
How many people participated in the search for the Dyatlov group?
Till the end of Feb were involved 46 men, mostly students.
After that were sent 5 more groups of students, each 5 to 10 ~ 45
Military railroad workers including the sappers (8+5) = 13
Ivdellag guards (military unit 6602) min of two interchanging groups = 20
All in total about 120 men.
It had been agreed beforehand that Dyatlov would send a telegram to UPI sports club as soon as the group returns to Vizhay. It was expected that this would happen no later than February 12, but Dyatlov had told Yudin that he expected to be longer, and so when date passed and no message had been received there was no immediate reaction - delays of few days were common in such expeditions. The relatives of the missing hikers demanded a rescue operation and only then did the head of the institute send on February 20 the first rescue groups consisting of volunteer students and teachers. Later, the army and police forces became involved, with planes and helicopters being ordered to join the rescue operation.
The first person to become bothered by the delay of the hikers return was Kolevatov’s eldest sister Rimma Sergeevna Kolevatova. She started asking questions, urging authorities to start a rescue operation, and on February 26 a telegram was sent to Nikita Khrushchev, signed by Nina Sergeevna Anisimova, another sister of Aleksander Kolevatov.
The telegram was shown in Kremlin on February 27. Rimma Kolevatova's testimony published below clearly shows her knowledge that a telegram from the hikers sent from Vizhay was expected on February 12 with a notice about their arrival in Sverdlovsk. Nina Anisimova, one of the four Kolevatov's sisters, in her despair, made up and earlier date of the group’s expected return date to make the facts more ominous. This telegram may have escalated the search and rescue operation to the highest circles. Special report dated February 28 addressed to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR signed by the Minister of the Interior of the RSFSR is published below.
"Dear Nikita Sergeevich By the scheduled date on February 9, a group of hikers from the Polytechnic Institute of Sverdlovsk did not return from an expedition in the Northern Urals Search began late only after 10 days had passed Regional organizations have not yet taken effective measures We earnestly request your assistance in the urgent search for our children. Every hour counts now" Anisimova
Testimony of Rimma Sergeevna Kolevatova April 14, 1959:
"... The search of the missing group started with a great delay. The group was supposed to return in Sverdlovsk on February 14-15, on February 12 they were to send a telegram from Vizhay, their final point along the route. Parents were worried about their children and, of course, they called both the UPI sports club and the city sports club (according to Dubinina and Slobodin's families). I myself called the institute only on February 17, 3 days after the expected return date. I couldn't get hold of UPI sports club chairman Gordo, all my atte group. Secretary of tmpts to get through to him were futile. I then called the city sports club Comrade Ufimtsev. He assured me that there is nothing to worry about, that the group is delayed for a week and they are on their way back. A certain fact is indignant and criminal: Gordo informed UPI party committee that a telegram had been received from Vizhay on February 18 reporting a delay of the UPI party committee Comrade F.P. Zaostrovskiy did not check on Gordo's report and did not inform the Director of UPI Comrade N. S. Syunov, about the incident. The Director learned about the missing group only after he was phoned by Comrade Pedchenko E.P. from the city party committee (I myself had to go to the city committee with a request to take measures to initiate search of the missing group). There was a telegram though, but from a different group that was in the same area (Blinov's group), so the institute's directorate was not informed about the negligence. The search began only at the insistence of the parents of the hikers...
The above fact testifies to the utter indifference and lack of control on behalf of those responsible for organizing the trek and launching the search groups."
Special report
Re the death of the Ural Polytechnic Institute students - members of a trek in Sverdlovsk region
Minister of the Interior of the RSFSR
Igor Dyatlov didn’t file all the required documents for the trip, notably the map or the rout. The organization of the rescue expedition became hindered by this fact. The necessary information began to be feverishly reconstructed from the stories of people who heard about the plans of Dyatlov group. The problem with the missing map was resolved by a member of another Politech sport club - Ignatiy Fokich Ryagin, a friend of the Kolevatov family, who discussed extensively with Aleksander the forthcoming trek in mid-January. Ryagin recalled the route of the group from memory and on February 19 Rimma handed over the map to Colonel Georgiy Ortyukov, a tactics instructor from the UPI military department, who led the search for the group in those February days, and subsequently put a lot of effort into clarifying the history of the Dyatlov group. Continue to read →
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February 20
UPI sports club called a meeting, and the other expedition groups in the region were informed that there might be a problem with Dyatlov group. Search parties were formed that including the hikers from treks that had recently returned. The groups led by Sergey Sogrin, Yuri Blinov, and Vladislav Karelin all received telegrams telling them to stop and wait for reinforcements. Gordo and Blinov flew to Ivdel to organize the search operation. Most likely on the same day, it was decided to recruit Mansi for the search.
February 21
More teams from the university were dispatched to help with the search. One team was led by Boris Slobtsov, a student at the UPI, another by Oleg Grebennik, also a UPI student, and the third by Moisey Akselrod, an experienced climber. Under the command of Captain Aleksey Chernyshev, a fourth fresh group comprising military personnel was dispatched. Some local Mansi people were also asked to help.
Moscow was made aware of the incident, and soon also sent a few experienced hikers. Evgeniy Maslennikov, the head of the regional hiking club, was appointed to coordinate the search, together with Colonel Georgiy Ortyukov of the Army, who was in charge of overall logistics and helicopter support. Slobtsov group of 11 assembled first and consisted mainly of UPI students: Boris Slobtsov, Vadim Brusnitsyn, Stas Devyatov, Yuri Koptelov, Vyacheslav Krotov, Vladimir Lebedev, Vladimir Strelnikov, Vyacheslav Halizov, Mihail Sharavin. The group also included two local residents - forester Ivan Pashin and hunter Aleksey Cheglakov of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with experience in the taiga.
February 22
Several prison guards from the Ivdel LAG under the leadership of Captain Aleksey Chernyshev and another seven officers of MVD (cops) under command of lieutenant Potapov have joined the search in the Dyatlov group. Another three groups were formed in UPI from student volunteers under the leadership of Oleg Grebennik, Moises Akselrod and Boris Slobtsov. Additionally, four Mansi hunters were hired to help and look for the missing group. Moscow sent several specialists including E. P. Maslennikov, Baskin, Bardin and Shuleshko.
Slobtsov rescue group was transported on an airplane from Sverdlovsk to the military airfield of Ivdel with equipment and weekly supply of products.
February 23
In poor visibility, Slobtsov group was transferred by two helicopters to what turn to be Mount Pumsalnel 1055, a peak east of Otorten. They were trying to get as close to Otorten as they could since this was the final destination of Dyatlov group. They wanted to find out if they have been to Otorten. Within five hours of the aerial search, a ski trail was spotted running along the bank of the Auspiya river and then in the direction of the ridge. The trail appeared to be old. After landing on Pumsalnel 1055 Slobtsov group descended towards Lozva river and secured the equipment in a bivouac. Slobtsov wrote:
"On the top, where we were brought in by helicopter, we saw no tracks. The next day was dedicated to some useless searches along the Lozva river. That very day we came to the banks of the Auspiya, where we knew that Dyatlov was intending to create his storage depot. Sure enough, on the left bank of this river we found some old ski tracks. A radio message was sent by our search team operator, and we received the following message from our fellow rescue group: ‘We’re six or ten kilometers from the Auspiya and we’ve found narrow sports ski tracks, different to the wide tracks of the Mansi skis. It’s a good trail made by a number of people, and is probably 10-15 days old, very easy to follow in the forest, but almost invisible in open places. The track goes to the ridge, where of course it disappears due to wind and snow drifts.’"
February 24
Next day Slobtsov rescue group reached the mountain and came to a conclusion that Dyatlov group never made it this far. The students didn't find any traces, flags or anything else that would indicate recent ascend. They crossed the source of Lozva trying to find tracks left by Dyatlov group. They didn't find any but realized that tracks can be only preserved in the taiga. On the open slopes of the mountain the skis didn't leave any trace. Therefore they decided to look for footprints father down, in the taiga, and cross the forest part of Auspiya valley. There laid another possible route of Dyatlov group. On Feb 24 Slobtsov group moved south, to the valley of Auspiya river.
February 25
Slobtsov group going up and down Auspiya valley found 5 km down the river Dyatlov group camp site. On the left bank of the river were barely noticeable snow-covered ski tracks.
