This is where the information not pertaining to solving the case i.e. not presenting new facts or interpretation of information related to the case is moved after being featured on the home page. Here you will find mostly public relations, public appearances and commemorations of people involved in some way in the case. The mystery of the cold case has created a universe of its own, and this place holds a small sampling of the attempts to bring light to the unsolved mystery.
Askinadzi is a legend in the Dyatlov Pass incident. He found the bodies in may 1959 and to this day is trying to help us unravel the mystery. Interviewing is Yulya for the local television in Snezhinsk, where Vladimir Askinadzi was active in hiking sports and his legacy still lives and flourishes. Next to him is his friend Sergey Miloslavov.
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New Dyatlov group monument UPI
20 September 2024
New Dyatlov group memorial was unveiled on UPI territory (now Ural Federal University) in Yekaterinburg on September 20, 2024. Dyatlov contemporaries and friends came to the opening. Pyotr Bartolomey went on treks with Dyatlov. The plaque lists the names of the deceased hikers and it is a copy of the plaque that is mounted on the Boot rock on the Dyatlov Pass in Northern Urals.
Album →
The museum building dates from 1847. Since then it has been reconstructed many times, now it is a heavily renovated building. Before the revolution it was residential, intended for the head of the gold mines. The museum exists since 1929, and it was relocated in this building since 1973. The founder of the museum is Ivan Evlampievich Uvarov (1884-1965). He was an excellent public education worker, awarded the Order of Lenin, the first teacher of the Mansi in the territory of the Ivdel urban district.
Album →
Vladimir Askinadzi, the searcher who found Lyudmila Dubinina and the other three bodies in the creek in 1959, has lived in Sevastopol with his family since 1973. At the time of my visit he is 87 years old. Remembering objectively firsthand, and still keeping the spirit of mountaineering from that era is essential to understanding the decisions and behavior of the members of the Dyatlov group and what might have led to their demise. Askinadzi is a great man who not only agrees to repeat what he remembers for decades but also takes to heart our new attempts to unearth new evidence.
Album →
Expedition 2024 - Dyatlov Pass
It was obvious from the moment Fedotov delayed our expedition that I would not make it to Otorten. I could not change my ticket to Sevastopol where I was meeting with Askinadzi, and there were no more tickets for the train to Crimea within the time frame of my visa. Shamil hurt his foot, then fell into the river, so he felt there were enough signs from above not to attempt Otorten this year.
In the end, we were all good. Everyone got what he deserved. I had my private rendezvous on Kholat Syakhl, and the most valuable thing I brought back from the Dyatlov Pass this year were my new friends.
Diary with photos →
Expedition 2024 - Preparations
This year nothing went according to plan. The important thing is how you react when things don't go your way. Do you adapt and make the best of the situation, try to see what opportunities remain at hand, or do you sulk and blame the universe for not meeting your expectations?
Diary with photos →
The Dyatlov Pass Tragedy with "1079" author Teodora "Teddy" Hadjiyska
Original date: July 21, 2024
Hosts: Dan Hall and Gwen Farrell
Teodora "Teddy" Hadjiyska is one of the world's leading experts on the Dyatlov Pass incident, author of "1079: The Overwhelming Force of Dyatlov Pass" and winner of the "Russian Detective 2024" award for "Documentary Detective." Her research work is published on DyatlovPass.com. She is the first to translate the case files and act as the conduit between the Russian sources and English speaking followers of the case. Her lifestyle is one of a traveler, explorer and mountaineer. Listen now →
Spaced Out Radio with Teodora Hadjiyska
Original date: June 21, 2024, at Midnight ET / 9 pm PT
Host: Dave Scott Guest: Teodora Hadjiyska
My life changed dramatically after hearing about the Dyatlov Pass 12 years ago. The funny part is that I heard it when I woke up from a near-death accident in the ER, and someone said that I looked as if I had been brought back from the Dyatlov Pass. Soon after they patched me up, I started going to the Pass every year. What is beckoning me back, year after year? It is what's hidden in the forest, in the ground. Every year, I find something that aligns with my theory of the tragedy, but it's only the tip of the iceberg. I must go back to keep digging, literally.
"1079" won the "Russian Detective 2024" award for "Documentary Detective"
June 8, 2024
"1079. Стихийная сила Перевала Дятлова" стал лауреатом премии "Русский детектив 2024" в категории "Документальный детектив". «Победу в этом конкурсе, полученную премию я посвящаю своему соавтору Игорю Павлову, - сказала Теодора Хаджийска со сцены. – Без него этот проект не состоялся бы.»
"1079. The Overwhelming Force of Dyatlov Pass" became a laureate of the "Russian Detective 2024" award in the "Documentary Detective" category. “I dedicate the victory in this competition and the award received to my co-author Igor Pavlov,” Teodora Hadziyska said from the stage. “Without him, this project would not have happened.”
