Latest additions to the site
- 03-27-2025 Radio operator Vladimir Lyubimov
- 03-20-2025 The secret of the mountain pass (part 2)
- 03-19-2025 The secret of the mountain pass (part 1)
- 03-18-2025 Slobtsov interview 1999
- 03-17-2025 Search Work Northern Ural by Slobtsov
- 03-14-2025 Excerpts from a conversation between Evgeniy Zinovyev and Egor Nevolin
- 03-09-2025 In memory of Igor Olegovich Makushkin
- 03-03-2025 Microclimatic analysis of Kholat Syakhl for January-February 1959
- 02-24-2025 Dyatlov Pass. Was there an avalanche?
- 02-20-2025 Only an official investigation can solve the case
- 02-11-2025 Questions about the autopsy reports
- 02-10-2025 Hikers from all over Russia followed the Dyatlov group's route
- 02-08-2025 Journal Aleksander Alekseenkov Winter 2025
- 12-24-2024 Knives in Dyatlov Group
- 11-14-2024 Elena Kolevatova's letters
- 10-15-2024 Determining where the Dyatlov tent was found in 1959
- 09-30-2024 Money in Dyatlov group
- 09-20-2024 New Dyatlov group monument UPI
- 09-01-2024 Ivdel museum "Uvarov"
- 08-17-2024 Expedition 2024 - Askinadzi
- 08-11-2024 Expedition 2024 - Dyatlov Pass
- 08-03-2024 Expedition 2024 - Preparation
- 07-18-2024 The Dyatlov Pass Tragedy with "1079" author Teodora "Teddy" Hadjiyska
- 07-15-2024 Why is the date February 6 on the cover of a criminal case?
- 07-11-2024 Lake Bodom Murders
- 07-10-2024 "Footprints in the snow" by Evgeniy Zinovyev
- 07-04-2024 Passports on Dyatlov Pass
- 07-03-2024 Interview with Boris Gudkov
- 06-24-2024 Interview with Oleg Arkhipov
- 06-18-2024 NINE - An Imagined Soundtrack
- 06-08-2024 Russian Detective 2024 award
- 05-23-2024 "Appendix zone"
- 05-02-2024 Threat from the air
- 03-04-2024 Medical Dynasty. Boris Vozrozhdenniy
- 03-01-2024 Teterkin group attempting Otorten in March 1992
- 02-02-2024 The geologists involvement in the Dyatlov pass incident
- 01-29-2024 Vadim Brusnitsyn interview 2007
- 01-24-2024 Yuri Koptelov excerpts from an interview with Channel 1, 2013
- 01-23-2024 Yuri Koptelov recollections 2011
- 01-22-2024 Interview with Koptelov 2008
- 01-09-2024 Dead Cedar
- 01-05-2024 Shumkov group
- 01-02-2024 Top secret report about fireballs in the sky
- 01-01-2024 Correspondence with the granddaughter of forester Rempel
- 12-18-2023 Vladimir Askinadzi. Selected passages from 10 years of correspondence with Galina Sazonova
- 11-16-2023 Remembering Sasha Kolevatov
- 10-10-2023 Askinadzi. Selected passages from letters - part 2
- 10-06-2023 Askinadzi. Selected passages from letters - part 1
- 10-05-2023 Sokhondo Nature Reserve: The Trans-Baikal Dyatlov Pass
- 09-29-2023 The radioactive trace on the Dyatlov Pass - two conflicting opinions
- 09-25-2023 Vladimir Askinadzi interview 2012
- 09-20-2023 Expedition 2023 by Teodora Hadjiyska
- 09-19-2023 My Bear Story
- 09-07-2023 Spaced Out Radio with Teodora Hadjiyska
- 09-05-2023 Expedition 2023 by Oleg Taymen
- 09-01-2023 Expedition 2023 by Vadim Valitov
- 08-17-2023 Aleksandr Alekseekov's version of events
- 08-14-2023 "The Nature of Holy Water" book
- 07-11-2023 They were found under the cedar
- 07-04-2023 Interview with Evgeniy Okishev 2016
- 07-03-2023 Lev Ivanov's unknown letters
- 06-29-2023 Yuba County Five
- 06-22-2023 A.Y. Deev (Doc-tor) letters
- 06-21-2023 Lyubinskiy Molochnokonservnyy Kombinat