Karelin group finished a trek to Mount Molebny Kamen from 9 to 24 Feb 1959. They started in the area of the upper sources Nyols river towards Mount Sampalchakhl 910 where Dyatlov group was supposed to end their trek at the same time. Both groups had discussed meeting near Oykachakhl 1322. When Dyatlov was a no show Karelin didn't made big deal of it and they continued their way. Two weeks later 25 Feb 1959 in a dining room at the train station of Serov city a man, calling himself a representative of Northern geological party, approached the hikers and asked casually "Aren't they searching for you?" They answered warily "What do you mean search? We are not due yet." They called hastily Sverdlovsk and learned from Orlov about the missing Dyatlov group. They were summoned to participate in the search operation. Two of the members, Goryachko and Granin, were in no shape to continue and were sent back to Sverdlovsk. The other six members: Vladislav Karelin, Georgiy Atmanaki, Boris Borisov, Evgeniy Serdityh, Vladimir Skutin and Vladimir Shavkunov joined the rescuers in Ivdel by train same day at 11 pm. Next day 25 Feb Georgiy Atmanaki and Vladimir Skutin were on board of the plane that flew to survey a point of disembarkation for Akselrod group near peak Otorten.
February 26
Slobtsov group split into three divisions. The first one went south where Dyatlov group could have gone after their descent from Otorten, the second division examined Auspiya river for tracks and in the search for the storage site (labaz) of Dyatlov group. The third division followed the trajectory of the Dyatlov group ski trail up Kholat Syakhl where they found the torn Dyatlov group tent. Continue reading »
I shift Feb 23 - Mar 9 | |||
Boris Slobtsov Feb 23 - Mar 4 | Борис Слобцов | UPI student | |
Vadim Brusnitsyn | Вадим Брусницын | UPI student | |
Stas Devyatov | Стас Девятов | UPI student | |
Yuri Koptelov | Юрий Коптелов | UPI student | |
Vyacheslav Krotov | Вячеслав Кротов | UPI student | |
Vladimir Lebedev | Владимир Лебедев | UPI student | |
Vladimir Strelnikov | Владимир Стрельников | UPI student | |
Vyacheslav Halizov | Вячеслав Хализов | UPI student | |
Mihail Sharavin | Михаил Шаравин | UPI student, found Doroshenko and Krivonischenko's bodies on Feb 27 | |
Ivan Pashin | Иван Пашин | Forestert | |
Aleksey Cheglakov | Алексей Чеглаков | Chief of the Militarized Firefighters | |
Egor Nevolin Feb 23 | Егор СНеволин | radioman | |
Stepan Kurikov | Степан Куриков | Mansi shaman | |
Timofey E. Bahtiyarov | Тимофей Е. Бахтияров | Mansi | |
Andrey Anyamov | Андрей Анямов | Mansi | |
Nikolay P. Anyamov | Николай П. Анямов | Mansi | |
Oleg Grebennik Feb 24 | Олег Гребенник | UPI student | |
Vladimir Shlyapin | Владимир Шляпин | UPI student | |
Vladislav Kirsanov | Владислав Кирсанов | UPI student | |
Vitaliy Kostrulin | Виталий Кострулин | UPI student | |
Vladimir Skachkov | Владимир Скачков | UPI student | |
Ivan Tatsienko | Иван Тациенко | UPI student | |
Vladislav Karelin Feb 25 | Владислав Карелин | UPI student | |
Georgiy Atmanaki | Георгий Атманаки | UPI student, (1934-08.15.1962) Died in Caucasian mountains | |
Vladimir Skutin | Владимир Скутин | UPI student | |
Boris Borisov | Борис Борисов | UPI student | |
Evgeniy Serdityh | Евгений Сердитых | UPI student | |
Vladimir Shavkunov | Владимир Шавкунов | UPI student | |
Moisey Akselrod Feb 26 | Моисей Аксельрод | UPI student, Master of Sports | |
Stanislav Tipikin | Станислав Типикин | UPI student | |
Sergey Sogrin | Сергей Согрин | UPI student | |
Yaburov | Ябуров | UPI student, in the capacity of radio operator | |
Georgiy Chigvintsev | Георгий Чигвинцев | UPI student, in the capacity of radio operator | |
Captain Aleksey Chernyshev Feb 26 | Kапитан Алексей Чернышев | ||
Captain Ivan Vlasov | Kапитан Власов | experienced pathfinder | |
Petty Officer Sidorov | Старшина Сидоров | experienced pathfinder | |
Staff Sergeant Verhovskiy | Старший сержант Верховский | experienced pathfinder | |
Anatoliy Yablonskiy | Анатолий Яблонский | civilian, experienced pathfinder | |
Moiseev | Моисеев | lieutenant, leader of ITL security group, hunter and K9 trainer | |
Oleg Mostovoy | Олег Мостовой | guide and hunter | |
II shift March 13-23 | |||
Abram Kikoin | Абрам Кикоин | Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General Physics at UPI | |
Vladimir Krylov | Владимир Крылов | UPI student | |
Pyotr Bartolomey | Петр Бартоломей | Board member of the UPI sports club | |
Yuri Sahnin | Юрий Сахнин | UPI student | |
Vladislav Shkodin | Владислав Шкодин | UPI student | |
Stanislav Mertsalov | Станислав Мерцалов | UPI student | |
Gennadiy Solovyev | Геннадий Соловьёв | UPI student | |
Yuri Smirnov | Юрий Смирнов | UPI student | |
Yuri Kotenev | Юрий Котенев | UPI student | |
III shift Mar 24 - Apr 6 | |||
Sergey Sogrin | Сергей Согрин | UPI student | |
Victor Malyutin | Виктор Малютин | UPI student | |
Rudolf Sedov | Рудольф Седов | UPI student | |
Vasiliy Shulyatiev | Василий Шулятьев | UPI student | |
Victor Meshtiryakov | Виктор Мещиряков | UPI student | |
Vsevolod Eroshev | Всеволод Ерошев | UPI student | |
Valeriy Dubovtsev | Валерий Дубовцев | UPI student | |
Valentin Yakimenko | Валентин Якименко | UPI student | |
IV shift April 6-17 | |||
Boris Martyushev | Борис Мартюшев | UPI student | |
Evgeniy Zinovyev | Евгений Зиновьев | UPI student | |
Valeriy Pechenkin | Валерий Печенкин | UPI student | |
Igor Shestopalov | Игорь Шестопалов | UPI student | |
Anatoliy Plastun | Анатолий Пластун | UPI student | |
Yuri Koptelov | Юрий Коптелов | UPI student | |
Mihail Sharavin | Михаил Шаравин | UPI student, got injured skiing down the slope and returned probably no later than April 10 | |
V shift April 17-27 | |||
Yuri Blinov | Юрий Блинов | UPI student | |
Sergey Arzamastsev | Сергей Арзамасцев | UPI student | |
Vladimir Yunyshev | Владимир Юнышев | UPI student | |
Vladimir Kiselev | Vladimir Киселев | UPI student | |
Oleg Sobol | Олег Соболь | UPI student | |
VI shift April 27 - May 8 | |||
Vladimir Askinadzi | Владимир Аскинадзи | UPI student, found Liydmila's body on May 2 | |
Nikolay Kuznetsov | Николай Кузнецов | UPI student | |
Boris Suvorov | Борис Суворов | UPI student | |
Anatoliy (Tolya) Mohov | Анатолий (Толя) Мохов | UPI student | |
Yuri Gilevich | Юрий Гилевич | serviceman of military unit 6602 | |
Colonel Georgiy Ortyukov | Полковник Георгий Ортюков | (1914-1979) Overall logistics and helicopter support | |
Below is a excerpt from a much bigger Whois database with all names somehow related to the Dyatlov group case, not just the members of the search operation. | |||
Who is who | |||
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z | |||
A | |||
Ahmin Yuri Nikolaevich | Ахмин Юрий Николаевич | (1918-1981) Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region for Special Cases | |
Akselrod Moisey Abramovich | Аксельрод Моисей Абрамович | (1932-1998) Former UPI student, Master of Sports, leader of a rescue group 26.II.1959 dropped off on Otorten | |
Alta | Альта | Specially trained rescue dog of the East European Shepherd breed. The military, led by Captain Chernyshev, took with him a specially trained dog. It was Alma who discovered the body of Zina Kolmogorova on February 26, 1959. | |
Andrusenko Ivan Gavrilovich | Андрусенко Иван Гаврилович | Manager of the Ivdel airport in 1959 | |
Anisimov Anatoliy Leonidovich | Анисимов Анатолий Леонидович | Serviceman, witnessed a fire ball in the sky on 17 Feb 1959 | |
Anisimova Nina Sergeevna | Анисимова Нина Сергеевна | Kolevatov's sister | |
Ankudinov Vladimir D. | Анкудинов Владимир Д. | Forensic expert, who worked at the Central Ural Scientific Research Laboratory for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR, the very one where the tent of Dyatlov group was examined in 1959. | |
Anyamov Aleksander Prokopyevich | Анямов Александр Прокопьевич | Mansi | |
Anyamov Aleksey Alekseevich | Анямов Алексей Алексеевич | (41) Father of Andrey Alekseevich Anyamov (21) | |
Anyamov Andrey Alekseevich | Анямов Андрей Алексеевич | (21) Son of Aleksey Alekseevich Anyamov (41) | |
