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The secret of the mountain pass (part 1) 27-04-1999 In 2024 one of the journalists from the first generation Dyatlov case researchers passed away. Her ideas were the building blocks for further sleuthing of the greatest mystery of the 20th century. Nowadays we think that we have revelations and suggest this and that but to faster advance into uncharted territories it is wise to fist revisit the pioneers work. They had the advantage to talk directly to the contemporaries of the events in 1959. The secret of the mountain pass (part 2) 28-05-1999 In 1999 Rimma Pechurkina wrote: "Of course, there is a desire to pave the way through the point of the tragedy of 1959. But the distance and lack of roads can interfere, and Dyatlov Pass, leaning against the Dead Man's Mountain, will remain Terra Incognita for a long time."
Today there are many roads, monuments, even a landing site bringing hikers to the Dyatlov Pass. And yet, we are nowhere closer to solving the mystery.
Excerpts from a conversation between Evgeniy Zinovyev and Egor Nevolin 02-02-1999 Nevolin unwittingly offers a completely different explanation for the broken branches of the cedar. Although he is not saying they were crushing branches, he is mentioning that the signal on the north side of the Dyatlov Pass was weak, and they had to bring the antenna up between two big cedars. These cedars can be seen standing tall to this day. But the branches were broken when the bodies were found. My theory is that they could have been broken by the first party that found the bodies in February for that same purpose, to mount an antenna to report to the Northern Geological Expedition. Slobtsov interview 1999 01-03-1999 Slobtsov: "One ​​day, when we were dragging corpses to the pass where a helicopter could land (which is now called the Dyatlov Pass), the wind was so strong that no one would believe it: you take a ski pole by the lanyard, and it hangs almost horizontally. There were many of us, we were dragging on skis, adapted, with ropes - we kept falling, grabbing onto whatever we could find. I fell once and grabbed onto someone's leg, grabbed onto one of the dead." Expert glaciologist Victor Popovnin answering questions of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region about the Dyatlov Pass 14-05-2019 In 2019 the Prosecutor’s Office of the Sverdlovsk Region revisited the Dyatlov case, undertaking an expedition to the Dyatlov Pass and enlisting experts giving them specific assignments. It was kind of a spoiler alert that he would be looking only into 3 natural disasters: avalanche, snow slab and hurricane. The cornerstones of Kuryakov's conclusion are the findings of Doctor of Geographical Sciences Pigoltsina and glaciologist Popovnin. Kuryakov blames two weird snow slabs. The first one scared the hikers out, they lost the tent from site, went down, dug up a den and there they were hit by a second avalanche. Note that the traumas on Dubinina, Thibeaux-Brignolle and Zolotaryov were caused by the avalanche in the ravine. This is different from Buyanov's, aka Swiss avalanche scenario. Microclimatic examination of the Kholat Syakhl mountain area for January-February 1959 20-07-2020 Туристы, по мнению Павлова и Хаджийска, поставили палатку рядом с тем самым кедром, где будут позже найдены трупы Кривонищенко и Дорошенко. Место очень удобное, непродуваемое, рядом ручей Лозьвы, есть где взять дрова для печки. Ребята обустроились, поужинали и легли спать. Массивный ствол упал на переднюю часть палатки, сминая находившиеся там котелки и ломая ребра Дубининой и Золотареву. Тибо, Слободин, Кривонищенко и Колеватов, находившиеся дальше от входа, получили удары только толстыми сучками и ветками. In memory of Igor Olegovich Makushkin 02-02-2024 Igor Olegovich Makushkin is the son of the forensic expert Genrietta Churkina who performed the analysis on the Dyatlov group tent. Makushkin, senior lecturer of the forensic science department of the Ural State Law University, worked in the same laboratory as his mother from 1981 to 1993. He saw first hand the handling of the tent throughout the years till the day it was thrown in the garbage after more than 25 years crumpled in the corner of a basement. It wasn't even considered an evidence anymore. The staff was sitting on it during outdoor meetings. Dyatlov Pass. Was there an avalanche? 