- 05-06-2023 What is wrong with the case (IV conference)
- 05-10-2023 Interview with Brusnitsyn 2014
- 05-02-2023 Sacral nine
- 04-26-2023 Oleg Arkhipov - modern researcher on the topic of the Dyatlov Pass
- 04-23-2023 Swiss avalanche updates from 2023
- 04-08-2023 Case files index added dates and who signed
- 03-28-2023 Interview with Korotaev 2007
- 03-27-2023 Ivdel paid Zolotaryov's mother 1,000 rubles 2 months before her son was found dead
- 03-23-2023 Dyatlov Pass Investigators
- 03-22-2023 Rare interview with Korotaev 1996
- 03-21-2023 Korotaev
- 03-10-2023 Interview with Yuri Bondarev
- 02-26-2023 Air dropped instructions by Maslennikov
- 02-25-2023 Air dropped instructions by Ortyukov
- 02-07-2023 There was never any labaz
- 02-06-2023 The labaz found by Aleksander Konstantinov
- 02-01-2023 Mysterious flash - article by Komsomolskaya Pravda
- 12-30-2022 "PASS without DYATLOV" by Aleksandr Bobrikov
- 12-29-2022 Interview with Victor Potyazhenko by Olga May 28, 2014
- 12-28-2022 Interview with Victor Potyazhenko by Helga Apr 2, 2014
- 12-27-2022 Questions to Victor Vasilyevich Potyazhenko by by Irina Mar 24, 2014
- 12-26-2022 Interview with helicopter pilot Victor Potyazhenko by Navig Mar 15, 2014
- 12-11-2022 Tent layout
- 11-19-2022 Stampede theory
- 10-19-2022 Yuri Yudin was tormented by the mystery
- 09-15-2022 In memory of Vladimir Sungorkin
- 08-29-2022 Bulgarian expert on the Dyatlov Pass: The footprints were left by shod feet
- 08-11-2022 The findings of the 2022 expedition to the Dyatlov Pass may reveal a new version of the death of the hikers in 1959
- 07-05-2022 Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle - recollections of character
- 06-16-2022 Hundreds of colorized photos added in Dyatlov Pass in color.
- 05-24-2022 Case files volume 1 and Case files vol. 2 now completed with indexes in both languages for ease of navigation and search.
- 05-04-2022 Ptitsyn recollections
- 04-27-2022 Borzenkov's analysis of Puzrin-Gaume avalanche theory
- 03-28-2022 Puzrin-Gaume avalanche theory
- 02-27-2022 1079: La fuerza abrumadora del Paso de Dyatlov (Spanish Edition)
- 02-14-2022 Novokreschenov interview 2008
- 02-10-2022 Rapping in an endangered language
- 01-07-2022 Nikolay Popov's letter to Igor Dyatlov
- 11-19-2021 The Mystery of the Dyatlov case - interview with Teodora Hadjiyska on Bulgarian National TV
- 11-16-2021 1079: Die Urkraft des Dyatlov Passes (German Edition)
- 11-12-2021 Karelin: Avalanche is a myth
- 11-11-2021 Karelin interview 2021
- 11-10-2021 Karelin recollections 1990, 1999, 2013, 2015
- 10-29-2021 1079 book signing and Flight 1079
- 10-22-2021 Interview with Syunikaev 2021
- 10-21-2021 Interview with Klimenko 2009
- 10-20-2021 Interview with Syunikaev 2009
- 10-19-2021 Interview with Syunikaev 2008
- 10-18-2021 Syunikaev's letter 2007
- 09-10-2021 Interview with Mihail Sharavin 2013
- 09-08-2021 Interview with Mihail Sharavin 2012
- 08-20-2021 The last expedition of Yuri Kuntsevich
- 08-11-2021 R.I.P. Yuri Kuntsevich
- 08-10-2021 "For many, it's just business."- Graham Phillips, journalist
- 08-05-2021 Histological analysis results of the first five bodies never made it to the case files
- 08-04-2021 Were hikers banned from going to the area after the incident?
