In 1939 became a student at the law institute of the USSR Prosecutor's Office, but in his third year (in 1941) he had to give up his studies. During the war he worked as an investigator in the Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Armenian SSR; then - an investigator, senior investigator, prosecutor of the Investigation Department of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office. Head of the case study approach department in the All-Russian Research Institute of Criminalistics (since 1949); Deputy Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Criminalistics (since 1958), and after its reorganization in 1963 - Deputy Director of the All-Russian Research Institute for the study of the causes and development of crime prevention measures at the USSR Prosecutor's Office. Doctor of Law 1969; Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR 1968. | |
Kochegarova Valentina Gavrilovna (Кочегарова Валентина Гавриловна) born in 1920, in 1959 - head of the registry office in Ivdel, issued death certificates of Dyatlov, Doroshenko, Krivonischenko, Kolmogorova, Slobodin in March 1959. She had worked in the Ivdel registry office since 1953. | |
Kochevryagina Angelina Pavlovna (Кочеврягина Ангелина Павловна) in 1959 - an Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (SRBFME) expert, a staff member of the thanatological department. Unconfirmed reports suggest she rendered an advisory opinion to Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenniy. In 1963 she became the head of SRBFME. | |
Kolesnikov Anatoliy Petrovich (Колесников Анатолий Петрович) in 1959 - did military service in the search company of military unit 6602; participated in the search for the Dyatlov group. Later he remained on long service and served as the chief of physical training; commander of the 1st battalion of military unit 6602. In 1977 he was transferred to Rostov due to health issues; died in 1978. | |
Kolevatov Aleksander Sergeevich (Колеватов Александр Сергеевич) born on Nov 16, 1934, in Sverdlovsk. In 1940 he moved with his parents to the city of Tavda, where in 1941 he went to an incomplete secondary (seven-year) school №3 in V. Tavda. In 1948, after the death of his father, the family returned to Sverdlovsk, where they lived in Vtuzgorodok, 1st student building, room №№40, 41, 42. In 1949 he finished the seven-year school №27 (Sverdlovsk). A member of the Tsvetmet trade union 1949, a member of the Komsomol 1952 (was received by the primary organization of the Sverdlovsk mining and smelting college. Passport VIII-EYa 558697. In 1953 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Mining and Metallurgical College named after Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov under the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of the USSR in specialty "metallurgy of heavy non-ferrous metals" with the qualification of a metallurgical technician for heavy non-ferrous metals (Diploma A №175136) and was sent to work at the Glavgorstroy Research Institute PO Box 3394 (Institute of Special Metals, Research Institute-9, - in which the technology for obtaining metallic plutonium from its nitric acid solutions for industrial production has been developed and tested), there he worked as a senior laboratory assistant; by 1955 he had mastered the second specialty - glassblower. In 1954 he began studying at the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute, specializing in metallurgy of non-ferrous metals. Lived in Moscow at 48 Oktyabrskoe pole, building 1, apt.2. In Sep 1956 he transferred to the 2nd year of the UPI and moved back to Sverdlovsk, where he was provided accommodation unitl in the UPI hall of residence at the address: 66 Lenin St., Sverdlovsk. In the autumn of 1958, he did an internship at Bereznikovsky nitrogen fertilizer plant. In 1959 - a 4th year student at the Faculty of Physics and Technology, the UPI (group 453), a student monitor of the group. Died on February 1-2, 1959. Expelled from the institute on 06.05.1959 due to death (order №282 dated on May 18, 1959.) | |
Kolevatov Sergey Pavlovich (Колеватов Сергей Павлович).The father of Kolevatov A.S., was born in N.Tagil into a family of petty bourgeois. He started working still being a child. Before the revolution he completed accountants courses and married A.D.Kolevatova. Unconfirmed reports indicate that served in the Kolchak army during the Civil war, where he was a medical attendant (his brother joined in the Red army).He was wounded in Siberia and his wife went to take care of him. They came back to Sverdlovsk together. After the revolution he worked in medical care and also lectured. In 1933 started working as an accountant in Forestry industry. In 1934 he lived with his family in Sverdlovsk at 112, Sheikman St. In 1940 he was assigned to hydrolysis plant in Tavda to work as a senior accountant. There are unconfirmed reports that he worked at plywood mill in Tavda during the war. He died in 1944, hit by train. | |
Kolevatova (Anisimova) Nina Sergeevna (Колеватова Анисимова Нина Сергеевна). One of the 4 sisters of Aleksander Kolevatov. She was born in Sverdlovsk. In 1949 - a pediatrician, married to Nikolay Anatolievich Anisimov, a design engineer at Urals heavy machine plant. Children: Tatyana and Anatoliy. In 1959, she was a radiotherapist at the UPI polyclinic (at least from 1952). She lived in Sverdlovsk at 14a Stepan Razin St apt.17. She took part in obtaining a route map for the Dyatlov group from Ignatiy Fokich Ryagin. On Feb 26 she sent a telegram to Khrushchev asking for help in the search. In 1963-65 she worked as a radiologist at the Uralmash polyclinic. In 1979 she lived with her husband in Sverdlovsk at 18, Khmelev St, apt.28. | |
Kolevatova (Shevchenko) Angelina Sergeevna (Колеватова Шевченко Ангелина Сергеевна) born in 1921 (Sverdlovsk). One of the 4 Aleksander Kolevatov ‘s sisters. In her youth, she worked at a confectionery factory, then (when she was not 16 years old yet) she ran away from home. In Chechnya, she married Aleksander Shevchenko, a railway driver (Grozny). In 1953 she lived in Grozny, 1, Beslanovskaya St. In 1959 - a housewife (at least from 1953). Children: Tatyana, Nina, Vasiliy. She died at a relatively young age. Not mentioned in criminal case (CC). | |
Kolevatova Antonina Dmitrievna (Колеватова Антонина Дмитриевна) (1895-1972), A.Kolevatov's mother. She was born in the town of Sysert (Sysert plant) in the family of a forester. Still a teenager, she sent to Yekaterinburg to train at a milliner. She learned to be a dressmaker, seamstress, hat-maker and furrier; worked in a workshop of hat shop (dressmaker, milliner ). She married S.P. Kolevatov. Children: Nina, Vera, Angelina, Rimma, Aleksander and Tatyana (died in infancy). In 1940-44 she lived with her son Aleksander (and daughter Rimma?) in Tavda, where her husband worked. In 1948, after her husband died, she moved to her daughter Vera in Sverdlovsk, where they lived together with Rimma and Aleksander in Vtuzgorodok, at 136 Malysheva St. apt.41. Later she lived in Perm with her daughter Vera. In 1959 she was a disabled person (2nd degree of disability at least from 1953) and most likely already lived in Perm, where she died. | |
Kolevatova Rimma Sergeevna (Колеватова Римма Сергеевна), one of the 4 Aleksander Kolevatov’s sisters. In 1959 - she lived in Sverdlovsk at 136, Malysheva St, apartment 42. On Mar 2-4 came to Ivdel together with Vladimir Mihaylovich Slobodin to identify the belongings of those perished in Sverdlovsk. She was born in Sverdlovsk, graduated from a pedagogical school in Sverdlovsk, during holidays she worked as a loader at a bakery to earn some money. 1952 - a student of the evening department of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute; graduated from the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute in 1954. In 1949 - a primary school teacher at school №91 in Sverdlovsk; in 1952 - a teacher at school №27 in Sverdlovsk; in 1953 - teacher of the Russian language and literature, acting director of studies; director of studies at school №91 (Sverdlovsk); in 1959 - director of studies at school №10 Sverdlovsk). In 1962-2007 - worked at the defectological faculty of the Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute (now - a structural unit of the Institute of Special Education of the Ural State Pedagogical University). Leading Specialist of the Department of Russian Language and Literature and Methodology in a special (correctional) school (organized in 1985). She was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of the Higher Professional Education.” She died in 2009. Last permanent residence address in Yekaterinburg, 35, Agronomicheskaya St, where she lived with her daughter Elena. | |
Kolevatova Vera Sergeevna (Колеватова Вера Сергеевна) born in 1923 (Sverdlovsk). One of the 4 Aleksander Kolevatov’s sisters. In 1959 lived together with her mother in Perm. Not mentioned in the case files. After graduating from the chemistry department of UPI in 1946, she was offered to work at the institute: junior researcher; assistant of the chemical-technological department at UPI 1949. In 1949 she started her postgraduate course at the UPI in the department of technology of electrochemical production. After defending the thesis (Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1952) she continued to work at UPI as a teacher. She lived in the dormitory for the UPI teaching staff at the address: building 1, Vtuzgorodok, room 41, Sverdlovsk. She was provided with this housing facility, as a teacher of UPI in 1948, when her mother, sister Rimma and brother Aleksander came from Tavda. In 1956 he was selected on a competitive basis to the Molotov (Perm) Evening Machine-Building Institute to be the Head of General Chemistry Department (by this time she had made several trips abroad: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, India); in 1960 was elected to the post of Head of Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Perm Polytechnic Institute. Since 1975 - Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, PPI(Perm Polytechnic Institute). Doctor of Technical Sciences 1992. Awarded with medals "For Valiant Labor in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of VI Lenin" and "Veteran of Labor". She never married, childless. | |
Kolmogorov Aleksey Ivanovich (Колмогоров Алексей Иванович) was born in the village of Cheremkhovo, Kamensky District, Sverdlovsk Region in 1911. Zina Kolmogorova’s father. Drafted into the Red Army in July 1941 at the Kamensk Military Commissariat of the Sverdlovsk Region. At the frontline from 1943. In 1944 - private of the guards, gunner of the 2nd infantry company 96th Guards Rifle Division of the 30th Guards Red Banner Rifle Division of the 2nd Baltic Front. He returned from the war disabled. He was awarded the medal "For Courage" 1944, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class 1985. Lived in the village of Cheremkhovo, worked at the plant PO Box 82 (Non-ferrous metal working plant) in Kamensk-Uralsk. | |
Kolmogorova Varvara Vasilyevna (Колмогорова Варвара Васильевна), the mother of Zinaida Kolmogorova. She lived in the village of Cheremkhovo, a housewife, a disabled person of the 3rd category. She worked (did some part-time job) as a plant grower on a collective farm. She had 4 daughters: Zinaida (1937), Tamara (1939), Galina and Anna. | |
Kolmogorova Zinaida Alekseevna (Колмогорова Зинаида Алексеевна) was born on January 12, 1937 in the village of Cheremkhovo, Kamensky district, Sverdlovsk region, where she went to primary (4 classes) school and lived until 1954. In 1948-51 she studied at school №10 in Kamensk-Uralsky, where she finished 7 classes. 1951-54 studied at handicraft school №30 at PO Box 33 (Radio Plant) in Kamensk-Uralsky, where she received the specialty "radio equipment controller". At the same time, she did practical training at extension school (secondary school for working youth №6). In 1952, she had an internship at PO Box 30 (Aviaprom enterprise), where she was registered with a trade union. After graduating from the secondary school for working youth in 1954 she became a 1st year student of the radio engineering faculty of UPI. In 1955 (2nd year) for some reason she transferred from the R-254 group to the R-259 group. In 1959 - a 5th year student at the radio engineering faculty of UPI (group R-559; specialty: radio engineering). Member of the bureau of the UPI hiking division. In 1955-56 - member and chairman of the qualification commission of the UPI hiking division. According to the memoirs of relatives, she went out with Doroshenko, but they broke up before the hike. To go on this hike she asked for time off from the pre-graduation practice at the radio factory, PO Box 33 (currently Production Association "October") Kamensk-Uralsky, which she started on 15.01.1959. Died on Feb 2, 1959. Expelled from the institute on Mar 1, 1959 due to death (order №143 of Mar 23, 1959). | |
Kondakova (Кондакова) in 1959 - a member of campaigning and propaganda department at the City Committee of the CPSU (Sverdlovsk). | |
Kondratyev Aleksander Vasilyevich (Кондратьев Александр Васильевич) (14.XI.1901-05.IX.1981) in 1959 - Major General of Tank Forces, head of the military department of the UPI (special department). Born in St. Petersburg. Russian. In 1916 he graduated from the 6-grade gymnasium in Petrograd as an external student; in 1919 - graduated from the Petrograd cavalry courses; in 1938 -Frunze Military Academy. Became a member of the VCP(b) in 1939 (party card №2528371). In 1918 he joined the Red army voluntarily: cadet of the Petrograd cavalry courses 1918-1919. Squadron Commander, 31st Cavalry Regiment, 6th Cavalry Division of the 10th Army 1919; platoon commander of the 116th Cavalry Regiment of the 14th Cavalry Brigade of the 14th Army 1919-20; Commandant of the staff of the 14th Cavalry Brigade in the 14th Army 1920. Student of the Higher Petrograd Cavalry School 1920-21. Platoon commander (separate cavalry squadron of the 126th infantry brigades; Petrograd Cavalry Regiment of the 11th Infantry Division. Cadet at grenadier courses in Gruzino,Novgorod province 1921-22. Platoon commander of the 33rd Infantry Regiment, 11th Infantry Division, 1922-29 and 1930; 22nd separate reserve cavalry squadron, 1929; motor detachment of the 3rd reconnaissance company, 1930-31. Riding instructor at the Leningrad School of Communication 1929-30; combat training instructor at the Leningrad School for junior commanding staff 1930-31. Commander of the 3rd reconnaissance company 1931-33. Executive officer (4th Battalion, 11th Rifle Division, 1933; battalion of the junior commanding school of the 11th Rifle Division, 1933-1935; separate training tank battalion of the 19th mechanized brigade, 1935; training tank battalion of the 11th mechanized brigade, 1935-36). Commander of the combat support battalion of the 11th mechanized brigade 1936-37; assistant chief of the 1st department of the headquarters of the 7th mechanized corps 1937-38. Military student at the armored department of the Frunze Military Academy 1937-38. Assistant commander of the battalion of territorial defence (Far Eastern Front, 1938; 2nd Red Banner Army, 1938); assistant chief of the 3rd section of the headquarters of the 20th rifle corps 1938-40. Head of the special assignment group at the Military Council of the 2nd Army 1940; senior assistant to the head of the battalion of territorial defense on the Far Eastern Front 1940; head of the 1st department of the battalion of territorial defense of the Far Eastern Front 1940-41; inspector of the battalion of territorial defense on the Far Eastern Front 1941; head of the battalion of territorial defense of the 2nd Red Banner Army 1941-42; Deputy commander of the 2nd Red Banner Army of tank forces 1942-43; Commander of armored vehicles and military equipment of the 2nd Red Banner Army 1943-46. Commander of the armored troops in the Kuban Military District 1946; deputy commander for armored vehicles and military equipment of the 29th Rifle Corps, North Caucasus Military District 1946 deputy commander for the armored troops, he is also the executive officer of the armored troops (Pribaltiyskiy Military District, 1946-49; Severnaya group of forces, 1949-51. In 1951, he was assigned to Commanding General of the armored troops in the Soviet Army. Head of the military department (Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, 1951; Ural Polytechnic Institute named after Sergei Mironovich Kirov, 1951-60. By order of the USSR Ministry of Defense №01687 of Nov 1, 1960, he was transferred to the reserve under Article 59b with the right to wear a military uniform. Brigadier General of Tank Forces (Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars №1024 of Aug 2, 1944). Participated in the Civil War (Southern and Southwestern Fronts), the Great Patriotic War (Feb-Mar 1945), the Soviet-Japanese war 1945. Wounded in 1919 near Tsaritsyn, shell-shocked in 1920 near Kakhovka. He was awarded the Orders of Lenin 1945, the Red Banner 1944, 1948, the Red Star 1944, the Patriotic War I degree 1945; medals: "20 Years of the Red Army" 1938, "For the victory over Germany", "For the victory over Japan", "30 years of the SA and the fleet". He died and was buried in Leningrad. | |
Konishevsky Ivan Vasilyevich (Конишевский Иван Васильевич) Unconfirmed reports indicate he worked in the Central Bank branch at PO Box 240 in Ivdel in 1959. In 1963 - Chairman of the Joint Committee of the Forest Management Trade Union (Ivdel. | |
Koptelov Yuri Evtihievich (Коптелов Юрий Евтихиевич), born in 1935. In 1959 - a 4th year student at the Faculty of Mechanics of the UPI; took part in the search as a member of the Slobtsov group on 23.02-4.03; and of the Martyushev group on 6-17.04. | |
Kopytov Yuri Nikolaevich (Копытов Юрий Николаевич) (1932 - 2012) in 1959 - a member of the Sverdlovsk Regional Hiking Club.Unconfirmed reports suggest he knew many instructors at Kourovskaya camp site (including Zolotaryov, for about a year) and was aware that they had to improve their qualifications. Zolotaryov, while on vacation, asked him to recommend which group to join and where to go on a hike. Kopytov advised him to contact the UPI hiking club. Born in 1932 in the village of Grobovo, Sverdlovsk region. Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute 1955. In 1951 started working in the system of additional education for schoolchildren in the Sverdlovsk Palace of Pioneers. He worked for 2 years at the Department of Physical Education of the UPI at the invitation of Vishnevsky. After graduation, the young specialist was sent to work in the city of Revda. For 8 years he worked as a teacher at school №4, taught geography and physical education. The Head of the hiking club in the Revda House of Pioneers 1961-88. Organized and promoted hiking, orienteering, local history clubs and societies. On his initiative, a city hiking club was founded in Revda. In 1959, the Sports Committee recognized his work and awarded him a trip to GDR as part of hiking group. Retired in 2007. Lives in Revda. Honorary Traveller of Russia (2000); Honorary Citizen of Revda (2012). | |
Korolyov Vasiliy Ivanovich (Королев Василий Иванович) - born in 1930 in Saratov region. Later he moved to Karpinsk with his family, where he graduated from secondary school №1. Enrolled in Phystech UPI in 1949; in 1955- a Physics and Technology Faculty graduate of UPI. In 1959 - an engineer at physics and technology laboratory in UPI; Chairman of the route commission in the regional hiking club until 1959; lived in Sverdlovsk, at 138, Malysheva St, room 147. He approved the route of the Dyatlov group on Jan 8. Member of the Route Qualification Commission and the search party in the area of height 1079 on Mar 2-15 (flew from Sverdlovsk together with the Moscow masters of sports Baskin, Bardin and Shuleshko) (Testimony, Maslennikov testimony) He joined the Komsomol in 1944, was a propagandist in the group, a member of the Faculty Komsomol Bureau, secretary of the Course Komsomol Bureau, trade union organizer of the group. In 1962 Pyotr Ivanovich Bartolomey took his position as a chairman of the regional RC. Later, Korolyov moved to Sevastopol, was engaged in teaching; for a number of years he taught in the Republic of Mali. | |
Korotaev Vladimir Ivanovich (Коротаев Владимир Иванович) (1936-2012) in 1959 - an investigator in the Ivdel prosecutor's office, junior lawyer. Born in the village of Romanovo, Ust-Ishim district, Omsk region. Unconfirmed reports indicate he graduated from Kamyshevskaya secondary school (village Kamyshevo, Sverdlovsk region) in 1954. Higher legal education. He graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute in 1958. He had been working in the prosecutor's office since August 11, 1958; was assigned to work in the city of Verkhoturye, but after an argument with the district prosecutor, by the decision of the regional prosecutor (Order №198 of August 27, 1958) was transferred to the prosecutor's office in Ivdel. From September 1958 to October 29, 1962 - an nvestigator of the Ivdel Prosecutor's Office (According to the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated May 24, 1955 "On the approval Provisions on prosecutorial supervision in the USSR "(Article 52):" Individuals with a higher legal education are appointed to the positions of prosecutors and investigators... graduates from higher legal educational institutions, are appointed to the positions of prosecutors and investigators only after they have completed a one-year internship in the district /city prosecutor's office as investigator or an assistant to the district/ city prosecutor". The Prosecutor General, was able to reduce the internship only on extraordinary occasions and on submission from a public prosecutor allow a graduate to take office. Unconfirmed reports indicate that some documents signed by investigator Korotaev, dated October 1958, had been found in Vladimir Korotaev’s personal archive). On 04.02.1959 he was certified as appropriate forthe position of investigator. By order of the Prosecutor General of the USSR dated Apr 4, 1959 №29, Vladimir Korotaev was given a class ranking of junior lawyer; in July 1960 - a 3rd class lawyer. On 25.05.1961 he checked out the scene of an air crash of the Yak-12 of the 123rd Aircraft division at Sverdlovsk civil aviation department under Gennadiy Vasilyevich Patrushev’s supervision. In 1962 he moved to Sverdlovsk, having a class rank ing of a 2nd class lawyer , he worked as an assistant to the prosecutor of the Oktyabrsky district of Sverdlovsk with the performance of duties of an investigator; later - senior investigator of the regional prosecutor's office; investigator for especially important cases of the regional prosecutor's office. Worked in Moscow with prosecutor's brigades (cases of embezzlement in the Mostorg system, etc.). By order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated May 22, 1992, №48-a, he was given the class ranking of Senior Counsellor of Justice. Many times his merits had been noted by orders of the Prosecutor General of the USSR, the Prosecutor of the RSFSR, the Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region. He retired in 1999, died in 2012 at the age of 77. | |
Korotkih Aleksander Grigorievich (Коротких Александр Григорьевич) born in 1929. In 1959 - a staff member of the KGB department in the Sverdlovsk region. In 1960 - as a member of the KGB crime scene investigation team , which investigated the violation of the USSR airspace by the American pilot Francis Powers. In 1960 - a chief officer of the KGB Investigation Department in Sverdlovsk region. Veteran of the Federal Security Service Department in Sverdlovsk Region. | |
Korshunov Evgeniy Vasilyevich (Коршунов Евгений Васильевич) (1907-1970) - Colonel General, in 1957-1960 Commander of the Ural Air Defense Army and Air Force (Sverdlovsk), in 1960-63 Commander of the 4th Operational Airfield of Air Defense, Sverdlovsk Air Defense (from April 1960). | |
Kortev N.V. (Кортев Н.В.) in 1959 - student of UPI; took part in the identification of Dyatlov's belongings. | |
Kosarev Evgeniy Appolinarievich (Косарев Евгений Апполинариевич) in 1959 - a chairman of the All-Union tourism society. Born in the city of Bugulma (Tatar ASSR). In the 1930s, his father receivesd a responsible appointment to the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (later All-Union Exhibition of the National Economy), and the family moved to Moscow. In 1941 - a student at the Tooling and machining institute (Moscow). In 1942 he was referred to officer courses at the Moscow Infantry School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. A combat veteran, an officer, went through the war starting with 1942. He served in artillery, in front-line reconnaissance, was three times wounded. For military merit he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War (1st class), the Order of Red Star, medal "For the Defense of Leningrad", other medals and government awards. After the war, he was referred to the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade.In 1949 he started working the foreign trade. From 1959 - the Head of the USSR foreign trade mission in Cuba; Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of Latin America of the USSR Academy of Sciences 1970-76; member of the Economic UN Commission for Latin America (Santiago, Chile) 1976-81. Taught at the Institute of Social Sciences 1980s; at the Department of World Economics of the Russian Economic Academy named after Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov (from 1991). Doctor of Economics, Professor. In the early 1930s, he became interested in yachting and received the title of "helmsman of the 1st class". Winner of the first All-Union competition of the Voroshilov sharpshooters as a membert of the Moscow team 1936. Still being at school he began got fond of tourism. Master of Sports of the USSR 1956. 1953-56 - Chairman of the Moscow Route Commission; in 1956-62 - the first chairman of the All-Union society of amateur tourism (after reorganization in 1959 - the USSR Tourism Federation). He was elected to the Presidium of the USSR Tourism Federation on numerous occasions; to the Presidium of the International hiking and sports union of the Common of Independent States countries. Awarded with the badges "Honored Traveller of Russia" and "Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports". | |
Kostrulin Victor Nikolaevich (Кострулин Виктор Николаевич) in 1959 - student of UPI, course R-463; took part in the identification of Doroshenko's belongings ( | |
Kostrulin Nikolay Grigorievich (Кострулин Николай Григорьеви) born in 1911 (the village of Votchik, currently in Sanchurskiy district). After finishing nine forms in the Sanchur school, he was in charge of a village library and reading-room in the village of Korlyaki, where he was also elected a chairman of the Korlyakovsky village council for two years. In 1932-37 - a student of UPI (or the Ural Industrial Institute?), Graduated with honors, receiving a diploma of mechanical engineer. In 1937-40 - a Design Engineer at Plant №172 named after Vladimir Ilich Lenin (Molotov). In 1940 - a senior engineer at SDED at Uralmashzavod; in 1942-51 - Deputy Chief of Design Bureau, Deputy Chief Designer at Plant №9 named after Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin; in 1951-64 - Deputy Head, later Head and Chief Designer of specialist design department-9 of Plant №9 named after Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and specialist design department-9-2 at Uralmashzavod; in 1964-91 - Deputy chief designer of specialized machine engineering degign department "Novator" at the plant named after Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin. Together with Fyodor Fyodorovich Petrov, he developed the design of the ML-20 152-mm howitzer cannon. He was preparing ML-20 and M-20 howitzers for full production. Participated in the design of 16 new models of field guns and tank guns U-11, U-12, D-1, T-85, D-11, D-12, weapons D-5, S-85, D-25 for SPVs SU-85, SPV-100, ISU-122, ISU-152. He headed a new project: anti-submarine weapon for the Navy (Vyuga (81R), Vodopad (84R) weapon systems). Laureate of the USSR State Prize 1946, 1946. He was awarded the Order of Lenin 1982, the Order of the Patriotic War I 1944 and II class 1944, 1990, Red Star 1943, medals. | |
Kotenev Yuri Grigorievich (Котенев Юрий Григорьевич) in 1959 - a UPI student, took part in the search in the area of the height 1079 as a member of a group of climbers on Mar 13-23. After graduating from the metallurgical faculty of UPI, he worked at Uralmash. Died on Jul 27, 1961, from a heart failure on a 5A grade of difficulty route in Dychtau, Caucasus, Bezengi, at the height of 5100m. | |
Kovtun Valentin Petrovich (Ковтун Валентин Петрович) - a flight mechanic of Mi-4 142 AS, military unit 32979; participant in the search. Lives in Yekaterinburg. | |
Kozhushko A.I. (Кожушко А.И.) in 1959 - a radio operator at the 1st Northern Geological Prospecting Expedition. | |
Kozlov Frol Romanovich (Козлов Фрол Романович) (1908-1965) in 1959 - First Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee; his resolution is "for information" is on the message of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs to the USSR Council of Ministers regarding the death of UPI students. Born in the village of Loshchinino, Kasimovsky district, Ryazan province (now Kasimovsky district, Ryazan region) into a peasant family. He started work as a laborer at the Krasny Tekstilshchik factory in Kasimov in 1923. In 1926-28 got engaged in Komsomol work. In 1928 became a student at workers' school, then a student at the Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. Aafter graduating in 1936 he worked as an engineer, shift supervisor, blooming mill supervisor at the Izhevsk Metallurgical Plant. In 1939 - a party committee secretary, party organizer at this plant. In 1940 - Secretary of the Izhevsk City Committee of the VCP(b). Beginning with 1944 he worked in the administration of the Central Committee of the VCP(b): responsible organizer, inspector of the Personnel Department of the Central Committee of the VCP(b); second secretary of the Kuibyshev regional committee of the VCP(b) 1947-49; party organizer for Kirovsky plant (Leningrad) 1949; second, later the first secretary of the Leningrad City Committee of the VCP(b) 1950; Second Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of VCP(b) 1952; 1st Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU 1953-57. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 1957-58; First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR 1958-60; Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (1960-64, supervised issues of the military-industrial complex). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd-6th convocations. Member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1957-64, candidate member of the Presidium of Central Committee of the CPSU 1957, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1952-65. Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee 1960-64. In 1962 he was in charge of suppression of workers' protests in Novocherkassk. On December 18, 1961, he was informed in writing by the chairman of the KGB of the USSR Vladimir Efimovich Semichastny about the leak of top secret information from the highest leadership of the Armed Forces of the USSR and that Colonel Oleg Penkovsky had been put under observation. He decided to use this information to scheme against Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev in the struggle for the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The scheme was revealed during the Cuban missile crisis on October 22, 1962, when the Americans demanded the removal of missiles and nuclear warheads from Cuba, revealing detailed information about all the types of Soviet missiles. As a result of a severe shock, Frol Romanovich Kozlov suffered a stroke, which led to the actual termination of his duties as a member of Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1964 F.R. Kozlov became a person receiving a merit pension. He died in 1965 in Moscow, and was buried in Red Square near the Kremlin wall. Hero of Socialist Labor 1961; Chevalier of 4 Orders of Lenin 1955, 1957, 1958, 1961, 2 Orders of the Red Banner of Labor 1943, 1948, Order of the Patriotic War II class 1945, Order of the Red Star 1942. | |
Krasnobaev Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Краснобаев Владимир Александрович) - born 1920 in Leningrad region. In 1959 - a foreman of preparatory work at the 8th timber division; lived in District 100, Ivdel. He took part in questioning the Bahtiyarovs during the search on Feb 26. In 1943 he was sentenced under Article 162 of the RSFSR Criminal Code (grand staff theft) for 5 years in a labor camp; in 1953 - a technologist at the 5th logging unit of the 12th timber division. Testimony | |
Krasnoborov Vasiliy Ivanovich (Красноборов Василий Иванович) (1921-2003). Unconfirmed reports suggest he was a KGB or rather Ministry of Internal Affairs senior operative (major) in Ivdel. He used to know V. Korotayev and from him he learnt about the tent and diaries of the Dyatlov group. He personally saw the bodies of the dead in the morgue. He spent the last years of his life in the city of Pervouralsk. | |
Krasnov Igor Victorovich (Краснов Игорь Викторович) born 1975, Lieutenant general of Justice, Prosecutor General of Russia since Jan 22, 2020 Wikipedia | |
Kretov Boris Fyodorovich (Кретов Борис Федорович) (1921-) in 1959 - Head of the Sverdlovsk Research Criminalistic Laboratory of the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR. He was the uncle of Stanislav Aleksandrovich Tipikin, who was a member of the search party. In August 1940 he was drafted into the Red Army at the Chernushinsky regional military commissariat in the Sverdlovsk region and started fighting at frontline on Oct 20, 1941. Lieutenant, company commander of the 1st battalion of the 1213th rifle regiment of the 365th rifle division of the 22nd Army of the Central Front. On Dec 13, 1941 he was seriously wounded in a battle near the town of Klin, his right leg was amputated. Demobilized in 1943. WWII invalid of the 2nd group. He was put in for rewarding with the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class 1945. In 1945 - a 2nd year student of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, a member of the VCP(b). Organizer and first head of Forensics laboratory in Sverdlovsk region (organized in June 1951). One of the first post-war graduates of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, dedicated to the formation and development of forensic expertise in the Urals over 30 years. | |
Krishtafovich T.V. (Криштафович Т.В) - junior sergeant, commander of the 1st squad of the 1st platoon of the 4th company of the 52nd separate railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, the town of Serov; took part in the search in the area of height 1079. | |
Krivoguzova Liliya (Кривогузова Лилия) in 1959 - a dentist at the Central Hospital Administration, Ivdel. | |
Krivonischenko (Nikolenko) Nadezhda Konstantinovna (Кривонищенко Николенко Надежда Константиновна) 1909-1995), the mother of G. Krivonischenko. She was born in the city of Kovno (now Kaunas) in 1909. She graduated from the pedagogical college in the city of Korsun (now Korsun-Shevchenkovsky, Cherkasy region). After graduation, she worked as a teacher in the Poltava region for some time, then worked as a form-teacher in a health camp school for children with lung diseases in the town of Boyarka, Kiev region. In 1930 she taught Ukrainian / Russian at the workers' school in the village of Zuevka, Donetsk region. In 1930 she married A.K. Krivonischenko. All subsequent moves were due to her husband’s work Kurakhovka-Saratov-Uralsk-Orsk-Chkalov-Krasnoyarsk-Sverdlovsk—Pavlodar. Ukrainian. In 1957 she was a 6th year student of the correspondence department of the Philological Faculty of the Ural State University (Sverdlovsk). In 1970, after the death of her husband, she moved to Kiev to live with her son. Member of the Writers' Union of Ukraine, translator. She died in 1995 in Kiev. | |
Krivonischenko Aleksey Konstantinovich (Кривонищенко Алексей Константинович) (1907-1970), the father of Georgy Krivonischenko, major general. 1959 - head of department "Uralelektrostroymekhanizatsiya", lived in Sverdlovsk at 29 Moskovskaya St. Born in 1907 in Yekaterinoslav (from 1926 - Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) in a family of foundry workers. In 1923 he finished а 7-year school for workers in Korsun, Kiev province; in 1925 - a Vocational School in the village of Tagancha, Kiev province. In 1930 he graduated from the Kiev Energy Institute named after Molotov , having received the qualifications in electrical engineering. In 1930 he married N.K. Nikolenko, a teacher at the Zuevsky workers' school (children - Konstantin, 1931; Georgy, 1935; Igor, 1939). In 1930-32 - an engineer at the Krasny Oktyabr power plant in Leningrad. In 1932-40 he participated in the construction of the Zuevskaya GRES (Hydro Power Plant) and the town of ZuGRES ,which was being built on the site of the Dubovka farm yard, near the village of Zuevka, Stalin (now Donetsk) region: a shift engineer; deputy head of the technical department and electrical department; the head of construction of the substation; the head of the electrical assembly shop; Deputy Head of the Capital Construction Department; Head of the Technical Department and Deputy Chief Engineer. In the period of 1935-37 he published a number of articles in the Electric Power Plants journal. In 1940 with his family he moved to the construction village of Kurakhov Hydro Power Plant (now Kurakhovo, Maryinsky district, Donetsk region) for the construction of Kurakhovskaya Thermal power plant: head of the production technical department; Chief Engineer; deputy head of construction. At the beginning of autumn 1941, the Krivonischenko family was evacuated to the city of Saratov and further to the cities of Uralsk, Orsk, Chkalov (now Orenburg). In 1941-42 head of the production department; Deputy Chief Engineer of the Yuzhenergstroy Trust (Saratov). Candidate to VCP(b) in 1942, member of the VCP(b)) from 1943. In 1943-44 Chief Engineer at the regional energetics department "Orskenergo" (Chkalovsk region); deputy head of construction; head of construction of Orsk THPP. In 1944-45 Chief Engineer; deputy head at the regional energetics department "Chkalovenergo". In 1945-48 he was the managing director of the regional department "Krasnoyarskenergo". In October 1948 at the construction of the Nizhneturinskaya Hydro Power Plant (Sverdlovsk Region): a head of construction; head of construction and erection екгые ; head of construction department. He cultivated close links with the governmentoffice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (mentioned in correspondence between Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Ivan Aleksandrovich Serov and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Mikhail Georgievich Pervukhin. Unconfirmed reports indicate in 1949 he was under investigation for exceeding the term for delivery of building materials to the construction site; the case was closed on Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin’s instructions). In 1949 his family moved to Sverdlovsk. In 1957 - the head of the construction of the Beloyarsk Hydro Power Plant (Nuclear Power Plant) (Sverdlovsk Region) (according to the recollections of a staff member of the BeloyarskPD, on one occasion, a crowd of furious former criminals working at a construction site forced their way to the apartment of the construction site manager Krivonischenko to deal away with him - they demanded money, but he managed to get out through the window). According to informational memo of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee dated 12.05.1959, A.K. Krivonischenko was appointed the head of construction of the Beloyarskaya HPP, included in the nomenclature of the Central Committee of the CPSU, without mandatory approval by the bureau of the regional party committee; 2 years later, also without a decision of bureau of the regional committee, was dismissed from his post due to non-fulfillment of official duties. In 1959 - Head of the Department "Uralenergostroymekhanizatsiya"; shortly after the death of his son he was transferred to Pavlodar (Kazakh SSR) to the position of head of the construction department of the Ermakovskaya Hydro Power Plant 1959. In 1964 he was appointed the director of the construction of Tripolskaya thermal power plant in Kiev region (town of Ukrainka). He died in 1970. He was buried in the town of Ukrainka, Obukhovsky district, Kiev region. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor 1943, medals "For Labor Valor", "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45". Testimony | |