22-02-2025 In all likelihood, there was no avalanche on the slope of Kholat Syakhl on the night of February 1-2, 1959. The endless discussion of this theory in the media only strengthens the suspicion that they want to hide from us the most inconvenient reason for the death of the guys. As the famous researcher of the tragedy, writer Oleg Arkhipov said in one of his recent interviews "Until the state reveals the necessary details, they will always talk about an avalanche." Only an official investigation can solve the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group 14-02-2025 No one will ever solve the mystery of the death of Igor Dyatlov's group with a confident end to this problem, despite the confident statements of dozens of authors of versions. And then only echoes of the "game" of the so-called "Dyatlov scholars" under the conditional title "The Mystery of the Dyatlov Pass". Unfortunately, many want it to continue forever. Only official structures can solve the mystery in the course of a real, unbiased investigative proceedings. And historical and archival examinations must be fully involved in this.Simply put, the archives that tenaciously guard secret documents must be opened. But for this, the highest circles must come to an understanding of the timeliness of this step. The question is in political will and expediency. Questions about the autopsy reports 01-02-2025 Dmitrievskaya, Litvinova, and former forensic expert Ankudinov claim that the autopsy reports in the case files from May 9, 1959, are not the ones written by Vozrozhdenniy. Failure to comply with the legal standards for forensic medical examination in place at the time. Comparison analysis proves the autopsy reports from the case files are typed on the same typewriter as the copy of the resolution to close the case typed by Lev Ivanov from the supervisory proceedings. This typewriter is located at the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office and not the Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Examination, which essentially, according to Ankudinov, strips the documents of its legal force. Numerous incorrect verbiage and typos make it hard to believe that a person with a medical background, let alone an expert, has authored the documents. Are these findings sufficient grounds for reopening the case? Hikers from all over Russia followed the Dyatlov group's route 02-02-2024 Get to the Mountain of the Dead and try to solve the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group. In early February, a group of hikers from all over Russia followed the route of the students of the Ural Polytechnic University. During the hike, they even managed to conduct a number of experiments on the pass. Journal Aleksander Alekseenkov Winter 2025 10-02-2025 This is the journal of Aleksander Alekseenkov about the expedition to the Dyatlov Pass that took place 27 Jan - 8 Feb, 2025, illustrated with vadim Gumerov photos. During the expedition experiments were done with a replica of the Dyatlov group tenet, and a burning stove similar to the one Dyatlov used in his fateful trek. Knives in Dyatlov group 24-12-2024 In the Dyatlov case, we have penknives (folding pocket knives with small blades) and Finnish-type knives. To this day to carry a knife with a blade longer than 10 cm you need a permit. The first place they will confiscate your knife would be at the luggage and body scanners in the train stations and subway. On a trek everybody needs a knife of some sort, to cook you need a knife. In this case, knives are missing, not just because they should have been, but because we see them in the photos and they are missing later on. This is either tampering with evidence or indication of a presence of a third party. Night at the Dyatlov Pass 12-12-2024 A chance to spend the 66th anniversary of the tragedy night February 1-2, 2025, on the spot and in a replica of Dyatlov group tent, and a burning stove similar to the one Dyatlov used. You will trace the route of the fateful trek, visit the landmarks sites, meet Mansi and spend a night in their guest house, experience the mighty Urals in winter and soak in a Russian bathhouse. Elena Kolevatova's letters 27-06-2014 "The studies were coming to an end, and his assignment to a closed city was approaching. This upset Sasha, because it meant the end of the hikes. That is why he decided to go on a hike for the last time, although he did not particularly want to go under Dyatlov's leadership. He was too authoritarian. But the guys were experienced, responsible, and could cope with almost any problem. The group didn't return on time, which was unusual. After a while, relatives started contacting the hiking club, but they couldn't tell me anything either. Relatives were at a loss, because in winter hikers couldn't stay in the forest for long, and if one of them had come out to people, he would have definitely told them. And the days of waiting and despair dragged on." Determining where Dyatlov tent was found in 1959 09-10-2024 This is a chronological account of the efforts of Russian