Anyamov Andrey Alekseevich | Анямов Андрей Алексеевич | (58) Brother of Aleksey Alekseevich Anyamov (41) | |
Anyamov Konstantin Tseskin | Анямов Цескин Константин | Mansi hunter Andrey Alekseevich Anyamov testimony → | |
Anyamov Nikolay Pavlovich | Анямов Николай Павлович | (23) Mansi, member of a rescue group 23.II.1959 | |
Arhipov Oleg Nikolaevich | Архипов Олег Николаевич | Author of a monograph on forensic experts in the Dyatlov case | |
Arzamastsev Sergey | Арзамасцев Сергей | UPI student, member of Blinov rescue group 14.IV.1959 | |
Askinadzi Vladimir Mihaylovich | Аскинадзи Владимир Михайлович | UPI student, Askinadzi group, found Liydmila's body on May 5 Interview → | |
Atmanaki Georgiy Vladimirovich | Атманаки Георгий Владимирович | UPI student, member of Karelin rescue group 25.II.1959 dropped off on Kholat Syakhl. Died in Caucasian mountains on 15-Aug-1962 | |
Avenburg | Авенбург | Reported together with Potapov and Sogrin abnormal phenomenon observed on 31-III-59 4:00 | |
B ↑ | |||
Bagautdinov Aleksandr I. | Багаутдинов Александр И. | Kolevatov borrowed felt boots from him for the trek | |
Bahtiyarov Aleksander Prokopyevich | Бахтияров Александр Прокопьевич | Mansi | |
Bahtiyarov Ilya Ivanovch | Бахтияров Илья Иванович | Mansi, uncle of Nikolay Yakimovich, Pyotr Yakimovich, and Katerina Yakimovna. Lame on one leg. He lived in Burmantovo | |
Bahtiyarov Kirill Vasilyevich | Бахтияров Кирилл Васильевич | Mansi | |
Bahtiyarov Nikita Vladimirovich | Бахтияров Никита Владимирович | Mansi, brother of Nina Bahtiyarov | |
Bahtiyarov Nikolay Yakimovich | Бахтияров Никoлай Якимович | Mansi, brother of Pyotr and Katerina Bahtiyarov | |
Bahtiyarov Pavel Vasilyevich | Бахтияров Павел Васильевич | Mansi | |
Bahtiyarov Pyotr Yakimovich | Бахтияров Петр Якимович | Mansi, brother of Nikolay and Katerina Bahtiyarov, he had tuberculosis His name is misspelled here as Pavel Grigoryevich Bahtiyarov His name is misspelled here as Pyotr Yakovlevich Bahtiyarov | |
Bahtiyarov Prokopiy Savelyevich | Бахтияров Прокопий Савельевич | Mansi, brother of Sergey Bahtiyarov | |
Bahtiyarov Sergey Savelyevich | Бахтияров Сергей Савельевич | Mansi, brother of Prokopiy Bahtiyarov | |
Bahtiyarov Timofey Prokopyevich | Бахтияров Тимофей Прокопьевич | Mansi | |
Bahtiyarov Yakim Ivanovich | Бахтияров Яким Иванович | Mansi, father of Nikolay Yakimovich, Pyotr Yakimovich, and Katerina Yakimovna, he died in 1939 and told Pyotr about a man being blown off a mountain | |
Bahtiyarova Katerina Yakimovna | Бахтиярова Катерина Якимовна | Mansi, sister of Nikolay and Pyotr Bahtiyarov | |
Bahtiyarova Nina Vladimirovna | Бахтиярова Нина Владимировна | Mansi, sister of Nikita Bahtiyarov | |
Bahtiyarova Sonya Prokopyevna | Бахтиярова Соня Прокопьевна | Mansi | |
Baranov | Баранов | Recruited the Mansi for the search | |
Bardin Kirill Vasilyevich | Бардин Кирилл Васильевич | ( -2009) Master of Sports from Moscow | |
Bartolomey Pyotr Ivanovich | Бартоломей Петр Иванович | Member of the search party, friends with Igor Dyatlov | |
Baskin Semyon Borisovich | Баскин Семён Борисович | (1930-2003) Master of Sports from Moscow | |
Bastrykin Alexander Ivanovich | Бастрыкин Алексaндр Ивaнович | Head of The Investigative Committee of Russia (Wikipedia) | |
Belyasov Aleksander Danilovich | Белясов Александр Данилович | Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle roommate helped identify Kolya's belongings | |
Bienko Vladislav Nikolaevich | Биенко Владислав Николаевич | UPI student who was supposed to go on the trek led by Dyatlov. Zolotaryov took his place in Dyatlov group. In UPI there were rumors circulating that he was not allowed to do the trek due to skipped exams. The Komsomol sent Bienko to a logging camp. Lev Ivanov trusted Bienko to develop some of the films found in the tent. | |
Bizyaev Konstantin Fyodorovich | Бизяев Константин Федорович | Militia Major, Chief of Ivdel Department of Internal Affairs | |
Blinov Yuri Аndreevich | Блинов Юрий Андреевич | UPI student, leader of rescue group 14.IV.1959. Yuri Blinov is a member of the Bureau of the Hikers Section of the UPI, and the leader of the group of hikers who, along with Igor Dyatlov's group, was traveling on the same train, then on the same bus, from Sverdlovsk through Serov - Ivdel to the village of Vizhay. | |
Bochurin | Бочурин | UPI student who together with Bienko helped develop the film(s) Lev Ivanov gave them | |
Bogomolov Victor Fyodorovich | Богомолов Виктор Фёдорович | Member of the route committee at the Sverdlovsk city committee for physical culture and sport. Chairman of the hikers section of Sverdlovsk | |
Bogomolov Stanislav Evgenyevich | Богомолов Станислав Евгеньевич | Journalist from "Uralskiy Rabochiy" (en. Ural Worker), met with Lev Ivanov in 1990. | |
Borey | Борей | serviceman of military unit 6602; member of Chernyshev's group in the search in the area of height 1079 | |
Borisov Boris Aleksandrovich | Борисов Борис Александрович | UPI student, member of Karelin rescue group 25.II.1959 dropped off on Kholat Syakhl | |
Borsh Elvira Andreevna | Борщ Эльвира Андреевна | Doctor in Ivdel hospital 1959 | |
Budrin Aleksey | Будрин Алексей | UPI student, fellow hiker | |
Burgach Tamara | Бургач Тамара | Zolotaryov's common law wife Tamara, with whom he had a son Sasha | |
Brusnitsyn Vadim Dmitrievich | Брусницын Вадим Дмитриевич | UPI student, member of Slobtsov rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten | |
Busygin Yakov Antonovich | Бусыгин Яков Антонович | Colonel, commander of military unit 6602, Captain Chernyshev was his subordinate | |
Butorina Lyudmila Prokopyevna | Буторина Людмила Прокопьевна | Head of the department newspaper "Ulalskiy rabochiy" [en. - Ural worker] in 1959 | |
Buyanov Evgeniy Vadimovich | Буянов Евгений Вадимович | Writer-publicist, Master of Sports on mountain tourism, author of "Mystery of the Dyatlov group death" - ambassador of the avalanche theory | |
C ↑ | |||
Chagin Egor Ivanovich | Чагин Егор Иванович | Local hunter, lives in Vizhay, character witness for the Mansi | |
Chaika Yury Yakovlevich | Чайка Юрий Яковлевич | (21.V.1951-) Presidential Envoy to the North Caucasian Federal District since 2020. Previously he served Prosecutor General of Russia from 2006 to 2020 and Minister of Justice from 1999 to 2006. | |
Chaschihina P.G. | Чащихинa П.Г. | Employee of the chemical department where samples of the first five bodies were sent for testing | |
Cheglakov Aleksey Semyonovich | Чеглаков Алексей Семёнович | Chief of the Militarized Firefighters (ОВПК) of the 8th forest division of Vizhay logging branch in 1959 | |
Chernavin | Чернавин | Director of the plant in Sverdlovsk where Maslennikov worked at the time of the tragedy | |
Chernetsov Valeriy Nikolaevich | Чернецов Валерий Николаевич | Soviet ethnographer and archaeologist Valery Nikolaevich Chernetsov "The Sacred Places of the Ural Mountains and Forests" published in 2004 (Культовые памятники горно-лесного Урала) "In a country of mysterious signs" → | |
Chernobrov Vadim Aleksandrovich | Чернобров Вадим Александрович | (17.VI.1965 - 18.V.2017) The journalist who talked with Solter on the train and started the whole fuss about the bodies being 11. "Ural Stalkers Flight from the Mountain of the Dead" → | |
Chernousov | Черноусов | Radioman | |
Chernousov Evgeny Arsentievich | Черноусов Евгений Арсентьевич | Attorney at the Moscow Bar Association "On Malaya Dmitrovka" providing legal assistance to the families of the members of the the Dyatlov group | |
Chernyshev Aleksey Alekseevich | Чернышев Алексей Алексеевич | (1918-) Captain, Chief of Staff internal troops unit 6602 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ivdel, leader of a rescue group 26.II.1959 dropped off 8 km below the source of Vishera river | |
Chevtaev | Чевтаев | Secretary of the Regional Trade Union Council | |
Chigvintsev G.M. | Чигвинцев Г.М. | UPI student, member of Akselrod rescue group in the capacity of radio operator, 26.II.1959 dropped off on Otorten, he stayed in the rescue camp and never actually went out on the field to look for Dyatlov group | |