Krivonischenko Georgiy Alekseevich (Кривонищенко Георгий Алексеевич) born on Febr 7, 1935, in the settlement of ZuGRES in Ukraine. Due to his father's work and then evacuation, he had to move to Kurakhovka 1940, Saratov 1941, Uralsk (where he entered school in 1942), Orsk 1943-44, Chkalov 1944-46, Krasnoyarsk 1946-49. In 1949 he settled in Sverdlovsk, where he studied at school №1 (together with Sergey Sogrin). Member of the Komsomol 1949. In 1952 became a student of UPI, the Faculty of Civil Engineering ; in 1957 he finished the full course in the specialty "Industrial and civil construction" (group C-501) with the qualification of "civil engineer" (Diploma L №011638). In September 1957, he was a junior lieutenant of the reserve (armored forces, Military registration office №38); graduated from the military department at the UPI, specializing as a platoon commander for medium tanks. After graduation, he was assigned to PO Box 404 (Construction site №247 of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building) in Chelyabinsk-40 (Ozersk). He lived in a hostel at 10 Mendeleev St. In September 1957 he started work as a head foreman at the 1st industrial site on the territory of Production Association "Mayak" (Plant №817). In May 1958 he was transferred to the position of a foreman (higher salary) at the 3rd section of the 10th district (PO Box 404/10 - the 10th camp department) where he supervised the prisoners who worked at the "Lake" site: objects of the northern technological chain of the backup "B", the future plant 35, then 235). In Aug 1958 he tried to resign due to "utmost reluctance to work in this system", but was refused. He was directly involved in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at Production Association Mayak in 1957. In 1959, a discharge order was signed due to his secondment to a new place of work (on Feb 21 Georgiy Krivonischenko was supposed to start work at the construction of a chemical plant in Krasnoyarsk (PO Box 73), but on Oct 19, 1959, he took another leave and additional days off for hazardous duty at the previous workplace. All in all he had a 29-day leave, starting on Jan 19, which he decided to spend hiking. Hiking experience since 1954, had badges " RLD 1st, 2nd class", "Tourist of the USSR"; 3rd category for tourism 1955, 2nd category for tourism 1957. Completed training instructor courses at the Sverdlovsk city tourism department and in 1957 he was qualified as a junior tourism instructor. In 1955-56 - a member of the Bureau of the hiking club at UPI, a chairman of the agitation committee of the hiking club. Died on Feb 1-2, 1959. | |
Krivonischenko Igor Alekseevich (Кривонищенко Игорь Алексеевич) born in 1939, G. Krivonischenko’s brother. In 1957 - a draftsman at the Ural branch of the All-Union Design Institute "Teploelektroproekt". In 1959 - a UPI student ?, possibly he was one of those who raised the alarm about the non-return of the Dyatlov group. He took part in the identification of belongings of the deceased. Later he taught at UPI. He died in 1990. (or in early 90s). | |
Krivonischenko Konstantin Alekseevich (Кривонищенко Константин Алексеевич) born 1931, brother of Georgiy Krivonischenko. In 1959 he worked at the Verkhnetagilskaya Hydro Power Plant as a shift supervisor of the electrical shop. He died in Kiev in 2017. He was buried in the town of Ukrainka, Obukhovsky district, Kiev region. Interview | |
Krotov Yaroslav/Vyacheslav Ignatievich (Кротов Ярослав/Вячеслав Игнатьевич) in 1959 -a 4th year student of the UPI radio engineering faculty; Participant of the Blinov group hike; took part in the search for the missing Dyatlov group as a member of the Slobtsov search party on Feb 23 - Mar 4. In 1967, he died at training classes in mountaineering (trigger failure with an incorrectly set rappel rope). | |
Kruglov Aleksey Andreevich (Круглов Алексей Андреевич) (1907-1974) in 1959 - Prosecutor of the RSFSR. Born in the Kaluga province into a peasant family. In 1927 he joined the Komsomol. From 1924 to 1929 - in the city of Serpukhov: a loader on the railway; woodcutter in the timber industry enterprise. In 1930 he was sent to work in the workers and peasants' police: a junior policeman; a district commissioner. In 1931 he was appointed the head of the Ugodsky district department of corrective labor.An examining magistrate in the Ugodsko-Zavodsky, Volovsky, Mikhnevsky, Detchinsky and Krasnogorsk districts 1932-39. After graduating from the Moscow regional legal courses of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, he worked in the prosecutor's office of the Moscow region: a prosecutor of the criminal department 1939-40; prosecutor of the investigative department. He was accepted in to All-Union Correspondence Law Academy, but did not finish his education because of the Great Patriotic War. 1941-42 - a fighter in voluntary fire guard, participated in the construction of defensive lines of Moscow bypass. In August 1942 he returned to the Moscow Regional Prosecutor’s Office: head of the forensic investigation department 1942-44; Deputy Prosecutor for General Issues 1944-47, in charge of juvenile crime commission and the civil juridical department. Deputy Head of the Special Affairs Department of the Prosecutor's Office USSR 1947-49; Prosecutor of the Moscow Region 1949-54. In 1952 he finished the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. Prosecutor of the RSFSR 1954-63; Chairman of the Legal Commission under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 1963-70. | |
Kruglyakov (Кругляков) Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle’s neighbor in the hall of residence; he gave his flashlight for the hike. | |
Krupin Konstantin Vasilyevich (Крупин Константин Васильевич) in 1959 - a Chairman of the Organization Bureau of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the RSFSR. On Mar 29, 1959, sent an internal report revealing the causes of the death of the Dyatlov group to the department of administrative and trade and financial bodies of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the RSFSR. Apr 14, 1954 - Mar 1, 1959, - Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR; Apr 15, 1959 - Jun 1964 - Chairman of the Presidium (All-Russian Council) of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the RSFSR. | |
Krylov (Крылов) - in 1959 - Prosecutor responsible for oversight in Ivdellag. By order of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the USSR dated January 8, 1959, he received a reprimand for gross offences against law in penitentiary institutions in the Sverdlovsk Region, one of the reasons for that was poor prosecutor’s oversight. Later (before Jan 8, 1959) he was sacked. | |
Krylov Vladimir Sergeevich (Крылов Владимир Сергеевич) (1939-2008) in 1959 a 2nd year student at UPI (according to some sources, he studied together with Slobtsov). Participated in the search being in the group of climbers in the area of height 1079 in the period Mar 13-23. He claims to have seen people with radiation warning devices (but most likely, he confused them with mine detectors). By 1957 - a member of Sverdlovsk speed skating team; since 1957 - a member of the UPI ski nordic team. In 1958 he began to go in for mountaineering and by 1959 he had the 3rd skill-category in mountaineering. In 1964 - an engineer at a plastics plant (Sverdlovsk), a member of the regional mountaineering section of the Trud sports society, master of sports. | |
Kudin V.A. (Кудин В.А.) - a private, demolition engineer in the 2nd squad of the mine warfare platoon of the 52nd separate railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, he town of Serov. He took part in the search in the area of height 1079. | |
Kuntsevich Yuri Konstantinovich (Кунцевич Юрий Константинович) (Mar 27, 1947 - Aug 11, 2021 COVID) Head of the Dyatlov Foundation est. 1999 in Yekaterinburg | |
Kupriyanov Konstantin Nikolaevich (Куприянов Константин Николаевич) (1913-1981) in 1959 - presumably served in the 4th RRC, Sverdlovsk, colonel. He might have been Lieutenant Colonel Shestopalov’s immediate commander. As remembered by Vladimirov, Colonel Kupriyanov’s command subordinates took part in the search for the Dyatlov group and they observed fireballs on the pass (presumably, on Mar 31). Colonel's daughter Rita Kupriyanova studied at Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, later worked as an assistant professor at the law faculty. Born on Sep 6, 1913 in the village of Rylo, Soligachsky district, Kostroma province, into a poor family. All his life he was a member of the military. He began his service in 1935 as an ordinary Red Army soldier, then a commander in the Special Corps of Railway Troops of the First Special Far Eastern Army, where he served when the war broke out. In January 1942, he was appointed military commissar of regimenting 18th Railway Bridge Battalion (under the command of I.L. Mirgorodsky). In the army - from March 1943 (Voronezh Front); from October 1943 he was subordinated to the 1st Ukrainian Front. In 1944 - captain, battalion political officer (18th railway bridge battalion of the 14th railway brigade of the 1st Ukrainian front). More than two years he fought at the front. Demobilized and sent to home front due to injury. Until 1964 he remained in the army. Transferred to the reserve with the rank of colonel. He died on Jun 21, 1981. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star 1944 and two Orders of the Battle Red Banner. His brother Gennady was the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic 1940-50, Major General. His daughters: Lyudmila Konstantinovna Konysheva, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Russian State Pedagogical University; Margarita Konstantinovna Kupriyanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography, Russian State Pedagogical University, in 1959, a student at the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute. | |
Kurikov Grigoriy Nikolaevich (Куриков Григорий Николаевич) (1907-) born in Suevatpaul, in 1959 - a hunter, deputy of the Ivdel City Council (elected in March); lived in the settlement of Suevatpaul; participant in the search on Apr 25-May 5. In the 30s, a participant in a ski run along the route of the yurt Suyvat (Garinsky district) - Sverdlovsk; in 1945 - deputy of Burmantovsky National Village Council; in the period of 1946-51 he was elected a deputy of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council; in 1959 nominated as a candidate for Ivdel Town Council in the Burmantovsky constituency. For 18 years he worked as a forester in the Vizhaysky forestry. In the 60s he lived in the village of Nizhniy Suevatpaul. Children: Andrey (1947), Nina (1953), Nikolay (1962). Testimony | |
Kurikov Nikolay Stepanovich (Куриков Николай Степанович) born in 1937, the son of the first wife of Stepan Nikolaevich Kurikov. He lived in the village of Suyevatpaul. In the early 60s, while hunting, he accidentally killed Prokopiy Vasilyevich Anyamov, the brother of Nikolay Vasilyevich Anyamov. He was given one year suspended sentence. | |
Kurikov Stepan Nikolaevich (Куриков Степан Николаевич) (1898-) born in Sueavtpaul, in 1959 - a hunter; lived in the village of Suevatpaul. Member of the Kurikov and Nevolin search party Feb 23 - Mar 3. Participant in in the search Apr 25 - May 6. Since 1942 - elected a foreman of the hunting brigade of Suevatpaul. In 1947 he was elected a deputy of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council; in 1950 - elected a deputy of the Ivdel Town Council in the Burmantovsky constituency. In 1953 he was elected a chairman of the primary organization of VAAAAFN (Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force and Navy) in the settlement of SuyevatPaul. He was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", the badge "Excellence in the Hunting Industry". The brother of Grigoriy Nikolaevich Kurikov; was married to Nikolay Vasilyevich Anyamov’s sister. Children: Nina (1934), Nikolay (1937), Anatoliy (1942). | |
Kurikova (Anyamova) Praskovya Vasilyevna (Курикова Анямова Прасковья Васильевна) - 1910 - Stepan Nikolaevich Kurikov’s wife, the sister of Nikolay Vasilyevich Anyamov from Treskolya (not mentioned in the case files). | |
Kurikova Mariya Yakovlevna (Курикова Мария Яковлевна) born in 1929, Grigoriy Nikolaevich Kurikov's wife. In the 60s she lived in the village of Nizhniy Suevatpaul. | |
Kurochkin Vil Fyodorovich (Курочкин Виль Федорович) (01.X.1926-24.III.2001) in 1959 - Chairman of the City Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, from Mar 26, 1959, Chairman of the Presidium of Sverdlovsk City Union of Sports Societies and Organizations biography ( | |
Kuroedov Vladimir Alekseevich (Куроедов Владимир Алексеевич) (14.IX.1906-1994) in 1959 - Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU for propaganda and agitation. Born in the village of Zadvorka, Nizhny Novgorod province. Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical Institute 1930. Member of the VCP(b) since 1936. Second Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the VCP(b); chief (executive) editor of the regional newspaper "Gorkovskaya Kommuna" 1945-1946; the editor of the scientific department of the newspaper "Soviet skaya Russia". Head of the department, head of the sector of the Agitation Directorate of the Central Committee of the VCP(b) 1946-1949; Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU on propaganda and agitation 1949-1959. Chairman of the Council for the Russian Orthodox Church under the Council of Ministers of the USSR 1960-1965; chairman of the board on religious affairs under the USSR Council of Ministers 1965-1984. Lieutenant General of the KGB; head of the 4th department (supervising the Church) of the 5th department of the KGB of the USSR. Retired in 1984. He died in Moscow. | |
Kuryakov Andrey Valentinovich (Курьяков Андрей Валентинович) 2011-Nov 2019 head of the Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region. Nov 2019 Kuryakov was promoted by Yury Chaika to Head of Department Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for the Ural Federal District. | |
Kusov Boris Matveevich (Кусов Борис Матвеевич) in 1959 - head of the Vizhaysky camp. He graduated from an artillery school, after the war he was sent to the NKVD/MVD (MIA) Labor camps system. Transferred with a promotion to the position of head of Vizhaysky camp from Ponila in January 1956; remained in this position until demobilization in 1969. He died in 1991. | |
Kutsevalov Timofey Fyodorovich (Куцевалов Тимофей Фёдорович) (1904-1975) Commander of the Air Force of the Ural Military District, deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the VAAAAFN (Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force and Navy, Russ. ДОСААФ) | |
Kuzminov Nikolay Ivanovich (Кузьминов Николай Иванович) in 1959 - soldier of military unit 6602; took part in the search; he reported in May light celestial bodies in the night sky. After that he got married and moved to Batumi in September 1959, where his mother and relatives lived. There in 1960 his son was born. Due to his son's health condition, he returned with his family to the Urals in 1963. He lived in the city of N. Salda. He died of a heart attack in 2001. | |
Kuzminyh Aleksander Fyodorovich (Кузьминых Александр Федорович) (1911-1999) in 1959 - a prosecutor assistant in Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region, 1st class lawyer. Born in the village of Zhukovka, Rezhevsky district, Sverdlovsk region. Member of the VCP(b) since 1938. Drafted into the Red Army in 1941. He participated in warfare beginning with March 1944. In July 1944: Guards lieutenant, platoon commander of the reconnaissance battery under control of the 22nd Guards Cannon Artillery Brigade of the 3rd Guards breakthrough artillery division of the General headquarters reserve at the 3rd Belorussian Front; in April 1945 - Guards Lieutenant, troop commanderl of the 22nd guards heavy gun artillery brigade of Vilenskaya Red Banner brigade of the 5th artillery breakthrough corps of the General headquarters reserve. Participated in the Bagration Operation, in liberation of the Baltic republics and Konigsberg assault, in the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army. He was awarded the Order of "Red Star" 1944, "Fiest-class Order of Patriotic War 1945; medals: "For the capture of Konigsberg", "For the victory over Germany", "For the defeat of Japan". Incomplete secondary education (8 classes). In 1950 he finished an 9-month legal course. In the prosecutor's office - since 1946, in the prosecutor's office in Ivdel - since 1954. In 1959 -a prosecutor assistant; deputy secretary of the primary party organization; member of the Society for the Promotion of Political and Scientific Knowledge. In April 1960 he was transferred to the post of deputy prosecutor in Ivdellag. | |
Kuznetsov Aleksander Ivanovich (Кузнецов Александр Иванович) in 1959 - a forester of the Vizhaysky forestry; flew with the Decrepit to Mansi on Feb 222. Unconfirmed reports indicate that there might have been an error in the protocol, and his name was Andrei. Antonina, his wife, is Yegor Chagin's sister. Children: Nikolay, Mariya, Vladimir, Sergey, Galina, Vasiliy. He was killed in a car accident in 1962 and, the offender was not found. According to other sources, he hanged himself in the early 60s. | |
Kuznetsov Nikolay Igorevich (Кузнецов Николай Игоревич) in 1959 - a UPI student; lived in Sverdlovsk, at 66, Lenin St, apt.338; participated in the Askinadzi search party in area of the height 1079 (Apr 25 - May 8). After graduating from UPI, he worked as a chief engineer at the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant. | |
Kuznetsov Vladimir Savvich (Кузнецов Владимир Саввич) in 1959 - a senior lieutenant, military pilot of the Ural Military District (142 Separate Mixed Aviation Squadron, Aramil), aircraft commander AN-2. He took part in the air search. | |
Kuznetsov Nikolay Filippovich (Кузнецов Николай Филиппович) Equipment manager of the sports club in UPI | |
Kvashnin (Квашнин) in 1959 - officer of military unit 6602, had his photo taken with Dyatlov and Blinov groups in Vizhay. | |
L ^ | |
Laptev Yuri Ivanovich (Лаптев Юрий Иванович) b. 29.X.1922, in 1959 - forensic expert in the city of Severovralsk. On Mar 4 took part in the forensic medical examination of Dyatlov, Doroshenko, Krivonischenko, and Kolmogorova in the central hospital morgue of PO Box 240. The reason for his summons to Ivdel is unknown. Born in the city of Ufa, Bashkir ASSR, in 1922. Drafted into the Red Army in July 1941 at the Kirov Regional Military Commissariat in Ufa. Senior Sergeant of the 152nd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Division of the Belorussian Military District Air Force. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II class; medals "For the victory over Germany in The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic". Medical Captain. Headed the city health department in Severovralsk from 1953 to 1967. He worked part-time as a forensic scientist. His wife, Lydia Pavlovna Lapteva, worked in the city hospital as a laboratory doctor. In 1967 he left Severouralsk, the further fate is unknown. Maybe, he moved to Novosibirsk. Known: | |
Laptev Yuri Ivanovich (Лаптев Юрий Иванович) - in 1975-1981 - a chief physician at the Municipal polyclinic №29 (now the Municipal clinic №25) in Novosibirsk. The further fate is unknown. | |
Lapteva N.I. (Лаптева Н.И.) - in 1968 deputy chief physician for medical affairs at the Municipal Polyclinic №29 (now Municipal polyclinic №25) in Novosibirsk, at 69 Zorge St. Relative? | |
Latiy Vladimir Nikolaevich (Латий Владимир Николаевич) (1921-1980) - in 1958-59 - a direct superior of G. Krivonischenko; the head of the 10th district of Production Association "Mayak" (PO Box 404/10). Born in 1921 in Rostov-on-Don, where in 1947 he graduated from the Civil Engineering Institute and was assigned to work at Chelyabinsk-40 ("Mayak", the first Soviet industrial reactor for the production of weapons-grade plutonium). Foreman; site manager; chief engineer (from September 1958)in South Ural Construction Directorate in Chelyabinsk-40. The next stage of his career was the city of Sverdlovsk-44, where he was appointed head of the Construction Department. In January 1967, he was appointed head of the Northern Construction Directorate of Sredmash (construction of the Leningrad Nuclear power plant, Sosnovy Bor). Colonel. He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor and 10 medals. Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR 1970; Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Listed in the Book of Glory of the city of Sosnovy Bor. | |
Lebedev Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Лебедев Владимир Александрович) born 1939 in N. Lyalya. In 1959 - a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the UPI; lived in Sverdlovsk, at 66, Lenin St., room 337. A member of the Slobtsov search party Feb 23 - Mar 4. (Testimony) Finished secondary school №1 in Chita; graduated with honors from Physics Faculty of UPI in 1962, receiving specialty in "Technology of rare metals". Candidate of Technical Sciences 1967; associate professor 1968; Doctor of Chemical Sciences 1978; professor at the department of rare metals UPI - Ural State Technical University 1980; Head of the Department of Metallurgy of Light Metals, UPI 1984-2015. Corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation 1996. Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation 2001. The main scientific direction -high temperature electrochemistry. Author of fundamental works on the thermodynamics of alloys, kinetics, selectivity of electrochemical processes in molten media, which have received international recognition. Author of 3 monographs, 5 textbooks, more than 400 scientific papers, 60 inventions and patents. Awarded the sign of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education "For excellent success in work", awarded the title "Honorary Worker of Higher Education of Russia", awarded with medals "For Valiant Labor", "Veteran of Labor", enlisted in the "Book of Honor of Ural State Technical University-UPI". | |
Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich (Лелюшенко Дмитрий Данилович) (1901-1987) in 1959 - Colonel General (Army General - May 8, 1959), Commander of the Ural Military District. Born Oct 20 (or Nov 2), 1901, homestead Novokuznetsky now Zernogradsky district of Rostov region, Soviet military leader, the army general 1959, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (Apr 7, 1940 and Apr 6, 1945), Hero of Czechoslovakia (May 30, 1970). Member of the CPSU since 1924. Born into a peasant family. In 1918, in the partisan unit led by B.K. Dumenko. In 1919 he joined the Soviet Army, served in the 1st Cavalry Army. Graduated from the Military Academy named after Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze 1933 and the Higher Military Academy named after Kliment Yefremovich Voroshilov 1949. Participated in the Soviet-Finnish war as the commander of a tank brigade. During the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 - in the North-West, West, Kalinin, South-West, 3rd, 4th and 1st Ukrainian fronts in the positions of: commander of the mechanized and rifle corps, from October 1941 - commander of the 5th,30th, 1st and 3rd Guards armies, from March 1944 - 4th Guards Tank Army. Since 1956 he commanded the troops of the Zabaikalsky Military District,from 1958 the Ural Military District. In 1960-64 he was a chairman of the Central Committee of VAAAAFN (Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force and Navy, Russ. ДОСААФ), and since 1964 he was a weapons inspector - Counsellor of the Ministry of Defense. Awarded 4 Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov and 2 Orders of Kutuzov 1st degree, the order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree and medals, 5 foreign orders. He died on Jul 20, 1987 in Moscow. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st, 5th and 6th convocations. Awarded 4 Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov and 2 Orders of Kutuzov 1st degree, the order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree and medals, 5 foreign orders. As a third-year student at the Academy, in 1933 he married Dzanatkhan Kaurbekovna Gutnova, a student at the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold. Son: Boris Dmitrievich Lelyushenko 1935-93. | |
Lesnyh (Лесных) in 1959 - a staff member of propaganda and agitation department of the CPSU City Committee (Sverdlovsk). | |
Levashov Vladimir I. (Левашов Владимир И.) in 1959 - a chief radiologist in Sverdlovsk (the radiologic laboratory at the Sverdlovsk city sanitary and epidemiological station was founded in 1957); author of physical and technical expertise case files 371-377. In 1954 - head of the laboratory of radiological medicine (Institute of Biology under Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences). | |
Lomakin (Ломакин) in 1959 - Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of VAAAAFN (Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force and Navy, Russ. ДОСААФ). | |
Lopatina Elizaveta Pavlovna (Лопатина Елизавета Павловна) born in 1913, Ivdel. One of her brothers died in a boating accident with a Mansi in 1934. In 1959 - a telegraph operator in a communications office, Ivdel; lived in Ivdel at 32, Oktyabrskaya embankment. Testimony | |
Losev Vasiliy Anatolievich (Лосев Василий Анатольевич, in 1959 - head of the Radio, Television and Communication department of the Radio faculty at the UPI. | |
Luchinin Nikolay Semyonovich (Лучинин Николай Семёнович) (1915-1976) in 1959 - Dep.Prosecutor of the RSFSR; was in charge of Inspection Department for investigation of especially dangerous crime against the State (special cases; investigation by the KGB). Born in the Vyatka province. After graduating from school, he worked as an electrician at the central telegraph office, as a service man in a city electrical network (Sverdlovsk). After demobilization from the Red Army 1938 he was appointed assistant prosecutor of the district of Sverdlovsk. Since 1939 - assistant to the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region for special cases. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War he was drafted into the army, served as a military prosecutor of a rifle division, and was wounded. In January 1943 started working in the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region (assistant prosecutor for special cases; deputy prosecutor for special cases). In 1945 he graduated from All-Union Extra-Mural Law Institute. Prosecutor of the Irkutsk Region 1948-52; Prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory 1952-59; Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR 1959-63; head of the department for supervision of prison facilities at the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR 1963-69; Head of the 2nd Department of the USSR Prosecutor's Office. State Counselor of Justice of the 2nd class, Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR. For distinguished labor and battle honor he was awarded medals "For Battle Merit", "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For Valorous Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For Labor Valor". On many occasions he was encouraged by the Prosecutor of the RSFSR and the Prosecutor General of the USSR. | |
Lukin Stepan Petrovich (Лукин Степан Петрович) (10.V.1923-09.VII.2008) in 1959 - head of the investigation department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.State Counselor of Justice of the 3rd class. Born on May 10, 1923 in the village of Lukina, Slobodo-Turinsky District, Sverdlovsk Region, into a family of peasants. In 1939 he started working as a teacher in a rural school. After completing the courses of "junior lieutenants" in January 1942, he fought as: platoon commander, deputy commander, artillery battery commander on the North-Western Front. For courage and heroism at the front he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, "Patriotic War" I, II class and many medals. In 1950 he graduated from All-Union Extra-Mural Law Institute. For more than 50 years he worked in the prosecutor's office: assistant prosecutor of the Slobodo-Turin region; Prosecutor of Verkhnyaya Salda; prosecutor in Kamensky district; Head of the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region; Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region. From January 1974 to September 1985 - Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region. In the 90s he worked as a legal adviser at the Sverdlovsk City Executive Committee. In recognition of his services for strengthening legality and public order , he was awarded the Red Banner of Labor Order, the "Badge of Honor" and many medals; the badge "Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office"; awarded the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR". | |
Lukoyanov Pyotr Ivanovich (Лукоянов Пётр Иванович) Master of Sports in Mountaneering, Colonel of the General Staff of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Specialist in survival of troops in extreme conditions and a great ski hiking enthusiast, author of books on ski hiking techniques, statistics collector and ski accident analyst. | |
Lunyov Konstantin Fyodorovich (Лунев Константин Федорович) (1907-1980) in 1959 Chairman of the KGB under the USSR State Security Committee (Wikipedia) | |
Lvov N. (Львов Н.) - in 1959 - director of the Energolesokombinat (Ivdel), which was part of the All-Union Trust "Energoles"under USSR Ministry of Power Plants. | |
Lyubimov S.A. (Любимов С.А.) in 1959 - Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk City Council Executive Committee; until 22.11.1958 he was in charge of the City Committee for Physical education and sport. Resolution of the Bureau of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the CPSU: "Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the City Council comrade Lyubimov is to be reprimanded for not participating in the search for the missing UPI hikers". | |
Lyubimov Vladimir Alekseevich (Любимов Владимир Алексеевич) in 1959 the radio operator of the geological party in the area of the height Yaruta. In 1947 he graduated from the Naval Special Forces Communications School, receiving the specialty of a radio technician and international radio operator. When serving in the Navy he had top secret clearance. When the party went out to work in the field, he usually was instructied by the chief of communications of the expedition to trace the broadcast. From October 1958 to May 1959 he provided overwintering for the geological base on Mount Yaruta. From May to September 1959 he worked as a radio operator in party №2 (headed by Grigoriy Georgievich Kitaev) on Yaruta. In February 1959, he listened to search parties' conversations. In April 1959, the head of the geological party instructed him to examine the slopes of Yaruta in search for traces of the hikers or escaped criminals. Lives in Ivdel. | |
M ^ | |
Maksimov Victor (Максимов Виктор) - in 1959 a 1st year student (presumably) of the energy faculty of UPI. Unconfirmed reports indicate that he might have been a member of one of the search parties (Kikoin’s, Sogrin’s or Martyushev’s), which one exactly is not known. Nothing was found during his shift, but he signed a pledge of secrecy. | |
Malik Igor Nikolaevich (Малик Игорь Николаевич) born in 1939. In 1959 - a military, army unit 6602 "V" (Ivdel), member of the Komsomol, Ukrainian, education of 6 classes. Serviceman, witnessed a fire ball in the sky on 17 Feb 1959 Testimony | |
Malyshev Aleksander Sergeevich Малышев Александр Сергеевич) in 1959 - an editor in the Ivdel local newspaper. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council. | |
Malyutin Vitaliy Mihaylovich (Малютин Виталий Михайлович) in 1959 UPI student; a team member of the search party led by Sogrin, which worked in the area of height 1079 on Mar 25 - Apr 6. Master of Sports in Mountaineering 1968. Died Nov 2, 2012. | |
Markin Vladimir (Маркин Владимир) Solovyov's official representative to whom we owe Shkryabach conclusion | |
Martyshev (Мартышев) Head of a hikers section in UPI sports club, since beginning of 1959. Before him the head of the section was Blinov. Doroshenko was also in the leadership of this section. | |
Martyushev Boris Vladimirovich (Мартюшев Борис Владимирович) (1938-1969) in 1959 a chairman of the UPI hiking club who together with N.A. Zhelihovskaya prepared the certificate of experience for the Dyatlov group given to the Route commission. Head of the search party in the area of the height 1079 (Apr 6-17). Born in 1938 in Pervouralsk. Hiker, climber, one of the pioneers of the Ural Alps, friend of Igor Dyatlov. After graduating from the metallurgical faculty of UPI, he became a shift foreman, then a senior foreman of cold rolling mills of pipes in workshop B-2 of the Sinarsky Pipe Plant (Kamensk-Uralsky). Organizer of alpsection at the plant. He died on a hike in 1969 while descending from Dalar Peak (Western Caucasus), roped up with Valentina Sevastyanova. Sevastyanova fell and accidentally hit Martyushev in the head with her boot. Then both fell to their deaths. | |
Maslennikov Evgeniy Polikarpovich (Масленников Евгений Поликарпович) (29.XI.1924-1978) in 1959 deputy chief mechanical engineer at Verkh Isetsky metallurgical plant; Master of Sports in Tourism 1955, Chairman of the Regional Hiking Federation, a member of the Route Commission under the State Committee for Financial and Financial Systems. Approved the route of the Dyatlov group on Jan 8. Member of the search party Feb 24 - Mar 10. From Feb 27 was the head of the joint headquarters of search parties. Lived in Sverdlovsk, 32, Zavodskaya St, apt.84. Born in the village of Lubki, Kirov region. In 1948 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics at the UPI, worked at the Institute of Hard Alloys for 2 years. In 1950 he moved to work at the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant. Worked as a foreman, senior technologist of a mechanical shop, head of tooling department, deputy chief mechanical engineer of the plant. Member of the CPSU since 1957; in 1959-62 he worked as a deputy party organizer at VIMP; in 1962-64 - 2nd secretary of the Verkh-Isetsky district committee of the CPSU. In 1966 he switched to scientific work: Deputy Head of the Department of the Research Institute of Economics, and since 1975 - at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Scientific Center. In 1973 he defended his thesis for the title of candidate of economic sciences in the field of integrated planning for the development of industrial enterprises. He published more than fifty scientific papers on organization of labor. Three times in 1969, 1971 and 1975 he was awarded gold, silver and bronze medals of the All-Union Exhibition of the National Economy. Member of the Central Council for Tourism of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions 1963, chief judge of the All-Union hiking rallies. Author of numerous publications on mountaineering 1956-78. Testimony, Notebook | |
Matorin Aleksey (Маторин Алексей) in 1959 - a resident of settlement 100, Ivdel district, Sverdlovsk region. Mentioned in Krasnobaev's witness testimony in relation to Mansi | |
Matveev Aleksander Konstantinovich (Матвеев Александр Константинович) (1926-2010) in 1959 - lecturer at Ural State University; unconfirmed reports suggest he was preparing to take part in the search for the Dyatlov group. Russian linguist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1991. Born in Sverdlovsk in a family of scientists. Graduated from the Khabarovsk Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Russian Language and Literature (1949). From 1952 he worked at the Ural State University named after Alexei Maximovich Gorky, Sverdlovsk; Head of the Department of Russian Language and General Linguistics 1961-2005, Professor (since 1971), founder and first head 1981-2004 of scientific and educational toponymic laboratory. Founder of the Uralic onomastic school, which included many participants of the permanent Toponymic expedition of the Ural University, the task of which was a systematic mass linguistic survey of significant territories of the Russian North and Ural. Author of academic papers on the etymology of Russian dialects vocabulary of the Russian North, the Urals and, Central Russia. He did a research of the ancient Finno-Ugric (Chud, Meryan, Mansi) substrate layer in Russian toponymy. Contributed to the study of the most ancient settlements of peoples speaking the Finno-Ugric languages, and Samoyed peoples. Collected material for the reconstruction of the language of the Meri people and related dialects; contributed to the reconstruction of the ancient Finno-Ugric languages. Author of a number of toponymic dictionaries for a mass audience and popular science books on onomastics. Founder and editor-in-chief of the series of collections "Questions of Onomastics" (1962-87; until 1973 they were published under the title "Questions of Toponomastics"), the journal "Questions of Onomastics" (since 2004). The author of a number of original special courses on onomastics, etymology and ethnogenesis of the Slavs forphilological students. | |
Matveev M.F. (Матвеев М.Ф.) in 1959 - head of the enterprise PO Box 10, where Rustem Slobodin worked. | |
Mayorova Valentina Spiridonovna (Майорова Валентина Спиридоновна) born in 1915 in Ivdel, in 1959 - a telegraph operator in the communications office, Ivdel; lived in Ivdel at 34, Oktyabrskaya embankment. In 1959, her three brothers and three sisters were alive. Two other brothers died before 1941. Character witness for the Mansi. Testimony | |
Mehanoshina Nina Leonidovna (Механошина Нина Леонидовна) born in 1939 , in 1959 - a secretary in the prosecutor's office in Ivdel. Member of the Komsomol. Secondary education. Had been working in the prosecutor's office since 1956. In 1959 she studied at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. | |
Melnikov (Мельников) in 1959 - took part in the search in the area of the height 1079. The author of the radiogram sent to Sulman on Mar 1. (Radiograms) Not included in the lists of the formal search parties. Most likely, a geologist. Known: | |
Melnikov (Мельников) - a geologist; in 1958 he worked as a technical director at a drillsite on the Tolya river. In 1959 - could have been in the area of the search, from where he was evacuated by helicopter on 1.03. His signature on the radiogram might mean that the conversations could have been passed through the radio station Tolya, i.e. Melnikov sent to Ivdel the radiograms received from the pass. | |
Melnikov A.K. (Мельников А.К.) - a geologist; in 1980 he worked as a foreman of the drilling crew in the Toshemsky drilling area of the Shegultan exploration party of Northern exploration expedition. | |
Melnikov A.S. (Мельников А.С.) a geologist; in 1949-1952 - a Northern Expedition Officer , took part in magnetic prospecting, drilling works, in trenching , including at the Ivdel hospital; 1957-1959 - a fellow with A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, place of work is unknown; in 1964 - a member of the Ural complex survey expedition. | |
Melnikov Aleksey Fyodorovich (Мельников Алексей Фёдорович) (1930-2006) - a production foreman (settlement Pershino). | |
Melnikov G.D. (Мельников Г.Д.) - a geologist; 1949-1951 - the Uralzoloto trust employee. | |
Melnikov I.F. (Мельников И.Ф.) a geologist; in 1960-1961 - an employee of the Trans-Ural complex geological exploration expedition, took part in magnetic electrical exploration works; in 1962-1964 - employee of the Promyslovskaya Geophysical Party; 1969-1979 - employee of Perm geological prospecting trust, took part in electrical exploration and geophysical work. | |
Melnikov Igor (Мельников Игорь) in the early 50s he lived in the village of Yurtishche. Most likely he worked in the Northern Geological Expedition. Unconfirmed reports indicate that he was married to the sister of Boris Arhipovich Yezhov, the former chairman of the State Committee of the Northern Geological Prospecting Trade Union expedition, currently - a member of the Council of Veterans of Ivdel. | |
Melnikov Ivan Dmitrievich (Мельников Иван Дмитриевич) - in the early 50s lived in the village of Yurtishche (a village 25 kilometers north-west of Ivdel. The village was located on the right bank of the Ivdel, on the left there was a penal colony). Most likely he worked in the Northern Geological Expedition. | |
Melnikov Konstantin Grigorievich (Мельников Константин Григорьевич) - a shift foreman of the drilling crew of the Shegultan geological exploration party of the Northern Expedition at least since 1965; in 1970 he worked at the Saum area of the copper ore deposit near Vizhay. In 1970 he was accepted as a candidate member of the CPSU. | |
Melnikov Mihail Vladimirovich (Мельников Михаил Владимирович) in 1959 he could have lived in Ivdel and taken part in the search. Born in 1919. in the village of Anastasovo, Poretsky district of the Chechen ASSR, in 1949 - worked as a mechanic in the village of Anastasovo. On 17.02.1949 he was arrested on a charge of crime defined in article 58, clause 1 "b"Criminal Code of the RSFSR. On 6.07.1949 the military tribunal of the Volga Military District sentenced him to 25 years in a labor camp, with deprivation of rights for 5 years, with confiscation of all private assets and deprivation of the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945". He served his sentence in the Ivdellag of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sverdlovsk region. Rehabilitated on 31.08.1954 by the Military Tribunal of the Volga Military District due to the absence of corpus delicti in his actions. Discharged from detention. He might have stayed to live and work in Ivdel. | |
Melnikov N.F. (Мельников Н.Ф.) - a geologist; 1954-1955 worked for Burvodstroy trust. | |
Melnikov V.I. (Мельников В.И.) - in 1976 - an employee of the Langurskaya Hydraulic Fracturing Plant of the Northern Integrated Geological Exploration Expedition (Ivdel); co-author of the report on Third Northern iron ore deposit. | |