Teodora Hadjiyska presenting at the 65 years conference in Yekaterinburg
2 February 2024
Teodora Hadjiyska presenting at the 65 years conference in Yekaterinburg on Feb 2, 2024. This haunting mystery refuses to fade from public consciousness. Quite the contrary, it is ever snowballing in international interest and fascination.
Expedition 2023 by Teodora Hadjiyska
Expedition 2023 was a total success! Previous year we said that 2022 was the best expedition ever. This year was better. And I know where I will be next year at the same time because the vision of what is hidden and needs to be unearthed is getting clearer by the year. We found huge number of artifacts from the winter search camp and pinpoint the exact location of the spring search camp, both include lots of tin cans with legible stamps, aluminum spoon, axe with initials, buckets, ski mounts, electrical wire, batteries, a metal bracket driven into a tree to stretch the tent, firewood, 3m chimney, avalanche probe etc. The importance of these findings is that we know we can use the same methods to find artifacts left from the Dyatlov group and finally prove where did they camp, where did the tragedy start.
During the expedition to the Dyatlov Pass 2023 I managed to get lost in the woods and meet face to face with a brown Russian bear and her three cubs. The bear had been chased by dogs in the deep forest and while I was dwelling as a real Mansi (the word Mansi means forest dweller), I experienced a close encounter of the third kind with the king of the Taiga. The Bear is considered the most powerful creature of the Ural mountains. A mama bear with cubs is not something you want to run into. I count my blessings.
This is not "my bear" but it is the closest to what I saw that I could find. Anyone that would take a selfie in the situation I was in, deserves to be eaten as a Darwin process of elimination. This bear was shot by Luka Esenko in Slovenia. And this is
Spaced Out Radio with Teodora Hadjiyska
Original date: September 7th at Midnight ET / 9 pm PT
I have just returned from the Dyatlov Pass, still trying to sort through my experiences. Our expedition met with a film crew who had footage of a UFO in bright daylight from July 31, 2023. As weirdly fascinating as this may sound, UFO sightings are just where the Dyatlov Pass weirdness begins. In 1959 when the tragedy took place there were numerous reports of luminous phenomenon in the sky. The 2m wooden figure pictured between the host Dave Scott and Teodora Hadjiyska, the guest in today's episode of Spaced Out Radio is from Molyobka, not far away from the Dyatlov Pass, the so-called M triangle. This is the Russian Area 51.
Expedition 2023 by Oleg Taymen
Oleg and Olga Taymen are as tough as they come. They hike, swim by boat, fish and basically can survive the taiga for many days. They carry video camera, boat, metal detector, not the best but we will work on this I hope for next year's expedition. Their YouTube channel is the mother lode of videos on the subject. They went on the pass this winter and almost died.
Check their videos →
Posting the photos from this year's expedition takes time, because we discuss and analyze our findings. Not to mention all that life has kept in storage for us while we hike the Dyatlov Pass. So far we have Part 1. which covers our expedition before we went over the pass.
And we crossed over the pass and found the May searchers camp.
Expedition 2023 by Vadim Valitov
Real outdoorsy person. This was his first Dyatlov Pass. He went to the Lozva to fish and spend some time alone in the woods. He taught me to add pine needles to my tea. When he went on his own he was carrying a bear deterrent rocket. We didn't meet after we split, his ride back to Ivdel was earlier than ours.
Aleksandr Alekseenkov's OUTDATED version of events
Expedition 2023 has raised the interest of the English speaking world in the legend among the Dyatlov case Russian researchers, he is known as Shura (Aleksandr Alekseenkov), Guru in case files and experiments. Igor Pavlov had deep respect for him. Shura helped me enormously in 2022 and 2023 expeditions. He is the man who saves the day. I never knew what his theory is. I lived for many years without a theory so I know you can be involved with the case even if you don't have a theory. What's important is what can be done today to find out the truth. And Shura is the most active researchers that I know. He has lost count how many times he went to the Dyatlov pass, in both summer and winter. I only heard that he has a theory on the meeting with Karelin when he proclaimed that he no longer believes that there is an evidence of technogen disaster. In the post are the links to his experiments (like going in socks form the tent to the cedar in February). There is going to be update with the most resent revision of his version. This is posted in 2012...
Dyatlov Pass - can trees tell us what happened?