Chudinov Leonid Mihaylovich | Чудинов Леонид Михайлович | (18.VI.1921 - 31.III.1992) Captain, Head of the Polunochnoe Police Station | |
Churkina Genrietta Eliseevna | Чуркина Генриетта Елисеевна | Expert criminalist, she performed and documented the examination of Dyatlov group tent, she was present at the autopsies of the bodies found in May, and maybe the only woman that visited Dyatlov Pass during the investiagtion Examination on the tent → Interview → with her son Igor Olegovich Makushkin | |
D ↑ | |||
Davydov Semyon Prohorovich | Давыдов Семен Прохорович | Deputy Head of the KGB in the Sverdlovsk Region from 14.VIII.1954 to 28.VIII.1959. According to Rakitin’s version after the botched KGB operation and the death of Dyatlov group many high officials from the KGB were punished. As indirect evidence, Rakitin, at the end of his book, cites the names of some KGB generals who actually lost their posts in the summer of 1959. This could be also a result of the power shift among the ranks of the KGB senior command staff not related to the tragedy in Northern Ural. | |
Deryagin A.P. | Дерягин А.П. | Chairman of the Ivdel City Council | |
Devyatov Stanislav Apollonovich | Девятов Станислав Аполлонович | UPI student, member of Slobtsov rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten | |
Doroshenko Vladimir (Volodya) | Дорошенко Владимир (Володя) | Yuri Doroshenko's brother, UPI student, lives in Aktyubinsk | |
Dryahlyh Mihail Timofeevich | Дряхлых Михаил Тимофеевич | Engineer of the Energo Lesokombinat, who communicated with Dyatlov group in the 41st district | |
Dubinin Aleksander Nikolaevich | Дубинин Александр Николаевич | Lyudmila's father | |
Dubinina Iya Vladimirovna | Дубинина Ия Владимировна | Lyudmila's mother | |
Dubovtsev Valeriy | Дубовцев Валерий | UPI student, member of Sogrin rescue group 25.III.1959 | |
Dyatlov Aleksey Aleksandrovich | Дятлов Алексей Александрович | Igor Dyatlov's father | |
Dyatlov Mstislav | Дятлов Мстислав | Igor Dyatlov's older brother who studied at UPI who took 15 year old Igor to a | |
Dyatlova Rufina Alekseevna | Дятлова Руфина Алексеевна | The elder sister of Igor Dyatlov, was present at the identification of things. Born in 1938, graduated from UPI | |
E ↑ | |||
Ermash Filipp Timofeevich | Ермаш Филипп Тимофеевич | head of the Science and Education Department at the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU; member of the Emergency Commission at Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU from Feb 28. | |
Eroshev Vsevolod | Ерошев Всеволод | UPI student, member of Sogrin rescue group 25.III.1959 | |
Eshtokin Afanasiy Fyodorovich | Ештoкин Афанaсий Фёдорович | (1913—1974) Second Secretary of Regional Committee, Kirilenko's adviser | |
F ↑ | |||
Fedchenko E.P. | Федченко Е.П. | Member of the city committee of the Party Sverdlovsk | |
Fedoseev Grigoriy Anisimovich | Федосеев Григoрий Анисимович | (1899-1968) Geologist author of "On the Road of Trial" published in 1958. The events described in the book bare striking resemblance to Dyatlov Pass incident | |
Fyodorov Vadim Ivanovich | Федоров Вадим Иванович | Took part in the discovery of last 4 bodies in the stream, from Sverdlovsk | |
G ↑ | |||
Gamatina Valeriya Nikolaevna | Гаматина Валерия Николаевна | Wife of pilot Gennadiy Patrushev | |
Ganz Georgiy Vladimirovich | Ганц Георгий Владимирович | (26.XII.1930 – 6.XI.1978) Forensic expert of the Sverdlovsk Regional Forensic Medical Bureau. He signed the Histological analyses of the last four bodies. He kept post mortem photos thus breaching the declaration of nondisclosure. | |
Gagarin Igor | Гагарин Игорь | Commander on An-2 in 1959. Interview with Patrushev widow Gamatina → | |
Gagarin Ivan Stepanovich | Гагарин Иван Степанович | Deputy editor newspaper "Ulalskiy rabochiy" [en. - Ural worker] in 1959. | |
Gaynutdinov Farid | Гайнутдинов Фарид | UPI course R-463, Doroshenkov borrowed from him sleevless fur jacket | |
Gilevich Yuri Davydovich | Гилевич Юрий Давыдович | Member of Askinadzi rescue group 27.IV.1959 | |
Gladyrev Pyotr Vasilyevich | Гладырев Пётр Васильевич | (20.VII.1922 - VI.1960) Commander of An-2, board number 55-84. In his crew in this flight - the navigator Georgiy Karpushin, and the co-pilot Gennadiy Patrushev. Crashed in nearby Ivdel with Mi 4 helicopter due to a faulty lead screw. | |
Golunskiy Sergey Aleksandrovich | Голунский Сергей Александрович | (3.VII.1895 - 29.XI.1962) Director of the National Institution of Research in Criminology (ВНИИК) | |
Gorbushin Artemiy Vladimirovich | Горбушин Артемий Владимирович | Officer in charge of Ivdel City Police Department, testified what Grigoriy Kurikov had said about the Ostyaks | |
Gordo Lev Semyonovich | Гордо Лев Семёнович | (1912-1999) UPI sports club chairman, he was blamed for the money shortage and poor organization of the expedition | |
Gorlachenko Mihail Iosifovich | Горлаченко Михаил Иосифович | (1905-1976) Major-General of Aviation | |
Goryachko Oleg | Горячко Олег | Student in the Mining institute at the time. He was a member of Karelin group that went in Northern Urals leaving Sverdlovsk on February 6, 1959, but did not take part in the Dyatlov group search | |
Granin Victor | Гранин Виктор | From the town of Giri. He was a member of Karelin group that went in Northern Urals leaving Sverdlovsk on February 6, 1959, but did not take part in the Dyatlov group search | |
Grebennik Oleg Ivanovich | Гребенник Олег Иванович | UPI student, leader of a rescue group 24.II.1959 dropped off on Oykachakhl | |
Grigoriev Gennadiy Konstantinovich | Григорьев Геннадий Константинович | (1923-2017) Reporter, journalist of the newspaper "Ural worker", present at the search operation | |
Gubin Aleksander Dimitrievich | Губин Александер Димитриевич | Secretary of the Ivdel city party committee | |
H ↑ | |||
Hakimov Zakiy Gasimovich | Хакимов Закий Гасимович | Chief of the 8th forestry division of Vizhay logging branch in 1959 | |
Halizov Vyacheslav Ivanovich | Хализов Вячеслав Иванович | UPI student, member of Slobtsov rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten | |
Hamova Galina Nikolaevna | Хамова Галина Николаевна | UPI student in course S-344, witness on identification of hikers belongings | |
Hatanzeev | Хатанзеев | Mansi (Khanty) | |
I ↑ | |||
Ilyichev Anatoliy Vasilyevich | Ильичев Анатолий Васильевич | (1913 – VII.1983) Head of the KGB in the Sverdlovsk Region (V.1954 - II.1962) | |
Ivanov Lev Nikitich | Иванов Лев Никитич | Lead investigator | |
Ivanov Valentin Ivanovich | Иванов Валентин Иванович | Doctor and head of department of Ivdel hospital in 1959 | |
Ivanov Vitaliy Alekseevich | Иванов Виталий Алексеевич | Lieutenant Colonel, Head of the Forestry Administration (postbox N-240), supervisor of Cheglakov (Head of the Fire Department of the Vizhay branch of N-240) | |
Ivanova Aleksandra Lvovna | Иванова Александра Львовна | Daughter of lead investigator Lev Ivanov | |
K ↑ | |||
Kamochkin A.D. | Камочкин А.Д. | Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the USSR Prosecutor's Office Prosecutor's memorandum → | |
Karandashov V.N. | Карандашов В.Н. | Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the City Council Ivdel | |
Karelin Vladislav Georgievich | Карелин Владислав Георгиевич | UPI student, leader of a rescue group 25.II.1959 dropped off on Kholat Syakhl, he and soldiers from Lt. Potapov group found with their probes the body of Slobodin on 5.III.1959 | |
Karpov | Карпов | Party activist in Northern Expedition whom Zhiltsov told about the two Mansi in Russian clothes writing the letter | |
Karpushin Georgiy Aleksandrovich | Карпушин Георгий Александрович | Pilot of Yak-12 and navigator on An-2, board number 55-84, with commander Pyotr Gladyrev | |
Kasuhin | Касухин | Secretary of the UPI party committee | |
Khrushchev Nikita Sergeyevich | Хрущев Никита Сергеевич | (15.IV.1894 – 11.IX.1971) The first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964 (Wikipedia) | |
Kikoin Abram Konstantinovich | Кикоин Абрам Константинович | (23.II.1914–26.IX.1999) Physicist, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1940), Professor (1982) | |
Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich | Кириленко Андрей Павлович | First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party (Wikipedia) | |
Kirsanov Vladislav Vladimirovich | Кирсанов Владислав Владимирович | UPI student, member of Grebennik rescue group 24.II.1959 dropped off on Oykachakhl | |
Kiselev Vladimir | Киселев Vladimir | UPI student, member of Blinov rescue group 14.IV.1959 | |
Kizilov Gennadiy Ivanovich | Кизилов Геннадий Иванович | Journalist, Kizilov theory is that they died elsewhere and that the tent and their bodies were brought to the location they were presumambly found and the scene was staged. | |
Klimenko Victor Nikolaevich | Клименко Виктор Николаевич | Participated in the search, in 1959 he served in military unit 6602 (Ivdel) | |
Klinov Nikolay Ivanovich | Клинов Николай Иванович | (1907-1991) Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region, approved the official statement for closing the case given by Junior Counselor of Justice and Criminal Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region, Lev Ivanov. | |
Kolevatova Elena Alekseevna | Колеватова Елена Алексеевна | Aleksander Kolevatov's niece | |
Kolevatova Rimma Sergeevna | Колеватова Римма Сергеевна | (1929-) Aleksander Kolevatov's sister who gave him the knife he carried at the trek as a present, and was identified and returned to her. | |
Kondratyev Aleksander Vasilyevich | Кондратьев Александр Васильевич | (14.XI.1901 - 5.IX.1981) Head of the military department of the UPI, he was involved in the organization of the search for Dyatlov group in 1959. | |
Koptelov Yuri Evtihievich | Коптелов Юрий Евтихиевич | UPI student, member of Slobtsov rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten, and later member of Martyushev rescue group 6.IV.1959 | |
Korolyov Vasiliy Ivanovich | Королёв Василий Иванович | (1930-) Graduate of the Physics and Technology Faculty of UPI 1955. In 1959 he is a postgraduate in the laboratory of the Institute of Physics and Technology UPI. As chairman of the Route Commission at the hiking club in UPI he approved the route of Dyatlov group on 8.I.1959. Member of the Route Qualification Commission and search team in the area of 1079 from 2-15 March (flew from Sverdlovsk together with the Moscow masters of sports Baskin, Bardin and Shuleshko) | |
Korotaev Vladimir Ivanovich | Коротаев Владимир Иванович | Investigator for Particularly Important Cases of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region | |
Kortev N. V. | Кортев Н. В. | UPI student identified Dyatlov's belongings | |
Kostrulin Victor Nikolaevich | Кострулин Виктор Николаевич | UPI student course R-463 identified Doroshenko's belongings | |
Kostrulin Vitaliy | Кострулин Виталий | UPI student, member of Grebennik rescue group 24.II.1959 dropped off on Oykachakhl | |
Krasnobaev Vladimir Aleksandrovich | Краснобаев Владимир Александрович | Chief of preparatory work in 8th forestry district | |
Krasnov Igor Victorovich | Краснов Игорь Викторович | (24.XII.1975-) Lieutenant general of Justice, Prosecutor General of Russia since January 22, 2020 | |
Kretov Boris Fyodorovich | Кретов Борис Федорович | Head of Sverdlovsk Forensic Science Laboratory, he kept the tent. After Kretov died in the 80s the tent was taken to the garbage container, apparently water pipe burst back in the late 70s and the tent collected mold. Decision to appoint criminal expert → | |
Krivonischenko Aleksey Konstantinovich | Кривонищенко Алексей Константинович | Yuri Krivonischenko's father | |
Krivonischenko Igor Alekseevich | Кривонищенко Игорь Алексеевич | Yuri Krivonischenko's younger brother | |
Krivonischenko Konstantin Alekseevich | Кривонищенко Константин Алексеевич | Yuri Krivonischenko's elder brother | |
Krotov Vyacheslav | Кротов Вячеслав | UPI student, member of Slobtsov rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten | |
Kruglyakov | Кругляков | Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle neighbor in the dormitory. Thibault borrowed a flashlight from him | |
Kuntsevich Yuri Konstantinovich | Кунцевич Юрий Константинович | Head of the Dyatlov Foundation est. 1999 in Yekaterinburg | |
Kurikov Grigoriy Nikolaevich | Куриков Григорий Николаевич | Mansi, Deputy of the Ivdel City Council, interpreter in the interrogations, Stepan's brother. He took part in the search in May 1959 | |
Kurikov Stepan Nikolaevich | Куриков Степан Николаевич | Mansi shaman, Deputy of the city legislative assembly of Ivdel, leader of a rescue group 23.II.1959. He took part in the search in Feb-Mar and May 1959 | |
Kurochkin Vil Fyodorovich | Курочкин Виль Федорович | (1926-2001) Chairman of the City Union of Voluntary Sports Societies (biography) | |
Kuroedov | Куроедов | Secretary of Regional Party Sverdlovsk | |
Kuryakov Andrey Valentinovich | Курьяков Андрей Валентинович | 2011-Nov 2019 headed the Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region. Nov 2019 Kuryakov was promoted by Yury Chaika to Head of Department Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for the Ural Federal District. | |
Kutsevalov Timofey Fyodorovich | Куцевалов Тимофей Фёдорович | (1904-1975) Commander of the Air Force of the Ural Military District, deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the DOSAAF (Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Navy) | |
Kuzminov Nikolay Ivanovich | Кузьминов Николай Иванович | Member of the search party who reported in May light celestial bodies in the night sky | |
Kuzminyh Aleksander Fyodorovich | Кузьминых Александр Федорович | (1911-) Assistant Public Prosecutor of Ivdel, attorney I class | |
Kuznetsov Aleksander Ivanovich | Кузнецов Александер Иванович | Forester | |
Kuznetsov Nikolay Igorevich | Кузнецов Николай Игоревич | UPI student, member of Askinadzi rescue group 27.IV.1959. | |
Kuznetsov Nikolay Filippovich | Кузнецов Николай Филиппович | Equipment manager of the sports club in UPI | |
L ↑ | |||
Laptev Yuri Ivanovich | Лаптев Юрий Иванович | Forensic expert from Severouralsk | |
Lebedev Vladimir Aleksandrovich | Лебедев Владимир Александрович | UPI student, member of Slobtsov rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten | |
Lelyushenko Dmitriy Danilovich | Лелюшенко Дмитрий Данилович | General "Onwards!" (Rus Генерал "Вперёд!"), Twice the Hero of the Soviet Union (7.IV.1940 and 5.V.1945), Hero of Czechoslovakia (30.V.1970). Member of the CPSU from 1924. | |
Levashov Vladimir I. | Левашов Владимир И. | Main radiologist of Sverdlovsk who conducted the radioactive examination of the hikers clothing. | |
Lopatina Elizaveta Pavlovna | Лопатина Елизавета Павловна | One of her brothers died in a boating accident with a Mansi in 1934 | |
Lukin Stepan Petrovich | Лукин Степан Петрович | (10.V.1923 - 9.VII.2008) Deputy Chief of the Investigative Department Adviser of Justice | |
Lukoyanov Pyotr Ivanovich | Лукоянов Пётр Иванович | Master of Sports in Mountaneering, Colonel of the General Staff of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Specialist in survival of troops in extreme conditions and a great ski hiking enthusiast, author of books on ski hiking techniques, statistics collector and ski accident analyst Safety in skiing and extreme winter conditions → | |
Lunyov Konstantin Fyodorovich | Лунев Константин Федорович | (3.IX.1907 -1980) In 1959 Chairman of the KGB under the USSR State Security Committee (Wikipedia) | |
M ↑ | |||
Malik Igor Nikolaevich | Малик Игорь Николаевич | Serviceman, witnessed a fire ball in the sky on 17 Feb 1959 | |
Malyutin Vitaliy Mihaylovich | Малютин Виталий Михайлович | UPI student, member of Sogrin rescue group 25.III.1959 | |
Markin Vladimir | Маркин Владимир | Solovyev's official representative to whom we owe Shkryabach conclusion | |
Martyshev | Мартышев | Head of a hikers section in UPI sports club, since beginning of 1959. Before him the head of the section was Blinov. Doroshenko was also in the leadership of this section. | |