Melnikov Valeriy Mihaylovich (Мельников Валерий Михайлович) - a geologist; in 1959 - a Permnefterazvedka trust staff worker. He was born in Kemerovo in 1932. Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute 1956, Mining Geological Engineer. In 1956-65 he worked in the trust Permnefterazvedka: a geologist in Moskudinskaya exploration, head of the geological department, senior geologist of the exploration office. In 1965-73 - in the Ust-Balyk oil exploratory expedition: geological engineer, head of the geological department. In 1973-81 - in the YamalOilGasGeology association: chief geologist, head of the geological department. In 1981-96 - at Tyumen thematic expedition: senior geologist, leading geologist, chief geologist in the reserves calculation laboratory. Since 1996 - at ZapSibGeoNATs: chief geologist of the reserve calculation laboratory. Expert in geology, oil and gas prospecting and exploration. Participated in the discovery and exploration of Vatiegan, Vostochno-Urengoysky, Evo-Yakhinsky, Malobalyksky, Mamontovskiy, Ochimkinskiy, Pimskiy, Pokachekiy and other fields. Awarded the Order "Badge of Honor" 1981. | |
Melnikov Vasiliy Nikitich (Мельников Василий Никитич) - in 1952-53 - a drilling foreman of the Berezovskaya party of exploration drilling at the Zapsibneftegeologiya trust (Novosibirsk); the discoverer of Berezovsky gas, who worked at well R1 in the Berezovo settlement in 1952-53. In 2004 he lived in Tyumen at 84 Kholodilnaya St. apt.157. | |
Melnikov Vasiliy Nikolaevich (Мельников Василий Николаевич) (1914-2010) in 1959 -the head of the physical culture department at the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU. Born in the town of Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow Region. After graduating from the Stalin Moscow Central Institute of Physical Culture went to work in Sverdlovsk and started work in the Sverdlovsk city committee for physical culture and sports (chairman of the committee on physical culture and sports, 1937-38). After the war, with the rank of major and with seven military awards, he was transferred to the headquarters of the Ural Military District to the post of a physical training scrutineer. After demobilization, he worked as deputy head of the department of physical education of the Ural Industrial Institute. In 1948, according to the Decree of the Central Committee "On the Mass Development of Physical Culture and Sports", a physical culture department was founded in the regional party committee, where Vasiliy Nikolaevich Melnikov was appointed the head upon the decision of the Regional Committee. There he worked for over twenty years. Then he headed the department of physical culture and sports of the regional trade union. For his Labor and sporting acievments he was awarded the Order "Badge of Honor" and the title of Honorary Judge in Sport in skiing and athletics. Awarded with an honorary badge "For merits in the development of physical culture and sports" and a badge "High achiever of physical culture and sports". Buried in Yekaterinburg. | |
Melnikov Vitaliy Vasilyevich (Мельников Виталий Васильевич) (1918-1998) in 1959 - the dean of the radio faculty of the UPI. Born in the village of Pokcha, Cherdyn district, Perm province. Drafted into the Red Army in 1941, a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1942, party membership card №4866786. 1941-43 - fought on the Volkhov front; in 1944 - captain, head of artillery reconnaissance of the 53rd Rifle Corps of the 48th Army of the 1st Belorussian front; 1944-45 -withthe 2nd Belorussian Front; 1945 - Major, Chief of Intelligence Headquarters, Commander of Artillery of the 53rd Rifle Corps 48th Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front. He was awarded the military orders of the Patriotic War I 1945 and II degree 1944, the Red Banner 1945. Graduated from UPI in 1948, a radio engineer. Doctor of Technical Sciences 1965, Professor 1968. Full member of the International Informatization Academy. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR 1975, Honorary Professor of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute. For his scholarly endeavor he was awarded the orders of Lenin, October Revolution, Labor Red Banner, "Badge of Honor", medals. In 1952-62 - one of the founders and dean of the radio engineering faculty at UPI 1955; in 1962 - at the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute: Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Radio Engineering, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering Systems (since 1968), Rector (1962-1985). At UPI, he supervised large complex research projects on the analysis and synthesis of large radio engineering complexes, the creation of equipment and its testing in field conditions: "Thanks to the energy and persistence of the dean of the radio faculty Vitaliy Vasilyevich Melnikov, in the autumn of 1957, two large complex contractual research works "Glaz" (Eye) and "Dym" (Smoke) were initiated. The head of the first was Melnikov himself, of the second - the head of the department of radio transmitting devices Azariy Innokentyevich Portnyagin. The first work focused on the development of new radio intelligence systems for the parameters of radar stations serving the frontal zone up to 30 km (19 miles) deep. The main purpose of such stations is to monitor the battlefield and adjust artillery fire. The second project "Smoke" focused on development of new systems to create targeted radio interference by this radar stations". The first prototype model of deception electronic countermeasures system was prepared by the summer of 1958. The Research and Development program "Dym" provided for field tests of the first samples of equipment, which took place in July and August 1958 near the village of Koshkul, Chelyabinsk region. Along with representatives of the Radio, Television and Communication department, the team of the department of radio transmitting devices participated in the tests. This team developed the system of creating sighting noise interference. A group of radio receiving equipment department, which carried out experimental research on radio wave propagation in various conditions of the forest-steppe zone using an installation created by the hands of graduate students, took part in the tests as well. Three radar stations provided by the headquarters of the Ural Military District, as well as military trucks, power supply units with their own drivers and operators (also students) were engaged in the tests. In total, about 50 people were involved. The result is that the most important stage of the research work has been successfully completed by the end of 1958”. | |
Melnikov Vladimir Dmitrievich (Мельников Владимир Дмитриевич) - a graduate of the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute, geological survey and prospecting of mineral deposits. He studied at Sverdlovsk Mining Institute in 1958-63. | |
Melnikov Yuri (Мельников Юрий) in 1959, presumably a staff member of the Ivdel Internal Affairs Department. He could have taken part in the search. Presumably born in 1939. In the 1970s-1980s he held the position of deputy head of the Ivdel IAD in charge of operational work; later he was transferred to Revda. He might have been a skier, a multiple veteran ski competition participant, a multiple participant in marathon "Konzhak". The marathon winner among adults 60 years and older in 1999. | |
Mertsalov Stanislav Leonidovich (Мерцалов Станислав Леонидович) in 1959 - a student of UPI; took part in the search as a member of a group of climbers 13-23.03. Later he taught at the chemistry department at UPI. He died in 1990. | |
Meshtiryakov Victor (Мещиряков Виктор) in 1959 -a student of UPI; took part in the search in the area of the height 1079 as a team member the Sogrin party on Mar 25 - Apr 6. He was originally from the city of Minusinsk. All the UPI hiking veterans spoke ill of him. Unconfirmed reports indicate that he died in 1994. He is entioned in the report by Avenburg, Potapov and Sogrin to have witnessed abnormal phenomenon observed at 4am on Mar 31,1959 | |
Mihaylova Taisiya Ivanovna (Михайлова Таисия Ивановна) in 1959 - an expert in the research laboratory of the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR (Sverdlovsk). Unconfirmed reports suggest she took part in the forensic examination of the tent of the Dyatlov group together with Genrietta Eliseevna Churkina. | |
Milman Lev S. (Мильман Лев С.) in 1959 - a lecturer at UPI, head of the educational and sports department (deputy chairman of the board) of the SC UPI; Chairman of UPI route commission in December 1958 - January 1959. In the mid-50s - the head coach of UPI volleyball players; Boris Yeltsin worked as his assistant.In 1953 - a coach of Sverdlovsk representative men's volleyball team at the USSR championship; silver volleyball medalist of the USSR championship as a part of “Burevestnik” in 1955. | |
Minulin (Минулин) - Private of the 52nd separate railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; participant in the search in the area of the height 1079. | |
Mirgorodskiy A.T. (Миргородский А.Т.) - Private of the 4th company of the 52nd separate railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; participant in the search in the area of the height 1079. | |
Misharin Sergey (Мишарин Сергей) in 1959 - unconfirmed reports suggest he was a state security captain serving in the Sverdlovsk KGB. He was investigating the case of the Dyatlov group and found a man, a witness in the case. Gennadiy Patrushev’s childhood friend. Shot himself in the Patrushi village, the Sverdlovsk region, in the bathhouse when staying at his godmother in the summer of 1961, shortly after the death of Gennadiy Patrushev in an mysterious air crash. They were friends and both investigated their own theory of Dyatlov group death, presumably about fire balls. | |
Mitrofanova Margarita Aleksandrovna (Митрофанова Маргарита Александровна) in 1959 - a student in the construction department at UPI; Kolmogorova's close friend; identified Zina's personal belongings. | |
Moiseev (Моисеев) in 1959 - soldier of military unit 6602, senior lieutenant, cynologist (dog handler); participant in the search in the area of the height 1079. | |
Mohov (Matyukov) Anatoliy Grigorievich (Мохов Матюков Анатолий Григорьевич) (1937-2015) in 1959 - a 2nd year student of the chemical-technological faculty at the UPI; participant in the search in the area of height 1079, a member of the Askinadzi search party Apr 25 - May 8. After graduating from the chemical faculty of UPI, he worked at the State Institute of Applied Chemistry (Perm Branch) in the field of electrochemistry for 2 years ; then he returned to Sverdlovsk, graduated from the postgraduate course of the Transport Institute (Chemistry Department). In 1986-1995 - Head of the Chemistry Department, he introduced the use of applied chemistry achievements in the educational process in railway transport. After setting up a department of "Technology of structural materials and chemistry" (through the merger of departments "Chemistry" and "Technology of structural materials"), he was the head of the "Chemistry" cycle. Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Engineering, at the Ural State Transport University (Yekaterinburg), Ph.D. He was buried in the cemetery of Verkhnyaya Pyshma near Yekaterinburg. | |
Mokrushin Mihail Ananievich (Мокрушин Михаил Ананьевич) born in 1922 in Ivdel. In 1959 - a chairman of the Burmantovskiy local council (at least since 1953); lived in Ivdel, Burmantovo settlement. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council. Character withness for Mansi Testimony | |
Molostova Anna (Молостова Анна) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital (Directorate). | |
Mordonov M.P. (Мордонов М.П.) private, demolition engineer at the 1st branch of the mine warfare platoon of the 52nd separate railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; participant in the search in the area of the height 1079. | |
Mostovoy Oleg (Мостовой Олег) in 1959 - a serviceman of military unit 6602, dog handler; member of Captain Aleksey Chernyshev group in the search in the area of height 1079. | |
Muravyov Ivan Ivanovich (Муравьев Иван Иванович) in 1959 - Chairman of the Sverdlovsk City Executive Committee (March 1955 - March 1965). Earlier 1952-55 - second Secretary of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the CPSU. | |
Muzafarov Shah (Музафаров Шах) the husband of Elizaveta Iosifovna Muzafarova. Born in the Bashkir village of Buzdyak near Ufa. Graduate of the Ural Industrial institute; designed the thermal power plant at Uralmash, which started working in 1932. In 1934 he was arrested within the frame of sabotage case at power plants, banished to Komi (Joint State Political Directorate "Promysel", radium mining near Ukhta), worked as the head of a steam power plant. Freed from restraint, he left for Orsk, spent his last years in Tula. | |
Muzafarova Elizaveta Iosifovna (Музафарова Елизавета Иосифовна), the aunt of N. Thibaulx-Brignolle; took part in the identification of the victims’ belongings. Married to Shah Muzafarov. | |
N ^ | |
Naskichev Filipp Aleksandrovich (Наскичев Филипп Александрович) (1902-2001) in 1959 - transported the bodies of the dead hikers to the morgue of the Central Hospital and laid them there; witness at forensic examination of Dyatlov, Doroshenko, Kolmogorova and Krivonischenko bodies on Mar 4 and Slobodin’s body in Ivdel on Mar 8. In the act of forensic medical expert examination he is mistakenly named as K.V. Naskichev. Born in the village of Yanginichi (Yatgenich) of the Lodeynopolsky district of the Shapshinskaya volost (later - the Leningrad region). In the 30s - the family was dispossessed and exiled to the Urals to the town of Nadezhdinsk (Serov). He got a job as a worker at the Mechanical Plant, which produced shells. His wife, Mariya Vasilyevna, was a factory apprenticeship school teacher. They had two daughters (Lydia, born in 1933, and?). In 1954-55 (definitely until 1957), he and his wife moved to Ivdel to live with their daughter Lydia, who worked as a primary school teacher at school №5, Ivdel. In 1959 he worked as a coachman at the Central Hospital, PO Box 240. At least until 1977 they lived in Ivdel at 7 Pochtovaya St. apt.8. Later they lived with their eldest daughter for some time in Ukraine and then in their hometown Lodeynoye Pole. In 1982 they returned to Ivdel. | |
Nemyko Nikolay (Немыко Николай) in 1959 - a flight engineer Mi-4 142 AS, military unit 32979; search party participant. | |
Nevolin Egor Semyonovich (Неволин Егор Семенович) (1932-2010) in 1959 - worked in the radiotelephone service of the Northern Geological Prospecting Expedition (GPE), unconfirmed reports indicate that he was a radio operator at the Samskaya GPE; from Feb 26 to May 13 was a radio operator of the search operation for the Dyatlov group. Born in Ivdel, most likely lived in the village of Krasniy Oktyabr 2 km from Ivdel. | |
Nifontova (Нифонтова) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital. | |
Nikitin Egor Grigorievich (Никитин Егор Григорьевич) born in 1926, in 1959 - a staff member of the Ivdel Department of Internal Affairs. In 1944-45 he served in the Far East in the 76th border detachment, a participant in the war with Japan. In 1946 he graduated from the maritime warfare school , served afloat patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet. Demobilized in 1950. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, medals "For Victory over Japan","For the victory over Germany." From 1951 to 1978 - a staff member of the Ivdel PD, retired from the position of deputy head of the police department with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. | |
Nikitin Victor Alekseevich (Никитин Виктор Алексеевич) born in 1938 in Tambov region, a 1st year student of the radio engineering faculty at UPI (group R-190). Died in between 10-23.03.1959 (because of pneumonia or was killed in the settlement of Pionersky, Sverdlovsk) and was buried next to the graves of hikers on Mihaylovskoe cemetery in Sverdlovsk (expelled from UPI order №143 dated Mar 23, 1959, due to death). According to Nikitin's record book, he was doing exams in the period of 21 Jan-22 Feb 1959, i.e. during Dyatlov's hiking. | |
Nikolaev Fyodor Ivanovich (Николаев Федор Иванович) (1919-2002) in 1959 - a staff member of the Physical culture and sports city committee (Serov), a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. | |
Nikolaev Konstantin Kuzmich (Николаев Константин Кузьмич) (19.V.1910-25.V.1972) in 1959 - Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee 1948-62. Born in the city of Mosalsk, Kaluga province in the family of a village teacher. From the age of 17 he worked as a teacher, head of a school, then an accountant and chairman of the board of the consumer society in the Mosalsky district of the Kaluga province. In the spring of 1930 he moved to Sverdlovsk, at first he worked as an accountant in the management of the city council, then as a technician in the Uralsantekhstroy trust. At the same time, from 1931, he studied at the higher sanitary-technical courses, then at the Ural Construction Institute, which was transformed into the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Ural Industrial Institute (UII) in 1934. In 1936 he received a diploma in engineering specialty "water supply and sewerage". Remained to work at the faculty, was an assistant of the department, deputy dean of construction faculty. In March 1940 he joined the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, in May-August 1941 he was the secretary of the party bureau of the institute. In August 1941, he was transferred to party work in the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), first became the head of the mechanical engineering department of city committee, then - the secretary of the city committee in charge of mechanical engineering, since August 1943 - head of the department of the defense industry in the city committee. In March 1944 he was elected 1st secretary of the Leninsky district committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in Sverdlovsk. In November 1946 he went to work in Sverdlovsk regional council at the position of deputy chairman of the regional executive committee. On Dec 2, 1948 by the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the VCP(b) Nikolaev was appointed chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional executive committee (approved in office by the decision of the regional council on February 25, 1949). In April 1962, he was elected 1st secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU, replacing Andrei Kirilenko, who was promoted and went to work in Moscow. After separation of the regional committee into industrial and rural ones (in January 1963) - 1st secretary of the industrial regional committee, in December 1964 again headed the united regional committee. In January 1971 he retired. Being retired, he worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Water Technology and Water Management, UPI. | |
Nikolenko Vladimir Tihonovich (Николенко Владимир Тихонович) in 1959 - a senior drilling foreman in the Bayanovsk geological exploration party (Northern Expedition). | |
Novikov Aleksander Stepanovich (Новиков Александр Степанович) - born in 1929. In 1959 - a serviceman, military unit 6602 "V" (Ivdel), member of the KPSS, Russian, ID 7374, secondary specialized education. He witnessed a fire ball in the sky on Feb 17, 1959 Testimony | |
Novikov Mihail Ivanovich (Новиков Михаил Иванович) in 1959 - pilot-navigator of the Mi-4 142nd Separate Mixed Aviation Squadron, military unit 32979; participant in the search. | |
Novikova Alya (Новикова Аля) - a member of the Route Commission under the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sport. Approved the route of the Dyatlov group on Jan 8. | |
Novokreschenov Georgiy Vasilyevich (Новокрещенов Георгий Васильевич) (1923-) in 1959 - people's judge in Ivdel. Born in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk 14.X.1924-23.IX.1991), finished factory apprenticeship school and went to work at the Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant as a milling machine operator. Drafted into the Red Army in March 1942. For six months he studied at the Omsk Infantry School, in a mortar battalion. At the end of July 1942, the entire school was sent to the active army without certification. G.V. Novokreschenov got into the mortar company of the 62nd Infantry Division, which was formed near Penza in the village Bessonovka. At the end of August, the division was transferred to Stalingrad. From 5.09.1942 participated in the battles at Stalingrad, at the end of September the division was withdrawn to the rear and disbanded. G.V. Novokreshchenov was assigned to the rifle company of the 1st battalion 1153 regiment of the 343rd Kuban cavalry division. From September to November 1942 fought in the battles of Stalingrad. Wounded in the arm on Nov 25, 1942, was in hospital until February 1943. After hospital, the warrant officer class 2 of the mortar company of the 1st battalion of the 292nd regiment of the 97th guards division of the 32nd guards corps of the 5th the Guards Army under the command of General Zhadov; finished officer courses at the Steppe Front (the town of Anna). From July 1943 a participant in Kursk-Belgorod campaign; junior lieutenant, commander of a rifle platoon of the 532th regiment of the 111th rifle division of the 49th corps 7th Guards Army. Wounded again. After hospital, he returned to the 292nd Regiment of the 97th Guards Division. Participant in battles under Kirovograd. On Mar 2, 1944, he was promoted to lieutenant, wounded for the third time. From mid-July 1944 he took part in operations in with the first Ukrainian front (Lvov, Sandomierz, Oder, Dresden). Until December 1945 he was in Germany and Czechoslovakia. In December they were transferred to Austria, then returned to the USSR. In September 1944 he became a member of the VCP(b). In 1948 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law School and was assigned to work as a judge in the Tugulym region. While working as a judge, he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute in absentia and worked for fifteen years in Tugulymsky, Koptelovsky, Garinsky districts. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council. In 1963 he was elected a member of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court and was appointed chairman of the permanent session of the regional court in the city of Ivdel. In 1972 he was transferred to Sverdlovsk and continued to work in the judicial division for criminal cases at the first instance. He dedicated thirty-one years to judicial work, 16 years of which he worked in Sverdlovsk Regional Court, and for the last four years - in the Department of Justice. Awarded with the Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degrees, medals "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", "For the Defense of Stalingrad", "For the Liberation of Prague" and others. On Feb 18, 2010 he was awarded the medal of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation for his great contribution to the implementation of judicial reform, the improvement of justice in the Russian Federation, protection of the interests of the judicial community. | |
Nuzhdin (Нуждин) in 1959 - a lieutenant colonel, military builder, acting assistant to the head of p .o.b. 404 (Chelyabinsk-40), where Georgiy Krivonischenko worked. In 1957 - acting assistant to the Head of the Department of military unit 01013; in January 1959 - acting head to the HR department of military unit 14178 (Military unit 01013 - military builders - consisted of military units 01014 and 14178). | |
O ^ | |
Obodova (Grebennik) Kira Vasilyevna (Ободова Гребенник Кира Васильевна) born in 1937, in 1959 - a participant in the hike led by Blinov, a 4th year student at the radio engineering faculty, the Ural Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Automation and Telemechanics". During the search for the Dyatlov group she was at Ural Polytechnic Institute and helped to prepare food parcels for the search parties that worked on the pass. She married Oleg Grebennik. After graduating from the UPI 1960, she worked as an engineer, senior engineer at the Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk). After divorce she went to live with her son who had emigrated to the United States. Lives in San Jose. Mountaineer, by 1981 had fulfilled the requirements for the title "Snow Leopard", having climbed all the seven-thousanders of the USSR: peaks of Communism (7495m), Pobeda (7439m), Lenin (7134m), Evgenia Korzhenevskaya (7105m) and was awarded the badge "Conqueror of the highest mountains of the USSR" by the USSR Mountaineering Federation. | |
Ognev Nikolay Grigorievich (Огнев Николай Григорьевич) - presumably born in 1931. In 1959 he lived in the settlement of Nyaksimvol, Berezovsky district, Tyumen region, he was a general Laborer. He met with the Dyatlov group on Jan 26-27 in District 41. His ginger hair and beard got him the nickname "The Beard" (Борода). He graduated from the Ufa (mining) college. Until 1957 he worked for several years in the Tolinskaya party of the Ural Geological Department. In 1957, the Tolinskaya party was transformed and became subordinate to the Tyumen Geological Department. The work was stopped and all workers were sacked. He worked in a cooperative as a head of the unit in the settlement of Hurunpaul under Berezovsky integrated industrial complex. He transported limestone on a reindeer sled along the winter road from a lime quarry from the Yatriya river for calcining. Later, he was hired by the Northern Expedition (Ivdel). In 1958-assistant tractor driver of the Northern Expedition convoy from Ivdel to Tolya; in January 1959, he worked in the 41st quarter. After that he made arrangements to work in the Subpolar Urals, in one of the subaerial party of the aeromagnetic crew, which were based close to the center line of the Ural ridge in the area of the Turman-Nol and Yaruta-Syakhal peaks. In December 1961 he worked in a ground party of geophysicists members of A.A. Latypov's crew in the upper reaches of the Nyays (Nyaksimvol) River. He had to take the killed party cook on a reindeer sled from Man-Nyays to Ivdel and to bury her there; in 1961-62 - a worker / tractor driver in the aeromagnetic party of the Yamalo-Nenets expedition (base in Saranpaul). An inveterate gambler. | |
Okishev Evgeniy Fyodorovich (Окишев Евгений Федорович) (14.II.1919-20.V.2018) in 1959 - Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor's Office in the Sverdlovsk Region. His signature is on the telegrams dated Apr 10 and May 16 (case files vol. 2, pp. 3, 58), he signed for Lukin (head of the Investigation Department) order dated 30.04 to extend the investigation period and another order dated 28.05 to dismiss the case. He was born on 19th February in the Perm city in 1919. Until 1932 his family lived in Kungur, then his father was transferred to work in Sverdlovsk (party organizer at the construction of the "Uralobuv" factory, chief mechanic at the factory, deputy secretary of the factory's party committee) and the family moved after him. He had two younger brothers: Nikolay and Vladimir (died in 1941). He Finished 10 classes at the Sverdlovsk Model School №2 named after Turgenev. He took the course of a novice Red Navy sailor at the Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School named after Dzerzhinsky, but on allocation plan of the RegionalKomsomol Committee he was sent to the Chkalovsk Aviation School, but ended up in the Aramil School of Pilots. After graduation 1938 he was assigned to the 6th reserve squadron (Amur Region). Shortly before the start of the war, the squadron was added to the newly formed regiment and was urgently sent to the western border (Orsha district). By July 1941 he had been wounded three times. Dismissed from the Ufa hospital without admission to flying duty. After a short leave, he was assigned to the tribunal of the Ural Military District and the military counterintelligence as an aviation expert. This agency sent him to Tyumen to form the 175th rifle division, where they appointed him secretary of the division's military tribunal (junior military lawyer). In November, 1941 the division was sent to the South-Western Front, in 1942 was encircled near Kharkov. In August, he broke out of encirclement not far from Stalingrad. He did the course to become a commander of the mortar battery. With the rank of lieutenant, he was assigned to the 21st Army (the 89th Rifle Regiment of the 23rd Rifle Division, later renamed the 210th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 71st Guards Division, where he fought until his last injury in February 1944 (lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain). He spent four months in the Yaroslavl hospital, he was invalided out of the army. "Non-effective. First-degree disabled. unable to work. Sent to the place of residence of his parents, accompanied by a nurse." He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star (1943 and?) The Order of the Patriotic War 1985, medals For Courage 1943, and For the Defense of Stalingrad. Returning home from the hospital in Sverdlovsk, he went to the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. After completing the second year, he was assigned to work in the prosecutor's office in the Kirovsky district of Sverdlovsk; continued his studies in absentia. After graduating from the Law Institute in August 1947 he was appointed Assistant Prosecutor of the Kirovsky District of the city of Sverdlovsk; in November 1948 he was appointed prosecutor of the Nizhne-Saldinsky region. In 1950 he was recalled from the prosecutor's office for party work; instructor of the administrative department of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of CPSUb 1950-53. In June 1953, he returned to work in the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office; he was appointed the Prosecutor in the Department for the supervision of police bodies. Acting Prosecutor of the General Supervision Department in the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office 1954-55; Prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of Police Bodies, Acting Head of the Department for Supervision of Police Bodies 1955; Deputy Head of the Investigation Department 1956-60. In 1960 he was seconded for service in the Prosecutor's Office in Moldavian SSR. Prosecutor at the Investigation Department 1960-63; Deputy Head of the Investigation Department 1963-71; Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision of case filess in the Courts of the Prosecutor's Office in Moldavian SSR 1971-86. Retired in 1986. At personal request of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Moldova in 1989-92 he carried out work on rehabilitation of the victims of political repression in the 30-40s and early 50s. 1992-94 - Prosecutor at the Department for Supervision of Compliance with Laws in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Moldova. Lived in Kishinev. In 1979 he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Moldavian SSR". He died in 2018. Interview | |
Orina Tatyana Stepanovna (Орина Татьяна Степановна) in 1959 - an orderly at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Orlova (Орлова) in 1959 - an instructor at the regional Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, the head of the tourism department. She replaced M.Ufimtzev in this position on 22.11.1958 because the functions of the Sverdlovsk City Committee for Physical Culture and Sports were given to the regional committee. She informed Karelin's group that the Dyatlov hiking group had gone missing (telephone conversation Serov-Sverdlovsk on February 25). | |
Ortyukov Georgiy Semyonovich (Ортюков Георгий Семенович) (15.V.1914-28.I.1979) in 1959 - Colonel, lecturer at the special department of the UPI; lived in Sverdlovsk at 91 Kuznechnaya St. apt.97. Took part in the search from Feb 24 to mid-March and from the end of April to the end of the search). Member of the operational team since March 13 (upon resolution of the Regional Executive Committee). Member CPSU since 1938 Born in the village of Maminskoe, Perm Governorate. Graduated from the Shadrinsky Polytechnic, worked at machine-tractor station; in 1936 - a foreman and a Komsomol organizer at the construction of the Kamensk-Uralsky aluminum plant. In October 1936 he went to Sverdlovsk Infantry School, where he studied from 1936 to 1938. He got married (wife - Filitsata Trofimovna; daughter - Lyudmila Georgievna, born in 1937). In 1939, he volunteered for the army to fight in the Finnish War. On the Karelian front, he commanded a ski battalion, distinguished himself in the destruction of a strategic object - a railway bridge over a river. Since 1940-in the Trans-Baikal Military District, on the Manchurian-Chinese border, with the 646th Regiment of the 152nd Division, where he served until the war with Germany began. At the beginning of 1941 the division was transferred to the western border. His family was transported to Altai (Borzya station), later they were evacuated to the city of Biysk. In the battles near Yelnya in October 1941 he was wounded in the heel by an explosive bullet. Refused to have his leg amputated. He had an operation later in hospital in Ordzhonikidze. In 1942, he returned to Sverdlovsk from the hospital as a non-combat service officer, and taught at a military infantry school. By this time, the family had moved from Biysk to Sverdlovsk. He served at the Sverdlovsk Infantry School as a non-combatant officer: in 1942 he took cadets to the front; in 1943 - Major, political officer. In 1944 he trained cadets in the training garrison in Chebarkul. In November 1943, for exemplary performance of his duties and personal active participation in battles, he was recommended for the Order of the Red Star (awarded in 1944). In 1948-50. he was transferred to the Office of the Commanding General of the Ural military district Kuznetsov; in 1950-56 he was the secretary of the military council of the Ural military district (commander of the Ural military district - Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov). In 1953, he attended courses for division commanders at the Frunze Academy (Moscow). He left as a lieutenant colonel, returned to the headquarters of the Ural Military District with the rank of colonel. Demobilized in 1956, in the fall of 1957 - appointed head of the training unit of the military department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, taught tactics. He died in 1979 from cancer. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star 1944, 1951; medals "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45" 1945, "For Military Merit" 1946. | |
Ostyaks Остяки Both the indigenous Khanty and Ket people and languages in Siberia, Russia were formerly called Ostyaks. According to Gorbushin's testimony Kurikov points at them as possible culprit | |
Ovchinnikov Valerian Alekseevich (Овчинников Валериан Алексеевич) in 1959-a MI-4 pilot-navigator at separate air squadron 142, military unit 32979; participant in the search for the missing roup. Lives in Yekaterinburg. | |
P ^ | |
Panov Pavel Nikolaevich (Панов Павел Николаевич) in 1959 - staff member of the Ivdel Police department who according to Gorbusin's testimony was present when Kurikov was talking about the Ostyaks. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. | |
Pantyushina (Пантюшина) in 1959 a doctor at the Central Hospital. | |
Paramonov Yuri Nikolaevich (Парамонов Юрий Николаевич) in 1959 - air traffic controller at the Ivdel airport. Participated in the coordination of the air search. | |
Parshakov Vladimir Ivanovich (Паршаков Владимир Иванович) (1933-2017) in 1959 - an instructor at the Komsomol city committee in Ivdel. Served in the group of Soviet forces in Germany; after demobilization, from April 1959 - an instructor at the Komsomol city committee in Ivdel. In 1962-63 - 1st Secretary of the Komsomol City Committee in Ivdel. Later - the chairman of the city executive committee 1971-80; 1st secretary of the city committee of the CPSU of Ivdel 1980-83. In 1986 - the Head of the N-240 Institution, delegate to the regional report- and-election conference. Ministry of Internal Affairs pensioner, honorary citizen of Ivdel. | |
Parshukov (Паршуков) Unconfirmed reports indicate that in 1959 he was a senior lieutenant (Ministry of Internal Affairs Railway troops); might have taken part in the search party of climbers led Kikoin and later, in Sogrin's search party. Known: | |
Parshukov Aleksander Pavlovich (Паршуков Александр Павлович) in the 1980s the head of the forestry workshop №2 of the Pershinskiy woodworking integrated plant (Pershino village). | |
Parshukov Aleksey Pavlovich (Паршуков Алексей Павлович) - the head of the 5th Separate Camp Unit (since December 1938). In 1953 - a senior lieutenant, head of the 5thcamp unit of the 8th Ivdellag camp department. The most significant construction projects of the Pershinsky timber mill were implemented by the forces of this separate camp unit. | |
Parshukov Andrey Konstantinovich (Паршуков Андрей Константинович) (1923-1993) in 1959 - perhaps the political officer who worked together with Polunochnoe Settlement Police Division 2nd camp department, PO box 240 (Pershino). Born in the village of Vishera, Ivdel district. After graduating from the Kalinin Military engineers' school of chemical defense (1942), he fought as head of the Chemical Warfare Service on the Voronezh, Kalinin, 1st Baltic, 1st Far Eastern fronts: 587th separate guards mortar division (1943); 4th Guards mortar division, 20th Guards Mortar Brigade 1943-45. Awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree; medals "For the capture of Kenisberg", "For the victory over Germany", "For the victory over Japan." After the Great Patriotic War he joined the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He worked as a political commander of the Ivdel police. Carried on working despite health problems: during the war he was wounded in the leg, the doctors were unable to remove the shell splinter. Later - deputy chief (political officer), Head of the trade unit of the 2nd camp department (Pershino). In 1968 he was included in the Book of Honor of the N-240 institution for long-term impeccable service in the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Retired 1971 with the rank of major of internal services. Then he moved to a permanent place of residence in the city of Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory (although none of the relatives lived there). A veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, had two sons. | |
Parshukov Nikifor Pavlovich (Паршуков Никифор Павлович) (1915-1990) - participant of the Great Patriotic War. Lived in the village of Pershino. | |
Pashin Ivan Vasilyevich (according to relatives: Fokeevich) Пашин Иван Васильевич (по данным родственников: Фокеевич) (1908-1974) in 1959 - a forester in the Vizhaysky forestry; lived in the village of Vizhay. A participant in the search for the Dyatlov group on Feb 23-27 as a guide in the Slobtsov group. (Testimony) Born in 1908 in the Perm region. Unconfirmed reports suggest he belonged to the Old Believers community. In 1936 he moved from the Perm region to the Sverdlovsk region. In 1936-49 he lived in 2-North settlement, worked as a forester and washed for gold. For some reason he was not drafted into the army. After 1951 he moved to Vizhay. There are unconfirmed reports that Pashin's house was located not far from the place where the Ushma River joins the Lozva River (year unknown). Other unconfirmed reports indicate that he might have been a deputy of the Ivdel village council, foreman of the "Severny Mayak" collective farm in 1942. In 1972 he returned to his native village Kurya (Shaitanovka) of the Troitsko-Pechersky district, where he died. He had three sisters: Tatyana, Agafya and Matryona. His wife, Victoria (Anatolia) Osipovna (1912-1997), died in the village of Vizhay. Seven children, including son Vladimir Ivanovich Pashin (1951), and a daughter - Zoya Ivanovna Dunaeva (Pashina). | |
Pasynkov Igor Grigorievich (Пасынков Игорь Григорьевич) in 1959 - a 4th year student at the Physics and Technology Faculty, UPI (24th department). He helped unload the coffins with the bodies of the dead hikers at Sverdlovsk airport in May. He mentioned that he had participated in the search in the area of the height 1079. Yet there is no evidence of his participation in the search. Perhaps he was a member of Martyushev's search party (shift 4) 6-17.04. In October 1959 - the head of the qualification commission of the UPI hiking club. Born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1940. In 1961 he graduated from UPI PTF, Department of Experimental Physics) with a degree in Experimental Physics,automation and electronics. 1961-65 - worked in Chelyabinsk-40 (Mayak) in the group of the assistant to the chief engineer of the plant ; in 1965 he did a postgraduate course Atomic Energy Institute (Moscow) majoring in programming automation. Since 1968 - head of the electronic computing machine system support group, in 1980-1991 was engaged in automation of the design and manufacture of electronic devices at the Ministry of Medium Mechanical Engineering (Minatom). | |