researchers to find the exact location of the Dyatlov group's tent on the slope of 1079. Today we have the testimonies of the searchers who found it in February 1959 and photographs. The tent's location is at the heart of many debates, especially the avalanche. Russians have put a lot of effort into engaging strategies, science, and field research. They have even named the stones on the slope and know every curve of the ridge. Cairns and poles with signs have populated the area of 10 m2 where the terrain is disturbed by ATVs, and throughout the years the passion with which the pretenders defend their claims are not dying down Money in Dyatlov group 30-09-2024 Counting the money found on the Dyatlov group. It was obviously not a robbery, but why was some money missing and the big money left behind? Could an impulsive purchase of 5m of a fancy fabric with the funds for the expedition be the reason why Lyuda was sulking? Did she tell Dyatlov? That has hardly caused friction in the group, let alone their demise. But something else was and I will point to yet another thing that does not add up in this complicated case. Money is left at the scene i.e. robbery is not the motive. But how come Krivonischenko, Kolevatov and Zolotaryov have no money on them, none whatsoever? Unless they were misplaced prior to the official discovery of the tent and bodies. For example when they were brought to the Ivdel morgue, undressed, examined, and then returned back to be officially found again. Expedition 2024 - Askinadzi 25-08-2024 Vladimir Askinadzi, the searcher who found Lyudmila Dubinina and the other three bodies in the creek in 1959, has lived in Sevastopol with his family since 1973. At the time of my visit he is 87 years old. Remembering objectively firsthand, and still keeping the spirit of mountaineering from that era is essential to understanding the decisions and behavior of the members of the Dyatlov group and what might have led to their demise. Askinadzi is a great man who not only agrees to repeat what he remembers for decades but also takes to heart our new attempts to unearth new evidence. Ivdel museum of local lore "Uvarov" 06-09-2024 The museum building dates from 1847. Since then it has been reconstructed many times, now it is a heavily renovated building. Before the revolution it was residential, intended for the head of the gold mines. The museum exists since 1929, and it was relocated in this building since 1973. The founder of the museum is Ivan Evlampievich Uvarov (1884-1965). He was an excellent public education worker, awarded the Order of Lenin, the first teacher of the Mansi in the territory of the Ivdel urban district. Ivdel 07-09-2024 On Jan 25, 1959, the Dyatlov group arrived in Ivdel on train №81, stamped their route book, and took a bus GAZ-51 to Vizhay. They didn't mention or see the Ivdellag. There is another world they were living... Expedition 2024 31-08-2024 It was obvious from the moment Fedotov delayed our expedition that I would not make it to Otorten. I could not change my ticket to Sevastopol where I was meeting with Askinadzi, and there were no more tickets for the train to Crimea within the time frame of my visa. Shamil hurt his foot, then fell into the river, so he felt there were enough signs from above not to attempt Otorten this year. In the end, we were all good. Everyone got what he deserved. I had my private rendezvous on Kholat Syakhl, and the most valuable thing I brought back from the Dyatlov Pass this year were my new friends. Expedition 2024 - Preparation 13-07-2024 This year nothing went according to plan. The important thing is how you react when things don't go your way. Do you adapt and make the best of the situation, try to see what opportunities remain at hand, or do you sulk and blame the universe for not meeting your expectations? Why is the date February 6 on the cover of a criminal case? 13-07-2017 When the tent of the Dyatlov group was discovered there was a planned aerial survey photography from aircrafts flying at an altitude so they could see and take pictures of the terrain. If such an aircraft flew over the dead bodies and sent the information to their superiors then the tent could have been discovered as soon as February 4-5 and a criminal case would have been opened on February 6. What happened then we don't know, but one document in particular made its way into the new criminal case opened on February 26. This document, the testimony of Vasiliy Popov, is dated February 6 hence the date on the cover of the case files. Lake Bodom Murders 11-07-2024 A lakeside murder, in which three teenagers on a camping holiday were bludgeoned with rocks and stabbed in their tent, has haunted tranquil Finland for 45 years, spawning