Martyushev Boris Vladimirovich | Мартюшев Борис Владимирович | UPI student, chairman of the Mountaineering Section of UPI Sports Club, leader of a rescue group 6.IV.1959. (1938–1969) Pioneer of the Urals Alps. Died in Dalar, West Caucasus during route 4A difficulty. Buried in Kamensk-Urals. | |
Maslennikov Evgeniy Polikarpovich | Масленников Евгений Поликарпович | (1924-1978) Master of Sports, head of the regional hiking club | |
Matorin Aleksey | Маторин Алексей | Mentioned in Krasnobaev's witness testimony in relation to Mansi | |
Matveev M. F. | Матвеев М. Ф. | Head of Enterprise PO Box 10 where Rustem Slobodin worked Request from Gordo to Matveev → | |
Mayorova Valentina Spiridonovna | Майорова Валентина Спиридоновна | Works at the Ivdel telegraph at the time of the tragedy, character witness for the Mansi. | |
Melnikov | Мельников | Sent a telegram from the pass on 1.III.1959 | |
Meshtiryakov Victor | Мещиряков Виктор | UPI student, member of Sogrin rescue group 25.III.1959, mentioned in the report by Avenburg, Potapov and Sogrin to have witnessed abnormal phenomenon observed on 31.III.1959 4:00 | |
Mihaylov T. I. | Михайлов Т. И. | Expert criminalist, together with Churkina took part in the examination of Dyatlov group tent | |
Milman P. S. | Мильман П. С. | Deputy Chairman of the sports club at UPI. In December 1958, January 1959, he headed the institute Route Commission. Teacher. | |
Misharin Sergey | Мишарин Сергей | Captain KGB, shot himself in the mouth soon after Patrushev died in an mysterious air crash. They were friends and both investigated their own theory of Dyatlov group death, presumably about fire balls. | |
Mitrofanova Margarita Aleksandrovna | Митрофанова Маргаритa Александровнa | Friend of Zina Kolmogorova, identified Zina's personal belongings | |
Mohov Anatoliy (Tolya) | Мохов Анатолий (Толя) | UPI student, member of Askinadzi rescue group 27.IV.1959 | |
Moiseev | Моисеев | Lieutenant, leader of a security group ITL, member of Captain Aleksey Chernyshev group, the K9 trainer of Alma, the rescue dog that found Zina Kolmogorova on 26.II.1959 Maslennikov's testimony → | |
Mokrushin Mihail Ananyevich | Мокрушин Михаил Ананьевич | Chairman of the village council of Burmantovo, character withness for Mansi | |
Morgunova Lyudmila Vladimirovna | Моргунова Людмила Владимировна | Rustem Slobodin's sister Russian channel 1, Andrey Malahov → Petition June 29, 2020 → | |
Mostovoy | Мостовой | Guide, member of Captain Aleksey Chernyshev group | |
Muzafarova Elizaveta Iosifovna | Музафарова Елизавета Иосифовна | Aunt of Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle, identified his personal belongings | |
N ↑ | |||
Naskichev K. V. | Наскичев К. В. | Witness in the autopsy reports of Doroshenko, Krivonischenko, Kolmogorova and Slobodin | |
Nevolin Egor Semyonovich | Неволин Егор Семёнович | Radioman, member of a rescue group 23.II.1959 | |
Nikitin Victor Aleskeevich | Никитин Виктор Алексеевич | Student in UPI who died from pneumonia and was buried in Mihaylovskoe cemetery together with Doroshenko and Kolmogorova. No relation to the incident. | |
Novikov Aleksander Stepanovich | Новиков Александр Степанович | Serviceman, witnessed a fire ball in the sky on Feb 17, 1959 | |
Novikova | Новикова | Member of the route committee at the Sverdlovsk city committee for physical culture and sport | |
Novokreschenov Georgiy Vasilyevich | Новокрещенов Гергий Васильевич | Ivdel Judge in 1959 | |
Nuzhdin | Нуждин | Assistant Manager for personnel of Mayak enterprise PO Box 404, Chelyabinsk 40 | |
O ↑ | |||
Ognev Nikolay Grigorievich (The Beard) | Огнев Николай Григорьевич (Борода) | Logger at 41st district where Dyatlov group arrived on 26-Jan-1959. He was noted for his intelligence and ginger hair and beard hence the nickname. | |
Okishev Evgeniy Fyodorovich | Окишев Евгений Фёдорович | (14.II.1919) Former deputy Head of the Investigative Division of the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, Lev Ivanov's supervisor | |
Ortyukov Georgiy Semyonovich | Ортюков Георгий Семёнович | (1914-1979) Colonel, overall logistics and helicopter support Maslennikov's testimony → | |
Ostyaks | Остяки | Both the indigenous Khanty and Ket people and languages in Siberia, Russia were formerly called Ostyaks. According to Gorbushin's testimony Kurikov points at them as possible culprit | |
P ↑ | |||
Panov Pavel Nikolaevich | Панов Павел Николаевич | A staff member of the Ivdel PD who according to Gorbusin's testimony was present when Kurikov was talking about the Ostyaks. | |
Parshakov Vladimir Ivanovich | Паршаков Владимир Иванович | Secretary of the Komsomol CC | |
Pashin Ivan Fokeevich | Пашин Иван Фокеевич | Forester, rescuer from the very beginning of the search. In the case files his middle name is recorded as Vasilyevich for some reason | |
Patrushev Gennadiy Vasilyevich | Патрушев Геннадий Васильевич | (2.VIII.1933 - 25.V.1961) Yak-12 pilot, and a co-pilot on An-2, board number 55-84, with commander Gladyrev. Crasshed 30 miles (48km) from Dyatlov Pass. | |
Pavlov V. A. | Павлов В. А. | Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee | |
Pechenkin V. P. | Печенкин В. П. | UPI student, member of Martyushev rescue group 6.IV.1959 | |
Perminova Tatyana Alekseevna | Перминова Татьяна Алексеевна | Igor Dyatlov’s sister | |
Pershin | Першин | Prosecutor of Novo-Lyalinsky District, Junior Adviser of Justice | |
Pervago Vladimir Aleksandrovich | Перваго Владимир Александрович | (16.VIII.1912 - 27.XI.1990) Head of the Ural Geological Administration in Sverdlovsk | |
Petuhov Mihail | Петухов Михаил | The technician who allegedly tampered with the Yak Gennadiy Patrushev was flying and crashed on May 22, 1961. Interview with Patrushev's wife → | |
Piguzova K. | Пигузова К. | Chief GMS reported together with Tokareva abnormal phenomenon observed at 6:50 am on Feb 17, 1959 | |
Pleshkov Vladimir | Плешков Владимир | Pilot in Ivdel in 1959. | |
Plastun Anatoliy Trofimovich | Пластун Анатолий Трофимович | UPI student, member of Martyushev rescue group 6.IV.1959 | |
Pletnev Nikolay Fyodorovich | Плетнев Николай Федорович | Deputy Director of UPI | |
Popov Vasiliy Andreevich | Попов Василий Андреевич | Head of the communications section of the Vizhay Forestry Department. The date on his testimony (6.II.1959) in the case files rises controversy. | |
Popov Aleksander Ivanovich | Попов Александр Иванович | Radiologist in Ivdel | |
Potapov | Потапов | Lieutenant, Karelin and soldiers from Lt. Potapov group found with their probes the body of Slobodin on Mar 5, 1959 Maslennikov's testimony → Reported together with Avenburg and Sogrin abnormal phenomenon observed at 4 am on Mar 31, 1959 | |
Potyazhenko Victor Vasilyevich | Потяженко Виктор Васильевич | Commander aircraft Interview → | |
Prodanov Ivan Stepanovich | Проданов Иван Степанович | (1906 - IV.1964) First Secretary of the Ivdel City Committee of the CPSU from 11.IX.1952 to 8.I.1963 | |
Pronozova Aleksandra Ivanovna | Пронозова Александра Ивановна | Head nurse in Ivdel hospital 1959, war veteran | |
Proshkin Leonid Georgievich | Прошкин Леонид Георгиевич | Modern times criminal prosecutor who revised the post mortem analyses of the last four bodies | |
Prudkov Iosif Davydovich | Прудков Иосиф Давыдович | Surgeon Ivdel hospital 1959 | |
Prudkova Valentina Ivanovna | Прудковa Валентинa Ивановнa | Head nurse of the surgical department Ivdel hospital 1959 and wife of surgeon Iosif Davydovich | |
Pustobaev Vladimir | Пустобаев Владимир | Commander aircraft Mi-4, crashed in his helicopter in 1970 | |
R ↑ | |||
Radosteva Galina Grigorievna | Радостева Галина Григорьевна | UPI course R-462, identified Zina's personal belongings | |
Rahimov | Рахимов | Head of the meteorological station in Ivdel 1959 | |
Rakitin Alexei | Ракитин Алексей | Rakitin is the literary pseudonym of a group of people who authored the most extensive and popular book on the subject of Dyatlov group tragedy called Dyatlov Pass. The book promotes the controlled environment theory, but also features the best behavior analysis so far. The book is translated in German only. The group consists of a "leader" who came up with the theory plus a few consultants and a literary agent, but nobody knows who he exactly is, or what is his name | |