Patrushev Gennadiy Vasilyevich (Патрушев Геннадий Васильевич) (02.VIII.1933-22.V.1961) in 1959 - the second pilot of An-2 123 air squadron (Ivdel), a member of the air search for the Dyatlov group. Born in the village of Patrushi (now merged with Aramil), Sysertsky district, Sverdlovsk region. Father, Patrushev Vasiliy Ivanovich (1905-1941), was reported missing in October 1941; mother, Patrusheva (Ufimtseva) Valentina Vasilyevna (1909-1976); brother, Patrushev Vitaly Vasilyevich, born in 1938. The family first lived in Patrushi, then moved to the workers’ stttlement of Aramilskiy Torfyanik (5 km from Aramil towards Sverdlovsk along the Chelyabinsk tract). After finishing 7th grade, he enrolled at Sverdlovsk Special Air Force School. After graduation, he took a year at a pilot school for initial training (probably, the Air Naval School №94 in Kuibyshev, or Air Naval School №93, Lebyazhye settlement). In 1954 he entered the Nikolaev Air Naval Mine-and-Torpedo School, which he graduated in 1956 with a degree in Operation and Combat Employment of Aircraft (Certificate №283205, issued based on order dated Jun 16, 1956). According to other sources: in 1954 he enrolled at the Yeisk Aviation School, but after a year of study he was transferred to Nikolaev Air Naval Mine-and-Torpedo School. According to the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated 13.05.1956, after the end of the theoretical course (3rd year) he was given the military rank of lieutenant and he was transfer to the reserve of the Navy on grounds of staff reduction (unconfirmed reports suggest, the reason was his refusal to participate in the Hungarian events of 1956). In 1956 he was admitted to the Sasov flight school of USSR civil aviation (Sasovo, Ryazan region, which he finished in 1957 with the qualification of a IV grade civil aviation pilot. He returned to the Urals and in 1957 he was enlisted in the 123rd squadron of the Sverdlovsk group of the Civil Aviation (IV, then III grade pilot). From April 1957 until his death in 1961 he was a pilot in the 2nd generall aviation squadron under the 123rd squadron of the Ural territorial administration of the Civil Aviation, based in Uktus. He often went to long-term work trips to remote areas of the Sverdlovsk region. At least from August 1958 he worked in Ivdel , he was engaged in forest fire fighting and forest sowing. In February 1961, he did training for the preparation and implementation of aviation chemical works. On May 25, 1961 he was supposed to leave for Leningrad to study at the Civil Aviation Academy, but on May 22, 1961, he died in a crash in taiga 65 km north of Ivdel (20 km from the village of Vizhay), while forest sowing on a Yak-12 aircraft. The accident report officially stated that the reason had been pilot error. In fact, the accident had been caused iby the mechanic’s error (which they decided not to disclose), the plane took off with the screw clamps on the driving rudder s had not been removed. Death certificate 11-YuN №067026. He was buried in a closed coffin at the cemetery in the village of Bolshoy Istok. | |
Patrusheva (Gamatina nee Tebelkova) Valeriya Nikolaevna (Патрушева Гаматина дев. Тебелькова Валерия Николаевна) is the wife of Gennadiy Patrushev. Born in 1933 in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsk, Chita region into a family of a railroad officer. Father, Nikolay Timofeevich, worked in the Civilian Facilities Division. The Patrushevs were an unsociable family. The parents never went to visit anyone, and never invited anyone themselves. When she was little she wrote poetry, which sometimes was published in newspapers. In 1940 the family moved to Ulan-Ude. Valeriya Nikolaevna studied in the tenth grade, at school teachers advised her to go to study at the Creative Writing Faculty of the Irkutsk University. The father was against it, because he wanted his youngest daughter to become a doctor, like the eldest one, Lucy. After the father had forbidden to goto the university, Valeriya Nikolaevna attempted suicide by taking her mother's medicine, mamofidin, which her elder sister had brought home. The family were secretive about their daughter’s suicide attempt, they said she had been ill with tonsillitis. Later, the oldest sister, Lucy, left the city of Ulan-Ude for the city of Nikolaev, where she worked as the head of the railway pharmacy. Nine months later, her father was transferred to the town of Borisoglebsk, and then to the town of Povorino, Voronezh region. Then the war broke out. The father saw his wife and daughter into a train. But the train was bombed as it left the station. In 1944 the father found them. All documents had been burnt, so when they renewed them, there was a mistake in Valeriya’s date of birth (1935). After the war, Valeriya Nikolaevna and her mother moved to Nikolaev to live with Lucy. There Valeriya Nikolaevna enrolled at the accelerated education department of the Odessa Medical Institute to work on virgin lands. She studied for four years to become a country doctor. In the last year, they were told that they would get the diplomas of a medical assistant-obstetrician. During her studies, she met Gennady Patrushev, a cadet at Nikolaev Air Naval Mine-and-Torpedo School, whom she married in 1956. The marriage was registered by the sister of Valeriya Nikolaevna’s friend, who worked in the village council of the nearest village. In 1957 she moved with her husband to the Urals, where in March 1958 their son Eugene was born. They lived in the village of Aramilskiy torphyanik (6 km from Sverdlovsk along Chelyabinsk tract) together with her mother-in-law and her husband's younger brother Vitaliy 1938-1995. Only at the end of May 1959 did Gennadiy Vasilyevich take his wife and a one-year-old son to Ivdel, where he rented a room in a private house. After her husband’s death, she moved to Sverdlovsk, to a communal apartment not far from Savva Belykh St. (next to the "house of aviators", where many families of pilots from Uktus lived). She moved into a room where the pilot ,who left for Leningrad to study instead of the deceased G. Patrushev, used to live. After some time, the political department evicted her, because she had no legal right to live there. Valeriya Nikolaevna sent her son to live at her mother-in-law, and for some time she lived with her friend, Nadezhda Gladyreva, in the "house of aviators." Later Valeriya Nikolaevna was given an assignment of living quarters. Navigator G. Karpushin became her neighbor. Then the Karpushins moved into a new apartment, and their son Vasiliy Karpushin with his wife Nadezhda and their son Sergei became her neibours. After a while, Valeriya Nikolaevna married Valeriy Gamatin, who was introduced to her by Vitaly, brother of Gennady Patrushev. They had a son Pavel (later, a military man, served in Afghanistan). Around 1966 the Gamatins moved into a new apartment. Valeriy Gamatin died on Jun 13, 2006 from a heart attack. | |
Pavlov Vasiliy Alekseevich (Павлов Василий Алексеевич) (6.III.1910-15.V.1983) in 1959 - First Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee; Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission at Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU from Feb 28. A railway worker by profession. Unconfirmed reports indicate that he worked in Chelyabinsk until 1947, where his son Evgeniy was born in 1938. In 1947 he was transferred to Sverdlovsk. He held the position of first deputy chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee from 1958 to 1969 (in 1962-64 - First Deputy Chairman of the Industrial Executive Committee). | |
Pechenkin Valeriy Petrovich (Печенкин Валерий Петрович) in 1959 - a 4th year student at the metallurgical faculty, UPI (specialty "metallurgy of precious metals");participant in Martyushev's search party in the area of the height 1079, Apr 6-17. | |
Peremot (Перемот) - a soldier of military unit 6602, participant in search in the area of the height 1079. | |
Pershin Fyodor Romanovich (Першин Федор Романович) (27.II.1924-29.X.2007) in 1959 - Prosecutor of the Novo-Lyalinsky region; junior counselor of justice. Born in the regional center Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region. At the beginning of the war, he volunteered for the army, became a cadet at a military school with training as a radiotelegraph operator, since March 1942 he fought as a private - radio operator of the 249th separate Guards mortar division "Katyusha" on the North-West, Stalingrad, South-Eastern fronts, senior sergeant - radio operator, scout of the 2nd Guards Mortar Regiment on the South, 4th Ukrainian, 1st Baltic, Leningrad and Far Eastern fronts. After the war, he worked as an assistant to the prosecutors of the Isovsky, Novo-Lyalinsky and Krasnoufimsky districts of the Sverdlovsk region, since 1967 he worked as an assistant to the prosecutor of the Chekhovsky district, the deputy prosecutor of the Odintsovsky district of the Moscow region, and an assistant to the prosecutor of the Frunzensky district of Moscow. In 1972, he was appointed prosecutor of the department for supervision over the consideration of criminal cases in the courts of the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR. He retired in 1984 with the class rank of senior counselor of justice, for military and labor distinction he was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, the Red Star, two Orders of Glory of the 3rd degree, medals, he was repeatedly encouraged by the USSR Prosecutor General. | |
Pervago Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Перваго Владимир Александрович) (1912 - 1990) in 1959 - the head of the Ural Geological Department (Sverdlovsk) ( | |
Petrosyan (Петросян) - a private MPV (mine blasting platoon) of the 52nd separate track railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; participant in the search in the area of height 1079. | |
Petuhov Mihail (Петухов Михаил) an aircraft mechanic of the 123rd AS, lived in the "house of aviators" in Sverdlovsk. Married (his wife Anfisa asked to be called Isolda). Unconfirmed reports suggest he was to blame for the death of Gennadiy Patrushev, and rumors had it that he was guilty not only due to gross negligence, but it was his intended act as he was related to KGB. ( | |
Petuhov Pavel Zaharovich (Петухов Павел Захарович) (1909-2002) in 1959 - Vice-rector for academic work at UPI, Head of the Handling Machinery Department of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UPI. Born in the city of Votkinsk, Perm province. Graduated from UPI in 1935, mechanical engineer. Since 1935 he worked at UPI: associate professor 1940; head of Handling Machinery Department (1940-41, 1952-79); Vice-rector for academic work 1953-59; professor (since 1979). Doctor of Technical Sciences 1951, Professor 1952. Prepared 30 candidates and two doctors of technical sciences. Member of the scientific and methodological Council on specialty 15.04 of the Russian Federation State Committee for Higher Education. Has 32 inventor's certificates. Author of over 300 academic printed works, incl. 20 monographs. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and six medals. He died in Yekaterinburg. | |
Piguzova Valentina Mihaylovna (Пигузова Валентина Михайловна) in 1959 - Head of the Hydro Meteorological Station in Ivdel. Member of the district election committee. She reported together with Tokareva the abnormal phenomenon observed at 6:50am on Feb 17, 1959 Report | |
Plastun Anatoliy Trofimovich (Пластун Анатолий Трофимович) born in 1937 in the the settlement of Komsomolets, Kustanai region. In 1959 - a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Power Engineering of the UPI; participant in the search in the area of height 1079 as a member of Martyushev's search party Apr 6-17. Graduated from UPI in 1960. Electrician Engineer. Doctor of Technical Sciences 1986, Professor 1989. Honored Inventor of the USSR 1983, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation 1998, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of the Russian Federation 1996. Awarded medals. Since 1960 - at UPI: Associate Professor, Professor, since 1987 - Head of the Department of Electrical Machines. Research advisor and initiator of research and development work on the design, calculation and implementation of brushless excitation devices for synchronous machines of diesel and hydrogenerating plantsof a new generation , that were unparalleled anywhere in the world . | |
Pleshkov Vladimir Ivanovich (Плешков Владимир Иванович) in 1959 - a pilot at the Ivdel airport, later - the deputy commander of the An-2 squadron of the 123rd camp department (forest security, aviation chemical works, aerial photography). In 1961 - aircraft commander AN-2 on the route Ivdel-Nyaksimvol-Nary-Kara (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug). | |
Pletnev Nikolay Fyodorovich (Плетнев Николай Федорович) in 1959 - deputy director of UPI. | |
Plyusnina Margarita Grigorievna (Плюснина Маргарита Григорьевна) in 1959 - a 3rd year student of the UPI Construction Faculty; unconfirmed reports indicate that she was going to join the Dyatlov group on a hike but could not due to the timing of student intern programme in Perm. | |
Podgaynaya Vera Ivanovna (Подгайная Вера Ивановна) in 1959 - worked as a typist and secretary with A.M. Sulman, head of the Northern exploration expedition (Ivdel). Polyakov (Поляков) - serviceman of military unit 6602, participant of the search in the area of the height 1079. | |
Pomazkin Pyotr Vasilyevich (Помазкин Петр Васильевич) (1918-25.XI.1990) in 1959 - head of the party administration department of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU, secretary of the Sverdlovsk city committee of the CPSU;member of the Extraordinary Commission of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU since Feb 28. Born in the village of Pershinskoe, Pershinsky volost of the Shadrinsky district of the Perm province. In 1941-45 worked at a defense plant in Gorky. In 1946-52 worked in Komsomol administration: department head, secretary of the Sverdlovsk city committee of the Komsomol; 2nd Secretary of the Central Committee of the Young Communist League of Estonia. In 1952 started work in CPSU administration in Estonia and the Sverdlovsk region: head of the department of party bodies of the Pärnu Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Estonia 1952-53; 1st Deputy Head of the Department, Head of the Department of Party Bodies of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, Secretary of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the CPSU (at least since 1958); in 1963-1980 - Head of the Department of Publishing, Printing and Book Trade of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee (Regional Department for Protection military and state secrets in the press, regional department for literature and publishing). Retired in 1980. Member of the CPSU since 1944. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR; candidate member of the Bureau of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, member of the Audit Commission in Sverdlovsk regional party organization. Awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, "Badge of Honor", 3 medals; honored worker of culture of the RSFSR. He died in Sverdlovsk. | |
Popov Nikolay P. (Попов Николай П.) in 1959 - a UPI graduate, engineer at Tatarian Research Institute, Bugulma. He was included on the preliminary list of the Dyatlov group. For unknown reasons he didn't go on the fateful hike. | |
Popov Valentin Aleksandrovich (Попов Валентин Александрович) in 1958 - an instructor guide at the Kourovskaya camp site, took part in the "instructor" hike in December 1958, which was led by S.A. Zolotaryov along the route: the village of Chusovoe - stone Shaitan - settlement of Talitsa. He worked at the Kourovskaya camp site for 10 years 1957-67. Currently, a large number of documents related to the Kourovka base, including photographs, are kept by his wife, Zinaida Vasilyevna Popova, who lives in Novoutkinsk. There are no photographs of Zolotaryov in this archive. | |
Popov Vasiliy Andreyanovich (Попов Василий Андреянович) in 1959 - head of the communications unit of the Vizhaysky logging department, a reserve captain; lived in the settlement of Vizhay. Born in the Kargopol district of the Chelyabinsk (Kurgan) region in 1908. In 1929-31 he was in the Red Army. In 1940 he was again drafted into the Red Army at Kargapolsky regional military commissariat (Chelyabinsk Region, Kargapolsky District). At war service since June 1941. Captain, commander of the telegraph-construction company of the 512th separate communications battalion of the 39th Army (Kaliningrad Front, 1st Baltic Front). He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class 1943. In 1953 - chief of communications at Ivdellag division №12, member of the CPSU, Russian. Testimony | |
Postonogov Evgeniy Ivanovich (Постоногов Евгений Иванович) - in 1958-59 - a junior instructor at the Kourovka base, in December 1958 he took part in the "instructor" hike, led by Semyon Alekseevich Zolotaryov along the route of the village of Chusovoye - Shaitan Kamen - settlement of Talitsa. Born in 1936 in the village of Pavda, Isovsky District, Sverdlovsk Region. Graduated from the seven-year school and the Sverdlovsk craft art school №42 with a certificate of a specialist in decorative modeling and decoration of buildings 1954. In 1956 he took Yak-18 pilot course at he Sverdlovsk flying club. Served in the Soviet Army in a training aviation regiment №1218, flew plane Yak-11. He got first category in the transition program for figher aircrafts in 1958. After demobilization, he worked as a turner at Starotrubny plant (Pervouralsk), hiking instructor at the Kourovskaya tour base. Enrolled at the Ural Polytechnic Institute to study "Architecture" 1961 and graduated from the Nizhne-Tagil Pedagogical Institute in 1967 with a degree in "artist-teacher". In 1970, as a reserve officer, he served at the Aviation Training Center in the city of Bohodukhiv (near Kharkov) on a Mi-1 helicopter. In 1972 he graduated from Omsk Flight Technical School, specializing in aircraft flight operation An-2. Was assigned to the Sverdlovsk United squadron (Uktus airport). He flew as a co-pilot on An-2, took another training at the Kremenchug Flight School on the Mi-4. He flew as a co-pilot. In 1973 he left flight operation .He worked at a mechanical plant in the department of the chief architect in the city of Rezh and at the Ural Railway Car Building Works in Tagil. Taught Art and Design at the Ural School of Applied Arts (Nizhny Tagil). Was the director of the children's art school (town of Rezh), the chief artist of Rez. Honorary Citizen of the Rezhevsky District, member of the Creative Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation. | |
Postonogov Gennadiy Ivanovich (Постоногов Геннадий Иванович) (1928-2003) - in 1958-59 - senior instructor of the Kourovka base, took part in the "instructor" hike, led by Semyon Alekseevich Zolotaryov along the route of the village of Chusovoye-stone Shaitan-settlement of Talitsa in December 1958. Graduated from the Air Force Special School №12 (Sverdlovsk, 71 Malysheva St.) in 1947. He was a cadet-pilot of the Novosibirsk Air Force school 1951. He flew the Yak-18. For health reasons, he was suspended from flights. Graduated from the Irkutsk Military Technical School. He served in Riga, serviced fighter aircrafts. Was a Komsomol organizer of the regiment. For health reasons, he was demobilized with the rank of senior lieutenant. He moved to Pervouralsk, his wife’s hometown, got a job as a senior tourism instructor at the Kourovskaya camp site. Later he lived and worked in Tuapse in the pioneer camp "Orlyonok". Organized andheaded the school for young cosmonauts, which the cosmonauts from Gagarin group visited. | |
Postonogov Yuri Ivanovich (Постоногов Юрий Иванович) - in 1958-59 - a junior instructor at the Kourovka base, in December 1958 he took part in the "instructor" hike, led by S.A. Zolotaryov along the route of the village of Chusovoye-stone Shaitan- settlement of Talitsa. Born in 1936 in the village of Pavda, Isovsky District, Sverdlovsk Region. Graduated from the seven-year school and the Sverdlovsk craft art school №42 with a certificate of a specialist in decorative modeling and decoration of buildings 1954. In 1956 he took Yak-18 pilot course at he Sverdlovsk flying club. Served in the Soviet Army in a training aviation regiment №1218, flew plane Yak-11. He got first category in the transition program for figher aircrafts in 1958. After demobilization, he worked as a turner at Starotrubny plant (Pervouralsk), tourism instructor at the Kourovskaya camp site. Enrolled at the Ural Polytechnic Institute to study "Architecture" 1961 and graduated from the Nizhne-Tagil Pedagogical Institute in 1967 with a degree in "artist-teacher". In 1970, as a reserve officer, he served at the Aviation Training Center in the city of Bohodukhiv (near Kharkov) on a Mi-1 helicopter. In 1972 he graduated from Omsk Flight Technical School, specializing in aircraft flight operation An-2. Was assigned to the Sverdlovsk United squadron (Uktus airport). He flew as a co-pilot on An-2, took another training at the Kremenchug Flight School on the Mi-4. He flew as a co-pilot. In 1973 he was removed from flight operation for health reasons. From 1976 to 2008 he worked at the university: candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor at the department of architecture of Ural State Technical University-UPI, honorary worker of the Higher School Russian Federation, member of the Creative Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation. | |
Potapov (Потапов) in 1959 - a senior lieutenant, military unit 6602; participant in the search in the area of height 1079. Karelin and soldiers from Lt. Potapov group found with their probes the body of Slobodin on Mar 5, 1959 Reported together with Avenburg and Sogrin abnormal phenomenon observed at 4am on Mar 31, 1959 Report | |
Potegov (Потегов) in 1959 - a serviceman in air squadron 142, military unit 32979; onboard technician MI-4, took part in the search. | |
Potyazhenko Margarita Ivanovna (Потяженко Маргарита Ивановна) wife of Victor Vasilyevich Potyazhenko. In 1959 - a radio operator at the Ivdel airport, participated in maintaining radio communications between search groups and Ivdel. She was born in 1941 in the Krasnoarmeisky settlement , Berezovsky district , the Sverdlovsk region. Her mother came to the Sverdlovsk region from Belarus in 1933; father worked at Uralmash. At the age of 18 she graduated from the courses of radio operators in Sverdlovsk (Uktus) and was sent as a radio operator to Ivdel (CA). During the search in 1959 she met her future husband. In the spring of 1959 she was transferred from Ivdel to Uktus; left Ivdel on April 25, 1959. She married V.V. Potyazhenko in 1960. She served as a radio operator in the Ural Military District, took part in radio communications when intercepting Powers' flight over Sverdlovsk on 1.05.1960. Lives in Vladimir. Interview | |
Potyazhenko Victor Vasilyevich (Потяженко Виктор Васильевич) (6.III.1933-2017) in 1959 - a senior lieutenant (February) / captain (May), KVS Mi-4, flight commander 142 AS, military unit 32979; participated in the search. Born он Марцх 6, 1933, in the town of Karadonly (Azerbaijan SSR). During the war he moved to Krasnodar. He got secondary education (10 classes) only in 1956. Studied at the Krasnodar flying club (2 years); in 1952-54 - cadet at the Air Force School №160 (Pugachev,Saratov region). After graduating from college in 1955, he was sent to serve in the Caucasus (Telavi); in 1956 he was transferred to Sverdlovsk (Aramil, air squadron 142 under direct supervision of the regional commander). In 1963 - transferred to Chelyabinsk (Kalachevo), to the VAAAAFN (Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force and Navy, Russ. ДОСААФ) flying club, which in 1964 was transformed into the VAAAAFN Chelyabinsk Aviation Training Center with the task of training pilots on Yak-18U aircraft and on Mi-1 helicopters, and sportsmen parachutists. He trained sportsmen-pilots. In 1967 he was transferred to the Izhevsk Aviation Training Center, where he worked for 8 years as deputy commander. In 1975 he was transferred to the Vladimir Aviation Training Center. 1955-56 - navigator pilot; in 1956-57 - helicopter flight control system; 1957-58 - Helicopter flight commander; 1958-64 - deputy squadron commander; 1964-67 - Squadron Commander of the Training Centre. In December 1967 he was awarded the military rank of lieutenant colonel. 1967-74 - Deputy Head of flight training; 1974-82 - Deputy Chairman for Aviation. Since 1982 - military pensioner. Member of the CPSU. Started living in Vladimir in 1975, married. USSR champion in helicopter sport (11th USSR championship, Sumy, 1969), USSR Master of Sports in helicopter sport. Interview | |
Pozharskiy Aleksander Stepanovich (Пожарский Александр Степанович) (11.VIII.1905-02.XI.1984) in 1959 - a member of the Extraordinary Commission at the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU since Feb 28. Born in 1905 in the village of Mezhki, Polotsk district of Belarus. Served military service in the Red Army in 1928-29. In 1935 he was drafted at the Oktyabrsky regional military commissariat in Moscow to the Red Army. Member of the VCP(b) since 1941. Place of service until 1944 is unknown. Lieutenant colonel; Deputy Chief of the operational staff at the Trans-Baikal Front 1944, Deputy Chief of the Operations directorate at the Trans-Baikal Front 1945. Participated in warfare against the Japanese invaders in Manchuria (August - September 1945). Awarded the Medal "For Military Merit" 1945, the Order of the Red Star 1944, Suvorov 3rd degree 1945. Chief of Staff of the Ural Military District (October 1956 - July 1960). Chairman of the District Council of the All-Army military hunting society, Ural military district 1956-58. In 1959 - Major General, since May 1960 -Lieutenant General. In 1860-65 - a leader of the group of Soviet military specialists (head of the Soviet military mission) in Egypt. In 1967 he worked in the 10th Directorate of the General Staff (Moscow). | |
Prodanov Ivan Stepanovich (Проданов Иван Степанович) (08.IX.1906-1964) in 1959 - 1st secretary of the city party committee in Ivdel; head of the operational search team (Ivdel)from Mar 13. Born into a family of peasants in the village of St. Burassy, Bazarno-Karabulaksky district, Saratov region in 1906. Father - a collective farmer, died in 1953. Russian. Graduated from the Forestry Institute (Sverdlovsk) in 1936 with a degree in forestry land transport. 1920 to 1924 -a shepherd for hire; 1924-1928 - chairman of the village committee for peasant mutual assistance, secretary of the Komsomol cell; 1928-1930 - Red Army soldier with 24th separate horse-artillery division (Novgorod district). 1930-1936 - studies at the Ural Forestry Institute (Sverdlovsk). After graduating from the institute in 1936-38, technical manager of the forestry unit in the Sverdlovsk region. From 1938 to 1942 technical manager, head of the production in various divisions of the SevUralLag NKVD and VostUralLag NKVD (Fabrichniy, Tavda). Since 1942 working for VCP(b). Member of the Komsomol from 1924 to 1930. Candidate for membership in the VCP(b) from 1928; member of VCP(b) since 1929. Secretary for Industry, Secretary of the CC of VCP(b) in Turinsk (from 1942) and N. Lyalya (from 1945). From Sep 11, 1952 to Jan 8, 1963 - 1st Secretary of the City Committee of the CPSU of Ivdel (party card №02218359). In March 1959 he was elected deputy at Ivdel City Council. As of 1962 he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the medal "For Valorous Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45". He died in 1964, was buried in Ivdel. Wife - Mariya Ermolaevna Prodanova. The Prodanovs had 8 children. As of 2015 - two daughters are alive: Alevtina Ivanovna Laskina (lives in Ivdel) and Olga Ivanovna Melakhina (Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region). | |
Prodanov Nikolay Stepanovich (Проданов Николай Степанович) (1919-1992) - possibly the brother of Ivan Stepanovich Prodanov. Passport issued on November 22, 1977 by the Polunochnoe Police department of Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region. Later he lived in Yekaterinburg at 24 Syromolotov St. apt.74. | |
Prohorov (Прохоров) in 1959 - Head of the General Supervision Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region. | |
Pronozova Aleksandra Ivanovna (Пронозова Александра Ивановна) in 1959 - senior nurse of the surgical department of the medical unit, PO Box 240. | |
Proshkin Leonid Georgievich (Прошкин Леонид Георгиевич Modern times criminal prosecutor who revised the post mortem analyses of the last four bodies | |
Prudkov Iosif Davydovich (Прудков Иосиф Давыдович) (18.IX.1929-14.XI.1984) in 1959 - head of the surgical department of the Central Hospital of N-240. Born in 1929. Graduated from Sverdlovsk Medical Institute. In his third year he chose his specialization - surgery. In 1952 he was assigned to Ivdel. In 1953 - a doctor in medical unit of the 9th department. Later he headed the surgical department of the hospital for civilian employees, worked as the chief surgeon for Ivdellag, and forensic expert. According to the contract, he was supposed to work in Ivdellag for three years, in fact he worked for nine years there together with his wife, also a doctor. He finished the northern part of his career as a captain of the medical service, known and respected in his environment as a surgeon. There he also received his only official award - the badge "Excellence in Health Care". After leaving for Sverdlovsk in 1961 he worked at the Regional Railway Hospital. There he became one of the city's leading surgeons. In 1977 he headed city clinical hospital №40 of Sverdlovsk, which became the main clinical base of the general surger department. Doctor and Professor of the Medical Academy, Joseph Davidovich got an incurable illness and died in 1984 at the age of 55. | |
Prudkova Valentina Ivanovna (Прудкова Валентина Ивановна) in 1959 - head of the children's department at the Ivdel city hospital. I.D. Prudkov's wife. | |
Pudov Vladimir Dmitrievich (Пудов Владимир Дмитриевич) in 1959 - Igor Dyatlov’s classmate, was invited to take part in the hike, but for some reason refused. He took part in Dyatlov's funeral. Born in the village of Paska, Kirov region, into a teacher's family. In 1959, he graduated with honors from the radio engineering faculty of UPI, specializing in "automation and telemechanics". After graduation, he worked at PO Box 79 (Sverdlovsk) for three years, in the laboratory of Experimental design bureau for development of very early warning system. In 1962, he moved to work at PO Box 222 (settlement of Protva, Kaluga Region) as a senior engineer. Participated in the development of a momentum bias attitude control system for a special satellite. Since 1966 - Research Fellow at the Institute of Oceanology; since 1968 - engineer at the computing center at the technical research ship Akademik Kurchatov. He took part in two major scientific expeditions. In 1969 he was transferred to the post of chief engineer of the technical research ship Dmitry Mendeleev, where he worked for about a year and participated in seven major expeditions. Later - transferred to the Institute of Experimental Meteorology at the State Committee for Hydromet of the USSR in Obninsk; senior researcher 1983. Since 2007 - Leading Researcher of the Federal Information and Analytical Center Scientific Production Association, Obninsk. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 1981. | |
Pustobaev Vladimir (Пустобаев Владимир) in 1959 - commander of the Mi-4 123 air squadron Ivdel; participant in the search from Feb 22-23 to mid-March. Unconfirmed reports indicate that he died in a helicopter accident in the Ivdel region in the early 70s. | |
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Radosteva Galina Grigorievna (Радостева Галина Григорьевна) in 1959 - a 4th year student at the radio faculty ,UPI, gr. R-462; took part in the identification of the belongings of the perished. Member of the bureau of the UPI tourism club, on-call person at the UPI route commission. In February-March 1959, she provided telephone communication between the search headquarters in Ivdeli and SC UPI. She kept records of all conversations and telephone messages from the search. Later, these records were taken away (by the prosecutor's office?).Unconfirmed reports suggest she took part in the identification of the bodies of those killed in the morgue of Sverdlovsk. | |
Rahimov (Рахимов) in 1959 - the head of aviation meteorological station at Ivdel airport. Later transferred; around 1964 worked as a chief of meteorological services at the Yanaul airport (Bashkiria). | |
Rakitin Alexei (Ракитин Алексей) Rakitin is the literary pseudonym of a group of people who authored the most extensive and popular book on the subject of Dyatlov group tragedy called Dyatlov Pass. The book promotes the controlled environment theory, but also features the best behavior analysis so far. The book is translated in German only. The group consists of a "leader" who came up with the theory plus a few consultants and a literary agent, but nobody knows who he exactly is, or what is his name | |
Rashevskaya Irina Nikolaevna (Рашевская Ирина Николаевна) see Doroshenko (Rashevskaya) Irina Nikolaevna (Дорошенко Рашевская Ирина Николаевна) | |
Raspopin Sergey Pavlovich (Распопин Сергей Павлович) (1922-2014) in 1959 - dean (according to other sources - deputy dean) of the Physicotechnical Department at UPI. Unconfirmed reports suggest he witnessed an internal investigation of the activities of the Physicotechnical Department by KGB officers from Moscow after the death of the Dyatlov group. Born into a family of rural teachers in the Vyatka province in 1922. In 1939 after finishing the Irbit secondary school he went to study at metallurgical faculty of the Ural Industrial Institute named after Sergei Mironovich Kirov. From 1941 to 1947 he served in the Red Army. Participated in the battles of the Great Patriotic War on Voronezh, South-Western, 1st, 3rd and 4th Ukrainian fronts with the 61st Guards Slavic Red Banner Rifle Division, 60th, 40th, 5th Tank and 3rd Guards Armies. He commanded a platoon and a company of machine gunners, rifle battalion. He was wounded four times. He ended the war in Prague with the rank of Guard Captain. In 1947 after demobilization he continued his 3rd year at the metallurgical faculty; in 1949. was transferred to the 5th year of the newly organized Faculty of Physics and Technology, from which he graduated in December 1950. Since 1950 worked at UPI: post-graduate student (in 1954 defended his thesis), senior lecturer, associate professor, professor 1971. In 1969 defended his doctoral dissertation. In 1956-59 - deputy dean; in 1959(1960)-62 - Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology; in 1962-92 - Head of the Department "Rare metals". Head of the scientific research on application of ionic and metallic melts, processes occurring in these media in technology of rare metals and in the fast-neutron recycle test reactors. He prepared 36 candidates and 11 doctors of sciences. Has 146 author’s certificates and patents for inventions. Author of over 500 publications. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1982), Honorary Professor of UPI (1998). Awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War (1 class), Red Star, "Badge of Honor", eighteen medals, a badge "For services to the Sverdlovsk region" III degree. | |
Raskoshniy Boris Zaharovich (Раскошный Борис Захарович) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Rempel Ivan Dmitrievich (Ремпель Иван Дмитриевич) (1906-1981) born in Dnepropetrovsk district. 1959 - a forester at the Vizhaysky forestry; lived in the village of Vizhay. Consulted Dyatlov on the route on Jan 25 (Testimony). In the 30s he lived with his family in the village of Arkadaksky district, Saratov region, worked as a teacher, salesman in a store. In 1937 he was convicted and stayed in the camps in Vizhay until the end of the war ; worked in the 2nd North and Vizhay camps. His wife and children were sent into exile to the Tyumen region when the war broke out. In 1946, Rempel brought them to Vizhay. They lived there until 1965. In 1965-66 they moved to Murom, in 1969 - to Tsimlyansk, Rostov region. Ivan Dmitrievich Rempel died in 1981 and was buried in Tsimlyansk. | |
Repyev Pyotr Aleksandrovich (Репьев Петр Александрович) (19.VI.1914-03.IV.1981) in 1959 - the head of the Sverdlovsk Physical Culture and Sport Department. Chairman of the regional organisation bureau (from Apr 3, 1959 -Chairman of the Presidium of the Regional Council) of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region. As remembered by Bogomolov, he helped to arrange Zolotaryov’s funeral. Before the war, he was the first secretary of the Komsomol organization at the Uralmashzavod (Sverdlovsk). Participant in the Great Patriotic War. Fought with the Ural Tank Corps. He finished the war as an assistant chief of the political department of the division. He fought on the Kalinin front, was shell-shocked. Member of the CPSU. For courage and heroism he was awarded the orders: "Red Star", "Patriotic War" and many medals. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, he returned to Sverdlovsk. He was asked to head the Sverdlovsk city committee for physical culture and sports. According to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated 03.06.1958 the city of Sverdlovsk was transferred from the republican to the regional subordination; Repyev headed the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk Region. The initiator of Sports and Athletic Contest for the peoples of the RSFSR and the USSR, and USSR championships in various sports. Released from the position of Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk Region in 1972. All Union certified Judge in interdisciplinary competitions. Awarded the title "RSFSR Honored Worker of Culture". For the development of physical culture and sports in the region was awarded the Order of the "Red Banner of Labor". Awarded with the badge "Excellence in Physical Education and sports". RSFSR sports veteran. Included with №1 in the Memorial Book of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk Region. | |
Retyunskaya Mariya Aleksandrovna (Ретюнская Мария Александровна) (1913-1998) in 1959 - chief surgeon at the Central Hospital of Ivdel. Unconfirmed reports indicate that she had access to the morgue to give assistance to the expert Vozrozhdenniy. Her husband: | |
Retyunsky Konstantin Alekseevich (Ретюнский Константин Алексеевич) in 1942-1960 he was the head of the central repair and mechanical workshops. | |
Rogova Y.I. (Рогова Ю.И.) in 1959 head of the archive at the Sverdlovsk regional prosecutor's office. | |
Romanov Egor Yakovlevich (Романов Егор Яковлевич) (12.IV.1924-) born in Chuvash ASSR, in 1959 - the prosecutor at the investigation department in the Sverdlovsk regional prosecutor's office. Senior Counselor of Justice. Since 1942 he fought in the 4th Guards airborne division on the 2nd Ukrainian front. Participated in the liberation of the occupied territories of the USSR, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Austria. Served in the military counterintelligence "SMERSH". He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, two medals "For Military Merit", "For the capture of Budapest", "For the capture of Vienna" and many others. He worked as an investigator in the Rudny district, an assistant to the prosecutor in the city of Nizhny Tagil, Prosecutor in the Pokrovsky District, Prosecutor, Deputy and Head of a number of Prosecutor's Offices in the Sverdlovsk Region. He finished his service as the head of the investigation department of the Ural transport prosecutor's office. | |
Romanov Nikolay Nikolaevich (Романов Николай Николаевич) (1913-1993) in 1959 - Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR/Organization Bureau of the Union of sports societies and organizations of the USSR. Born in Kamenskoye, Yekaterinoslavskaya province. He studied for 3 years at the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics 1933-36. Member of the VCP(b) since 1937. Candidate to the Central Committee of the CPSU (1966-71). Instructor at the school of factory apprenticeship 1931-33; secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol/secretary of the Leningrad regional Komsomol committee 1936-39; Secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol 1939-47. Chairman of the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the the Council of Ministers of the USSR 1945-48; Dep Chief of the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR 1948-53; Head of the Main Directorate for physical culture and sports under the USSR Ministry of Health 1953-54; Deputy Minister of Health of the USSR 1953-54; chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR/Organization Bureau of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR/Central Council of sports societies and organizations of the USSR 1954-62; Secretary of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions 1962-75. Retired in 1975. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner 1943, the 2nd class Order of the Patriotic War 1987, Lenin Order, and three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor. | |
Rostovtseva Dilyara Sibgatullovna (Ростовцева Диляра Сибгатулловна) in 1959 - a staff member of the thanatological department Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (SRBFME). | |
Rubel Raisa Borisovna (Рубель Раиса Борисовна) in 1959 - a lecturer at the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute; a well-known Sverdlovsk hiker. On Feb 24, 1959, she informed Akselrod about Maslennikov's departure for Ivdel to start the search ( | |
Rudenko Roman Andreevich (Руденко Роман Андреевич) USSR Prosecutor General from 1953 to 1981 (Wikipedia) | |
Rudik Ivan Ivanovich (Рудик Иван Иванович) the surname was mentioned in Zina Kolmogorova’s diary. Possibly a free timberjack or geologist, who met the Dyatlov group in District 41 on Jan 26-27. Unconfirmed reports indicate: 1) there is an old tomb in Nyaksymvol with the inscription "Rudik I.-geologist"; 2) Mansi Rudik built a hut near the turn of the trail from the Main Ural ridge to the Manpupyner plateau. | |
