To the kind treasurer L.
Dubinina for her diary.
23 january. It’s the last day of preparations and everything has been quite hectic. From eleven in the morning I was scampering between stores buying different bits and pieces. I foolishly bought five meters of cambric that took a whole day cost 200 rubles. I was packing in such a rush and of course I’ve forgotten at home my sweater. Everyone was busy with something, and we had so many things to do. Just before our departure, those who wanted to say goodbye came to meet us. We were really short of time, but arrived at the railway station with seconds to spare. Then we had to say goodbye to everyone. Before leaving we sang a few songs, but in the cart Blinov group joined and we continue singing together. Among all the most notable is Krotov's bass. This time there were a lot of very new songs that we were writing down with the help of an instructor A Zolotaryov, who came with us on the trek. At first nobody wanted this Zolotaryov, for he is a stranger, but then we all agreed, because you can't refuse. Thus, as we were ten, and remained ten, for Slavka was not released by the faculty bureau.
24 january went to bed We arrived in Serov very early. We were not allowed in the station with the backpacks. We settled nearby the station. The boys cross the treasurer, that's me, with accusations of stinginess and greed. Alas, the canteen at this point is a great luxury for us. There was one small incident - Yurka K. was taken by the police charging him with deception. Our hero decided to walk around the station handing a cap for change after singing a song. Yuri had to be rescued.
Then we managed to move to the elementary school together with Blinov group. After lunch we began to prepare the equipment. Decided to read talk to the children in 1st and 2nd grades about tourism. They liked our stories and things very much, and they became very attached to us. Time flew by till 6 pm in the company of our new young friends. The children bonded so much, especially to Zina, that they parted with tears.
In the train we all sang songs accompanied with a mandolin and just like that. Then out of the blue a young alcoholic came to the boys and accused them of stealing a bottle of vodka. He demanded her return and promised to punch them in the teeth. In the end, he did not prove or get anything and got lost. Yurka came and sang with us for a while and left. We sang and sang, and no one even noticed how we started to discuss love issues, talking about kisses in particular. We talked all kinds of nonsense, of course; everyone was interested, everyone wanted to speak out, eventually trying to out-shout each other and prove their own opinion. Sasha Kolevatov was the best in our debates. Probably he expressed not only his own thoughts but, anyway, he obviously won. We arrived at night in Ivdel and bunked at the station. We settled in the corner, spreading the tent, and laid down to sleep at once. I stayed watch. I used the time to sew overshoes and copy songs. Yurkina Olva from time to time shouted probably from boredom and hunger. I lasted till 3 am. At that time I lay down, only Borya continue to sew something for a long time, but he finally retire.
Zhenya (Evgeniy Sinitsyn) often picks on me, sometimes he even says offensive things. He seem to consider me foolish. It's my fault that I like to add fuel to the fire, damn me.
25 january They woke us up, without really to have slept much. Itold Rustic that I won't wash up due to lack of conditions. He agreed. The bus came right away, we climbed quickly. Had to travel on 3 levels. Kolka Tibo (Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle) had to push his body to the ceiling, Olva first stood in (illegible word) position, but soon she couldn't stand it anymore and got down on her knees.
We sang again, of course. I totally lost my voice. Zhenka was bickering again. He goes on and on. Things stated to make sence, it wasn't really a knew, but it is now clearer and better. But despite this, Yurka is still a good-natured person, at least, judging by his behavior. I'm still true to myself.
Zhenka and Zina sang "If you eyes hadn't been blue..." ("Если б были глаза твои не такие синие...")
When we arrived at а turn the bus went to a village and had to return for us in an hour.
We continue on foot. It was so nice to walk along the road in such good weather. We went a little nuts and roll in the snow.
During our walk there was an incident - a car coming from the forest got stuck in the opposite direction. Our guys rushed to the rescue. Finally they pulled it out in half. Then our bus came up and we hopped on it. The discussion now was about happiness. Basically our guys were the most active. They tried to give a definition of happiness, but everyone had it its own way.
Arrived in Vizhay at four two. Blinov group is going further to settlement 41, and we stay to spend the night. We had a tearful goodbye with Blinov group. The mood sank. At parting, we sang with Zina and Zhenya: "If you eyes hadn't ..." In general I am very very sad.