March 2, 2023
Prof. Momchil Panayotov is a member of the Dendrology department of University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria. He agreed to analyze the cores brought back from the forest where the bodies were found. According to the Pavlov-Hadjiyska theory a tree could have caused the accidental death of the Dyatlov group. The objective was to see if the year of death of a tree this old could be determined and to learn more in general about what trees, live or dead could tell us about the time around the tragedy. The reassuring news is that due to the cold climate trees in Ural can be preserved on the ground for centuries and bear witness to events that happened decades ago. Conventional dendrochronology has successfully provided informative evidence for over a century in science and judicial forensics cases. See the video →
Teodora Hadjiyska presenting at the 64 years conference in Yekaterinburg
2 February 2023
Teodora Hadjiyska presenting at the 64 years conference in Yekaterinburg on Feb 2, 2023. She reported the results from the examination of the findings under the cedar tree which she brought with her from the expedition to the Dyatlov Pass in August-September 2022, and appealed to the public for help with the ongoing research.
64 Years In Memory Conference Yekaterinburg
2 February 2023
On February 2, 2023, in Yekaterinburg (organized by the trade union committee of UrFU employees), a conference was held in memory of the Dyatlov group perished in the Northern Urals 64 years ago, and a traditional gathering at the Mihaylovskoe cemetery at the the Dyatlov group Memorial, laying flowers. The conference was held at: Lenin Ave, d.66 in the UrFU hall called "The Boiling Point".
"Operation History" with Rosen Petrov - Bulgaria On Air
January 29, 2023
Bulgarian On Air show called "Operation History" hosted by Rosen Petrov aired on Jan 29, 2023 about the truth of the "Dyatlov" incident of 1959. What are all the hypotheses for the group's unexplained death and are there any senior leaders of the then USSR involved? The version is by Teodora Hadjiyska, a leading world author and investigator, author of book "1079".
In memory of Vladimir Sungorkin
September 16, 2022
Vladimir Sungorkin died on September 14, 2022. He was the engine behind Komsomolskaya Pravda's involvement in the Dyatlov group case. In his capacity as editor-in-chief, he assigned a journalist, Natalya Varsegova, who for ten years had been not just following but actively investigating the Dyatlov case. Everything we know about Semyon Zolotaryov is thanks to Komsomolskaya Pravda. The question now is if someone will pick up the torch.
1079 book signing at the Dyatlov Pass and Foundation
August 2022
The book signing of "1079" in 2022 was very emotional because it took place on the Dyatlov Pass and then at the Dyatlov Foundation. I held the Russian edition in my hands for the first time. It is the pinnacle of the the whole book creation. To my deepest sorrow I had to do it without my co-author and mentor Igor Pavlov.
July 30-August 11, 2022
This rare once in a lifetime expedition is something that I think exists outside of the events of the day and will hopefully advance the knowledge of this fascinating incident for people the world over. It is a milestone in our efforts to uncover all existing details and mysteries about the Dyatlov case.
Rapping in an endangered language
Don't blame the people living there!
It's like blaming a birch tree for growing in the wrong place.
I also want to know what kind of horror happened there,
what were they doing there, why they stopped breathing under the snow.
I'm pained, but what can we do?
We can only pray to God that no one else perishes there.
God help us!
Teodora Hadjiyska presenting at the 63 years conference in Yekaterinburg
February 2, 2022
The Dyatlov group was discovered from the air. Later, a ground check group came to the scene of the accident. This happened at the beginning of February. They found out a tree had fallen on top of the tent. Some of the bodies remained in the tent under the tree and it was obvious that they most likely had severe injuries. Some of the bodies were outside the tent. Not all bodies were found. But the search was not especially thorough...
2022.02.02 conference in memory of the Dyatlov group
The new head of the nonexistent foundation is Aleksey Koskin working together with the son of Yuri Kuntsevich, Aleksander. Aleksey Koskin is very well known Dyatlov case researcher and we have to this day most photos because of him. It became apparent that Komsomolskaya Pravda is interested in a crime scenario and desperate to come up with some evidence. Journalist Natalya Varsegova presented a 3D model someone sent her that makes a scrap of a film negative look like a suspicious gathering of people, one even carrying a rifle. She talks about exhumation of all bodies including that of Zolotaryov, for the second time. Teodora Hadjiyska, presented the book "1079", starting with an explanation of the date February 6th on the cover of the case files. The rest of the presenters predominantly spoke of rocket malfunction scenarios.
CrimsonPod on the eve of the 63rd anniversary
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 / 9:00 PM EST
Over half a century has passed since the incident occurred, and there are still just as many questions surrounding it today as there were when it occurred. Join us on February 1st, the 63rd anniversary of the mysterious incident, as we discuss it with Teodora Hadjiyska, the foremost expert and author of 1079". Will we finally learn what happened all those years ago or will the answers remain hidden beneath the ice and snow of the Ural Mountains?
The Knew Knowledge with Stoycho Kerev
December 18, 2021
Bulgarian National TV show called "The New Knowledge" hosted by Stoycho Kerev premiered on Dec 18, 2021 an episode about Dyatlov Pass incident with guest Teodora Hadjiyska, co-author of book "1079 The overwhelming force of Dyatlov Pass". Trying to explain Dyatlov Pass in less than 30 mins while the equipment keeps failing due to "energy interference".