Ryagin Ignatiy Fokich (Рягин Игнатий Фокич) in 1959 - Deputy Head of the Gipromedruda Trust (Uralgipromed, Sverdlovsk). Lived with his son Vladimir (1942) in Sverdlovsk at 21 Malysheva St. He discussed the details of the upcoming hike with Aleksander Kolevatov; before Feb 19 met Kolevatov sisters and handed over a map with an approximate route of the group ( | |
Ryazhnev Georgiy Ivanovich (Ряжнев Георгий Иванович) born in 1913 in Ryazan region. In 1959 - the head of the 1st Forest unit of the power timber processing plant; lived in District 41. On Jan 26-27 he met Dyatlov's group there. In 1953 he was the head of the animal -drawn transport unit 12 at Ivdellag. Unconfirmed reports indicate that he was convicted while serving in the army in the Far East. He served his sentence in Ivdellag, where he remained to live and work after release. In the case files he is mentioned as the one with "no criminal record". Testimony | |
Ryazhneva Tatyana Pavlovna (Ряжнева Татьяна Павловна) born in 1912, Russian, politically uncommitted.In 1953 - the manager of the guest house in unit 12 of Ivdellag. G.I. Ryazhnev's wife (?). | |
Rychkova (Goremykina) Vera (Рычкова Горемыкина Вера) presumably worked in the Sverdlovsk military cartographic unit (military unit 63710; carried out cartographic work on the instructions of the headquarters of the Ural Military District and the Army Topography office General Staff. But she was not born before 1951. Also known: | |
Rychkova Vera Alekseevna (Рычкова Вера Алексеевна) - supposedly she was born around 1930; in 1959 - a staff member of the Sverdlovsk Geological Department, technician-cartographer. In the spring and summer 1959? she assisted in fragments collection at the pass;they collected small things in bags; bigger items, if any, had been collected earlier. | |
Rykshin Vladimir (Рыкшин Владимир) Modern times president of the "Extreme" Association, who together with professional hunter Nikolay Lednev have a theory about the strange panic inducing metal objects in the area that make you run and leave you with the feeling that something or somebody is watching your back as you leave. | |
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Sahnin Yuri Abramovich (Сахнин Юрий Абрамович) born in 1938, in 1959 - a student at UPI; participant in the search in the area of height 1079 as one of the group of climbers13-23.03. He graduated from the electrical engineering faculty of UPI in 1960 with a degree in "Thermal electrical systems at power plants". He was assighed to work at Ural Turbine Works in the department of new turbines; later he worked in the series production control department, director of a turbine production, deputy director for production in Special Design Bureau for turbine-driven superchargers, deputy director for service and modernization 1995. Currently - the Head of the Steam Turbine Department at the Special Design Bureau of the Ural Turbine Plant, Honorary Machine Builder of the Russian Federation. | |
Samarsky Oleg Vladimirovich (Самарский Олег Владимирович) Unconfirmed reports suggest he took part in the search 13-15.03 together with G.K. Grigoriev.He might have been a member of the Kikoin's group of climbers; most likely - a member of the search party from Ivdel. | |
Sambindalov Miron Ilyich (Самбиндалов Мирон Ильич) in 1959 - a reindeer herder. He lived in the settlement of Suevatpaul, from where on September 20, 1959 he came to the settlement of Burmantovo for a local meeting of hunters. Born in the settlement of Lepla-Paul. In the 50s he kept in private possession more than 500 reindeer. When he also had to herd the neighbours' deer, the summer herd reached 1000-1100 beasts. In summer, the Sambindalovs drove the reindeer herd directly on Kholat-chakhla (the "chum" on the slope of Kholat-Chakhlya is most likely a summer pagan temple of the Sambindalov family), and in winter they drove the herd deeper into taiga. Since 1965 he lived with his son in the upper reaches of the Leplja River (the settlement of Miron-Vaska-Paul, i.e. the settlement of Miron and Vasya Sambindalovs). | |
Sambindalov Vasiliy Mironovich (Самбиндалов Василий Миронович), the son of Miron Ilyich Sambindalov. In a drunken squabble he shot and killed Ilya Dunaev, a Mansi; later he died of tuberculosis in imprisonment. | |
Sautbekov (Саутбеков) - soldier, military unit 6602, took part in the search in the area of the height 1079. | |
Savelyev Y.N. (Савельев Ю.Н.) - Sergeant, commander of the 2nd squad of the mine warfare platoon of the 52nd separate railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; participated in the search in the area of the height 1079. | |
Savenkov (Савенков) in 1959 - head of the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Savina Elizaveta Evgrafievna (Савина Елизавета Евграфьевна) in 1959 - a surgical nurse at the Central Hospital or medical unit, PO Box 240; assisted Prudkov in the surgical theatre. | |
Savina Zoya Nikitichna (Савина Зоя Никитична) born in 1940, on Feb 10, 1959, started working as a nurse in the Central Hospital or the zone medical unit of N-240; she saw the bodies of the deseased in the morgue. | |
Savintseva M.I. (Савинцева М.И.) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Savkin Aleksander Dmitrievich (Савкин Александр Дмитриевич) born in 1926. In 1959 - a serviceman, military unit 6602 "V" (Ivdel), education 9 classes, CPSU member, Russian, ID №7919. Testimony | |
Schmidt Tsilya Davydovna (Шмидт Циля Давыдовна) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Sedov Rudolf Vladimirovich (Седов Рудольф Владимирович) born in 1937, in 1959 - a student of the mechanical faculty, UPI (group 483); a member of Sogrin’s search party in the area of height 1079 Mar 25 - Apr 6. He went to UPI in 1955 after finishing secondary school with a silver medal. Group leader, member of the UPI hiking section bureau. Awarded a medal "For the development of virgin lands" for his work on virgin lands while studying at UPI.In 1960 graduated from the mechanical faculty of UPI with qualification "Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools". Since 1961 he has been living in Magadan. Process engineer, he worked at Magadan Mechanical plant. Honored Master of Sports in hiking 1964, Master of Sports in skiing 1978, Chairman of Magadan Sports Union of hiking and the regional Route qualification commission. | |
Semyonov (Семенов) in 1959 - Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR. | |
Semushkina Zinaida Fyodorovna (Семушкина Зинаида Федоровна) in 1959 - forensic expert at Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (SRBFME). There are unconfirmed reports that she could have taken part in examination the bodies of the deceased. Since 1952 she has worked as an assistant at the Department of Forensic Medicine at Sverdlovsk Medical Institute (now Ural State Medical University); It’s highly likely that she also worked at SRBFME. In 1958, under the lsupervision of Porfiriy Vasilyevich Ustinov (head of the department of forensic medicine, Sverdlovsk Medical Institute; head of SRBFME) she defended her thesis on diagnosis of injuries. In 1975, she published a monograph on the topic "Acute craniocerebral injuries, contrecoup injury". Genrietta Eliseevna Churkina’s best friend. She smoked incessantly (According to Yarovoy: an expert from Sverdlovsk, a woman, smoked incessantly). It is possible that Vozrozhdenniy consulted with her. Unconfirmed information about the autopsy of the last four bodies in Sverdlovsk might have been related to this. | |
Serdityh Evgeniy Nikolaevich (Сердитых Евгений Николаевич) in 1959 - a 2nd year student of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, a participant in search party led by Karelin in the area of height 1079 Feb 27 - Mar 10. ( | |
Serdityh Vyacheslav Nikolaevich (Сердитых Вячеслав Николаевич) in 1959 - a 4th year student of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, brother of Evgeniy Nikolaevich Serdityh. Member of the hiking group from Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute under the leadership of Shumkov, which was hiking near Mt Chistop in February. After graduation, he worked i as a researcher at the local history museum n the Far East. | |
Serebryakov Vasiliy Egorovich (Серебряков Василий Егорович) in 1959 - captain, military pilot of the Ural Military District (AS 142 ?, Aramil), navigator of the AN-2. He took part in the air search. | |
Serkova Z.T. (Серкова З.Т) in 1959 -a staff member of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. | |
Shapovalov Iosif Mironovich (Шаповалов Иосиф Миронович) (24.X.1904-1978) in 1959 - presumably served in the 4th Railroad Corps (RRC), Sverdlovsk. Born on Oct 24, 1904 in the city of Kazatin, now Vinnitsa region of Ukraine, in the family of a railway worker. Finished three classes in Kazatin school. In 1920 he took training courses for millwrights at Kazatin railway depot. In 1924 he became a locomotive fireman. In 1924 he finished two courses at evening school in Kiev. In 1925 he became an assistant driver of a passenger locomotive. In 1928 - a locomotive driver. He graduated from the workers' faculty and in 1932 - Bridge faculty of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Worked as a foreman at construction of batardeau across the Tashlyk river near the Pomoshnaya station, then he was a deputy head of the track service at Belokorovichi station. In November 1933 he was drafted into the Red Army. Directed to one-year training courses for command personnel in the 13th corps artillery regiment of the Ural military district. Transferred to the 6th railway regiment in the Kiev Special Military District, where he served as a senior staff technician. In 1934 he joined the CPSU. From January 1939 - an assistant commander of the bridge battalion under educational and experimental railway regiment. At the end of 1939, during the war with Finland - a senior engineer at the western construction section of the Petrozavodsk-Suoyarvi railway line on the North-Western Front. In 1941 -a captain, commander of the 7th separate railway bridge battalion. In 1942 he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. In 1942 - appointed commander of the 4th bridge railway regiment. In January 1943, Major Shapovalov's regiment was transferred to Voronezh front. In August 1943, Lieutenant Colonel Shapovalov with his regiment left for the Belorussian Front. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 5, 1943 “for special services in providing transportation for the front and the economy of the country and outstanding achievements in the restoration of the railway economy in difficult wartime conditions”Lieutenant Colonel Shapovalov Joseph Mironovich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle medal. Only in the summer of 1944, in the Kremlin, Shapovalov was awarded two Orders of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal, which were not received by him earlier "due to the remoteness of work." In the fall of 1944, Shapovalov commanded the 15th separate bridge railway regiment of special purpose, finished the war with the rank of colonel. After the war, he continued to serve in the railway troops. In 1950, after an accident in the unit he was in charge of (fire, which caused death of 15 servicemen) Shapovalov was sentenced to 25 years in prison by the Military Tribunal of the Moscow Military District with disqualification and deprivation of the military rank "colonel". Military Collegium of the Supreme Court left the verdict unchanged, and on August 21, 1951, he was deprived of all military awards and the title of Hero. In April 1953 on the protest of the Prosecutor General of the USSR the penalty was reduced to 10 years by the Plenum of the Supreme Court, without losing rights and deprivation of military rank. In the same year, he was released under an amnesty. He returned to the railway troops and was the head of the production department at the construction of the Trans-Mongolian railway. He was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor" and the Mongolian Order. In 1960 he again became a member of the CPSU. In May 1962, Colonel Shapovalov retired due to illness. He lived in the city of Kiev. Still for many years he worked in one of the military units. Only on May 29, 1968, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR restored his title of Hero of Socialist Labor and the right to military awards. Died in 1978. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, three Orders of the Red Star, medals, and the Mongolian Order. | |
Sharavin Mihail Petrovich (Шаравин Михаил Петрович) (1935 - Jul 3, 2020) in 1959 - a 4th year student of the metallurgical department of the UPI (group Mt-430); lived in Sverdlovsk, Vtuzgorodok, Building 9, room №201. Started hiking in 1957, participated in several winter hikes. Member of the Slobtsov search party Feb 23- Mar 4; and the Martyushev search party Apr 6-17 ( | |
Sharnina Natalia Victorovna (Шарнина Наталья Викторовна) in 1959 - a UPI student ; according to her, she took part in some hikes together with Dyatlov; planned to go on hike in 1959, but could not because of the timing of internship in Moscow. After graduation, she worked as an energy engineer at the Pervouralsk Novotrubny Plant for 38 years; labor veteran, "Honorary Novotrubnik". Chairman of the local Pushkin club "Lukomorye"; author of books, poetry, prose, including ones about the Dyatlov group. She has been living in Yekaterinburg recently. | |
Sharonin Anatoliy Aleksandrovich (Шаронин Анатолий Александрович) in 1959 - a surgeon at medical unit, PO Box 240 (Ivdel).Born in 1933. Head of the Central Hospital of Forestry Department (Ivdel); Honored Doctor of the RSFSR. Died at 68 (2001?) | |
Sheina (Шеина) in 1959 - doctor at the Central Hospital, Ivdellag | |
Shelepin Aleksander Nikolaevich (Шелепин Александр Николаевич) Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Dec 1958 - Nov 1961). One of the main figures responsible for clasifying Dyatlov case according to Rakitin. (Wikipedia) | |
Sheshkin Konstantin Efimovich (Шешкин Константин Ефимович) - born in 1932, Tyumen region - in 1959 а Mansi hunter; lived in Pelym yurts, Burmantovskiy rural council. Presumably in mid-February, while hunting, he saw traces of skis on the Lozva (above Auspiya) and Auspiya rivers leading to the Ural ridge while hunting with the Anyamovs from Suevat Paul. (Testimony). In the 60s he lived in the settlement of Lyamya-Paul. Brother of the famous Mansi artist Pyotr Efimovich Sheshkin (1930-1981). He was sentenced to 7 years for murder (in the taiga three people attacked him, so while trying to protect himself he accidentally killed one). Apparently, he was serving his term in Ivdellag and after release he remained to live in Pelym. Later, at least until the mid-80s, he served as a sergeant in the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops in Burmantovo. He died in 2010. | |
Sheshkina (Kurikova) Mariya Tarasovna (Шешкина Курикова Мария Тарасовна) born in 1929. K.E. Sheshkin's wife. In the 60s she lived in the settlement of Lyamya-Paul. | |
Shestopalov Igor Germanovich (Шестопалов Игорь Германович) in 1959 - a student of group R-463 UPI; took part in search works in the area of height 1079 as a member of the Martyushev search party Apr 6-17; took part in the identification of the bodies of the victims (at least Doroshenko) in the morgue of Sverdlovsk.He was born in 1938; a graduate of the radio engineering faculty at UPI, 1960 (studied together with Doroshenko, Tile, Gainutdinov, Kostrulin). In 2001, most likely, he worked at the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering at the Ural Federal University (supervised the thesis of a student of the R-669 group in specialty "Electronic systems") | |
Shestopalov Mihail Fyodorovich (Шестопалов Михаил Федорович) (1916-2007) in 1959 - lieutenant colonel; sappers group commander who participated in search works in the area of height 1079. He was a member of the sports committee created at the military unit. In January 1959 he was appointed an investigator at the brigade's management headquarters. He was on work trips to Ivdel Mar 2-13, 1959; Mar 18-23, 1959; Mar 31 - Apr 30, 1959. From orders for the military unit, it is known that officers were sent to Ivdel also for blasting operations to let ice float on the Lozva River. Born in Moscow into a large family of a railway worker in 1916. His parents died when he was 7 years old, leaving eleven children full orphans. They were brought up in orphanages in Moscow and Volokolamsk. Since childhood, he had an excellent memory and was interested in various things, so he tried to study in several educational institutions, but did not finish any and did not get a university degree. In 1937 he entered the Moscow Military Railway School. In 1941-1942 - senior lieutenant, platoon commander of the 64th separate railway battalion, in 1942-1943 - head of the obstacle service in the 6th railway brigade, in 1943-1945 - engineer of the obstacle service of the 6th railway brigade. When the war ended, he was with the rank of captain. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals "For Military Merit", "For Defense of Moscow", "For the capture of Konigsberg", "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 1945". After the war he served in the 5th separate railway Poznan Red Banner brigade. By 1950, he had risen to the rank of major, by 1959 - to lieutenant colonel. In December 1959 he was dismissed from service with the rank of lieutenant colonel. After his dismissal, he worked at the Likhachev Plant, where many of his relatives worked, including his elder sister, the Hero of Socialist Labor. He died in Moscow in 2007. | |
Shestopalov Nikolay Fyodorovich (Шестопалов Николай Федорович) (1919-2006), Mihail Fyodorovich Shestopalov’s brother. Graduated from the Military Engineering Academy 1941. Marshal of the Engineering Troops. During the Great Patriotic War he commanded engineering units of the Red Army. Then he served in the airfield construction regiment. Head of the Construction Department 1961. Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR in charge of construction and quartering of troops 1978. Made a great contribution to the provision of construction plans and commissioning of engineering objects of the rocket and space industry. | |
Shevkunov Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Шевкунов Владимир Александрович) in 1959 - a student at the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, participant in search work as a member of Karelin's search partyin the area of the height 1079 Feb 27 - Mar 10. | |
Shishkarev Mihail Nikolaevich (Шишкарев Михаил Николаевич) (1900-17.XI.1963) Major General of the Internal Service; in 1959 - the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Department in Sverdlovsk region; member of the Emergency Commission in Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU from Feb 28. Born into a workers' family. Russian. He worked as an errand-boy at a private pharmacy in Moscow (Feb 1913- Jul 1914); a laborer at the Goujon ironworks Jul 1914 - Nov 1914; baker's handy in a private bakery, Moscow Nov 1914 - Sep 1916; baker's assistant in the city bakery, Moscow Sep 1916 - Aug 1918. Member of CPSU from Oct 1918. Education: Moscow infantry RA course Oct 1918 - Mar 1919; Chuguevsky infantry RA course Mar 1919 - Oct 1919; Volsk machine-gun commander RA course Oct 1919 - Aug 1920; RA Military Academy named after MV Frunze May 1930 - May 1933. In the Red Army: private at construction regiment 103, Aug 1918 - Oct 1918; platoon commander of 271st regiment of the Separate Black Sea Brigade Aug 1920 - Nov 1920; platoon commander, assistant to adjutant in charge of operating units of the 271st regiment of the 31st construction division Nov 1920 - Jun 1921; platoon commander of 190-line regiment 22-line division Jun 1921 - Jun 1922. In the bodies of Unified State Political Department People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) MIA: platoon commander of the 1st Tuapse border battalion Jun 1922 - Aug 1922; platoon commander, assistant commander of Separate frontier company Aug 1922 - Nov 1922; assistant commander of Separate frontier battalion Nov 1922 - Mar 1923; cadet at the Higher frontier Unified State Political Department school Dec 1923-1924; platoon comm.of 52 Separate Black Sea Division of the Unified State Political Department Mar 1923 - Dec 1923; platoon comm., commander of company at Higher Frontier Unified State Political Department school 1924 - Feb 1926; company commander at instructor courses at the Higher Frontier Unified State Political Department school of the USSR Feb 1926 - Oct 1927; assistant to head of the main course, acting head of the main course at the Higher Frontier school of the Unified State Political Department USSR Oct 27 - May 30; the head of training unit at the 3rd Frontier schools of the USSR Unified State Political Department May 1933 - Aug 1933; executive officer at 60th Kamchatka sea border detachment Unified State Political Department from Aug 1933; executive officer at 60th Kamchatka sea. border detachment of the NKVD - Feb 17, 1938; the head of 60th Kamchatka sea border detachment of the NKVD Feb 17, 1938 - May 1939; acting head of UNKVD of the Kamchatka region. Jul 1938 - Aug 1938; head of Main Directorate for border forces NKVD USSR May 1939 - Aug 1942; head of the Armenian border detachment NKVD Aug 1942 - Aug 1944; the head of Transbaikal border district NKVD Aug 1944 - Apr 1946; deputy commander of the Trans-Baikal Front for the protection of the rear Aug 1945- Sep 1945; head of Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of the Primorsky Territory Apr 13, 1946 - Jun 8, 1951; head of Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of the Sverdlovsk region Jun 08, 1951 - Mar 16, 1953; deputy head of Moscow workers and peasants police department under Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region Mar 1953 - Aug 7, 1953; head of Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of the Sverdlovsk region Aug 7, 1953 - Sep 1962; head of Directorate for the Protection of Public Order in the Sverdlovsk region Sep 1962 - Nov 17, 1963. Ranks: Colonel Mar 31, 1936; brigade commander Mar 3, 1940; major general Jun 4, 1940. Awards: Order of the Red Star Feb 14, 1936; Order of the Red Star Apr 26, 1940; badge "Honored Worker of NKVD" Feb 15, 1941; Order of the Red Banner Sep 20, 1943; Order of the Red Banner Nov 3, 1944; Order of the Red Banner Jan 30, 1951; Order of the Red Star Sep 1952; 8 medals. | |
Shitlina (Vedyakina) Tamara Mihaylovna (Шитлина Ведякина Тамара Михайловна) a UPI student in 1954-59. According to her, she was going to go on a hike with the Dyatlov group, but did not because of illness. | |
Shkodin Vladislav Grigorievich (Шкодин Владислав Григорьевич) (1940-1996) in 1959 a student at Phystech, UPI; took part in the search in the area of height 1079 as a member of a group of climbers Mar 13-23. Graduated from UPI in 1963; in 1963-68 - a research worker at the Unipromed enterprise (Sverdlovsk); 1968-85 - a leading researcher at the Chemical and Metallurgical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan; 1986-88 - Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the State University of Kazakhstan. Doctor of Chemical Sciences 1991, Professor 1992. Champion of the USSR in mountaineering 1967 in the traverse class. | |
Shkryabach Sergey Yakovlevich (Шкрябач Сергей Яковлевич) Mountaineer and consultant in the investigation, it was his conclusion on which the refusal to reopen the case was based | |
Shlyapin Vladimir Victorovich (Шляпин Владимир Викторович) (1937-2016) in 1959 a student at UPI. Hiker and climber. Member of the Grebennik search party in the area of Oyka-Chakur Feb 25-28. Born in the town of Gubakha, Perm region. When he was still a boy, his father trained him to survive in taiga. Hunter since the age of 14. | |
Shrayner N.K. (Шрайнер Н.К.) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Shtupletsov Ivan Dmitrievich (Щуплецов Иван Дмитриевич) in 1959 - senior drilling foreman at the Northern Expedition. | |
Shuleshko Evgeniy Evgenyevich (Шулешко Евгений Евгениевич) Evgenyevich (16.V.1931-26.VIII.2006) in 1959 - Tourist of the 1st category of the USSR; member of the RCC at the Presidium of the All-Union Section of Tourism. Representative of Roskomfizkult in the commission of Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the RSFSR formed to investigate the death of the Dyatlov group; in the period Mar 2-10 was at the pass. Co-author (together with K.V. Bardin) of a memo on the results of the investigation to the Organization Bureau of the RSFSR union of sports societies and organizations, a preliminary version of which was included in the materials of the case files. Renowned psychologist and teacher. In 1954 he graduated from the psychological department of the philosophical faculty of Moscow State University; from 1959 - a researcher at the junior schoolchildren laboratory of the Research Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR until late 1970s he conducts research in experimental school №91 in Moscow. Senior researcher at the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences 1980; a researcher at the Center for Preschool Childhood named after Alexander Vladimirovich Zaporozhets 1992. By 1955 he had already had the 1st category in tourism; took part in the 3rd category hike to the Vetreniy Poyas (under the leadership of Bardin); had experience in leading a winter hike (3rd category) in the Northern Urals. | |
Shulyatiev Vasiliy Andrianovich (Шулятьев Василий Андрианович) born in 1938. In 1955 he finished Lyaminskaya secondary school in Chusovoy and got a Certificate of Secondary General Education for rewarded with a silver medal; in 1959 - a 4th year student at the Faculty of Mechanics , UPI; took part in search works in the area of height 1079 with the Sogrin search party Mar 25 - Apr 6. He sent Yuri Doroshenko's identified belongings to his brother - Vladimir Doroshenko in Aktyubinsk. At the instruction of the investigation, he together with Valeriy Stadnikov printed photographs related to the case of the Dyatlov group. 1960 graduate of the UPI Faculty of Mechanics. Lives in the town of Lesnoy, Sverdlovsk Region. | |
Shumkov Anatoliy Semyonovich (Шумков Анатолий Семенович) (1935-2001) in 1959 - head of the hiking group of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, which was hiking in the area of the height Chistop in February. Observed a luminous object in the area of height 1079. Born in the Kurgan region in 1935. After completing his military service (mid-50s, Baltic States, radio operator), he entered Geography Faculty at Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute. In 1961 with his wife, Angelica Surkova, also a graduate of the State Pedagogical Institute, according to their assignment, they came to the town of Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk region, where he worked as a physical education teacher, taught geography, became the headmaster of the school. In 1963 he organized Karpinsky hiking club "Taiga". In 1971-78 the headmaster of school №2 in Karpinsk. Awarded with awards: "Excellence in public education", "Excellence in mineral exploration", "For active work in the development of tourism". Chairman of the route commission in Karpinsk, head of the public hiking rescue team. USSR Master of Sports in ski tourism, Honored Traveler of Russia 2000. | |
Shunin Vladimir Lvovich (Шунин Владимир Львович) (1937-2011) in 1959 - a student at the Radio, Television and Communication Department of Radio Faculty, UPI; unconfirmed reports suggest he was planning to take part in the hike together with the Dyatlov group, but during the graduation project, Vasiliy Anatolyevich Losev, the head of the Radio, Television and Communication Department of the UPI Radio faculty, did not let him go. Earlier, in the winter of 1957, he took part in a hike led by Igor Dyatlov to Molebniy (Prayer) Stone. | |
Sibagatulin (Сибагатулин) - not mentioned in the CC. Grigoriev spoke to him in Ivdel in the period Mar 1-5. Presumably, a participant in the search, possibly astaff member of the Northern Expedition, PO Box 240 or military unit 6602. Known : | |
Sibgatullin Haybik Muslyumovich (Сибгатуллин Хайбик Муслюмович) in 1959 he could have lived in Ivdel and worked as a independent contractor in the Northern Expedition, at PO Box 240 system or military unit 6602. Born in the villageof Bikeyevo, Kamsko-Ust'insky district in 1907. Tatar; member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1927; vice-principal of the river engineering vocational school. Arrested on Sep 29, 1945; on Mar 16, 1946, sentenced by the military tribunal of the Upper Volga Basin to 7 years of labor camps (+disenfranchised for 3 years) under Article 58-10 Part 2 of the Criminal Code ("slander of the working people’s economic conditions "). Apparently, he was exiled to Ivdellag, Sverdlovsk region. On 14.01.1948 he was sentenced to 8 years in prison (disenfranchised for 5 years) under Article 58-10 Part 1 of CC by the Ivdellag court. Rehabilitated on Jun 27, 1956. | |
Sidorov Grigoriy Fyodorovich (Сидоров Григорий Федорович) in 1959 - a warrant officer class 2, military unit 6602. A participant of captain Chernyshev search party in the area of the mountain Gump Kopai; until Mar 10 - in the area of height 1079. Born in 1900, fought in two wars. Sportsman; participant of the USSR ski championship in Sverdlovsk; skiing instructor, military unit 6602. | |
Sinitsyn Evgeniy Nikolaevich (Синицын Евгений Николаевич) in 1959 - a UPI student. Participant in the hike of Blinov's group. UPI graduate (Physics and Technology Faculty, Department of Molecular Physics) 1960. After graduation, he worked at Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of laboratory, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. | |
Siunov Nikolay Sergeevich (Сиунов Николай Сергеевич) (1903-1989) in 1959 - Director (Rector) of UPI. In 1920 he went to Ural University (first enrollment). Since 1932 - Dean of the Power Engineering Department of UPI. During the war remains in the rear as a particularly valuable specialist. Since 1947 - Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Work; rector of UPI (June 1955 - March 1966). On the resolution of the Bureau of the City Committee: "Comrade N.S.Siunov, the director of the institute is to be reprimanded for poor control over the sports organizations activities, want of due insistence on high standards of organization of hiking treks". | |
Skachkov Vladimir Alekseevich (Скачков Владимир Алексеевич) in 1959 - a UPI student ; took part in the Grebennik search party in the Oyka-Chakur area. | |
Skoryh Georgiy Ivanovich (Скорых Георгий Иванович) born in 1925 in Altai Territory. In 1959 - the head of subsidiary farm Karaul under Bumkombinat; lived in the village of Karaul, Novo-Lyalinsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. Testimony | |
Skutin Vladimir Afanasyevich (Скутин Владимир Афанасьевич) - (1939-2012) in 1959 - a student at the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, arrived in Ivdel as a member Karelin’s search party, but for reasons unknown to us he was withdrawn, and never delivered to the area of height 1079 ( | |
Slesarev (Слесарев) in 1959 - a worker at District 70. On the evening of Jan 25, he talked with Dyatlov in Vizhay. | |
Slobodin Boris Vladimirovich (Слободин Борис Владимирович) (1932-2020) brother of Rustem Slobodin. Born in Moscow. He studied at the boys’ secondary school №27 in Sverdlovsk together with his brother. In 1956 he graduated from the Phystech UPI. After graduation, he worked at a mining and metallurgical plant in Kyrgyzstan. He got informed about his missing brother by a letter. He left for Sverdlovsk and could see the organization of the search and burial of the victims. After these events, he returned with his family to Sverdlovsk. In 1959 he started work at the I Institute of Chemistry of Solids and Mechanical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Science, the Ural Branch (Sverdlovsk): making a career from a junior researcher to the Chief Scientist 1991. Candidate 1965, Doctor of Science 1986. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation 1995. Since 1996 - head of the laboratory for oxide systems at the Institute of Chemistry of Solids and Mechanical Chemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council for Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2015 - retired, lived in Yekaterinburg. | |
Slobodin Rustem Vladimirovich (Слободин Рустем Владимирович) born on Jan 11, 1936, Moscow, in 1944 moved to Sverdlovsk with his parents. In 1953 he finished secondary school for boys №27 in Sverdlovsk with a silver medal (the first graduation of 10-year-education, previously the school was 7 years ). At the same time he graduated from music school, violin class. In 1959 - an engineer from Sverdlovsk, a graduate of the mechanical faculty of UPI in 1958, specializing in mechanical engineering. He was offered to stay at the department with the aim of further doctoral studies, but Rustem decided to work in production for some time. In September 1958 he got a position of a designer at Sverdlovsk Research Institute of Chemical Engineering, PO Box 10 (director - M.F. Matveev; targeted at development of special equipment for radiochemical plants; founded on Sep 23, 1957). After working there for 4 months, he asked for unpaid leave to go hiking with the guys from the UPI hiking club. Died on Feb 1-2, 1959. | |
Slobodin V.E. (Слободин В.Е.) in 1959 - chairman of the UPI trade union committee. Graduate of Physics and Technology Faculty of UPI, 1956. He took part in the formation of the UPI search parties. According to Yudin, he was picking up the incriminating evidence against members of the Dyatlov group. Interfered with Akselrod’sparticipation in the search. On resolution of the Bureau of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the CPSU" Comrade V.E. Slobodin, the chairman of trade union committee is to receive a severe reprimand for unsatisfactory management of a sports club, major shortcomings in the work of the hiking section and for being dilatory in organizing the search for the dead hikers." | |
Slobodin Vladimir Mihaylovich (Слободин Владимир Михайлович) (1904-1980) Rustem Slobodin’s father. In 1959 - Doctor of Science, Head of the Department of the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture; lived in Sverdlovsk, at 142, Malysheva St., apartment 71 (the family together with their children Rustem and Lyudmila lived in residence hall of the Agricultural Institute, one of the buildings in the UPI campus). He came to Ivdel on 2-4.03 together with R.S.Kolevatova. Born in Kazan into a family of a tsarist officer who defected to the side of the Soviet power. In 1926 he graduated from the agricultural faculty of Tashkent State University. In 1925-27 he was a district agronomist of the Zaamin Agronomic Center (Jizzakh region of Uzbekistan). In 1927-28 - service in the Red Army (cadet of the command of the 1st chemical regiment). From 1928 to 1933 he was in Moscow (student of higher agricultural education courses at the Timiryazevskaya agricultural academy, expert on agricultural education in the RSFSR People's Commissariat for Education; Assistant of the Department of Agricultural Economics of the Agricultural Institute at Timiryazev Agricultural Academy; researcher at the Agrarian Institute of the Communist Academy). In 1933-35 - Associate Professor at the Department for organization of agriculture at Central Asian Higher Communist Agricultural School (Tashkent). 1935-41 - Research Fellow at Agrarian institute; Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow). In 1938 he graduated from the Higher pedagogical courses at the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy; defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences at the Institute of the Academy Sciences of the USSR. Called into the army in 1941. Chemical platoon commander, deputy company commander, head of chemical service (106th separate battalion of the 1st reserve construction regiment of the 14th reserve rifle brigade of the Moscow military district. Joined the party at the Political Department of the 14th Western brigade; candidate 1943, member of the VCP(b) 1944. In February 1944 - Lieutenant. Demobilized in 1944. In 1944-56 - Head of the Department at the Agricultural Institute (Sverdlovsk), during this period he also worked at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow) 1948-50, and was seconded to Romania 1954-55. In 1952 he defended his doctoral dissertation. 1955-61 - deputy director of the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture; head of economics sector; and an acting Head of Department of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Sverdlovsk. In 1961 he moved to Kazakhstan and took the post of deputy director of the All-Union Institute of Grain Economy (settlement of Shortandy, Tselinograd Region, Kazakh SSR). 1968-80 - senior researcher at the Research Economic Institute under the USSR State Planning Committee. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War", "For the development of virgin lands", "20 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War", "30 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War". He died in 1980 in Moscow. Testimony | |
Slobodina (Morgunova) Lyudmila Vladimirovna (Слободина Моргунова Людмила Владимировна) born in 1946, the sister R. Slobodin. She was at her brother's funeral. | |
Slobodina-Samsonova Nadezhda Fyodorovna (Слободина-Самсонова Samsonova Надежда Федоровна) born in 1903 or 1904; Mother of Rustem Slobodin. At least from 1941 to 1944 - a lecturer at the Temiryazev Academy (Moscow). In 1944 she moved with her family to Sverdlovsk. She taught at the Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute. In 1959 - a researcher at the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture; took part in the identification of the belongings of the victims. In 1989 she lived in Sverdlovsk. | |
Slobozhan David Yakovlevich (Слобожан Давид Яковлевич) (1904-1973) in 1959 - Commander of the Air Force of the Ural Military District, Lieutenant General of Aviation 1953. Born in 1904, in the village of Korsun, Kiev province. In 1916 he finished elementary railway school in Zaporozhye, in 1927 - workers' faculty at the Kharkov Medical Institute. In September 1927 he joined the Red Army. In 1928 he graduated from the Military-theoretical Pilot school (Leningrad), in 1929 - the 2nd Borisoglebsk Military Pilot School, served in the Air Force as a junior pilot, senior pilot, flight commander, squadron commander and military commander, the commander of an aviation brigade, the commander of an aviation regiment. In 1932 he took advanced training courses in piloting techniques at the 1st Military Pilot School named after V.I. Myasnikov (Kacha), in 1935 - Higher tactical flight school in Lipetsk. On November 11, 1940, he was appointed commander of the 53rd Long-Range Bomber Aviation Division (Far Eastern Front). At the beginning of GPO he was in the same position. In September 1942, he was appointed deputy commander of the 10th Air Force.He underwent a trained on the German front: in January-February 1942. - in LRAFT (long-range air force), in March-April 1943 - in the 8th Air Force (Southern Front). From September 16, 1944 - acting commander of the 10th Air Army, since May 19, 1945 - deputy commander of this army. During the Soviet-Japanese War, in the same position, he participated in the Manchurian operation as part of the 2nd Far Eastern Front on Fujin-Harbin direction, then in the Yuzhno-Sakhalin operation. After the war, in the same position, from December 1946 to March 1949, he was the commander of the 9th Air Army (in February 1949 he was transformed into the 54th Air Force), in 1950 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at Zhukovsky Air Force Academy. In June 1950 he became commander of the 37th Air Army, in January 1953 - commander of the 57th Air Army. In January 1954 was dismissed from the position due to subtandard work and was appointed assistant commander of the 48th Air Army. June 1954 to September 1955 - commander of 59th Air Army, since December 1955 - Commander of the Air Force of the Ural Military District. In November 1961 he retired due to illness. He died and was buried in Odessa. | |
Slobtsov Boris Efimovich (Слобцов Борис Ефимович) (1939-2018) in 1959 -a 3rd year student of UPI; lived in Sverdlovsk at 13a Lenin St. apt.23. He was the head of the search group Feb 23 - Mar 4. Born in Sverdlovsk in 1939. His father was the head of the non-ferrous metallurgy department of the Central Ural Economic Council. Mother: Vigdergauz Dina Iosifovna (analytical chemist). In 1959 he was a 3rd year student (group 381) at energy faculty UPI (later the group was transferred to the radio engineering faculty). In 1962 he graduated from the radio engineering faculty of UPI, degree in "Automatic control equipment", electrical engineer. In 1962-1966 - an engineer at Special Design Bureau for turbine-driven superchargers, PO Box 320 (Scientific Research Institute of Automation, Sverdlovsk), in 1966 - Research Institute of Precision Instruments of the Ministry of General Machine Building (Moscow): research engineer, team leader,head of department. Expert on aircraft radio electronics. He was a principal investigator in testing equipment at enterprises of the Urals, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kamchatka. Contributed to the development and testing of complex radar systems for ballistic missiles. Developed and implemented communication systems for aviation search and rescue services. Six of his inventions have been put in use. Author of 15 published works. Awarded with medals. He took up winter and summer hiking in 1955. In 1959 when he was in the alpine camp "Torpedo", he took up mountaineering, Master of Sports 1967, senior instructor 1972, has a badge of Rescue service under Mountaineering Federation. | |