Rashevskaya Irina Nikolaevna | Рашевская Ирина Николаевна | Yuri Doroshenko's sister | |
Rempel Ivan Dimitrievich | Ремпель Иван Димитриевич | Forester of the Vizhay region | |
Repyev Pyotr Aleksandrovich | Репьев Петр Александрович | (19.VI.1914 - 03.IV.1981) Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk Region | |
Romanov Egor Yakovlevich | Романов Егор Яковлевич | Prosecutor of the Investigative Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region | |
Rubel Raisa Borisovna | Рубель Раиса Борисовна | (25.II.1912 - VIII.1992) First USSR master of sports in tourism among athletes of the Sverdlovsk region | |
Rudenko Roman Andreevich | Руденко Роман Андреевич | USSR Prosecutor General from 1953 to 1981 (Wikipedia) | |
Ryagin Ignatiy Fokich | Рягин Игнатий Фокич | Friend of the Kolevatov family, who recalled the route of Dyatlov group from memory and used by Colonel Georgiy Ortyukov in the search | |
Ryazhnev Georgiy Ivanovich | Ряжнев Георгий Иванович | Chief of the 1st forestry department of Energo Lesokombinat in 41st district in 1959 | |
Rykshin Vladimir | Рыкшин Владимир | Modern times president of the "Extreme" Association, who together with professional hunter Nikolay Lednev have a theory about the strange panic inducing metal objects in the area that make you run and leave you with the feeling that something or somebody is watching your back as you leave. | |
S ↑ | |||
Savina Zoya Nikitichna | Савина Зоя Никитична | Nurse who worked at the Ivdel prison hospital at the time when Yuri Yudin was brought to recognize his friends | |
Savenkov | Савенков | Head of Ivdel hospital 1959 | |
Savkin Aleksandr Dmitrievich | Савкин Александр Дмитриевич | Serviceman, witnessed a fire ball in the sky on 17.II.1959 | |
Sedov Rudolf Vladimirovich | Седов Рудольф Владимирович | UPI student, member of Sogrin rescue group 25.III.1959 | |
Semyonov | Семенов | Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the RSFSR Prosecutor's Office Prosecutor's memorandum → | |
Serdityh Evgeniy N. | Сердитых Евгений Н. | UPI student, member of Karelin rescue group 25.II.1959 dropped off on Kholat Syakhl | |
Serkov Z. T. | Серков З. Т. | Member of the Regional Party Sverdlovsk | |
Sharavin Mihail Petrovich | Шаравин Михаил Петрович | (1935-3.VII.2020) UPI student, member of Slobtsov rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten, he and Strelnikov found Doroshenko and Krivonischenko's bodies on 27 Feb Maslennikov's testimony → | |
Sharonin A. I. | Шаронин А. И. | Doctor in Ivdel hospital | |
Shelepin Aleksander Nikolaevich | Шелепин Александр Николаевич | Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (XII.1958 - XI.1961). One of the main figures responsible for clasifying Dyatlov case according to Rakitin. (Wikipedia) | |
Sheshkin Konstantin Efimovich | Шешкин Константин Ефимович | Mansi hunter, questioned in the investigation | |
Shestopalov Igor Germanovich | Шестопалов Игорь Германович | Мember of Martyushev rescue group 6.IV.1959 | |
Shestopalov Mihail Fyodorovich | Шестопалов Михаил Федорович | Lieutenant Colonel, leader of a group of sappers with mine detectors Maslennikov's notebook 2 → | |
Shevkunov Vladimir Aleksandrovich | Шевкунов Владимир Александрович | UPI student, member of Karelin rescue group 27.II.1959 dropped off on Kholat Syakhl, in the area of Mt Otorten till 10.III.1959 | |
Shishkarev Mihail Nikolaevich | Шишкарев Михаил Николаевич | Major-General | |
Shkryabach Sergey Yakovlevich | Шкрябач Сергей Яковлевич | Mountaineer and consultant in the investigation, it was his conclusion on which the refusal to reopen the case was based | |
Shlyapin Vladimir | Шляпин Владимир | UPI student, member of Grebennik rescue group 24.II.1959 dropped off on Oykachakhl | |
Shtrauh Oleg Viktorovich | Штраух Олег Викторович | Correspondent of a newspaper, his wife worked at the Ivdel hospital | |
Shuleshko Evgeniy Evgenyevich | Шулешко Евгений Евгеньевич | ( - 24.VIII.2010) Master of Sports from Moscow | |
Shulyatev Vasiliy Andrianovich | Шулятьев Василий Андрианович | UPI student, member of Sogrin rescue group 25.III.1959. After items identification by Kostrulin, he received Doroshenko's belongings to send them to Yuri Doroshenko’s brother, Volodya | |
Sidorov Grigoriy Fyodorovich | Сидоров Григорий Фёдорович | Petty Officer, experienced pathfinder, member of Captain Chernyshev rescue group 26.II.1959 dropped off 8 km below the source of Vishera river | |
Siunov Nikolay Sergeevich | Сиунов Николай Сергеевич | (06.III.1903-13.III.1989) Director of the Ural Polytechnic Institute | |
Skachkov Vladimir | Скачков Владимир | UPI student, member of Grebennik rescue group 24.II.1959 dropped off on Oykachakhl | |
Skoryh Georgiy Ivanovich | Скорых Георгий Иванович | Living in village of Karaul Novo-Lyalinskiy district, questioned by Pershin about sighting of light balls in the sky | |
Skutin Vladimir | Скутин Владимир | UPI student, member of Karelin rescue group 25.II.1959 dropped off on Kholat Syakhl | |
Slobodin V. E. | Слободин В. Е. | Chairman of the Trade Union of the City Party Committee | |
Slobodin Boris Vladimirovich | Слободин Борис Владимирович | ( - 10.I.2020) Elder brother of Rustem Slobodin. Boris Slobodin appeared in a movie "Dyatlov Pass. Cancelled Due to Death" (2013) | |
Slobodin Vladimir Mihaylovich | Слободин Владимир Михайлович | Father of Rustem Slobodin | |
Slobodina-Samsonova Nadezhda Fyodorovna | Слободина-Самсонова Надежда Федоровна | Rustem Slobodin's mother | |
Slobtsov Boris Efimovich | Слобцов Борис Ефимович | ( - II.2018) UPI student, leader of a rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten Maslennikov's testimony → | |
Sobol Oleg | Соболь Олег | UPI student, member of Blinov rescue group 14.IV.1959 | |
Sogrin Sergey Nikolaevich | Согрин Сергей Николаевич | UPI student, leader of a rescue group 25.III.1959 | |
Solomonovich Felix Yakovlevich | Соломонович Феликс Яковлевич | Historian-ethnographer, expert of the Ivdellag | |
Solovyev | Соловьев | Soldier from the search group of Lt. Potapov (military unit 6602), he hurt his knee and had to return back | |
Solovyev Gennadiy Sergeevich | Соловьев Геннадий Сергеевич | Student at the Institute of Physics and Technology, member of the search party on altitude 1079 in the period of 13-23 Mar 1959 | |
Solovyev Vladimir Nikolaevich | Соловьев Владимир Николаевич | (27.II.1950) Senior investigator and forensic expert at the General Directorate for Criminalistics (Forensic Center) of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. 1991-2015 headed the investigation of the murder of the royal family. He became involved in Dyatlov Pass case in 2015 | |
Solter Pelageya Ivanovna | Солтер Пелагея Ивановна | (1920-2012) Nurse in Ivdel hospital 1959 | |
Solter Victor Konstantinovich | Солтер Виктор Константинович | (1925-2009) Husband of Pelageya Ivanovna | |
Spitsyn Ivan Emilyanovich | Спицын Иван Емельянович | Commander of Yak-12A. "A" in means that the fuel reserve is enough for 6 hours, which is justified by the size of the search area. | |
Strelnikov Vladimir | Стрельников Владимир | UPI student, member of Slobtsov rescue group 23.II.1959 dropped off on Pumsalnel near Otorten, he and Sharavin found Doroshenko and Krivonischenko's bodies on 27 Feb Maslennikov's testimony → | |
Sulman Abram Markovich | Сульман Абрам Маркович | (18.IX.1904-17.III.1983) Head of the Northern Geological Expedition | |
Suvorov Boris Leonidovich | Суворов Борис Леонидович | UPI student, member of Askinadzi rescue group 27.IV.1959 | |
Sysoev A.P. | Сысоев А.П. | Received | |
Syunikaev Hamza Fazylovich | Сюникаев Хамза Фазылович | (1.VIII.1937 - ) participated in the search, in 1959 he was cadet of the division team in military unit 6602 (Ivdel) | |
T ↑ | |||
Taranova Anna Petrovna | Таранова Анна Петровна | Obstetrician in Ivdel hospital 1959 | |
Tatsienko Ivan | Тациенко Иван | UPI student, member of Grebennik rescue group 24.II.1959 dropped off on Oykachakhl | |
Temnikov Sasha | Темников Саша | Chief of communications | |