- 08-03-2021 Is it true that local people were not allowed to graze their animals in the area?
- 08-02-2021 New trailer for "1079" commemorating 40 days of the passing of IGOR PAVLOV
- 07-01-2021 A huge monument was erected at the Dyatlov pass
- 06-24-2021 † IGOR PAVLOV R.I.P.
- 06-05-2021 Boris Bychkov - Recollections. Theory.
- 05-25-2021 Russian Abbreviations
- 05-22-2021 People
- 05-21-2021 Who is Who in Russian
- 05-19-2021 Who is Who in English
- 05-12-2021 Teodora Hadjiyska guest at Natasha Cooper True Crime
- 05-11-2021 Fact check on The New Yorker article
- 05-10-2021 Barnaul skiers tragic death - similarities with Dyatlov Pass incident
- 03-18-2021 Spaced Out Radio: Dyatlov Pass incident - guest Teodora Hadjiyska
- 02-09-2021 Dyatlov Pass has become a clickbait
- 02-02-2021 Report from the annual conference in Memory of Dyatlov group, Yekaterinburg, Feb 2, 2021.
- 02-01-2021 New book "1079 The Overwhelming Force of Dyatlov Pass"
- 12-07-2020 New album added to Dyatlov Pass inspired music collection
- 12-01-2020 Military on the pass
- 11-04-2020 Semyon's explanatory note
- 11-03-2020 Kuryakov was fired from the prosecutor's office
- 10-24-2020 Could Zolotaryov be a saboteur?
- 10-19-2020 UrFU (UPI) turns 100 years today!
- 10-08-2020 The criminal case was cut short
- 10-07-2020 Tried for bribery and traitor brother
- 10-06-2020 Zolotaryov's meltdown (Aleksandr Surkov's scenario)
- 09-17-2020 Hakimov's interrogation
- 09-15-2020 Ivdel
- 09-14-2020 The Gulag Camps
- 09-10-2020 "Dyatlov Pass - the latest version. A trap for the prosecutor." - Igor Povetkin
- 09-06-2020 "There was no snowstorm": Weather report from the night of the death of the Dyatlov group
- 09-03-2020 Yudin's conclusions on clothing
- 09-02-2020 Trek categories and sports ranks
- 08-17-2020 Krasnov reprimanded Kuryakov
- 08-05-2020 Buryatia Dyatlov Pass
- 07-29-2020 Bienko - the 11th member of the Dyatlov group
- 07-17-2020 Materials from the investigation
- 07-11-2020 Results of the investigation
- 07-02-2020 Added photos to Expedition Unknown 2019
- 07-01-2020 Added investigators chart and entries to the Who is database
- 06-29-2020 "New petition to The Prosecutor General Dyatlov case to be taken to Moscow"
- 06-26-2020 Teodora Hadjiyska on the Midnight Society Radio with Tim Weisberg: Podcast MP3
- 06-25-2020 "Is Dyatlov Pass in Siberia"
- 06-13-2020 Classified Case Files Volume 2
- 06-07-2020 Valentin Yakimenko 1963
- 05-22-2020 "Ural Stalkers Flight from the Mountain of the Dead" by Vadim Chernobrov
- 05-21-2020 Interview with Stanislav Bogomolov
- 05-20-2020 Time Magazin, May 4, 1959 "Reach into Space"
- 05-19-2020 "Mystery of the Fireballs" by Stanislav Bogomolov
- 05-13-2020 Zina Kolmogorova's letters
- 05-07-2020 Dyatlov Pass incident vs. Chivruay tragedy
- 05-06-2020 Chivruay 1973. How it really happened. Memoirs by Vladimir Borzenkov
- 05-05-2020 Alekseenkov (Shura) expedition March 2019
- 04-30-2020 Watches
- 04-29-2020 Injuries, clothing and belongings to Dyatlov group
- 04-25-2020 The famous Boot Rock
- 04-24-2020 G. K. Grigoriev "Snowstorm in the Mountains" - part 3
- 04-23-2020 G. K. Grigoriev "Snowstorm in the Mountains" - part 2