Slobtsov Efim Timofeevich (Слобцов Ефим Тимофеевич) (1909-1997), the father of Boris Efimovich Slobtsov; in 1959 - head of the non-ferrous metallurgy department of the Central Ural Economic Council. Born in a workers' settlement of the Nizhnesalda metallurgical plant. Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Mining and Metallurgical College 1932, metallurgical technician; Higher engineering courses at the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute 1957, mining engineer. Since 1922 - at the Salda Metallurgical Plant; in 1932-41 - at the Krasnouralsk copper-smelting plant in the Sverdlovsk region: shop superintendent, chief engineer of the mining and technical inspection; in 1941-48 - Director of the Rezhevsky Nickel Plant; in 1948-57 - Director of Sikhote-Alinsky mining and metallurgical plant; in 1957-65 - Head of the Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of the Sredneuralsk Economic Council; since 1965 - deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Aluminum Industry of the USSR Ministry of Tsvetmet. He died in Moscow. He was awarded the Orders of Lenin 1951, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor 1949, the Badge of Honor 1961, 1966, 1971, and medals. Does not appear in the case files. | |
Slobtsov Lev Efimovich (Слобцов Лев Ефимович) Master of Sport, born in Krasnouralsk Jul 18, 1934, tragically killed in a car crash Feb 11, 1994, buried in Moscow. Boris Efimovich Slobtsov’s brother. Graduated from UPI (1957), a metallurgical engineer. Ph.D. (1963). Mountaineering instructor. In 1957-1965 worked at the institute "Uniprome" (Sverdlovsk); in 1965-1967 - in the USSR Ministry of Nonferrous Metallurgy; since 1967 - Senior Researcher at the Institute "GINCvetmet" (State Research Institute for nonferrous metals)Moscow. Contributed to the development of non-ferrous metal hydrometallurgy technology. When working at a number of large enterprises of the USSR, he gained experience in research and implementation of technologies for the extraction of non-ferrous metals , which he then put into practice at enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy in Chile and Cuba, went on work trips to GDR, Romania and Canada. He was an expert of GOKHRAN (State Depository for Precious Metals). 20 of his in inventions have been put to use, 30 of his academic works have been published. He is not mentioned in the CC materials. | |
Slobtsov Valentin Efimovich (Слобцов Валентин Ефимович) - 17.08.1936 (Sverdlovsk) - 19.08.1980 (Tragically died in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, buried in Moscow), Boris Efimovich Slobtstov’s brother. Graduated from UPI 195), metallurgical engineer. Ph.D. 1972. Honored Inventor of the RSFSR 1976. Candidate for master of sports of the USSR, prize-winner of the USSR and RSFSR championships for the best ascents, senior mountaineering instructor, holder of a badge of rescue service of the USSR Mountaineering Federation. In 1959 started work at the Sverdlovsk Design and Technological Institute: engineer, leading engineer. In 1965 - at All-Russian Research and Design Institute for Metallurgical Machine Building: post-graduate student, researcher. One of the founders of a new technology in metallurgy: high-pressure hydrostatic pressing. He used a complicated mathematical apparatus in designs , was engaged in manufacture of the latest pressing equipment, its implementation in machine-building and metallurgical plants of the USSR and the RSFSR. He has more than 30 copyright certificates for inventions. Author of 20 published works. | |
Smirnov Yuri Artemievich (Смирнов Юрий Артемьевич) in 1959 - student at UPI; took part in the search in the area of height 1079 as a member of a group of climbers on Mar 13-23. He took up mountaineering in 1958. Master of Sports 1962. USSR champion in mountaineering 1967 in the traverse class. All his life he worked at Nizhne-Tagil plant "Plastmass" (currently - the association "Uralchimplast"), beginning as a foreman and finishing as a Director General 1980-98. 1998-2000 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Urakhimplast. | |
Sobol Oleg (Соболь Олег) in 1959 - a member of the Blinov search party Apr 17-27. | |
Sogrin Sergey Nikolaevich (Согрин Сергей Николаевич) born in Shanghai in 1937. 1959 -a 4th year student of the metallurgical faculty at UPI; lived in Sverdlovsk at 18 Kirov St. He took part in the search and rescue works as a member of the Akselrod party in the period Feb 26-28 in the area of Otorten. On March 1-9 he participated in the search in the area of height 1079; the head of the UPI search party Mar 25 - Apr 6. Due to his participation in search works, he was given an academic leave by the dean's office. After the Great October revolution, his grandmother’s merchant family emigrated from Cherdyn to China, where in 1936 his mother Mariya Nikolaevna Alina married Nikolay Mihaylovich Sogrin, the son of the timber merchant, Mihail Vasilyevich Sogrin, who had left the city of Kungur with Kolchak's army in 1919. In 1947 he returned to the USSR (to Sverdlovsk) with his parents. He graduated from school №1 in Sverdlovsk, where he studied together with Georgiy Krivonischenko. In 1961 he graduated from the metallurgical faculty of UPI (degree in metallurgical furnaces). He worked in the Uralmontazhavtomatika trust in N. Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk. By 1955 he had already had some experience of public work in the Regional Federation of Tourism; he participated in the expedition of the combined team in the Subpolar Urals; 1958-1961 - chairman of the alpsection of the Sverdlovsk regional council "Burevestnik". By 1959 he had fulfilled the standard of master of sports in tourism, had the 2nd category in mountaineering and the title of instructor. From 1970 to 1982 he was the head of the Mountain Rescue Service of the Tajik SSR; from 1972 to 1981 - Chairman of the Republican Federation of Mountaineering and a member of the Council of the Mountaineering Federation of the USSR; in the 80s he worked as the head of the geophysical team (earthquake forecasting) in the Pamirs. Master of Sports of the USSR 1966; instructor-methodologist of the 1st category 1968, Honored Tourist of the Tajik SSR 1977. Currently he lives in Ust-Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory, architect- superintendent engineer (Krasnaya Polyana). Testimony | |
Solomonovich Feliks Yakovlevich (Соломонович Феликс Яковлевич) in 1959 - a Chairman of the Sports Committee (Council of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations) in Ivdel. He was born in Donetsk (Stalino) in 1936. In 1941 his family was evacuated to Pyatigorsk, then to the Urals. In 1942 we arrived in Ivdel. He finished school №1 in 1954, graduated with honors from the Sverdlovsk Technical School №2 in 1955, in specialty "steam turbine assembler of 5th grade". He served in the army in the Taman division (Golitsino, Moscow region). In 1957 he was elected a member of the Ivdel Komsomol Committee, later, for several years he had been elected a member of the Komsomol Town Committee and the Komsomol Bureau of the Komsomol Town Committee. At the first constituent conference (March 1959) he was elected the Chairman of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of Ivdel; has sports categories in volleyball, cross-country skiing, athletics and shooting. In 1960 he became a member of the CPSU. During his work in the Forestry Department, he was elected secretary of the party organization on several occasions. In 1990 he was elected a member of the control commission of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. In 1963, after graduating from the correspondence department of the Talitsk forestry technical school with a degree in mechanical engineering, he went to work as a foreman at motor section of the Ivdel central machinery repair shop of facility N-240 (Ivdel). Later - a chief engineer, the head of the Central machinery repair shop. In 1970 the regional committee of CPSU recommended him for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he took the position of head of Timber Rafting and Sales Department at the Forestry Administration, later - the head of sales until his retirement in 1993 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Deputy Chairman of the Pripolyarye co-operative associations of prospectors, in charge of supplies 1993-96; Assistant to the Mayor of Ivdel 1997-2004. He has worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for over 30 years, has 8 government and departmental awards, incl. Order "Badge of Honor". Local historian. His entire family (parents, brother, wife) are involved in service in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Relatives: | |
Solomonovich Praskovya Petrovna (Соломонович Прасковья Петровна), the mother of F.Ya. Solomonovich. In 1944-45 she was appointed to an officer's position in the cultural and educational unit; later she worked as the head of the women's camp unit. | |
Solomonovich Vladimir Yakovlevich (Соломонович Владимир Яковлевич), the brother of F.Ya.Solomonovich. Colonel of the Internal Service, worked as a chief mechanic at the Ivdel Department of labor camps until retirement. | |
Solomonovich Yakov Vladimirovich (Соломонович Яков Владимирович), the father of F.Ya.Solomonovich. State security officer. After having served his sentence in the Ivdel camps for the offence stipulated in article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, he worked as deputy head of the department for registration and distribution of prisoners of the Ivdellag Department under NKVD of the USSR. Acting chief 1945, Head of the General Supply Department in Ivdellag. | |
Solovyov (Соловьев) in 1959 - a member of the armed forces, military unit 6602; a member of the Potapov search party. He hurt his knee and had to return back on Mar 9 (Radiogram). Known: | |
Solovyov Aleksander (Соловьев Александр) - a participant of all-Union skiing competitions between the combined teams of the Main Directorates and Directorates of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, held in Sverdlovsk Feb 19-24, 1959; medalist of biathlon competitions. | |
Solovyev Gennadiy Sergeevich (Соловьев Геннадий Сергеевич) - in 1959 a student at the Phystech, UPI; took part in search in the area of height 1079 March 13-23. He was born in Frunze (now Bishkek) in 1939. Graduated from UPI (Phystech, Department of Molecular Physics) with a degree in technical physics in 1962. In 1970 he graduated from the correspondence postgraduate studis at the Middle Ural Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Research Institute-205), Sverdlovsk-44. In 1962 he started work at the Ural Electrochemical Plant (Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region): an engineer, a senior engineer, a team leader, a head of theoretical and computational sector, the head of laboratory, a deputy chief engineer for science and special safety, since 1997 - Deputy General Director for Science and Nuclear Safety. Physics engineer. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 1972. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree 1995, medals For Valorous Labor 1970, For Labor Merit 1981. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation 2000. Honorary Citizen of the city of Novouralsk. "Master of Sports of the USSR" in mountaineering 1973. | |
Solovyov Vladimir Nikolaevich (Соловьев Владимир Николаевич) born 1950, Senior investigator and forensic expert at the General Directorate for Criminalistics (Forensic Center) of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. 1991-2015 headed the investigation of the murder of the royal family. He became involved in Dyatlov Pass case in 2015. | |
Solter (Belenkaya-Momrik) Pelageya/Mariya Ivanovna (Солтер Беленькая-Момрик Пелагея/Мария Ивановна) (1920-13.III.2012) in 1959 - a nurse at the Ivdellag Central Hospital, PO Box 240 (Ivdel). Victor Konstantinovich Solter's wife. She was arrested in April 1950 and sentenced to 5 years by a military tribunal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops in the Lvov region. Directed to Ivdellag, where she was serving a sentence. Was released on April 28, 1953 under an amnesty. Fully exonerated. After her release, she worked for a long time in the surgical department of the Ivdellag central hospital, and in the hospital of Corrective labor colony 4 the last years before retirement. In 1990 she lived in Ivdel at 12-21, Kommunalnaya st. She spent the last years of her life in St. Petersburg. Buried at the Kuzminsky cemetery in Pushkin. Interview | |
Solter Victor Konstantinovich (Солтер Виктор Константинович) (1925-2009) in 1959 - a staff member of PO Box 240 (Ivdel); Inspector of the State Inspection of Soyuzgosles. Born in Zhitomir (Ukrainian SSR). Participated in the Great Patriotic War from December 1943 to May 1945. He fought on the 2nd Ukrainian Front.He began his service as a private of the 583rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, and finished as a sergeant, a reconnaissance unit of military unit 77086. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree 1985; medals "For Military Merit", "For the Capture of Budapest", jubilee medals. In 1950 he was sentenced to 20 years in prison under Article 58-14 (counter-revolutionary sabotage). After numerous motions, the sentence was reduced by 11.5 years, then by another three years. Served his sentence in Ivdellag (in the 2nd, 5th departments on the Separate Prison Camp. He was released in 1956. He was fully exonerated. From 1973 he worked at the Pershinsky woodworking plant (senior sales engineer, since 1991 - head of the central Fuel and Lubricant Materials warehouse. After retirement, he headed the Council of Veterans for several years in the settlement. In 1999 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he died suddenly in 2009. Buried at the Kuzminsky cemetery in Pushkin. Interview | |
Spitsyn Ilya Emelyanovich (Спицын Илья Емельянович) in 1959 - a commander of air squadron 123; pilot-in-comman of the Yak-12 123 air squadron (Uktus); an air search participant Feb 20-24?. Born in 1922 or 1921 in the village of Bolshoy Izberdey, Shekhmansky District, Voronezh (Tambov?) Region. In 1938 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army at the Shekhman regional military commissariat. Participant in the Finnish war. During the Great Patriotic War - aviation mechanic of the 1st squadron of the 17th Guards assault aviation regiment of the 261st Assault Aviation Division of the Karelian Front, Guards senior technical service sergeant. In 1945 when the war ended he was in Berlin with the Red Banner Order of Bogdan Khmelnytsky Aviation Regiment. He was awarded the medal "For Courage" 1942, the "Order of the Patriotic War" II degree 1985. | |
Stadnikov Valeriy Georgievich (Стадников Валерий Георгиевич) born in 1939, in 1959 - a fourth-year student at the Faculty of Mechanics of the UPI; he printed photos on the Dyatlov case together with Vasiliy Shulyatiev on behalf of the investigation. Lives in Yekaterinburg. | |
Stahanov Nikolay Pavlovich (Стаханов Николай Павлович) (1901-1977) in 1959 - Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. Lieutenant General. The author of a special message regarding the death of the UPI students dated Feb 28 and addressed to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Nikolay Pavlovich Dudorov. Graduate from the Frunze Military Academy,he served in the border troops. Chief of the border troops 1942-52; deputy Minister of state security of the USSR 1952-53; Head of the Main Police Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs 1953-54; First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR 1954-55. After the formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR in February 1955, he was appointed Minister of the Interior of the RSFSR 1955-1961. Retired in 1961. | |
Starikovskiy M. (Стариковский М.) senior lieutenant of the 52nd separate track railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; took part in the search in the area of height 1079. | |
Shteyn (Hudenskiy) Yuri Konstantinovich (Штейн Худенский Юрий Константинович) (1931-2016) in 1959 he was in Kharkov, while the search for the Dyatlov group was taking place. According to him, (there is no confirmation) in 1959 the UPI dosimetry group (Tkachev, Kikoin) with a device developed by Stein went to the pass; According to him Raspopin witnessed an internal investigation into the activities of the UPI Physicotechnical Institute by KGB officers from Moscow after the death of the Dyatlov group. He was born in 1931. In 1955 he graduated from the Department of Molecular Physics of the Physics and Technology Faculty at UPI. After defending the thesis "Scintillation gamma-spectrometer" (supervised by the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Ibragim Gafurovich Fakidov, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Physics of Metals Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences, he was sent to do internship in the German Democratic Republic at the Karl Zeiss plant, where he completed the internship under the guidance of Academician R. Lautenbach, the Head of Geophysics Department at Institute of Earth at Leipzig University. In 1955 he started work atthe department №24 (experimental physics) UPI: engineer-researcher; assistant; senior lecturer (since 1956). In 1956 - 57 he supervised the group of graduate students, department 24, which during their course and pre-diploma projects manufactured an operating installation of 64-128-channel scintillation gamma spectrometer. This work in 1958 was awarded gold medals in the competition of student projects by Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR. In 1957 he took the post of a chief of radiation and dosimetry service UPI (part-time job on a voluntary basis).(During 1957, the personnel of the dosimetry service investigated the technical characteristics of scintillation devices: radiometers, dosimeters and spectrometers of gamma radiation, made by their own hands as part of their official activities. This dosimetry service worked in close contact with the regional sanitary hygienic service and with the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Workers of the dosimetry service constantly performed work on radiation monitoring the area, to find forgotten and lost radiation sources, went to the places of accidents related to radioactive release. By the time of the disaster at the Mayak plant in November 1957, the UPI dosimetry service was one of the most well-equipped. It went to an expedition to determine the western border of the East Ural radioactive trail in the area of the Berezovsky Uval near the Verhniya Sysert, Lake Bagaryak and the banks of the Sinara River before its confluence with the Iset River near the city of Kamensk Uralsky. In 1958 (1959), Due to health reasons, he was seconded for examination and subsequent treatment at the Kharkov Research Institute of medical radiology. In 1959 he started work in Kharkov at Scientific Production Association "Monocrystal" of the USSR ministry of chemical industry, as well as in the laboratory at the Physics and Technology Institute for Low Temperatures at Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Took part in the development of radiation detectors and detectors for biologically active substances, for which he got more than 50 authorship certificates, Also he contributed to the launch of production at the Novomoskovsk chemical plant, Ukraine, and the Kirovakan chemical plant for production of laser crystals in Armenia. In 1981 he returned to the department of radiochemistry at the UPI Physics and Technology Faculty, where he worked as the head of specialized design bureau Biophysical technologies (production of antiradiation food supplements) until 1992. In 1992, at the direction of the first President of Russia Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin and the head of administration Fyodor Mihaylovich Morshchakov, he was sent for training to Diplomatic Academy of the Austrian Republic. In 1995 after completing his studies he returned to Yekaterinburg and took part in the preparation and implementation of work at the Laysky pork production complex. Took an active part in the work of the Anti-Doping Committee of the Russian Olympic Committee in conjunction with specialists from the German Olympic Committee. Part of the work was used later in military medicine during the mission of Soviet troops in the Republic of Afghanistan. In practice, the developed biologically active substances were used to increase level of radiation protection in missile forces and astronautics. In 1983 Yuri Konstantinovich Stein (Hudensky) was awarded the honorary badge of the "Golden Needle" by the Society of German-Soviet Friendship.He also took an active part in the work of the Ukrainian national-cultural autonomy of Yekaterinburg, was an appointed hetman of the Cossack village of Venskaya of the Union of Cossack formations of Russia. | |
Stolyarov (Столяров) in 1959 - the driver in the Northern Expedition (Ivdel). By order of Sulman, even before the official start of the search, he was sent at the disposal of the Ivdel airport service. Later he transported the bodies of the hikers from the airport to the morgue in Ivdel. | |
Strelnikov N.M. (Стрельников Н.М.) in 1959 - a pilot at air squadron 123 (Ivdel), MI-4 flight technician. Unconfirmed reports indicate that he died in the MI-4 accident in the Ivdel region in the summer of 1960, most likely on board at P. Gladyrev’s crew. | |
Strelnikov Vladimir (Стрельников Владимир) in 1959 5th year student at Physics and Technology Faculty, UPI; Participant of the Blinov group hike; took part in search as a member of the Slobtsov group (Feb 23 - Mar 4), dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten. He and Sharavin found Doroshenko and Krivonischenko's bodies on 27 Feb. | |
Strauh Oleg Viktorovich (Штраух Олег Викторович) in 1959 - anengineer at capital building department of the Polunochnoe mine administration. Born in Ukraine in 1922. The son of an "enemy of the people", a Labor Army member, a participant in the construction of the Ivdel - Polunochnoe railway 1941-42. In the post-war years, he lived and worked in the Polunochnoe settlement. Before retirement, he headed the planning department of the Polunochnoe Mine Administration. Full member of the Russian Geographical Society, honorary member of the Ural Ornithological Society, member of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. Phenologist. Honorary Citizen of Ivdel (2002). | |
Sulman Abram Markovich (Сульман Абрам Маркович) (18.IX.1904-17.III.1983) in 1959 - the head of the Northern exploration expedition of the Ural Geological Department; one of the organizers of search and rescue works in Ivdel. Born in the village of Albrekhtovo, Rossony District, Vitebsk Region (Belarus), into a big poor family. In 1926 he was drafted into the Red Army. After lthe army, he did a one-year course at Moscow Institute of Applied Mineralogy and qualifications of a rig manager (RM.) In 1930 he was sent to Bashkiria as a senior RM of the Baymakskaya exploration par, Tsvetmetrazvedka trust; later worked as a foreman, technical manager, head of geological exploration parties at copper ores. In August 1937 he was appointed manager of the Uraltsvetmetrazvedka trust. Labor activity since 1938: November 1938 - January 1941: head of the production and technical department at Uraluglerazvedka trust (before that he had already had 13 years’ experience in production. Feb 1941 - July 1942: Acting manager of the Uraluglerazvedka trust (by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated Jul 13, 1942, the trust was divided into two: "Kizeluglerazvedka" and "Chelyabuglerazvedka"). Aug 1942 - Mar 1944: manager at the Chelyabuglerazvedka trust. April 1944-July 1949: manager at Sverdlovskuglerazvedka trust (in January 1948 it was renamed into the Sverdlovskuglegeologiya trust, in July 1949 it was transferred to the system of the Sverdlovsk-Uralsk Geological Administration). Aug 1949 - Jun 1951: head of the Kustanai complex expedition of the Ural Geological Department (formed for forced exploration of the Sokolovsko-Sarbay group of iron ore deposits in North-West Kazakhstan). Jul 1951 - Jun 1952: Head of the Kushmurunskaya group of exploration parties of the Kustanai Geological Prospecting Trust. Jul 1952 - Jun 1953: Deputy Head of the Production and Technical Department at the Ural Geological Department. Jul 1953 - December 1954: Manager at the Sverdlovskuglegeologiya trust, later it was liquidated. Jan 1955 - May 1958: the head of the Makhnevskaya geological exploration party for coal of the Kizeluglegeologiya trust. Jun 1958 - Feb 1962: the Head of the Serov and Northern exploration expeditions of the Ural Geological Department. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel Town Council, a member of the Ivdel Committee of the CPSU 1960. In March 1962 he retired. In December 1964 he became a person receiving merit pension of republican significance. From March 1968 to September 1970 and from Sep 1971 - Aug 1972 he worked at All-Union Geological Fund (Moscow) as an economist in the department of consolidated balances of coal, oil and gas, and a construction economist. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (Oct 1943 and Jul 1950), medals "For Labor Valor" (Jan 1949), "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", "30 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", "Participant on the Labor Front" 1975, "For Valiant Labor in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin " Apr 1970, badges "Excellent worker of the People's Commissariat of the Coal Industry of the USSR" Jul 1943, "Excellent worker of the USSR Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources Protection" Aug 1970," Excellence in socialist competition Glavgeologiya RSFSR" Aug 1960, Certificate of honor of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR 1950. In 1952 he was awarded the Stalin Prize of the Second Degree for his participation in the discovery and exploration in 1951 of the Kushmurunskoye brown coal deposits. Member of the CPSU since 1932; In 1982 he was awarded the badge "50 years in the CPSU". Abram Markovich Sulman and his wife - Sofya Arkadyevna Zelkina (born May 10, 1912) brought up two sons - Boris (born 1931), a mountain geological engineer, and Leonard (born 1933), a metallurgical engineer. Abram Markovich Sulman died at the age of 78 years; buried in the North cemetery in Yekaterinburg. Radiograms | |
Suvorov Boris Leonidovich (Суворов Борис Леонидович) in 1959 - a student of the metallurgical faculty, UPI; took part in the search in the area of height 1079 together with the Askinadzi group Apr 25 - May 8. | |
Svechnikova Ksenia (Свечникова Ксения) - a participant in a tour of Blinov's group in 1959. She studied in the same group of "mechanics" at UPI together with Grebennik and Bienko. In February-March 1959, she provided telephone communication between the search headquarters in Ivdel and theSC UPI. Kept records of all conversations and telephone messages related to the search. Later, these records were seized (by the prosecutor's office?). Unverified reports suggest that she together with Bienko printed photographs (from the films of the hike?) in the departmental laboratory of Sverdlovsk Prosecutor's Office in March 1959. She also brought out the first known photographs from Dyatlov’s hike. | |
Sychev Boris Sergeevich (Сычев Борис Сергеевич) in 1959 - a student at the "E" faculty, UPI; took part in search work as a member of the Sogrin search party (25.03 - 6.04). Born in 1938. In 1955-61 -a student at UPI. In October 1959 he headed the weekend hiking sector at the UPI hiking section bureau. In 1961 he lived in Sverdlovsk at 53 Stachek St. | |
Sycheva Mariya Pavlovna (Сычева Мария Павловна) in 1959 the Chairman of the Control and Auditing Commission of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee. In June-July, the Commission worked in Ivdel. 4 people were punished on party line (unverified data).Mentioned in the nomenclature lists of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee in 1951 and 1953. | |
Sysoev A.P. (Сысоев А.П.) in 1959 - a radio operator of the Northern Geological Expedition. Radiograms | |
Syunikaev Hamza Fazylovich (Сюникаев Хамза Фазылович) in 1959 - served in military unit 6602; took part in search. Born in the village of Stanovoe, Mamlyutskiy district of the North Kazakhstan region, in 1937, Tatar. From November 1957 to January 1959 he served in military unit 6602 as a shooter; from January to December 1959 - a cadet at the sergeant school , military unit 6602; December 1959 to October 1960 - a sergeant, commander of the rifle squad, military unit 6602. Graduated from the Lenin Agricultural College in 1964, the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute in 1971 in specialty scientist-agronomist. Member of the CPSU since 1973. | |
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Taranova (nee Lapteva) Anna Petrovna (Таранова-дев.Лаптева Анна Петровна) (1926-2011) in 1959 - an obstetrician at the Central Hospital of N-240. In 1953 - a Komsomol member; higher education; the Head of the inpatient unitrtment of the 12th Department of Ivdellag. In March 1959, she was elected a deputy to the Ivdel City Council. | |
Tarzin Pavel Arkadyevich (Тарзин Павел Аркадьевич) in 1959 - a 5th year student of the radio engineering faculty , UPI. He was going to go on a hike with the Dyatlov group, but refused because of marriage (wedding). Was born in 1934. in Sverdlovsk. Graduated from the Electromechanical College 1953; in 1959 - graduated from the radio engineering faculty of the UPI (department of "theoretical fundamentals of radio engineering ". In 1955 took up sports tourism in the UPI hiking club. He used to know all the members of the Dyatlov group (except Zolotaryov) and used to go hiking together with Krivonischenko, Dyatlov and Kolmogorova. While being a student, he completed course for young reporters, his sports reports were published in regional newspapers. Member of the UPI skiing team; participant of the USSRskiing championship 1954. 1st category in skiing; badge "Tourist of the USSR" 1955. | |
Tatsienko Ivan Afanasievich (Тациенко Иван Афанасьевич) in 1959 - a student of UPI. A participant in search work as a member of the Grebennik group in the Oyka-Chakur region. He reached a qualifying standard for the USSR Mountaineer badge in the Varzob alpine camp 1957; participant of the first UPI alpiniad 1958. In 1958 - a chairman of the alpsections at UPI. In 1959 he took part in a training camp for junior mountaineering instructors in the Jan-Tugan alpine camp. After graduating from UPI, he was assigned to the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, where in recent years he worked as an Assistant Director General. | |
Temnikov Aleksander Ivanovich (Темников Александр Иванович) (1924-1987) in 1959 - radio operator, head of the communications service of the Northern Geological Expedition. (Radiograms). Later he worked in telephone communications. In a work related accident he fell from a pole. He was seriously injured, but lived, though not fully recovered mentally. He lived a long life after that, but was, as they say, 'not right in the head'. His family life also did not work out. | |
Tempalov (Темпалов) - in 1935 was removed from the post of the head of the regional literary department in Nizhnyaya Salda being accused of supporting Trotsky’s ideas. (Related to?): | |
Tempalov Aleksander Ivanovich (Темпалов Александр Иванович) (1911-1986) Born in the town of N. Salda into workers’ family. Brother of Vasiliy Ivanovich Tempalov. Not mentioned in the case files. In 1931 was a delegate to the All-Russian Conference of Educators. In 1935 became a headmaster of the Verkhne-Salda school №14. Took part in warfare 1941-1943 as a commander of a mortar company. Was dismissed after being wounded , became a disabled person. Companion of the Red Star Order, was awarded medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit". Supervised the military training of the civilian population. From 1945 to 1984 - a headmaster of a number of schools in N. Salda. In 1963 received an honorary title "Excellence in Public Education"; Deputy of the City Council of People's Deputies. | |
Tempalov Vasiliy Ivanovich (Темпалов Василий Иванович) (1921-1989) in 1959 - a Prosecutor in Ivdel; On February 26, he opened an investigation into the death of hikers from the Dyatlov group. Born in the town of Nizhnyaya Salda, Ural Governorate of the RSFSR. His parents (Ivan Andrianovich and Lyubov Eremeevna) workedat the Verkhnyaya Salda metallurgical plant. He had 3 brothers and 2 sisters: Aleksander (born in 1911), Aleksey, Victor (born in 1917), Zinaida, Valentina. He graduated from high school in N. Salda in 1940. Drafted into the Red Army (went to a military school) in 1940; on active service from Aug 15, 1942. Platoon commander of 120-mm mortars of the 231st Infantry Division 1942; the commander of the heavy mortar battery of the 37th mortar regiment 1943; by 1945 - guards lieutenant, commander of a 120mm mortar battery of the mortar battalion of the 20th Guards Mechanized Zalishchitskaya Brigade. Participated in combat operations in the Stalingrad, I Ukrainian, I Belorussian front; participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of the Kursk Bulge, the liberation of Poland and the capture of Berlin. Wounded 1942, 1943. Received some honorary awards, like the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree and the Order of the Red Banner 1945;medals "For the liberation of Warsaw", "For the capture of Berlin"; "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." He was recommended for decoration with the Order of the Patriotic War (class 1) in 1945 (award paper№89 dated Apr 6, 1985). After the victory, he married and was appointed commandant of a small German town, where in 1947 his daughter was born. Demobilized in April 1948. He returned to the Urals. Graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Law of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute in 1953. In 1948-1976 he worked in Sverdlovsk regional prosecutor's office as an assistant prosecutor, prosecutor (at least from 1953 to 1963 - the prosecutor in the town of Ivdel; lived in Ivdel at 20 Karla Libknekhta St. In March 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council. Member of the CPSU since 1945; member of the bureau of the city committee (district committee) of Ivdel. In 1976-1981 - HR staff member of workshop 32 at the Verkhnesalda metalworking plant. He retired in 1981 and moved with his family to the Krasnodar Territory. Veteran of Labor. He died in 1989 (unconfirmed reports indicate he got drowned while fishing). According to the recollections of her daughter, Svetlana Vasilyevna Zverkova: in 1989, shortly before her death, in a conversation with one of the UPI students, Vasiliy Ivanovich Tempalov confirmed that he was involved in investigation into the case of the Dyatlov group death and gave a nondisclosure agreement. | |
Terebilov Vladimir Ivanovich (Теребилов Владимир Иванович) (18.III.1916-3.V.2004) in 1959 - Assistant to the USSR Prosecutor General ( | |
Terebov Vasiliy Ivanovich (Теребов Василий Иванович) in 1959 - Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR; supervised the department for supervision of case filess in courts. Born in Voloshodskaya province in 1902. In 1926 he graduated from the law department of the Leningrad State University. Until 1934 - worked in various positions in Railway Administration; in 1934-41 - at party work in the Omsk region. Prosecutor of Omsk 1941-44; Velikiye Luki 1944-49; Yaroslavl 1949-50 regions. Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR for Personnel 1950-54; Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR 1954-60. Retired in 1960. State Counselor of Justice 3rd class. He was awarded the orders "Red Star" 1945 and "Labor Red Banner" 1947. | |
Thibeaux-Brignolle Anastasia Prohorovna (Тибо-Бриньоль Анастасия Прохоровна) is the mother of Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignollele. Born in the South Urals in 1893 in the family of a blacksmith Bautin Prokhor Yakovlevich, who worked all his life at the Petropavlovsk plant in the Zlatoust district. in 1942 she received a higher education, finishing Central Moscow distance course in Foreign Language. She taught German. She worked in primary, then in secondary school during 30 years (until retirement in 1957). After her husband's arrest in 1931 she moved from Sverdlovsk to the city of Osinniki, where she lived at 122 Partizanskaya St. After the death of her husband, she moved with her son Nikolay to her daughter in Kemerovo, where she lived in 1959. She did not want to let her son Nikolay go on the hike scheduled for February 1959, and he promised her that this hike would be the last one. | |
Thibeaux-Brignolle Elizaveta Vladimirovna (Тибо-Бриньоль Елизавета Владимировна) born in 1916. Nikolay’s sister.Graduated from UPI and was assigned to Kemerovo in 1941.In 1959 she lived with her mother in Kemerovo, worked as an engineer at the Kokso-chemical plant. She died in 2001. | |
Thibeaux-Brignolle Nikolay Vladimirovich (Тибо-Бриньоль Николай Владимирович) born on July 5 (June) 1935 in the city of Osinniki. In 1953 he graduated from secondary school №12 in Kemerovo. Builder, graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the UPI in 1958 with a degree in industrial and civil construction, worked as a foreman in general construction trust №89 (Sverdlovsk). According to other sources: in the Department of Mechanization №1 Died Feb 2, 1959. In 1955-56 - a member of the attestation commission of the UPI hiking club. When issuing a passport, an error crept into the spelling of the surname: according to the passport, the surname was Thibault-Brenvol, and according to the mother's documents - Thibault Brignoles. Judging by the documents of the personal file from the UPI archive, the error was corrected in July 1957 (at the time of transfer to the 5th year of the UPI), most likely when the passport was replaced in June 1956: a new passport XIX-EYA №527 ... (?), was issued by the police department 8 in Sverdlovsk on June 27, 1956. His great-great-grandfather, François Thibault (unconfirmed reports suggest he was born in Provence, in Brignoles), came to Russia and settled in St. Petersburg at the very beginning of the 19th century. He worked in the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters of St. Petersburg as a carpenter's master, then as a theatrical mechanic. For ten years, from 1829 to 1839, he was the chief mechanic at the Directorate of the St. Petersburg Imperial theaters. His great-grandfather, an academician of architecture, Iosif Frantsevich Thibeaux-Brignollees, was the city architect of Oryol. His grandfather, a mining engineer Joseph Iosifovich Thibeaux-Brignollele, moved to the Urals. | |
Thibeaux-Brignolle Vladimir Iosifovich (Тибо-Бриньоль Владимир Иосифович) (1886-1943) Father of N. Thibeaux-Brignolle. Born into the family of a mining engineer in the Urals (Sysertsky plant in the Yekaterinburg district of the Perm province). While studying at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute (ship-building department) joined the Cadet Party and was later expelled to the Vologda province under the police overt surveillance. He finished his education in Freiberge, Germany,where he graduated from the Saxon Freiberg Mining Academy in 1913. He returned to Russia shortly before the First World War. In 1913-1914 he worked in the trading house "Brothers Zlokazov": head of mines and mining exploration in the Zlatoust district of the Ufa province. In 1915 - in the Verkh-Isetsky mountain district: he was engaged in mineral exploration and processing of minerals.In 1916 - an assistant manager of the Revdinsky mining district:the head of prospecting, exploration and exploitation of copper and iron ores. In 1919 - a manager of the Gorlovka coal mines. In 1920 - at the Chelyabinsk mines: assistant technical manager, head of maintenance department. In 1924 he was engaged in the restoration of the mining industry in the Uraloblsovnarkhoz. Took part in working-out of a plan for development of the Ural industry and exploitation of abraum salts deposits in the region of Solikamsk. Arrested in 1931 (charge: participation in the Ural industrial party) and sentenced to 10 years (at the disposal of Siblag, Novosibirsk). In 1932 - at the Osinnikovsky coal mine Trust "Molotovugol"; in June 1933 he was unconvoyed and transferred to the position of the head of the technical department in the mountainous area of the mine. His family (wife and son Vladimir) were allowed to come and live in the village of Osinniki; daughter Elizaveta stayed to work in Sverdlovsk; in 1935 in Osinniki the son Nikolay was born. In 1938 he was sent to Gornaya Shoria to participate in the development of an iron ore deposit. The family stayed in Osinniki. After his release in 1941he returned to the Osinovsky mine and got a job, already as a civilian, designing engineer at Molotovugol trust. In 1942 he unsuccessfully tried to find a job in Tashkent (according to other sources - in the "Kirgizugol" trust). He died of illness in a hospital in Osinniki in 1943. He was fully rehabilitated by the Decree of Apr 11, 1991. Author of a number of articles published in "Ural Technique", "Ural Economy". Nikolay Thibault concealed the fact that his father was arrested as an enemy of the people, and invented a story about the French communist. | |