Tempalov Vasiliy Ivanovich | Темпалов Василий Иванович | The Prosecutor in the criminal case The controversial Tempalov's memo → | |
Terebilov Vladimir Ivanovich | Теребилов Владимир Иванович | (5.III.1916 – 3.V.2004) Soviet judge and politician, who served as justice minister for slightly less than fourteen years from 1970 to 1984. In 1959 he was senior assistant to the Prosecutor General of the USSR. | |
Tipikin Stanislav Aleksandrovich | Типикин Станислав Александрович | UPI student, member of Akselrod rescue group 26.II.1959 dropped off on Otorten | |
Titov | Титов | Flew 2 times on Yak-12 in search of the hikers on 24.II.1959 | |
Tokarev Nikolay Vasilyevich | Токарев Николай Васильевич | Took part in the search as professional from unit 6602, resident of Ivdel, athlete, 1st category in skiing in Ivdel ski champion. | |
Tokareva Natalya Vasilyevna | Токарева Наталья Васильевна | Meteorological technician, sister of Nikolay Vasilyevich Tokarev, reported with Piguzova abnormal phenomenon observed on 17-II-59 6:50 | |
Tsatskin Aleksander Evgenyevich | Цацкин Александр Евгеньевич | Obstetrician in Ivdel hospital 1959 | |
Tuflyakov Victor Petrovich | Туфляков Виктор Петрович | Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region, he influenced Gushtin book "The price of state secrets is nine lives" Interview with Igor Makushkin → | |
Tumanov Eduard Viktorovich | Туманов Эдуард Викторович | Modern times forensic pathologist in Russia who revised the post mortem analyses of the last four bodies | |
Tutinkov Anatoliy | Тутинков Анатолий | Met Dyatlov group in 41st district, received a gift from them. He worked in Ivdel at the Energo Lesokombinat. | |
Tuykov Vladislav Ivanovich | Туйков Владислав Иванович | (6.III.1947, Makushino, Kurgan Region, RSFSR, USSR - 9.III.2015, Yekaterinburg Russian Federation) - Soviet and Russian lawyer, prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region (1985–2001), people's deputy of Russia (1990–1993), Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR (1991) (Wikipedia) | |
U ↑ | |||
Ufimtsev Valerian Mihaylovich | Уфимцев Валериан Михайлович | Member of the Route Commission and Inspector of the City Union of Voluntary Sports Societies | |
Ugarov E.S. | Угаров Е.С. | First Secretary of the CPSU CC in 1959 | |
Ugarov Vitaliy Evgenyevich | Угаров Виталий Евгеньевич | In the 90s he created special commission to check the area for military polygons | |
Urakov Leonid Ivanovich | Ураков Леонид Иванович | (20.VIII.1906 - 22.XI.1964) Deputy Prosecutor General of the RSFSR at the time of the tragedy | |
Uskov | Усков | Leader of the Regional Committee of the CPSU | |
Ustinov Porfiriy Vasilyevich | Устинов Порфирий Васильевич | Head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine in 1959 | |
Uvarov Ivan Evlampievich | Уваров Иван Евлампиевич | (1884-1965) Founder of the Ivdel Historical-Ethnographic Museum, character witness for the Mansi | |
V ↑ | |||
Valyukevichus Stanislav Aleksandrovich | Валюкявичус Станислав Александрович | Forester, uncle Slava, he transported Dyatlov group to 2nd Northern on a horse sled on 27-Jan-1959 and took back Yuri Yudin on 28-Jan-1959 | |
Varsegova Natalya, Varsegov Nikolay | Варсегова Наталья, Варсегов Николай | Modern times journalists for "Komsomolskaya pravda" newspaper with controversial interviews concerning Dyatlov Pass incident | |
Venediktov Evgeniy Petrovich | Венедиктов Евгений Петрович | A supervisor at the forest management division (41st block); met Dyatlov group on the 26th-27th of January. Suspended till the 6th of March (transferred). Earlier studied (didn’t finish) at Moscow State Forest University. | |
Verhovskiy Sergey Antonovich | Верховский Сергей Антонович | Staff Sergeant, experienced pathfinder, member of Captain Chernyshev rescue group 26.II.1959 dropped off 8 km below the source of Vishera river | |
Vishnevskiy Andrey Mihaylovich | Вишневский Андрей Михайлович | (07.XII.1907 - 30.XII.1992) Head of the department of physical training in UPI Maslennikov's testimony → | |
Vlasov Ivan Alekseevich | Власов Иван Алексеевич | Captain, experienced pathfinder, member of Captain Chernyshev rescue group 26.II.1959 dropped off 8 km below the source of Vishera river | |
Vozrozhdenniy Boris Aleksandrovich | Возрожденный Борис Александрович | Regional bureau forensic pathologist with 5 years experience at the time (1922-) | |
Vsevolоzhskaya Lyudmila Borisovna | Всеволожская Людмила Борисовна | Coach for a sports school in Serov who in 2009 told journalist Shtrauh that her group of students were supposed to go on a trip to Otorten after the UPI students, their papers were delayed and the trip canceled before the Dyatlov group was declared missing. | |
Y ↑ | |||
Yablonskiy | Яблонский | Civilian, experienced pathfinder, member of Captain Chernyshev rescue group 26.II.1959 dropped off 8 km below the source of Vishera river | |
Yaburov | Ябуров | UPI student, member of Akselrod rescue group in the capacity of radio operator, 26.II.1959 dropped off on Otorten, he stayed in the rescue camp and never actually went out on the field to look for Dyatlov group ( | |
Yakimenko Valentin Gerasimovich | Якименко Валентин Герасимович | UPI student, member of Sogrin rescue group 25.III.1959 Trek 1963 when his group installs the memorial plaque → | |
Yarovoy Yuri Evgenyevich (Kosobryuhov) | Яровой Юрий Евгеньевич (Кособрюхов) | (11.IV.1932-7.VIII.1980) Мember of the search 1959, correspondent of the newspaper "Na smenu!" at the time of the tragedy, author of the book "The highest category of difficulty" → | |
Yudin Yuri Yefimovich | Юдин Юрий Ефимович | (19.VII.1937 — 27.IV.2013) UPI student 4th year, the 10th member of Dyatlov group who on 28 of January (4 days before the tragedy) left the expedition due to poor health (sciatica) | |
Yunyshev Vladimir | Юнышев Владимир | UPI student, member of Blinov rescue group 14.IV.1959 | |
Z ↑ | |||
Zaostrovskiy Fyodor Petrovich | Заостровский Фёдор Петрович | (1920-1997) Secretary of the UPI party committee | |
Zaprudina Tamara Alekseevna | Запрудинa Тамарa Алексеевнa | Zinaida Kolmogorova's sister | |
Zhiltsov Frol Minaevich | Жильцов Фрол Минаевич | (15.X.1922 - 26.XI.1994) Witnessed on 11.III.1959 two Mansi dressed like Russians write a letter mentioning Kurikov | |
Zhuravlyov | Журавлёв | Notified the regional committee of the CPSU about the missing group | |
Zinovyev Evgeniy Grigorievich | Зиновьев Евгений Григорьевич | UPI student, member of Martyushev rescue group 6.IV.1959, member of Blinov’s hiking and later rescue group whom Lyuda mentioned in her diary, author of "Footprints in the snow" | |
Zolotaryova Vеra Ivanovna | Золотарёва Вера Ивановна | Semyon Zolotaryov's mother |
USSR Prosecutor's Office | |
Assistant Attorney General of the USSR
Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the USSR Prosecutor's Office
RSFSR Prosecutor's Office | |
Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR
Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the RSFSR Prosecutor's Office
Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office | ||||
Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region, State Counselor of Justice, Class III
Deputy Prosecutor of the Region for Special affairs, Senior Counselor of Justice
Junior Counselor of Justice and Criminal Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region
Head of the Investigation Department
Investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region, Junior Counselor of Justice
Ivdel Prosecutor's Office | Polunochnoe | Novo-Lyalinskoe | |||
Attorney Prosecutors Ivdel district of Sverdlovsk Region, Junior Counselor of Justice
Investigator of Ivdel district, Sverdlovsk region, Associate Class I
Investigator for Particularly Important Cases of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region
Chief of the Ivdel Police Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate
Captain of the Polunochnoe Village Police Department
Prosecutor of the Novolyalinskiy District, Junior Counselor of Justice
Prosecutors | Investigators | Operative search |