- 04-22-2020 G. K. Grigoriev "Snowstorm in the Mountains" - part 1
- 04-19-2019 New album added to Dyatlov Pass inspired music collection
- 04-10-2020 Experiment with raised tracks
- 03-09-2020 The mystery of Oleg Vavilov's death: Dropped on orders from above and The route not traveled
- 02-07-2020 New rare photos of Krivonischenko added on the anniversary of his birthday today
- 01-31-2020 Controversy about whose burnt jacket is Slobodin posing in
- 01-29-2020 1957 Middle Ural, Doroshenko was leading this trek. He was born on this day 61 years ago.
- 01-27-2020 Rustem Slobodin last post card
- 01-22-2020 How the group got together
- 01-21-2020 Hiking experience of Dyatlov group
- 01-15-2020 Оbituary of Boris Slobodin (Rustem's elder brother)
- 01-13-2020 Adding photos and a video of Igor Dyatlov for his birthday
- 01-12-2020 Adding photos and a video of Zina Kolmogorova for her birthday
- 01-11-2020 Adding photos of Rustem Slobodin for his birthday
- 01-06-2020 Peak Manaraga
- 01-02-2020 1958 Subpolar Ural
- 12-23-2019 Vizhay club - New Years Eve 1961
- 11-20-2019 "In a country of mysterious signs"
- 10-29-2019 Mansi landmarks added to the Dyatlov Pass Google map
- 10-27-2019 Added 20 rare photos of Yuri Doroshenko
- 09-29-2019 The day Russia nuked itself: The Kyshtym disaster
- 09-28-2019 Bomb huggers - written by Galina Sazonova
- 09-27-2019 Interview with Yuri's elder brother - Konstantin Krivonischenko
- 09-20-2019 #Orange
- 09-19-2019 "Experts can not be blamed for anything!"
- 09-06-2019 Part 1 - Irina Rashevskaya (Doroshenko) letter
- 09-04-2019 "Siberia's Coldest Case" premieres in US on Discovery Channel Wednesday, Sep 4th, 9PM EST
- 08-31-2019 Brand spanking new Dyatlov Pass YouTube channel
- 08-28-2019 "Mystery of Dead Mountain" premieres in US on Discovery Channel Wednesday, Aug 28th, 9PM EST
- 08-07-2019 "Mystery of the fireballs" by Lev Ivanov
- 08-04-2019 Deadly Passes map
- 08-03-2019 New photos in Chivruay tragedy
- 07-31-2019 Interview with Commander Potyazhenko
- 07-26-2019 Maslennikov notebooks afterthoughts
- 07-24-2019 Maslennikov 2nd notebook
- 07-22-2019 Maslennikov notebook
- 07-20-2019 "Mystery of the mountain of the dead" (2013) with instructions how to turn on auto translation to Englsh in Youtube
- 07-19-2019 Yuri Yudin, born July 19 1937, died April 27 2013
- 06-26-2019 In Fact 1 July 2019
- 06-26-2019 New petition to the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia
- 06-19-2019 Video added to Mansi theory
- 06-07-2019 New map
- 06-06-2019 Bedtime Stories produced new video on Richard Holmgren's Katabatic wind theory. Watch the video →
- 05-14-2019 Interview with Igor Dubinin
- 05-13-2019 Our collection of maps and old photos of Vizhay and its people
3D model of the Communication center in Vizhay by Katinas
- 05-12-2019 Lyudmila Dubinina 12 MAY 1938 - 2 FEB 1959 - 70 new photos, photo restoration, new documemts
Dubinina's Premonitions
Opinion from Sabine Lechtenfeld, forensic psychologist
- 05-05-2019 May 1959 radiograms
- 05-03-2019 Counting skis
- 05-01-2019 Chicken a la Otorten
- 04-24-2019 On the Road of trial
- 04-17-2019 Conspiracy or negligence
- 04-11-2019 Clothing in reference table updated