Thibeaux-Brignolle Vladimir Vladimirovich (Тибо-Бриньоль Владимир Владимирович ) (1922-1943) - the brother of Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle. Born in 1922, most likely in the area of Chelyabinsk mines. After his father had been arrested, he moved with his mother to the town of Osinniki, where he went to school. After leaving school, he could have studed for 2 years at the Faculty of Mechanics of the Ural Industrial Institute named after Sergei Mironovich Kirov (UPI, Sverdlovsk). Member of the Komsomol. In 1941 he was called up to the Red Army at Osinnikovsky military commissariat, Kemerovo region, Osinniki; according to relatives, he was called up at Stalin's military commissariat, Sverdlovsk). In February 1942, after completing a 6-month accelerated training course at the Smolensk Artillery School, which had been evacuated to Irbit, Ural Military District, on 23.02.1942 he was given the rank of "junior lieutenant" and sent to the active army. From July 1942 - lieutenant, fire platoon commander of the 5th battery (76-mm guns) of the 2nd artillery division of the 1031st artillery regiment of the 100th rifle division; in September 1942 he was seriously wounded and iwas in hospital 3322 (Sol-Iletsk, Chkalovsk region)until December 1942. After recovering, he participated in battles under Voronezh, n ear Orel, on the Kursk Bulge, in the Belgorod-Kharkov direction. In July 1943 - lieutenant, battalion intelligence officer of the 455th separate mortar regiment of the 1st Guards Don Tank Corps. He was awarded the medal "For Courage" (№355816; temporary certificate №946408 dated 01.08.1943), but did not manage to receive the award, because at the end of 194 he. was deadly wounded in the head. He died on December 4, 1943 in the military hospital №8225. Buried in the common grave in Gorodnya, Chernihiv region. Unconfirmed reports indicate that his last address of the field post office was №41523 "L", which corresponds to the address of the 41st separate recovery and operation communication company. | |
Tibabishev Aleksander Methodievich (Тибабишев Александр Мефодьевич) in 1959 - the Head of the Main Directorate of State Material Reserves under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which supervised the separate material and technical reserve fund, which had its own departments (commissions) in executive committees. He was in charge of material resources, including fuels and lubricants, fuel, equipment, uniforms, food supplies, etc., so he could have taken part in providing search and rescue work. 1951-1953 - Head of the Main Directorate of State Food Reserves under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. 1953-1960 - Head of the Main Directorate of State Material Reserves under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. | |
Tayl V. (Тайл В.) in 1959 - a UPI student of group R-463; lived in Sverdlovsk at 70/10, Komsomolskaya St., building 8, room 531. Yudin's roommate. He took part in the identification of the belongings of the deceased. Graduate of the radio engineering faculty, UPI , 1960 (studied together with Doroshenko, Shestopalov, Gainutdinov, Kostrulin). | |
Tipikin Stanislav Aleksandrovich (Типикин Станислав Александрович) (1935-2015) in 1959 - a 5th year student of the Physics and Technology Faculty of UPI; participated in search work with the Akselrod group on Feb 26-28 in the area of Otorten. Mar 1-9 - participated in the search operation in the area of height 1079. Was born in Sverdlovsk in 1935. Nephew of Boris Fyodorovich Kretov (head of the Sverdlovsk Research Forensic Laboratory of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation). While studying at the Physics and technics department, UPI he was a great enthusiast of tourism. In 1957-58 - the chairman of the bureau of the mountaineering section at the institute. Graduated from UPI in 1960 with a degree in process engineering. In 1960-1963 he worked at a shipyard in Komsomolsk-on-Amur: an engineer at a radiochemical laboratory. In 1963-1973 - at Beloyarsk nuclear power plant (Sverdlovsk region): senior engineer, deputy chief engineer of the plant. In 1973 he started work in foreign economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia (Moscow): head of department, deputy Director General. Expert on nuclear reactors, their adjustment and operation. Participated in the adjustment and delivery of the first nuclear submarines to the Pacific Ocean Fleet. Participated in the construction and start-up of the first two power units of the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant. In foreign economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy and the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy he worked on the construction of nuclear power plants in Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Iran, Cuba, Slovakia, Finland, Czech Republic. He was awarded the Order of Peoples' Friendship 1978. He died in Moscow in 2015. | |
Titov M.P. (Титов М.П.) - the Chairman of the UPI trade union committee in 1961; most likely he replaced V.E. Slobodin in this position. In a letter from the prosecutor's office ( | |
Titov Vasiliy Semyonovich (Титов Василий Семенович) in 1959 - a chief mechanic of the Northern Geological Expedition. Participant of the air search Feb 24-25. | |
Tkachev Vadim Vasilyevich (Ткачев Вадим Васильевич) in 1959 - senior engineer of radiation monitoring service (RMS) at the UPI; ensured interaction with the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs; possibly, an acting head of the UPI RMS. In 1960-1961 and in 1973-1987 - the head of RMS at the UPI. He died in the 1980s.Unconfirmed reports indicate that a radiation monitoring team including Tkachev and Kikoin was sent to the pass. They used a device developed by Shteyn. | |
Tokarev Nikolay Vasilyevich (Токарев Николай Васильевич) in 1959 - civilian employee at military unit 6602, resident of Ivdel; a member of the search party led by Potapov. Sportsman; had the 1st category in skiing; Ivdel ski champion. | |
Tokareva (Baldova) Valentina Yakovlevna (Токарева Балдова Валентина Яковлевна) - a friend of the hikers. Published their last letters. Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle invited her to join the Dyatlov group on the hike, but she was not given days off from the Sinarsky Pipe Plant in Kamensk-Uralsky, where she was assigned after graduating from UPI in 1958. Zina Kolmogorova letter to Valentina Tokareva (Baldova) January 24, 1959 sent from Serov city | |
Tokareva Natalya Vasilyevna (Токарева Наталья Васильевна) in 1959 - Technician-meteorologist of the State Hydrometeorological Service of Ivdel. Sister of Nikolay Vasilyevich Tokarev. Reported with Piguzova abnormal phenomenon observed at 6:50 am on Feb 17, 1959. | |
Tolstov Andrey Andreevich (Толстов Андрей Андреевич) a pilot of MI-1, air squadron 123 - Ivdel. In February 1959, he took part in the search for geologists of the Northern prospecting party №7 of the Bazhenov expedition in the area of the village of Vershina. | |
Tomilova (Martyusheva) Valentina Andreevna (Томилова (Мартюшева) Валентина Андреевна) in 1959 - a 4th year student at the radio engineering faculty of the UPI, took part in a hike with Blinov's group. She was born in the village of Pokrovskoe in 1937. She went to study at the Physics and Technology Department at the UPI, but then transferred to the radio engineering department. She was a year below Z.Kolmogorova. Later she married Boris Vladimirovich Martyushev. After graduating from the radio engineering faculty of UPI in 1960, she was assigned to the Ural Design Bureau "Detail" (Experimental design bureau - 379, Kamensk-Uralsky) in the thematic department.She is an author of an inventionthe. She received a lot of awards, diplomas and industry marks. From 1989 to the present time is the chairperson of the trade union committee Ural Design Bureau "Detail". On many occasions she was awarded diplomas of the Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Radio-Electronic Industries workers, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Sverdlovsk region, Certificates of honor of the Central Committee and the Russian Federation of Independent Trade Unions, as well as the Badge of the Russian Trade Union of workers of radio-electronic industry "For active work in the trade union", Diploma of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Master of Sports in mountaineering 1968, mountaineering instructor of the 1st category. In 1962 she organized a section of mountaineering and rock climbing for workers of the enterprise, after a few years the section became municipal. Organizer of the city club of poetry lovers "Yamb"; Member of the Board of the Knowledge Society; Deputy of the City Council of Workers 1978-92. By the decision of the City Council, she was awarded the medal "For Services to the City" 2010. | |
Toropov (Торопов) in 1959 -a doctor at the Central Hospital of the Administration. | |
Tsatskin Aleksander Evgenyevich (Цацкин Александр Евгеньевич) in 1959 - an obstetrician at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Tsatskina Varvara Demyanovna (Цацкина Варвара Демьяновна) in 1959 - a doctor at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
Tuflyakov Victor Petrovich (Туфляков Виктор Петрович Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region, he influenced Gushtin book "The price of state secrets is nine lives" | |
Tumanov Eduard Viktorovich (Туманов Эдуард Викторович) Modern times forensic pathologist in Russia who revised the post mortem analyses of the last four bodies | |
Tutinkov Anatoliy (Тутинков Анатолий) a worker in District 41 (lumberjack); met with the Dyatlov group on Jan 26-27, received a gift from them. He worked in Ivdel at the Energo Lesokombinat ( | |
Tuykov Vladislav Ivanovich (Туйков Владислав Иванович) (Mar 6, 1947, Makushino, Kurgan Region, RSFSR, USSR - Mar 9, 2015, Yekaterinburg Russian Federation) - Soviet and Russian lawyer, prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region 1985–2001, people's deputy of Russia 1990–93, Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR 1991 (Wikipedia) | |
Tymkiv L.P. (Тымкив Л.П.) a corporal, senior demolition engineer at the 1st branch of the MPV (mine and explosive platoon) of the 52nd separate track railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; participated in search worksin the area of height 1079. | |
Tychinina Valentina Ivanovna (Тычинина Валентина Ивановна) in 1959 - an ambulance paramedic at the Central Hospital of N-240. | |
U ^ | |
Ufimtsev Valeriy (Valerian) Mihaylovich (Уфимцев Валерий/Валериан Михайлович) (23.XII.1915-11.III.1999) born in Krasnoturinsk. In 1959 worked at the Sverdlovsk City Committee for Physical Culture and Sports; former hiking instructor at the educational and sports department, which was transferred to the regional submission Nov 22, 1958. Lived in Sverdlovsk, at 2, Pedagogicheskaya St, apt.317. On resolution of the Bureau of the City Committee he was severely reprimanded as the official "who was responsible for this area of work" (Tourism). In 1939 he graduated from the Perm Technical School of Physical Education. Drafted into the 202nd Airborne Brigade (Khabarovsk). After finishing junior commanders school he became a platoon assistant commander, then - a company sergeant. When the war began, he was sent to short-term officer courses, where he received the rank of junior lieutenant. In 1942, the brigade was transferred to the Western Front, where it became part of the 1st Guards Airborne Division. For the capture of the prisoner(to be interrogated) in battles near Staraya Russa, Ufimtsev was awarded the Order of the Red Star. With the second Ukrainian Front, he participated in the assault-crossing of the Dnieper and Dniester, in battles for Kryvoy Rog, where he was slightly wounded. Then the Yasso-Kishenevskaya operation, battles on the territory of Romania, Hungary. On New Year’s Eve, 1944, in battles to capture the city of Segeta he was seriously wounded in both legs. He was taken to a medical battalion, then to a hospital in the city of Essentuki. The war ended when he was there.Both legs were amputated. In1946 he came to live in Sverdlovsk. Worked in the city and regional committees for physical culture and sports, in the regional council for sports societies and organizations, and since 1963 - in the Sverdlovsk Automobile Club VAAAAFN (Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force and Navy, Russ. ДОСААФ). For many years Ufimtsev was a referee of the highest category in various sports: ski jumping, boxing, wrestling, weightlifting. In 1983 (forty years after the presentation for the award) Valeriy Ufimtsev was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the second degree. Testimony, | |
Ufimtseva Vera Fyodorovna (Уфимцева Вера Федоровна) (1915-1987) in 1959 - worked at the Ural Geological Department; V.N. Ufimtsev's wife. She was born in the village of Rashevatskaya, Novo-Aleksandrovsky District, Stavropol Territory. Her father was shot by the White Guards in 1918, mother died in 1930. In 1932 the Komsomol Committee sent her to work in the Chervonny farm as a teacher, in 1934 - the head of the school. In 1937-40 - studied at the Pyatigorsk school of political education workers, after graduation she joined her husband at the frontier post on the Soviet-Turkish border; she worked as an organizer of popular recreational activities in the district House of Culture. In 1941 - vilantarily joined the Red Army as a civilian employee: the personnel department of the Transcaucasian Front 1942; the head of the club of the 119th regiment of the NKVD 1942-43; the chief of top-secret production of the 94th Rifle Brigade 1943. She was awarded a military rank " senior sergeant". In 1943, for health reasons, she was assigned to the Essentuki city military registration and enlistment office: the head of the evacuation hospital 2154 1943-45; Head of Culture Department of the Resorts Administration 1945. She was awarded with medals "For Victory over Germany", "For the Defense of the Caucasus". In 1945 she moved to Sverdlovsk, her husband’s home town, where she worked as the head of the evacuation hospital until 1954. Worked in a pioneer camp "Iskorkak"under the Ural Geological Administration 1958-61; in - Housing & public utilities department 1962; Head of the Archives of the Ural Geological Administration 1962-70. Son Vyacheslav (born in 1946), daughter Olga (born in 1949). Retired in 1970, died in 1987 in Sverdlovsk. | |
Ugarov E.S. (Угаров Е.С.) in 1959 - secretary of the city committee of the CPSU in Ivdel, head of council of people's guards. | |
Upenek Boris Aleksandrovich (Упенэк Борис Александрович) in 1959 - the head of the mountaineering department at the Central Council of the union of sports societies and organizations. Was born in Bashkiria. After graduating from the Moscow Radio Technical School, he worked in the Moscow City Radio Network. In his student years he got into mountaineering, graduated from the school of mountaineering instructors of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. In 1939 he went to work in the Central Council of the DSO "Avangard", where he headed the mountaineering work. In 1941 he was drafted in the army at the Kirov Regional Military Commissariat of Moscow. Technician Lieutenant. Commander of the communications platoon of the 1194 rifle regiment; assistant chief of communications 359th rifle Yartsevskaya division (Kalinin, Western, 1st Ukrainian fronts). Awarded the Order of the Red Star 1944, 1945, and the Order ofGreat Patriotic War, 2nd degree, 1944. After demobilization he worked as a senior instructor in the mountaineering and tourism department of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. In 1956-58 - Responsible Secretary of the All-Union Mountaineering Section of All-Union Central Soviet of Trade Unions Committee of the USSR; after 1958 - head of the mountaineering department in the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the USSR; from 1959 - head of the mountaineering department at the Central Council of the USSR union of sports societies and organizations. He died in Obninsk, Kaluga region. | |
Urakov Leonid Ivanovich (Ураков Леонид Иванович) (20.VIII.1906-22.XI.1964) in 1959 - Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR; supervised the investigation department. On behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR went to Sverdlovsk to keep control over the investigative activities concerning the Dyatlov group case. Born in the Ryazan province. After graduating from high school in 1923, he was appointed secretary of the Shamor volost committee of the RKSM, then was transferred to the position of a labor inspection in the town of Sasovo, Ryazan province. In 1926 he started his career at the prosecutor's office: an investigator of the prosecutor's office, senior investigator of the prosecutor's office of the Moscow and Ryazan provinces, prosecutor of the investigation department under Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR. In February 1947 he was appointed head of the investigation department of the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR, and in 1953 - Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR. On November 21, 1959, he was appointed Prosecutor of the Moscow Region. Died in 1964. Leonid Ivanovich Urakov worked in the prosecutor's office for 38 years. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the medal "For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. | |
Uskov (Усков) in 1959 - a staff member of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. | |
Ustinov Porfiriy Vasilyevich (Устинов Порфирий Васильевич) (1898-1975)- In 1959, he headed the Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine. In 1921, after graduating from the medical faculty of Warsaw University (then located in Rostov-on-Don), he came to the department of forensic medicine at the Rostov Medical Institute, where he worked for 14 years (researcher; assistant; since 1932 - assistant professor). At the same time, he served as a regional forensic expert. In 1936 he was awarded the degree of candidate of medical sciences without defending a thesis due to a great number of works on examination of material evidence .He defended his doctoral dissertation in 1946 on the morphology of gunshot bone injuries. From 1935 to 1971 he headed the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, at the same time he headed the Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine expertise until 1960; until 1963 he was a professor at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute on the course of forensic medicine. He himself and all the staff of this department also worked as forensic experts. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Author of over 150 scientific papers. Most famous for his work on the examination of gunshot injuries, forensic toxicology, the problem of medical errors and medical delinquencies and the examination of material evidence. He was the initiator of the creation of the Sverdlovsk branch of the All-Union Scientific Society of Forensic Experts and its permanent leader. Received a lot of government awards. | |
Ustyuzhanin V. (Устюжанин В.) Commander of the An-2 squadron of the 123rd air squadron - Ivdel. Unconfirmed reports suggest: in February 1959 he took part in the search for geologists of the Northern prospecting party №7 of the Bazhenov expedition in the area of the village of Vershina. In the local newspaper he was mentioned as V. Ustinov by mistake. | |
Uvarov Ivan Evlampievich (Уваров Иван Евлампиевич) (17.I.1884-16.II.1965) in 1959 - a director of the Ivdel Museum; lived in Ivdel at23, Oktyabrskaya embankment. Born into a priest's family on January 17, 1884 in Bogoslovskoe, Verkhotursky district, Perm province. In 1891 he went to study at Bogoslovskaya school. In 1894 his father died, so he could continue his education. In 1900 he passed the exams for the title of a teacher and the Verkhoturye zemstvo appointed him the head teacher of the 2-class Verkhoturye male school. In 1906 he was called up for military service and was assigned to the 3rd grenadier Pernovsky regiment in Moscow, where he served as a senior regimental clerk. In 1909 he was separated from the service and assigned to the army reserve. In 1910 he was appointed a teacher at the Ivdel, 2-class Ministerial school, with five departments by the Verkhoturye Zemstvo, where he served until July 20, 1914. In 1914 he applied to the Petrograd Polytechnic Institute and was enrolled, but on July 20, 1914 he was mobilized into the active army, appointed as a senior clerk in the 123rd reserve battalion. In 1916 was dismissed due to poor health and got a six-month leave to recover at home. In 1917 he was appointed the headmaster of the Ivdel school of the 1st degree, which in 1930 was transformed into the seven-year-work school, and in 1934 - to a high school. In late 20s he began collecting antiques, in 1929 on his own initiative opened a museum on a voluntary basis in one of the rooms of the Lenin Ivdel club. In 1935 by order of the Sverdlovsk Regional Department of Public Education I.E. Uvarov was sent to the village of Poma to organize a school for Mansi, where he taught both Music and Art. In 1937, by a resolution of the presidium of the Ivdel district committee of the peasant and red army deputies, his name, Ivan Uvarov, was included in the Book of Honor of outstanding people of the Soviet school. In 1944 the Ivdel Museum acquired the status of a state local museum , and I.E. Uvarov was appointed its first director. At the same time he continued his pedagogical work. In 1947, he was elected a deputy of the Ivdel City Council, and kept this post until March 1959. Member of the City Committee of the CPSU 1960. Companion of the Order of Lenin, medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". Founder of the Ivdel Historical-Ethnographic Museum, character witness for the Mansi Testimony | |
V ^ | |
Valyukevichus Stanislav Aleksandrovich (Валюкевичус Станислав Александрович) born in 1903, in 1959 - horse-carter in the 2nd forest area of the 8th camp department; lived in District 100, Ivdel region. On Jan 27-28 accompanied Dyatlov group from District 41 to 2nd Northern. At that time he lived and worked in District 41. "Uncle Slava" transported Dyatlov group backpacks to 2nd Northern on a horse sled on Jan 28, 1959, took Yuri Yudin back (Testimony). Sometime between Jan 28 and Mar 6 he was transferred to District 100. In 1947 he was sentenced to 10 years at a labor camp under section 107 of the Penal Code of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic. (Mistake in the report: The Penal Code of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted only in 1961. In fact, he was sentenced under section 107 of the Penal Code of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from the 1926, Sec. 107: Purchase and resale of agricultural produce and consumer goods for the purpose of making a profit (speculation) - deprivation of liberty for at least 5 years with confiscation of all or part of their property). Criminal record expunged in 1953. In 1953 - worked as a hostler in the equestrian park of the construction of the Hydrolytic Plant. | |
Vasilets Vasiliy Ivanovich (Василец Василий Иванович) - deputy chief of the enterprise №240 in 1959. He held this position from 1958 till 1962. | |
Vasilchenko V.M. (Васильченко В.М.) - pvt., sapper-deminer in the second department of the demining platoon, in the 52nd railroad battalion (military unit №24594) of the 5th railroad brigade, Serov town; took part in search work at height 1079. | |
Venediktov Evgeniy Petrovich (Венедиктов Евгений Петрович) - a supervisor at the forest management division (District 41); met Dyatlov group on the 26th-27th of January. Suspended till the 6th of March (transferred). Earlier studied (didn’t finish) at Moscow State Forest University. Dyatlov group gave him a book as a present. | |
Verhovskiy Sergey Antonovich (Верховский Сергей Антонович) (1925-), first sergeant of the military unit 6602; ordnance warehouse manager, CAS (combined arms supplies) and food; lived in Ivdel at 52b Krasnoarmeiskaya St. Took part in search work led by captain Chernyshev on January 26 and 27 in the Gumkopay region; till the 6th of March stayed at height 1079. | |
Verhoturov Yuri Evgenyevich (Верхотуров Юрий Евгеньевич) born in 1933 in Sverdlovsk. He was in preliminary Dyatlov’s group list in 1959. Didn’t take part in the pass for unknown reasons. Reportedly, he was included in the list without his knowledge. Graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute in 1955. Electrical engineer. From 1955 worked at Turbo-generator Plant (currently - JSC Electrotyazhmash): design engineer; chief engineer; deputy chief designer; head of the turbines/turbogenerators departments, synchronous motors, expert engineer at the bureau of regulatory technical documentation expertise, analysis and economy; chief designer at the Science and Technology Centre; design engineer of the Development Administration; chief designer. Retired in 2003. Honored worker of the Holding Joint Stock Company "Privod" 2002; Honorary citizen of Lysva 2013. Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy gold medal holder; "honored Inventor of the USSR" badge holder; "For Distinguished Labor" and "For Valiant Labor. In honor of the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s birthday" medals holder 1970. A photographer and a traveller. His brother possibly: | |
Verhoturov Victor Evgenyevich (Верхотуров Виктор Евгеньевич) - Ural Mining University graduate, "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of solid mineral deposits" program. Studied in Ural Mining University between 1958 and 1963. | |
Vinogradova L. (Виноградова Л.) hiker from Ivdel, Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute graduate. Met Karelin’s group in Ivdel on the 7th February of 1959. | |
Vishnevskiy Andrey Mihaylovich (Вишневский Андрей Михайлович) (07.XII.1907-30.XII.1992) in 1959 was the head of the Physical Education Department at UPI; a member of the task force (Ivdel) since March 13. Was born in Sychevskoe village of Kurgan county in Perm province. In 1921 was in Omsk, in the orphanage №7 specialized in shoemaking. In the evenings he was attending a secondary school on his own initiative in order to get a certificate of secondary education. A year later started working as a physical education teacher in an orphanage №25. After graduating from school in 1925 he went to Moscow to apply to the institute of physical culture. Upon graduating from the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism he was sent to Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg) to work as a physical education coach in a regional trade union committee. In 1932 started work at the Ural Sectoral Construction Institute that became a part of The Ural Industrial Institute in 1934. The Faculty of Physical Education was established at the Ural Industrial Institute, and was headed by Andrey Mihaylovich Vishnevskiy (but not between 1942 and 1945). During the war Vishnevskiy was an assistant chief of the Ural Military District. He held that position for 3 and a half years before returning to the institute in 1945. In 1952 he successfully defended his thesis "Organisation and methodology of the classes for students with disabilities" at Lesgaft Institute of Physical Education in Leningrad (now St Petersburg). Soon after he became an Associate Professor. Record breaker in athletics and high jump of Sverdlovsk Region. For his contribution to the development of student sport he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the bronze medal of the USSR VDNH, the badge "Excellence in Physical Culture and Sport"; his name is in the Sverdlovsk Region Ministry of Sports Memory Book under №70. | |
Vishnevskiy Yuri N. Nikolaevich (Вишневский Юрий Н. Николаевич) - born in 1938. In 1959 was a 4th-year student at the Department of Electrical Power Engineering of the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI). Was in the preliminary Dyatlov’s group list. Didn’t get permission to leave because he had to retake an exam during the midterm exams. Resided in Leningrad from the early sixties. Worked at Lenenergo. | |
Vladimirov Mihail Kirillovich (Владимиров Михаил Кириллович) (1933 - 2014) - a member of the sports tourism group of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute led by Shumkov. The group was near mountain Chistop in February. Claimed that he saw a glowing object in the area of the height 1079. Was born in 1933 in the village Chernopenje in the Sloboda region of the Kirov district. Graduated from the Geography Faculty of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute in 1961, and then from the Faculty of Art and Graphics of Nizhny Tagil’ Pedagogical Institute in 1967. In 1961 was sent to the town of Artyomovskii where he taught geography and engineering graphics in local schools and colleges. From 1968 and till 1978 worked as an assistant chief of architecture and esthetics department at the administration of the Egorshino railway. In 1964 he founded “Gorizont” - the first sports tourism club in the city, based at school №11, and later - “Put’” at the Egorshino railway office. Was a pioneer of sports tourism in Artyomovskii region. Master of Sports in sports tourism; chief sports tourism instructor. Died in 2014. | |
Vlasov Ivan Alekseevich (Власов Иван Алексеевич) was born in 1922 in Ivdel; left secondary school after the 7th grade, CPSU member, of Russian nationality. Became the captain of the military unit №6602 in 1959; lived in Ivdel at 20 Mekhanoshina St. Took part in search work with the group led by captain Chernyshev on the Feb 26-27 in the Gumkopay area. Till Mar 10 stayed in the area of the height 1079 ( | |
Vozrozhdenniy Boris Alekseevich (Возрожденный Борис Алексеевич) (1.III.1922-1996) in 1959 worked as a forensic scientist in Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensics; took part in forensic examination of the bodies of the members of the Dyatlov group. Lived in Sverdlovsk on 5 Kollektivnaya St. apt.15. Was born in Gomel (Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic) on March 1, 1922 in a family of railroad workers. Upon graduating from the secondary school in 1939 he joined the Medical Faculty of the First Kharkiv Medical Institute. In 1940 within the Kharkov-based Dzerzhinsky Regional Military Commissariat’s recruitment to Workers’ and Peasants’ Army he was mobilized while being a sophomore. His family was evacuated from Gomel to Kurgan. Was taking part in the Second World War since its beginning as a sanitary officer; paramedic of the South-Western Front’s battalion. In July of 1941 he was wounded in the shoulder by saboteurs. From the 15th of July till the 27th of July he was in Evacuation Hospital №1411 in Chernigov. After discharging from hospital he was sent to military unit №4548 in Brovary (according to various sources: either to operational room of the Southwestern front or to the 115th rifle regiment of the 75th infantry division, which included the medical and sanitary battalion №110), where he got under mortar attack in August of the 1941, was injured for the second time (a blunt missile foot wound) and was sent to the hospital №3344 in Stalino. In the middle of September he was evacuated to Tbilisi, to hospital №1418, where he stayed till the end of October, 1941. After discharging from hospital he served in the following places: the 32nd evacuation centre of the Transcaucasian Front in Tbilisi, in the 223rd infantry division as the commander of the sanitary troop in Sumgait; in the sanitary department of the Transcaucasian Front; in the 532nd airfield service battalion in Derbent; in the 41st aviation basing area. From the 31st of May till June the 11th of 1942 he was a medic in the 151st tank brigade, which started to form on the 25th of May of 1942 in Leninakan area and became a part of the Transcaucasian Front’s army on the 20th of June in 1942. From the 15th of June, 1942, he served in the 15th cavalry corps. The corps arrived in Iran on the 19th of June, 1942, and was at first under Transcaucasian Front’s agency, and then under the 4th army’s. This corps wasn’t taking part in any battles, since its function was to cover the country’s communications from the side of the Southwestern Turkish border. His last post was the 56th sanitary squadron of the 1st cavalry division of the 15th cavalry corps in Qazvin: he worked there as a medic from June till August, then as a military medic during September in the sorting and emergency department, and as a medical statistician during December of 1942. In 1941 he married Petrunina Vera Pavlovna; On the 26th of October 1942 his son Valerii was born. Divorced between 1948 and 1952. On the 15th of December 1942 he was arrested in Tabriz, Iran. On the 25th of January was convicted by a military tribunal of the 15th cavalry corps under the article 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for 10 years in the Corrective Labor Camp, including 5 years of deprivation of rights and property confiscation. Served his sentence in correctional Labor colony №8 in Nakhichevan, the Azerbaijan SSR. Presumably was working there as a paramedic. Upon the objection of the Attorney General of the USSR his sentence was mitigated by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on the 17th of May 1947, and he got 4 years and six months of deprivation of liberty without deprivation of rights. It was also noted that although proven guilty he had his sentence mitigated because of the injuries he got at the front. On the 31st of August 1947 he got out of jail and moved to Kurgan. In 1996 he was rehabilitated upon the Belarusian Military Board’s objection, according to article 4 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Byelorussia Concerning the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repressions, and article 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Byelorussia concerning the lack of evidence. Later he recalled that period this way: ‘in 1943 I was wounded at the front; underwent treatment in Stalino and Tbilisi; in 1943 I was transferred to reserve, where I worked at The Corrective Labor Camp Administration as a paramedic till September 1947; in 1947 I joined my family in Kurgan for health reasons. By that time both of his parents were living in Kurgan at 84 Gogolya St.: his father, (Vozrozhdenniy Aleksey Platonovich, 1892-1965, worked as a distribution group header at plant №707), and his mother (Vozrozhdennaya Vera Mitrofanovna, 1897-1968, a housewife). His wife and son were also living in Kurgan at that time. During 1947-1948 he was working as a methods engineer, and was heading the training department at the plant №707 ("Uralselmash", Kurgan), where his father and brother (Vozrozhdenniy Georgiy Alexeevich, 1925 - 2004; a WWII participant, head of the laboratory at the Control Equipment Factory; later, as of 1948, he was with the maritime air forces of the Baltic fleet). Dismissed in 1948 upon being accepted by the State Sverdlovsk Medical Institute on the basis of the Ministry of Higher Education order regarding the privileges for WWII participants allowing them to enter a college equivalent to their previous one so that their earlier academic progress would be taken into account. While studying he married Padlovskaya Roza Vyacheslavovna (1925-2003, graduated from the Smolensk State Medical University, worked as an epidemiologist at Sverdlovsk Disinfection Station), it was his second marriage. They had two daughters together - Galina (1952-2010, a forensic specialist at Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (SRBFME) and Marina (born in 1958, as of 2017 - an accountant at SRBFME). In 1954 graduated from the Sverdlovsk State Medical University (Treatment and Preventive Department, group №604) as a qualified doctor (Hons, diploma №789704). From 1950 was combining studying with work at the injury care center of the Institute of Restorative Surgery, Traumatology and Orthopedics. Canvasser at the Verkh-Isetskiy Plant’s workers’ dormitory, reporter of the newspaper "Lechebnik". An active member of the Forensic Department’s Students' Scientific Circle, where he had his Pre-Graduate Internship. After graduating in 1954, he started working at Sverdlovsk Regional Forensic Expertise Bureau: as a general-duty forensic specialist 1954-65; in the early sixties he underwent refresher training at the Leningrad Military Academy, and was appointed as the head of the Applied Physics Department of the Bureau 1965-78. From 1962, new departments started appearing at forensic expertise bureaus across the country - applied physics departments, where material evidence and cadaveric material was to be examined with both physical and technical methods. Such department opened in the Sverdlovsk Regional Forensic Expertise Bureau at 37 Rosa Luxemburg St. in 1964, where most of the time he was the only forensic specialist, became deputy chief of the Bureau 1978-1986. Retired in 1986. Was awarded for his work on Akhinblit family murder case in 1964; got a badge "Award for Excellence in Health Care" in 1967; a message of thanks from the Russian Federation’s Minister of Health; honorable distinctions from The Regional Executive Committee, Sverdlovsk Office of Public Orosecutor and the Department of Internal Affairs, head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Forensic Expertise Bureau. Was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, second degree, in 1985. In 1989 Vozrozhdenniy met the researchers from the Ural Polytechnic Institute (presumably, Koskin), but refused to remember anything about that meeting. Doroshenko autopsy report (case files 104-111) Mar 4, 1959 Krivonischenko autopsy report (case files 112-119) Mar 4, 1959 Dyatlov autopsy report (case files 120-126) Mar 4, 1959 Kolmogorova autopsy report (case files 127-134) Mar 4, 1959 Slobodin autopsy report (case files 95-103) Mar 8, 1959 Kolevatov autopsy report (case files 345-348) May 9, 1959 Zolotaryov autopsy report (case files 349-351) May 9, 1959 Thibeaux-Brignolle autopsy report (case files 352-354) May 9, 1959 Dubinina autopsy report (case files 355-357) May 9, 1959 | |
Vozrozhdennaya (Petrunina) Vera Pavlovna (Возрожденная Петрунина Вера Павловна) (Nov 21, 1923-1998) born in Baku, where her family had been living for a long time. The youngest out of 19 kids (17 brothers and 2 sisters). Her father worked as a ship's cook and was murdered during the Turko-Armenian conflict. She was working as a secretary at the People's Commissariat’s for Communications paramilitary security services, at the access control office, at the personnel department. As of December 1942 - she was unemployed and living with her mother in Baku at 14 Svobody St. apt.26. In 1941 she married Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenniy. They met through her sister’s husband, who served in the Caspian flotilla, providing soviet corps in Iran (the above-mentioned sister presumably was Praskovja, residing in Baku, at 3, 3rd Sverdlovsky lane, and her husband was most likely Maxim Kartunov). In 1942 their son Valerii was born. In 1943 they lived with their son in Baku at 14, Svobody St.; as of 1948 they lived in Kurgan, where Valerii graduated from the college and institute. Later their son moved to Omsk, where he was working as a deputy director of a trust. She divorced B.A. between 1948 and 1952, while he was studying at Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute, and came back to Baku; she worked at a tobacco factory, and then at a post office. In 1964, while in a a common law marriage, she gave birth to a son Vladimir, who received Vozrozhdenniy’s surname and patronymic name. Lived in Baku till 1986; had a stroke after the events in Nagorny Karabakh. During the last 9 years of her life she was living in Tver with her son and her daughter-in-law. | |
Vsevolozhskaya Lyudmila Borisovna (Всеволожская Людмила Борисовна) in 1959 was a student from Perm. The hiking group to which she belonged was not allowed to take part in the expedition to Otorten. The reason for refusal supposedly had to do with the incident that happened to the Dyatlov group. Coach for a sports school in Serov who in 2009 told journalist Shtrauh that her group of students were supposed to go on a trip to Otorten after the UPI students, their papers were delayed and the trip canceled before the Dyatlov group was declared missing. Interview | |
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Yablonskiy Anatoliy (Яблонский Анатолий) in 1959 - a civilian employee, military unit 6602. A participant in search and rescue work with the group of captain Chernyshev on Feb 26-27 in the area of Mount Gumpkopay; until 10.03 - in the area of height 1079. An athlete, had the 1st category in skiing. | |
Yaburov Boris (Ябуров Борис) in 1959 - a student at the UPI; took part in search work as a member of the Akselrod search party (as a radio operator) on Феб 26-28 in the area of Otorten ( | |