books, conspiracy theories and even the name of a rock band. The similarities with the Dyatlov Pass incident are torn tent, the year is 1960, KGB agent, military involvement, a survivor, two dead girls, authorities were careless with their treatment of the murder site, but most of all the trail goes cold as ice. "Footprints in the snow" 04-07-1999 Evgeniy Zinovyov was with Sergey Sogrin on a simultaneous trek to the Subpolar Urals at the time of the tragedy with the Dyatlov group in the Northern Urals. Zolotaryov was enlisted in this trek, Zina was invited on this trek, but both decided to go with Igor Dyatlov. They were so close to missing this dire fate. The expedition had so many misfortunes, including burning down their only tent on the first days of the trek hence they spent the remaining 13 nights in snow bivouacs, many days blizzard, one of the hikers fell sick, couldn't walk, another burned his boots and had to traverse in valenki, same thing Thibeaux-Brignolle was wearing when he was found dead. Nevertheless, Sogrin's group was the world's first winter ascent on Sablya and Neroyka. ​Judging by what the hikers were capable to overcome​, what could go wrong with the Dyatlov group? The note found on Otorten 21-06-2013 At the beginning of the search for the Dyatlov group, it had to be established if they reached Otorten. The ascent of a peak back then was proved by leaving a note at the top, taking the one left from the group before them back, and mailing it to the appropriate city hiking club. Akselrod's group found a note left by Gudkov's group dated July 26, 1956, from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. In 2013, Maya Piskareva took an interview from Boris Gudkov, including the diary of their hike, which included Otorten, but it was not their main goal. Otorten is not interesting in the summer, the Dyatlov group wanted to be the first to climb it in winter when the weather is brutal. The interview offers insights into hiking practices and group dynamics in the 60s. "Appendix zone" 20-08-2020 An anomaly is recorded on Kholat Syakhl, near the location of the tent found in 1959. The anomaly is called the "Appendix" zone. It is said by a professional geologist to be typical for the Ural fold system. Asked if there could be gas deposits that might have exploded, the expert answered that it is not likely but "who knows". I do not know how much truth there is in the statement that magnetic anomalies can interfere with people's behavior, I have read that people have felt strangely on the pass, but no one has ever done something so outrageous as to explain the tragedy in 1959. Threat from the air 29-04-2024 Туристы, по мнению Павлова и Хаджийска, поставили палатку рядом с тем самым кедром, где будут позже найдены трупы Кривонищенко и Дорошенко. Место очень удобное, непродуваемое, рядом ручей Лозьвы, есть где взять дрова для печки. Ребята обустроились, поужинали и легли спать. Массивный ствол упал на переднюю часть палатки, сминая находившиеся там котелки и ломая ребра Дубининой и Золотареву. Тибо, Слободин, Кривонищенко и Колеватов, находившиеся дальше от входа, получили удары только толстыми сучками и ветками. Medical Dynasty. Boris Vozrozhdenniy 04-03-2024 In 2023, a unique five-volume publication was presented in Yekaterinburg "Medical dynasties of the Middle Urals". Each volume consists of a collection of biographical essays about the families of Ural doctors of various specialties. And the very first volume of the "Dynasties" was published back in 2018, in which an essay was published about the medical dynasty of the Padlovskiy - Yaroslaviy - Vozrozhdeniy - Kuznetsov. If you expect to find out details about Boris Alekseevich’s criminal record, then you are definitely going to dissapointed, because there is not a word about this in journalist Liya Ginzel’s essay "Warm Home". However, this publication is interesting in that it contains many clarifications and details about the family of Boris Alekseevich in his second marriage, with Rosa Vyacheslavovna Padlovskaya, who came from a family of hereditary doctors. Teterkin group attempting Otorten in March 1992 14-03-1992 The group of Andrey Teterkin (6 men and 2 women) attempted Mt Otorten in March 1992. We can learn a lot from the circumstances. Their documentation answers a lot of questions about the route, how do you climb Mt Otorten in winter, which way do you take, where do you camp, how do you make the labaz, do all the hikers climb the peak etc. Here is only the part of their travel notes from March 15 to March 18. This is the loop where they fail to climb Mt Otorten, and there are links to the whole map and all the notes and photos.
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