- 04-10-2019 When was the tent found and why was it kept a secret for two days
- 04-07-2019 Video 1 and video 2 from the new expedition
- 04-06-2019 Tumanov's theory that there has been altercation on the pass
- 04-05-2019 Methanol poisoning theory
- 04-04-2019 Tribute to Dyatlov Pass
- 04-03-2019 Discrepancies in the Resolution to close the case
- 03-23-2019 Spaced Out Radio
- 03-22-2019 The wolverine theory
- 03-19-2019 Weather report Burmantovo February 1959
- 03-18-2019 Photo of a unknown frozen body from Lev Ivanov's archive
- 03-12-2019 Clasified order Mansi to be questioned
- 03-10-2019 First funerals in March 1959
- 03-06-2019 New album added to Dyatlov Pass inspired music collection
- 03-02-2019 60 years to the date - The cache site (labaz)
- 02-23-2019 New theory - Katabatic wind
- 02-21-2019 Time of death
- 02-20-2019 Where there burned trees in the area?
- 02-19-2019 What happened to the original paper Evening Otorten?
- 02-18-2019 The Swedish-Russian Dyatlov Expedition 2019
- 02-04-2019 Press conference 2-4-2019
- 02-02-2019 Annual conference in Ekaterinburg
- 02-01-2019 The Attorney General authorized new investigation
- 01-23-2019 The most detailed map of Dyatlov group route by Vladimir Borzenkov added to our Maps collection
- 01-22-2019 Maslennikov notebook
- 01-01-2019 The first expedition on dog sleds to Dyatlov Pass (Mar 2018)
- 12-31-2018 Photo album by Alexey B (19-23 Feb 2016)
- 12-30-2018 Photo album by marinner966 (Dec 2014)
- 12-29-2018 Yury Yakimov's theory
- 11-16-2018 Teodora Hadjiyska on Midnight in the Desert with Dave Schrader Podcast MP3
- 11-16-2018 On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of Aleksander Kolevatov - Galina Sazonova recount on his life.
Rakitin's version on Kolevatov
- 11-12-2018 Sergey Shkryabach conclusion
- 11-08-2018 «From Russia with Doubt»
- 11-08-2018 More declassified documents
- 11-08-2018 Case files vol.2
- 11-05-2018 Interview with Shkryabach 2017
- 11-04-2018 Interview with Okishev 2014
- 11-03-2018 Interview with Okishev 2013
- 11-02-2018 Court’s decision from 8/31/2018 to refuse the application to reopen the case Court Decision Letter
- 10-31-2018 Dyatlov's Creek by Hiemal added to Music inspired by Dyatlov Pass
- 10-11-2018 Interview with Akselrod English and Russian
- 09-03-2018 Article "Vladimir Borzenkov analysis of frame 34 from Krivonischenko film 1" in English and Russian
- 08-22-2018 Article "Vladimir Askinadzi: The rocket version was a diversion created by the authorities" in English and Russian
- 08-21-2018 Article "The rocket theory" in English and Russian
- 08-20-2018 Article "Metal fragment with unique design supports the rocket launch theory" in English and Russian
- 07-31-2018 Search photo reconstruction before and after
- 07-25-2018 Image processing Krivonischenko film 6 frame 27, film 1 frame 26 and frame 27
- 07-19-2018 12 photos form the 50th anniversary of Dyatlov Pass tragedy provided by Vladimir Borzenkov
- 07-17-2018 Second DNA results of the remains of Semyon Zolotaryov
- 07-11-2018 Vladimir Borzenkov provided 3 photos of Mihaylovskoe cemetery on the 50th anniversary (2009) of Dyatlov group tragedy.