Yakimenko Valentin Gerasimovich (Якименко Валентин Герасимович) born in 1940. In 1959 - a 2nd year student at UPI; candidate for participation in search work as part of the Slobtsov group; took part in the search in the area of height 1079 as a member of Sogrin's search party Mar 25 - Apr 6. (Trek 1963 when his group installs the memorial plaque). Born into the family of a party worker. Before the war he lived with his parents in the town of Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region (Father, Yakimenko Gerasim Sidorovich, worked at the Nikopol Yuzhnotrubny plant, a member of the city party committee, until 1940 - head of the military department of the city committee; mother - an employee of the city health department, the head of the nursery; brother Victor, born in 1932). After the outbreak of the war, his mother was appointed the head of the pioneer camp; father - a commissioner of the volunteer communist battalion, which was sent to the Krivoy Rog region; later his father served at the headquarters of the 255th rifle division, in October 1941 he was taken prisoner/went missing. In August 1941 his family together with other families of of party and Soviet workers was evacuated to the Urals,to the town of Pervouralsk. His mother was offered the post of inspector at PMID (protection of mothers and infants department); in October 1941 - she was chosen a Party organizer of the city health department and a member of the city party committee; in the spring of 1942, she was appointed the head of nursery school №10. After leaving school, V.G. Yakimenko went to the UPI (Sverdlovsk); graduated from the energy faculty of theUPI in 1962; chairman of the hiking club at the UPI in 1960-1961. The head of Design Bureau for Projects and Calculations under Special Design Bureau for turbine-driven superchargers research and development center "Uralelectrotyazhmash". | |
Yanashpolskiy Boris (Янашпольский Борис) in 1959 - a young policeman at the Polunochniy PD; unconfirmed reports suggest he took part in the search for the hikers. Born in the 30s. In 1959 worked at Polunochniy PD; in the 70s-the head officer at the Polunochniy PD. He died in 2002. | |
Yarovoy (Kosobryuhov) Yuri Evgenyevich (Яровой Кособрюхов Юрий Евгеньевич) (11.IV.1932-07.VIII.1980) in 1959 - a head of department for newspaper "Na smenu!"; lived in Sverdlovsk at 57 M-Sibiryak St. apt.81. He was placed on detached service to the headquarters of search from Feb 22. Took part in search works in the area of height 1079 Feb 27 - Mar 3. Born into a family of an employee in the settlement of Lazo, the Kalininsky district, the Far Eastern Territory of the Khabarovsk District. Father - Evgeniy Vasilyevich - born 1911, came from a peasants’ family; front-line soldier, wounded and shell-shocked twice, awarded three medals, incl. "For Courage" 1943, "For Military Merit" 1943; in 1950 - a chief accountant at the Architecture Department of the Regional Executive Committee of Aktyubinsk, in 1955 - an employee of the Building & Construction Department of Kazprodstroy trust, Aktyubinsk. Mother - Vera Yakovlevna, born 1913, came from peasants’ family, a housewife. Younger brother - Oleg Evgenyevich - 1936, in 1955 - a cadet of the air and naval school, Perm. In 1937 the family moved to Aktyubinsk to live with the father's parents (Kosobryuhov Vasiliy Abramovich, born in 1884 in the village of Lazo, Far Eastern Territory, worker; in 1931 - arrested by Divisional Department of the Unified State Political Department on charges under Article 58-10-13 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and sentenced by the operational investigative department under the Unified State Political Department internal control department collegium to 3 years of exile in Kazakhstan,where, apparently, he stayed to live after his release; rehabilitated in 1989). While working, he took courses of geologists-collectors during the expedition "Zolotorazvedka" Aktyubinsk, in 1946; in 1949 - finished six months training courses for aviation radio operators. In Jul-Sep 1946 he worked as a junior geologist of the prospecting party of the South Ural Zolotoprazvedka (Aktyubinsk); in the summer of 1949 he worked at the Blueprint Design Workshop; in the summer of 1953 - senior collector of the Special Geological Detachment at the Research Institute "Kazgosstroyproekt" (Aktyubinsk). Trade union and VAAAAFN (Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force and Navy, Russ. ДОСААФ) member since 1949. Member of the Komsomol since 1946, in 1949 he was elected to the committee of the primary Komsomol organization at school №2. In 1950 he graduated from the Aktobe boys' secondary school №2; having the right to enter without exams, he passed the admissions tests (in English) at the power engineering faculty of Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (Leningrad). Trade union organizer, Komsomol organizer, head of the group, member of the student council of the faculty. In 1955 he married Zoya Alekseevna Yarovaya, a student at the Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute and changed his last name to his wife's. The marriage didn't last long. In 1956 he completed a full course in the specialty "emergency vehicle" with the qualification of a mechanical engineer. Assigned to work in Sverdlovsk at plant №91 of the Ministry of Transport Engineering (Vorovsky Machine Building Plant). He was a freed secretary of the factory committee of the Komsomol. In September 1958, by the decision of the regional committee of the Komsomol from the post of secretary of the Komsomol committee of the machine-building plant, he was sent to the editorial office of the newspaper "Na Smenu!", where he took the position of a literary officer. On Dec 25, 1958, he was appointed head of the department of the Komsomol life and became a member of the editorial board. In 1960 he was dismissed in connection with the transfer to the newly created Sverdlovsk television studio. Later worked as an executive secretary of newspaper "Molodezh Altaia" (Youth of Altai)(city of Barnaul), a special reporter of the Sverdlovsk committee on television and radio broadcasting, head of the department of the magazine "Uralskiy Sledopyt" (Ural Pathfinder). The first story "Down the Volga River" was published in 1959 in the newspaper "Na Smenu!" In the same year, Yuri Yarovoy became the member of the party. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1979, was a member of the board of the Sverdlovsk Regional Writers' Organization. The first book "Higher categories of difficulty" was published in Sverdlovsk in 1966. Yuri Yarovoy wrote novels, stories, short stories, documentary essay books. On many occasions, he turned to the genre of science fiction. His first Science fiction publication is the story "The Crystal House" in the yearbook "Science Fiction", 1978 issue. He was one of the ideological inspirers of the Aelita festival. A separate collection of his SF works came out after the tragic death of the writer in a car accident in 1980 in Dagestan, in which his second wife , Svetlana Leonidovna Postnikova (Timofeeva) also died, whose own sister was married to Filipp Timofeevich Ermash. She was an associate professor of the Printing History Department at the Faculty of journalism, the Ural University. Son, Nikita Yurievich, received a severe head injury. Yuri Yarovoy was fond of hiking, participated in mountain and water trips in the Urals and Altai. The badge "Tourist USSR" received in 1948 after hike around his native country. Мember of the search in 1959, correspondent of the newspaper "Na smenu!" at the time of the tragedy, author of the book "The highest category of difficulty". | |
Yudin Efim Fyodorovich (Юдин Ефим Федорович) (1902-1942), the father of Yuri Yudin. Born in Irbit, Sverdlovsk region. In 1942 (before being drafted to the front) he worked as a camp guard. In May 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army at the Taborinsky regional military commissariat. At the front line since June 1942, he served as a signalman in the 118th battalion of the 4th company of Fortified region. He went missing in action in August 1942 not far from the village of Ivanovka, Rivne district, Voronezh region, when his unit got encircled. | |
Yudin Yuri Efimovich (Юдин Юрий Ефимович) (Jul 19, 1937 — Apr 27, 2013) in 1959 - UPI student 4th year, the 10th member of Dyatlov group who on Jan 28 (4 days before the tragedy) left the expedition due to poor health (sciatica) ( | |
Yunyshev Vladimir (Юнышев Владимир) in 1959 - a member of the Blinov search party Apr 17-27. | |
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Zakurdaev (Закурдаев) in 1959 - a lieutenant colonel, commander of air squadron 142, military unit 32979 (Aramil). | |
Zamirailo (Замирайло) junior sergeant of the 52nd separate track railway battalion (military unit 24594) of the 5th railway brigade, Serov; participant in search work in the area of the height 1079. | |
Zamiryakin Konstantin Aleksandrovich (Замирякин Константин Александрович) (19 IX/2.XII.1913-28.V.1998) in 1959 - First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the CPSU. Graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute 1956, a mechanical engineer. Awarded the Orders of Lenin (1942), the October Revolution (1976), Labor Red Banner 1958, 1963, 1969, Red Star 1944, Great Patriotic War I degree 1945. Medals: "For labor valor" July 1939, "For the defense of Stalingrad" December 1942, "For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45" June 1945, "For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" November 1969, "Thirty years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" April 1975. In 1932-42 he worked at the Stalingrad plant №221: locksmith, foreman of locksmiths, senior foreman, thehead of the workshop; in 1942-52 - at Uralmashzavod: the Head of shop №25; in 1952-77 - Second, First Secretary of the Ordzhonikidze District Committee of the CPSU in Sverdlovsk; second, first secretary of the Sverdlovsk city committee of the CPSU, chairman of the Sverdlovsk industrial regional executive committee, secretary of Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU for industry, chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional trade union council. Supervised the introduction of new technologies, the development and implementation of technological processes for the manufacture and assembly of artillery weapons. He was engaged in the development and reconstruction of enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy of the Sverdlovsk region, including including the reconstruction of the Verkh-Isetsky metallurgical plant. | |
Zaostrovskiy Fyodor Petrovich (Заостровский Фёдор Петрович) (22.II.1920-08.III.1997) in 1959 - secretary of the UPI party committee ( | |
Zaprudina Tamara Alekseevna (Запрудинa Тамарa Алексеевнa) (1939 - Feb 1, 2021 COVID) Zinaida Kolmogorova's sister | |
Zauzin Yuri (Заузин Юрий) a member of the armed forces , military unit 6602, secretary of the Komsomol organization; participant in search work in the area of height 1079. | |
Zhelihovskaya N.A. (Желиховская Н.A.) in 1959 - an acting chairman of the board of the UPI sports club; together with Boris Martyushev, she prepared an informatinal report on the hiking experience of the Dyatlov group, which was provided for the Route Commission. | |
Zhiltsov Fyodor Minaevich (Жильцов Федор Минаевич) (1925-2002) brother F.M. Zhiltsov. Not mentioned in the materials of the CC. An economist of the Langur geological exploration party of the Northern Expedition of the Ural Geological Administration (PGO "Uralgeologiya"). Born into a peasant family in the village of Suitskoye, Brasovsky District, Bryansk Region. He studied at school for 8 years. Drafted into the Soviet Army in September 1943 .After training on telegraph courses, he was sent to the 44th Guards Svirsk Separate Signal Battalion of the 37th Infantry housing. He took part in battles on the Karelian front in June-August 1944. He was awarded the medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 ". After the war he continued to serve in one of the aviation regiments as head of the telegraph station. He demobilized with the rank of master sergeant. In January 1951 he started work permanently in the Northern Geological Prospecting Expedition of the Ural Geological Administration;first as a locksmith, then, since 1952, as a timer, then as an economist at the Langur Geological Prospecting Party. He retired in 1986. F.M. Zhiltsov died at the age of 78; buried in the cemetery of Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region. | |
Zhiltsov Frol Minaevich (Жильцов Фрол Минаевич) (Oct 15, 1922 - Nov 26, 1994) in 1959 - a forwarder of the Northern Geological Prospecting Expedition of the Ural Territorial Geological Administration (Languro-Sam party). Born into a peasant family in the village of Suitskoye, Brasovsky District, Bryansk Region. In 1931 his family was forced to move to the Sverdlovsk region (father, Zhiltsov Minai Vasilyevich, born in 1900, was sent to a special settlement by the decree of the general meeting of the poor and collective farmers). After graduating from Krasnooktyabrskaya seven-year school (Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region) he worked in the Severo-Zaozersky mine from December 1940 to December 1944. Working in gold mining, he was a person in reserved occupation. He was drafted into the Soviet Army only in January 1945. Participated in battles with the 322nd Airborne Rifle Regiment, 3rd Ukrainian Front, as a private rifleman. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star 1945 and the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree 1985, the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 ", as well as five jubilee medals. After demobilization from the army in November 1946, he worked as a salesman and junior worker 1946-48; a prospector worker 1949-50. In 1950 he went to work to the Northern Geological Prospecting Expedition of the Ural Geological Administration; worked as a loader, senior hand drilling worker, storekeeper, caretaker. He retired in 1977. He was awarded the medal "For Distinguished Labor", badges "Excellent Worker of exploration of mineral resources", "Winner of the socialist competition" 1975, 1977. Fyodor Minaevich Zhiltsov died at the age of 72; buried in the cemetery of Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region. Witnessed on Mar 11, 1959 two Mansi dressed like Russians write a letter mentioning Kurikov Testimony | |
Zhuravlyov (Журавлев) in 1959 -an employee (member?) of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU; in the 2nd decade of February, he talked with Valerian Mihaylovich Ufimtsev (City Committee for Physical Education and Sport) about the missing group ( | |
Zhuravlyov Boris Fyodorovich (Журавлев Борис Федорович) (1918-1997) in 1959 head of the department for physical education at the Sverdlovsk State Institute of Railway Transport. Most likely, at the same time he was a physical education and sports instructor (possibly not on permanent staff of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. Took part in the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from the Lenin Moscow Central State Institute of Physical Culture, he was sent for work in Sverdlovsk. Head of the Department of Physical Education of the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute 1948; physical education and sports instructor in the propaganda department of the regional committee of the CPSU 1948-55; director of the Metallurg stadium 1955-56; Head of the Department of Physical Education, Sverdlovsk State Institute of Railway Transport 1956-61; Chairman of the Sverdlovsk City Committee for Physical Culture and Sports 1968-72; chairman of the regional council of voluntary sports society "Zenith" 1972-73; director of the water station of the regional council of voluntary sports society "Trud" at the Verkh-Isetsky pond in Sverdlovsk; director of a specialized chess school №17 1982-83. Honored Worker of Physical Education and Sports of the RSFSR. He died and was buried in Sverdlovsk. | |
Zhuravlyov Georgiy Aleksandrovich (Журавлев Георгий Александрович) in 1959 - Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region. Was born into a family of workers in the city of Kuibyshev in 1917. In 1918 his family moved to live in the town of Nevyansk.In September 1939 he began his service as assistant platoon commander of the 93rd border detachment in Western Ukraine. He fought until June 1942. Demobilized due to serious injuries. For courage and heroism, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, many medals, incl. “For Courage”. In 1945 he graduated with honors from the Sverdlovsk Law School, in 1952. - Sverdlovsk Law Institute. He worked as an assistant to the prosecutor of the town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma; the Prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of Police Bodies; assistant to the regional prosecutor for special cases; since 1959 - deputy, first deputy prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region. From January 1969 to January 1974 - Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region. In recognition of his services for strengthening of law and order, he was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor"; awarded the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR". State Counselor of Justice of the 3rd class. | |
Zhuravlyov Serafim Aleksandrovich (Журавлев Серафим Александрович) (1903-1982) in 1959 - Head of the Department of Ferrous Metallurgy of the Sverdlovsk Economic Council. Born in the village of Yurla, Yurlinsky district, Perm province. Graduated from the Kungur Mechanical College; Leningrad Polytechnic Institute 1932, metallurgical engineer. He began to work in 1913 (courier-copyist; locksmith at a sawmill). Then - a roller operator, foreman, senior foreman, head of the tin-rolling shop, chief engineer at Lysva Metallurgical Plant, Perm Region 1926-mid-30s; Chief Engineer of the Karl Liebknecht Dnepropetrovsk Plant (until 1937); director of Nizhne-Saldinsky (1937-1949), Alapaevsky 1949-53, Verkh-Isetsky 1953-55 metallurgical plants; director of PMA "Uralchermet"; Head of the Department of Ferrous Metallurgy of the Sverdlovsk Economic Council 1955-61; Deputy Chairman of the Council for Work Coordination and Planning in Council of National Economy of the Ural economic region under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 1961-63. He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (twice), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (twice), and medals. He died in Sverdlovsk. | |
Zinovyev Evgeniy Grigorievich (Зиновьев Евгений Григорьевич) - was born in 1937 in the Moscow region. In 1959 - a 4th year student of the metallurgical faculty of the UPI; participant in search work in the area of height 1079 as a member of Martyushev's search party Apr 6-17. Due to participation in the search work, he was given an academic leave by the dean's office. Graduate of the UPI 1961. From 1964 he worked at Uralmash, also as the head of an engineering and design laboratory for 30 years. Candidate of technical sciences. Honored Traveler of Russia. Candidate Master of Sports. He took part in hikes and expeditions of the highest degree of difficulty in his favorite areas of Kamchatka, Altai, Sayan, etc. "Footprints in the snow" | |
Zolotaryov Aleksey Gerasimovich (Золотарев Алексей Герасимович) - Semyon Zolotaryov’s father. Born in the village of Udobnaya, Batalpashinsky district, the Kuban region. Joined in marriage V.I. Zolotaryova in 1902. In the same year, 1902, he took the oath. After training at the Batalpashinsky military hospital (a qualified medical assistant) he was sent to the 1st Khopersky regiment as a medical assistant by order of the Kuban Cossack army №372 dated Jul 2, 1905. A medical of the 2nd Labinsky, 2nd Khopersky reserve mounted regiment 1907-12; 3rd Khopersky reserve mounted regiment 1912-1918. In 1914 he was called to the colours with the 3rd Khopersky regiment of the 3rd Caucasian Army Corps and was sent to the Galician front. In 1916 - medical assistant of the 3rd Khopersky Cossack regiment of the Kuban Cossack army with the 3rd Caucasian army corps. On Nov 26, 1916 on behalf of the Emperor Grand Duke Georgy Mihaylovich he was awarded the St.George Cross of the IV-th degree (Soldier's) (announced by the Order №13 for the 3rd Caucasian Army Corps of Jan 8, 1917). At the beginning of 1918, the 3rd Khopersky regiment was disbanded. From 1918 to 1950 (at least) he worked as a medical assistant in the Udobnoe village. Children: Anna (died in the period 1938-41), Nikolay (shot in 1943), Mariya, Ekaterina and Semyon. In the last years, he and his wife have lived separately, but there no official divorce documents available. In the 50s he lived in the village of Udobnaya , the Krasnodar Territory together with his daughter Ekaterina. In 1959, he was already retired, was ill and moved to live with his daughter Mariya in a house on Sovetskaya St. in the Udobnaya village, where she lived with her second husband Peter Leshchenko. A.G.Zolotaryov died in 1959 shortly after his son’s death. According to official S. Zolotaryov’s biographies, his father was engaged in farming until 1914. | |
Zolotaryov Nikolay Alekseevich (Золотарев Николай Алексеевич) - Born in the village of Udobnaya, Otradnensky District, Krasnodar Territory, in 1903. Russian. The elder brother of S. Zolotaryov. Unconfirmed reports indicate he had a family (wife Pelageya Grigorievna, daughter - Evdokia, son - Ivan). In November 1941 he was called up into the Red Army at the regional military commissariat in Udobnaya and sent to the Crimean sector of the front. In March 1942 he was wounded. After being in hospital in Essentuki, he went to Udobnaya. In November 1942, after the German occupation of the Krasnodar Territory, he went to serve in the auxiliary police unit of the local occupation administration. After the liberation of the territory, he was arrested on Apr 14, 1943. On Jul 8, 1943 he was convicted by the military tribunal of the Armavir garrison under Article 58-1 "b" of the RSFSR Criminal Code and sentenced to death. The verdict was carried out on Aug 24, 1943. His wife and two children were exiled to Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan. On Aug 22, 2002, the military prosecutor's office of the North Caucasian military district, taking into consideration the results of Investigative case, came to conclusion that N. Zolotaryov N was lawfully convicted and not subject to rehabilitation. He personally took part in shooting executions of his compatriots. According to S,Zolotaryov’s official biographies, his brother died on active service in 1943 or 1944. According to archival records, S. Zolotaryov concealed the fact of his brother's treacherous behavior during the Nazi occupation, later when he joined the party and years after. | |
Zolotaryov Semyon (Aleksander) Alekseevich (Золотарев Семён Александр Алексеевич) - was born into a family of an employee in the village of Udobnaya, the Krasnodar Territory, on February 2, 1921. (According to the book of the registry office of the village of Udobnaya, he was born on March 1, 1921. Perhaps this date was recorded for all those born after February 1, if for registration of the birth, it was necessary to travel outside the village). In 1941 he finished the 10th grade of secondary school. In 1940-1941 still studying he worked as a teacher of the 1st grade in secondary school №1; a foreman in the wine department of the food processing plant in the village of Udobnaya. On Oct 18, 1941 he was drafted into the Red Army at Krasnodar Territory military commissariat. Upon arrival at the unit, he was sent to the school of junior commanders (c. Sultan-Saly ,Rostov Military District, training battalion of the 24th engineer brigade of the 8th Army); after 2 months of training, he was awarded the rank of corporal (Order №23-s to 24th sapper brigade from Mar 2, 1942). In February-March 1942, as a squad leader, he took part in construction of defensive fortifications of Rostov. He took part in warfare from 10.05.1942 to the end of the war; junior sergeant, senior sergeant (order dated Jan 6, 1945). Squad leader (1570th separate sapper battalion, 1942, Southwestern and Don Front; 20th Motorcycle Engineer Battalion, 1942, Don and Stalingrad Front; 11th FABE (floating assault bridge equipment), 1942-43, Donskoy and Central Front; 104th separate pontoon-bridge battalion, 1943-45, Central and 1-2 Belorussian front, also with the 3rd Guards Grodno Cavalry Corps and the 48th Army of the 2nd BF; 1st Battalion of the 13th pontoon bridge Order of the Aleksander Nevsky Regiment (regiment commander, lieutenant-colonel Shtukin, deputy commander lieutenant-colonel Amelchenkov), 1945, 2-1 Belorussian Front); Assistant platoon commander (13th FABE with the 70th Army, 1945, 2nd Belorussian Front). Participated in the defense of Stalingrad, the liberation of the western regions of Belarus, East Prussia and Pomerania. He was never wounded or shell-shocked. Awarded the Order of the Red Star (№139080; presented by the Military Council of the 2nd Belorussian Front on Apr 22, 1945); medals "For the Defense of Stalingrad" (Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of Dec 22, 1942, awarded on Oct 11, 1943), "For the capture of Konigsberg" (Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of Jun 9, 1945, awarded Nov 11, 1947), "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War" (Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated May 9, 1945, certificate №0076804, presented on Nov 5, 1945 by the head of the Red Banner Military Engineering School). There are unconfirmed reports that Semyon Zolotaryov had a friend named Aleksander in those years of warfare, with whom they "exchanged" names, as it was very common in those years. And Semyon introduced himself as Sasha. Member of the trade union of political education institutions since 1940. Member of the Komsomol from 1938 to 1944. Secretary of the Komsomol organization of the company, Komsomol organizer of the battalion of the 13th FABE unit. Member of the VCP(b) since 1944 (candidate book №7562800); member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1949 (admitted by the Voroshilovsky route commission of Minsk, party card №9260896; party card №02267022 a new model issued by the Pyatigorsk City Committee in 1954). Party documents №02267022 (as of 1954) were canceled by the Stavropol Regional Committee of the CPSU on July 18, 1959 due to his death. On Jun 29, 1945, by order №72 on the 13th FABE was seconded to the personnel department of the Northern Group of Forces to be sent to study at the Engineering School. On Jul 06, 1945 he arrived at the Moscow Red Banner Military Engineering School for shortlisting; on Jul 8, 1945 he was enrolled in the 12th company; at least from November 1945 to April 1946 - a cadet of the 4th company. After the dissolution of the Moscow Engineering School in 1946 - being a cadet of the 10th company (2 year), he was transferred to the Leningrad Military Engineering School named after Zhdanov by order №89 of Apr 17, 1946, company sergeant. In August 1946 - demobilized by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of Mar 20, 1946. After demobilization in 1946 he went to the State Institute of Physical Culture of the BSSR (Minsk), special faculty (retraining and advanced training or training teachers with a specialization in sports; there is evidence that by September 1950 it was reorganized into a general faculty), which he graduated in 1950 with a qualification of a physical education teacher (Diploma B №430992). Junior lieutenant of the reserve (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR №036 dated Feb 14, 1949; military service card AT №03257, issued on Feb 28, 1950; Military registration office №1 (shooter) as of 1950, Military registration office №11 (horse-drawn gunner) as of 1960); was on the military register in the Voroshilovskiy regional military commissariat in Minsk. Lived in the dormitory of Institute of Physical culture in Minsk at 9, Pushkin St. The Leader of the student group. In 1949-50 he was a member of the Bureau of the Institute of Physical culture Party organization; a visiting lecturer at the Society for Scientific and Political Education. After graduation, he was supposed to be assigned to the regional committee for physical education and sport (Grodno) as the head of the Ural Sports Society "Spartak", but for unknown reasons he was sent to the Pyatigorsk Pedagogical Institute by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR in August 1950 (arrived in Pyatigorsk from Moscow on ministry assignment without any requirement of the institute), where he was accepted as a teacher of physical education in September 1950. In September 1950 he lived in Pyatigorsk, at 39, Essentukskaya st. (most likely this is the address of Kalinina, his maternal aunt, where he lived for 4 years before moving to Lermontov, where he got an apartment in a building at the foot of Mount Sheludivaya. Was liable for military duty in the Pyatigorsk military commissariat of the Stavropol Territory; the personnel file of the officer Semyon Alekseevich Zolotaryov was destroyed in the Pyatigorsk military commissariat in 1971. In 1950 he enrolled at the evening university of Marxism-Leninism at the Pyatigorsk State Committee of the CPSU, which he graduated in 1953 (by order of the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR №1177 dated 18.08.1947 the diploma of two-year party school was equated to the diploma of teachers' institute). As of 1951 - a visiting lecturer of the CPSU City Committee. Member of the voluntary sports society Council "Medic" (head of voluntary sports society "Medic" of the Pharmaceutical Institute in Pyatigorsk from August 1951), editor of the wall newspaper "For Sport", head of the society studying Stalin’s biography. In 1953 - chairman of the district election commission. Physical education teacher at the Pedagogical Institute, Pyatigorsk, 1950-1951; department assistant of the course of physical education, teacher of physical education (Pharmaceutical Institute, Pyatigorsk, 1951-1954; dismissed for absenteeism: without notification and permission of the institute he went on a work trip from his second work. Most likely he worked as a teacher at a pioneer camp for children of employees of the enterprise №1 in the town of Lermontov). In 1954 - a teacher at school №18 in Pyatigorsk (Lermontovsky razdezd settlement, headmaster - Viktor Pavlovich Krikunov; in 1956 Pyatigorsk school №18 was relocated from the settlement of Lermontovsky crossing loop to the town of Lermontov and became known as the Lermontov school №1); secretary of school party organization (relieved of his duties in May 1955). Taught physical education and military training at high school; he organized hikes for primary school children in the local area, and for high school pupils - in Dombay (the last trip with schoolchildren was in the summer of 1958). He sang in the choir of the House of Culture in Lermontov. At the same time, he worked as a tourism instructor (seasonal work in sports camps "Iskr", "Medic", "Trud" (Pyatigorsk), 1951-52; under control of the City Committee for Physical Education and Sport (Pyatigorsk), summer 1952; a guest instructor at the camp site (Pyatigorsk), 6 months in 1953; instructor in schools, institutes (Pyatigorsk? Lermontov?), 1954-56). In 1953 he took 2-month course of instructors at voluntary sports society "Iskra" (Pyatigorsk) ,got qualification of junior instructor of mountain and hiking tourism; in 1957 - re-attestation at the Pyatigorsk hiking division with the assignment of the qualification of an instructor; qualified in 1958 -junior water tourism instructor. Unconfirmed reports indicate that V.P. Krikunov refused to give him a leave to participate in winter hiking, although Zolotaryov, as the owner of the USSR Mountaineer badge, according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of Nov 3, 1951, №4359 had the right to leave without pay for up to 3 months to work in alpine camps. Therefore, Zolotaryov quit school and in the summer of 1958 left for Altai, (the graduates of the Lermontov school met him in Novosibirsk on Sep 1, 1958, presumably he was on his way from Biysk to Sverdlovsk). From the archival documents of the primary party organization of the school it follows that "the communist Zolotaryov S.A. was systematically dishonest about his work at school, he was rude to the chairman of the City Executive Committee comrade Barakov. Comrade Zolotaryov was fired from his job in May. Until now, he is on the party account in the school party organization. Although he works in Pyatigorsk, in a tour-base. The party accounting sector of the CPSU City Committee knows about this, but few measures have been taken to remove him from their roles." Camp instructor (Tiberda (North Caucasus): 3 months June-August in 1957; Carpathians: 2 months January-February 1958; Altai-Biysk-Artybash: 4 months June-September in 1958). In October 1958 started work as a senior instructor at the Kourovskaya campsite (Sverdlovsk region). Perhaps he was transferred to Kourovka because in 1958 a new all-union route from Kourovka along the Chusovaya river was opened and the place became more promising. It is conceivable that Zolotaryov worked at campsites where foreign hikers were sent, because he could speak foreign languages. He might have been involved in KGB work (surveillance of foreign hikers). In 1958 the Bureau of International Tourism under the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR "Sputnik" starts operating, which, together with the Central Council for Tourism of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, organized tours for foreign hikers; previously, only "Intourist" dealt with this (since 1955). Several camps and sports tourism routes were created for foreigners in the Caucasus (Pyatigorsk), Elbrus, Altai. The report of Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute hikers concerning August 1958 mentioned presence of German hikers on the camp site in Chemal (not far from Artybash). Zolotaryov worked in Pyatigorsk, Elbrus, and Altai. Unconfirmed reports indicate that by the beginning of the Dyatlov group hike, he had been sacked from the Kourovskaya camp site because he had had an argument with the director. Zolotaryov might have had an affair with her, but had been seen with another woman (according to official data: Pershina Zoya Mihaylovna became the first woman director of the Kourovka tourbase in 1973; so that means he could not have had an affair with a director in 1959). Apparently, S. Zolotaryov had an affair with a woman from the neighboring village of Sloboda, where he lived. He went on a hike, while on vacation. First, he was going to join S. Sogrin's group for a hike; in 1959 he was living for a short time in Sogrin's apartment in Sverdlovsk. He went on a hike of 3rd category to get certified for the next sports title (master category in tourism), which he needed for career growth in the field of planned tourism. To fulfill the standards for the title of master of sports in tourism according to the Unified All-Union Sports Classification at that time it was necessary to do 12 long-distance hikes with a total length of about 3000 km through four geographic regions; also the hikers had to practise at least three types of trekking. That might be the reason why Zolotaryov travelled that a lot. By 1959, he had had 14 1-2 category hikes in the Caucasus; 10 hikes of 1-2 category. in the Carpathians (4 ski hikes in total). Badges: RLD (Ready for labor and defense) class 2; "Tourist of the USSR" 1951; "Mountaineer of the USSR" 1957. Judge categories: 1st - in athletics; 2nd- in sports games; 3rd -in ski sports, swimming, shooting sports. Sports categories: 2nd - in shooting, skiing; 3rd - in athletics; 2nd category in mountain tourism 1953. Perished on February 1-2-1959. Death certificate II-YUN №044242 dated Dec 15, 1959, issued by the Kirov registry office of Sverdlovsk. There are unconfirmed reports that beginning with at least 1952 he lived with T.K. Burgach (common-law marriage)(in Pyatigorsk and Lermontov), they had a soncalled Aleksander 1956. In October 1956 at a meeting of the primary party organization of the Lermontov school №1 (former Pyatigorsk school №18), Zolotaryov was recommended to "improve his relations with his family, to register the child officially and give him his surname, to pay alimony for the upbringing of the child". Zolotaryov eventually broke up with Burgach shortly before he left for the Urals. | |
Zolotaryova (Gamieva) Anna Alekseevna (Золотарева Гамиева Анна Алексеевна) born in 1912, S. Zolotaryov’s sister, the godmother of Valentina Panteleeva, S. Zolotaryov’s niece. Married Pyotr Gamiev,the forester of the village of Udobnaya. She died in the period 1938-41. Information about her is missing in all known documents. | |
Zolotaryova (Nesnova-Leshtenko) Mariya Aleekseevna (Золотарева Неснова-Лещенко Мария Алексеевна). She was born in the village of Udobnaya, in 1919, S. Zolotaryov’s sister. Her first husband (Timofey Nesnov , native of Udobnaya, died in 1943. She got married again after the war. In the first marriage she had a daughter Raisa (Nesnova), in the second marriage - twin boys Peter and Pavel and daughter Tatyana (Leshchenko). In 1950 she worked on a collective farm; later they bought her a house on Sovetskaya St. in the Udobnaya village, where she lived with her second husband, Pyotr Leshchenko. In 1959 her father moved to live with her family. Later, in the 60s, she lived in the town of Prokhladny, where she died. | |
Zolotaryova (Panteleeva) Ekaterina Alekseevna (Золотарева Пантелеева Екатерина Алексеевна) born in 1909. Semyon Zolotaryov’s sister, married; had two sons, Semyon and Mihail, and a daughter, Valentina. She lived with her family in the village of Udobnaya, Krasnodar Territory, in the same house with her parents. In 1950 she worked on a collective farm. In the late 60s she moved to Kerch to live with her son Mihail. | |
Zolotaryova Anna Gerasimovna (Золотарева Анна Герасимовна) (1923-2002) - Semyon Zolotaryov’s cousin. The daughter of Gerasim Gerasimovich Zolotaryov, the brother of Semyon's father. Had brothers Peter, Fyodor and sister Evdokia. Unconfirmed reports indicate she left to study in Moscow, where she stayed to live and work (at least beginning with 1946). She got married, widowed. No information where she worked, apparently, at a concrete products plant. In the 70s she lived at 8, 2nd Krasnogvardeisky prospect, apt.42 (a departmental house the concrete products plant built in the 60s) in Krasnaya Presnya. She could have helped S. Zolotaryov to get assignment to Pyatigorsk in 1950 or he could have stayed at her house when he came to Moscow in 1950 to resolve the question with the assignment to Pyatigorsk. She was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow. | |
Zolotaryova Evdokia Gerasimovna (Золотарева Евдокия Герасимовна) (1929-2008) - Semyon Zolotaryov’s cousin. The daughter of Gerasim Gerasimovich Zolotaryov, the brother of Semyon's father. Had brothers Peter, Fyodor and sister Anna. Unconfirmed reports indicate she left to study in Moscow, where she stayed to live and work (at least beginning with 1946). No information where she worked, apparently, at a concrete products plant. In the 70s she lived in Presnya not far from her sister at 5, Strelbischensky per., building 3, apt.54 (departmental concrete products plant house built in the 60s). She looked after her sick sister Anna until her death. After that, she moved to Armavir, where she died. She could have helped Semyon Zolotaryov to get assignment to Pyatigorsk in 1950 or he could have stayed at her house when he came to Moscow in 1950 to resolve the question with the assignment to Pyatigorsk. Apparently, she was buried in the Udobnaya village. | |
Zolоtaryova (nee Aksenova) Vera Ivanovna (Золотарева дев.Аксёнова Вера Ивановна) - Semyon Zolotaryov’s mother. Born in 1883, a housewife; lived in the Udobnaya village, the Krasnodar Territory at 50 Stepnaya St. She sang in the village choir. Children: Anna (died in the period 1938-41), Nikolay (shot in 1943), Mariya, Ekaterina and Semyon. Around 1959, she came to Lermontov to live with her son Semyon Zolotaryov (perhaps to look after her grandson). In 1959 - she lived in Lermontov, district "Z", barrack 3, apt.3 (later, on Oct 07, 1961, she was registered at the address: house №14, Zheleznodorozhnaya St. (Patrice Lumumba), apt.8, Lermontov). Later she moved to Prokhladny to her daughter Mariya, where she died. In the spring of 1959, after the death of Semyon Zolotaryov, she came to Sverdlovsk (possibly to Ivdel); attended the funeral of her son. On May 12, 1959, she received the "Certificate of death" of son in the registry office of the Kirov district of Sverdlovsk. Receipt |
USSR Prosecutor's Office | |
Assistant Attorney General of the USSR
Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the USSR Prosecutor's Office
RSFSR Prosecutor's Office | |
Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR
Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the RSFSR Prosecutor's Office
Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office | ||||
Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region, State Counselor of Justice, Class III
Deputy Prosecutor of the Region for Special affairs, Senior Counselor of Justice
Junior Counselor of Justice and Criminal Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region
Head of the Investigation Department
Investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region, Junior Counselor of Justice
Ivdel Prosecutor's Office | Polunochnoe | Novo-Lyalinskoe | |||
Attorney Prosecutors Ivdel district of Sverdlovsk Region, Junior Counselor of Justice
Investigator of Ivdel district, Sverdlovsk region, Associate Class I
Investigator for Particularly Important Cases of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region
Chief of the Ivdel Police Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate
Captain of the Polunochnoe Village Police Department
Prosecutor of the Novolyalinskiy District, Junior Counselor of Justice
Prosecutors | Investigators | Operative search |
Who are all these people talking about the Dyatlov Pass incident on Russian TV? →