We are extremely lucky! The Symphonie in Gold was showing. We left all our things and packs at the hotel and went to the club. The image was a bit fuzzy, but it didn’t overshadow the pleasure at all. Yurka Krivo, sitting next to me, was smacking his lips and oohing with delight. This is real happiness, so difficult to describe with words. The music is just fabulous! The mood after the movie greatly improved. Igor Dyatlov was unrecognizable. He tried to dance, and even started singing: "O Jackie Joe"
We are on duty with Yuri today. We decided to cook noodles on the stove. But it was very difficult to heat the stove with such raw firewood, so it took a lot of time. Finally we began to eat. During the meal, a discussion arose about the rights of boys and girls to freedom, etc. In my opinion, such discussions lead nowhere. But we are doing it anyway, to vent the soul. We went to bed late. Had to lay down in beds by two, only Yurka Krivo and Sasha slept on the floor between the beds.
26 january In the morning Sashka jumped up from the cold and said that he had a cold night. Zina and I slept perfectly. Went to the dining room then began to gather.We go by car.Tried to sing, talked about abstract topics and in general nobody was warm. The surroundings were uninteresting at the beginning, a scorched forest.
In general, we had to go to 2nd North, but it was getting dark and we decided to stop at the 41st. At 4.30 we were met very hospitably. They stayed in the barrack, where the guys live. In general, here are all civilians, there are no women at all, except two. The guys are all young, as Igor noticed, there are even cute and generally interesting. Especially memorable among all is Ognev with a red beard and the nickname of his "Beard". In general, very rarely there are such people in such a hole. A true romantic, a geologist and generally developed. Many of the guys play the guitar.
We watched three movies right away: "On his own", "Est takoy paren" and "Sympnonie in gold" again. And again this music Co First in (illegible word) were divided into two groups one watched the movies, the other wrote diaries, and Rustik and Kolya reasoned a little about everything, about work, etc. I like these guys.
A big difference between them, graduated from the institute Rustik, Ko, Yura and us. All the same, their judgments are more mature and smarter than ours. My God, I do not even talk about mine
After the cinema, everyone was very tired and wanted to sleep. We lay down with Zina on a spring bed. It's a dream come true. And the guys are all on the floor. Mood is bad and probably will be for two more days. Evil as hell.
27 january Temperature is 5°. Warm, skis are useless. We are getting ready since the morning. Today is the first day of the route. Now we sit and wait for the horse to carry the backpacks, and we go on skis. Fortune smiles at us. Yuri Yudin got sick, something with a nerve of his leg, in general he radiculitis and he is going home. So, there are nine of us in the future. At the moment we are sitting and singing songs. Guys play the guitar, Rustic plays along with the mandolin. Catches your heart. This is the last place of civilization, and it is rare that we met people like that. Overall I love the guitar and I adore all musical people. And the guys in general are all good, they dance, they are musical. We talked with Ognev. He knows a lot and is interesting with him, now he talks about where we are going and more like this. This, in my opinion, is the most interesting object here on the site. He has such a long red beard, although he is only 27 years, he looks older. And then there is Valya, who plays the guitar well (many play) and about whom I jokingly said that I like him. Now most of the guys sit here and sing songs to the guitar, on the occasion that they do not work today. It seems this is the last time we heard so many good new songs. But we hope that Rustik will live up to the challenge. We learn some Mansi words from the guys.
ya - river
neul - meat
sali - (illegible)
vazhenka - female deer
sohta - male
sun - sled
sushep - look
nyan - bread
yun - house
col - city
pyrya - scram (to the dog)
pisal - gun
sairep - axe
kasay - knife
matches - seranki
atim - don't have
oli - have
son - truth
tenkvem - eat
olna - money
ail - drink
at eri - have to (don't)
ergen - sing
tselkoviy - ruble
akva - one
(a turn seems missing? - note.)
28 january Woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning to someone's talk. It turns out to be Yuri Krie and Sasha Kolya. The weather is as warm as yesterday (t ° -8 °) Eat, h
After breakfast, some of the guys Yura Yudin, Kolya and Yura Doroshenko went for the rocks in the core storage, where they decided to collect minerals for the collection. Nothing but pyrite, and there were no quartz veins in the rock.
Gathered for a long time, prepared rations, greased the skis then
(a song that was played on the radio in the 50s 1957-1958)
Leaves are yellowed and withered
Swirl, rush above me
We are with you, my beloved, good
We warm the soul with happiness not for the first time
I love your sad eyes.
Sometimes a frozen tear is in them
Crystal snowflakes fall
On the foliage lying below.
Leaves, leaves, torn off by the wind
Wet and flying away.
Leaves, with your farewell greeting
Take away my sorrow.
Everything that I have nurtured in my soul
I share, my beloved, with you
Leaves, our life is so similar to yours.
1 kg of snow equals