- 07-09-2018 New album added to Music inspired by Dyatlov Pass
- 07-05-2018 On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle
- 07-05-2018 Emotional interview of Maria Piskareva with Anna Ermolaeva - Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle second cousin, Marina Evgenyevna Kazantseva, and her brother Sergey Evgenyevich Kazantsev - researchers of the genus Thibeaux-Brignolle
- 06-28-2018 Post mortem photos 64 photos cleaned from dust and scratches, proceed with the utmost respect to the dead and their surviving families 18+
- 05-30-2018 Chivruay tragedy 1973
- 05-27-2018 Research by Galina Sazonova about Zolotaryov's son Sasha
- 05-26-2018 9 new photos of Semyon Zolotaryov added
- 05-22-2018 DNA results show this is not Zolotaryov
- 05-12-2018 Funerals in May 1959 - 59 years to the day
- 05-10-2018 3 albums added to Music inspired by Dyatlov Pass
2 Failure Mag articles and videos added to Dtatlovmania
- 05-09-2018 May 9 - last 4 autopsy reports, 59 years to the day
- 05-08-2018 3D model of the ravine by Vasilii Zyadik
- 05-07-2018 Galina Sazonova is answering questions about Zolotaryov’s exhumation
- 05-06-2018 Ravine by Vladimir Borzenkov
- 05-05-2018 The ravine - 59 years to the day
- 05-04-2018 Ravine by Alekseenkov (Shura) and Sasha KAN
- 05-03-2018 Researchers of Dyatlov Pass trying to locate the ravine
- 05-01-2018 Playful article "Chicken a la Otorten" based on Vladimir Askinadzi personal archive and memoirs "We are the last of the Mohicans ..."
- 04-28-2018 First results of the exhumation of the body of Semyon Zolotaryov
- 04-27-2018 Interview with Vsevolоzhskaya Lyudmila 24-26 March 2008
- 04-26-2018 The Death of the Hikers 1959 - Kizilov Gennadiy Ivanovich
- 04-25-2018 Peak 1079 - Memories of Georgiy Karpushin about the events of 1959
- 04-24-2018 Interview with Gamatina (Patrusheva) V. N. from the movie "In search of the missing Yak"
- 04-23-2018 Interview with the widow of the pilot Patrushev Valeriya Nikolaevna Gamatina on 1 February 2009
- 04-22-2018 Memories of Valentina Gamatina about Gennadiy Patrushev from 1 May 1999
- 04-21-2018 Interview with Solomonovich, historian-ethnographer, expert of the Ivdellag on 13 May 2008
- 04-20-2018 Interview with former gynecologist in N-240 Ivdel 1959 Anna Petrovna Taranova on 9 August 2008
- 04-19-2018 Interview with the widow Prudkovа V. I. on 11 June 2008
- 04-18-2018 Letter Pelageya Solter (written by Victor Konstantinovich) to Yudin on 15 March 2006
- 04-17-2018 Letter Pelageya Solter to Yudin
- 03-16-2018 On this day - Act № 199 Forensic expertise on the tent
Some questions about the tent answered
- 04-15-2018 Interview with former nurse in N-240 Ivdel 1959. Solter P. I. and V. Konstantinovich on Dyatlov case 04-05 July 2008
- 04-14-2018 Zolotaryov exhumation at Ivanovo Cemetery in Yekaterinburg
- 04-13-2018 10 photos of Semyon Zolotaryov are added
- 04-09-2018 21 photos of Igor Dyatlov are added
- 04-05-2018 Acquiring domain DYATLOVPASS.COM
- 03-22-2018 Devil's Pass movie frames
- 03-20-2018 The films from Dyatlov group cameras
- 03-11-2018 Music inspired by Dyatlov Pass
- 03-10-2018 On this day - March 10 - Dyatlov and Slobodin are buried in Mihaylovskoe cemetery
- 03-09-2018 On this day - March 9 - Doroshenko and Kolmogorova are buried in Mihaylovskoe cemetery. Krivonischenko is buried in Ivanovskoe cemetery.
- 03-08-2018 On this day - March 8 - autopsy of Rustem Slobodin
- 03-07-2018 Dyatlov Pass Case Files in English and Russian
- 03-06-2018 Rescuers - Who is who
- 03-05-2018 On this day - March 5 - the body of Rustem Slobodin is found
- 03-04-2018 On this day - March 4 - first 4 autopsy reports
- 03-02-2018 On this day - March 2 - the storage (labaz)
- 02-28-2018 On this day - February 28 - conspiracy or negligence
- 02-27-2018 On this day - February 27 - the cedar and first bodies
- 02-26-2018 On this day - February 26 - first signs of Dyatlov group
- 02-22-2018 On this day - February 22 - Mansi, Mansi, Mansi.
- 02-21-2018 On this day - February 21 - beginning of the search. The confusion
- 02-07-2018 On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of Juri Krivonischenko.
- 02-04-2018 Yuri Yudin's diary
- 02-02-2018 On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of Semyon Zolotaryov.
- 02-01-2018 February 1 – 59 years to the day
- 01-31-2018 January 31 – 59 years to the day
- 01-30-2018 January 30 – 59 years to the day
- 01-29-2018 On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of Yuri Doroshenko.
January 29 – 59 years to the day
- 01-28-2018 January 28 – 59 years to the day
- 01-27-2018 January 27 – 59 years to the day
- 01-26-2018 January 26 – 59 years to the day
- 01-25-2018 January 25 – 59 years to the day
- 01-24-2018 January 24 – 59 years to the day
- 01-23-2018 January 23 – 59 years to the day
- 01-21-2018 Rustem Slobodin's diary
- 01-20-2018 Lyudmila Dubinina's diary
- 01-19-2018 Unknown diary (case files have it as "Kolmogorova's diary")
- 01-19-2018 Rescuers
- 01-13-2018 On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of Igor Dyatlov. Igor's last post card to his father
- 01-12-2018 On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of Zinaida Kolmogorova. Zina's Diary
- 01-11-2018 On this date we are commemorating the life and mysterious death of Rustem Slobodin. Why did Rustem Slobodin die first?
- 12-29-2017 85 photos added to gallery Rescue camp
- 12-18-2017 Rescue team members testimonies from the criminal case files about The Tent, The Cedar and The Den
- 11-17-2017 101 photos added to gallery Photos from May 1959
- 11-18-2017 Updates notification added to the site
- 11-17-2017 225 photos added to gallery Photos from Feb-Apr 1959
We have dug up a great deal of search photos which instead of just dumping here will undergo some cleaning and restoration. You will see more than 300 new photos rarely published due to their low quality after scanning the originals. Other photos will seem familiar, but since Facebook is not allowing replacing photos the only way is to delete and upload the newly processed photos. Each photo undergoes a lengthy process of (1) mending tears and folds damaging the texture of the paper, (2) adding lost information by finding similar photos where the information is still intact, and (3) distinguishing the artifacts added during scanning and removing them. In the following months you will see a lot of photos being added or replaced. The process is resourceful, takes time and determination, since we are following all forensic guides of enhancing a photo without tampering with the information it presents. Here are illustration of all three cases with before and after examples.
Let me know if you want to receive an email when we publish something new on the site. I promise you that only significant developments are reflected in this list.