1079 book signing and Flight 1079
October 29, 2021
My "1079" book signing trip ended on Flight 1079. Pilots Oren Barak and Luis Eraso signed my boarding pass, and I signed their books. I don't believe in coincidences. Everything is connected.
An era of titans has ended
† IGOR PAVLOV co-author of "1079", dies
† YURI KUNTSEVICH head of the Dyatlov Foundation, dies
Dyatlov Pass. The Burning August of 2021
August 27, 2021
"Perhaps the time has come for people to go to the Pass not out of idle curiosity, and not because the Pass became a brand in the media, but because when you leave you became another. So that you can restart your life in the right relationship to the Spiritual world."
Read the article by Vladimir Selitskiy→
Yuri Kuntsevich's last expedition
August 20, 2021
"After his death and on the day of Kuntsevich's funeral, many words were said about what a wonderful person he was. If you knew how things would turn out, we, the participants in his last expedition, would have canceled any of our plans and would do everything in our power to save Yuri Konstantinovich."
"For many, it's just business."
August 10, 2021
"It seems to some that this human tragedy, where 9 people died, is just another hyped up and trending topic. There are always a lot of people there, some are taking pictures, some of the enthusiasts are conducting their own investigations." Graham Phillips, journalist
July 1, 2021
"A huge four-meter sculpture was erected in memory of the students who died there in 1959 at the Dyatlov Pass. The author of the monument is the new wave artist of the Russian avant-garde Grigoriy Emvi (real name Grigoriy Maslennikov)."
June 26, 2020
Teodora Hadjiyska on the Midnight Society Radio with Tim Weisberg
Fri Jun 26, 7–10 pm PDT on Midnight.FM
"It's not that I had a revelation, but being on the spot where it happen just makes it personal experience, and I have a better understanding why nothing make sense. Pitching the tent where it was found doesn't make any sense. Going down to the cedar tree instead back to the labaz makes perfect sense - you can't go against the wind, it's brutal, you won't make it even to the memorial. We had almost same temperatures and wind that are recorded in the diaries -13°C, -26°C at night and warm south-west wind. I stood in the middle of the night in that exact spot and looked at what Dyatlov group saw. I felt the mighty mountain and the doom of life. But I couldn't understand why..."
Expedition Unknown Mystery of Dead Mountain
Aug 28, 2019
"Mystery of Dead Mountain" premieres in US on Discovery Channel Wednesday, Aug 28th, 9PM EST
Braving sub-zero conditions of Siberia, Josh Gates investigates the Dyatlov Pass incident, during which nine hikers died under suspicious circumstances in 1959. – IMDB
Expedition Unknown Siberia's Coldest Case
Sep 4, 2019
"Siberia's Coldest Case" premieres in US on Discovery Channel Wednesday, Sep 4th, 9PM EST
Josh Gates concludes his in-depth investigation of the Dyatlov Pass Incident. Taking on Dead Mountain's brutal conditions, Josh and two investigators re-trace the last steps of the hikers. A big discovery could finally solve the mystery. – IMDB
Jul 23, 2019
This season, Josh Gates connects with innovative researchers and uses cutting-edge technology to tackle history’s most challenging mysteries. The search for answers – and adventure – will take him into the most extreme climates on the planet, as he braves sub-zero temperatures to snowmobile across the Siberian Tundra investigating one of the coldest cases of the Cold War: the baffling deaths of nine hikers on Russia’s infamous Dead Mountain. – Discovery Newsroom
New petition to the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia
June 26, 2019: Activists of the Dyatlov group’s memory fund and his supporters forced the prosecutor’s investigation into the death of Ural hikers to contact the Investigative Committee. Representatives of the supervisory authority stated that they stopped at three versions of what happened in 1959 on the Dyatlov Pass: a hurricane, an avalanche and a snow slab. Most of the activists of the Dyatlov Fund disagree with this - they insist on a “military version”, according to which Dyatlov group became witnesses or victims of weapon tests, after which they were eradicated.
Bedtime Stories produced new video on Richard Holmgren's Katabatic wind theory.
If anyone would like to learn more about the Swedish expedition to Dyatlov Pass in 2019 or about the Anaris incident in 1978
March 22, 2019
Midnight ET / 9 PM PT
Host Dave Scott
Guest Teodora Hadjiyska
The Swedish-Russian Dyatlov Expedition 2019
Jan-Feb 2019
Richard Holmgren, Andreas Liljegren, Ekaterina Zimina and Artem Domogirov pay homage to the events of 1959 and the 60-years anniversary of the Dyatlov group demise, get personal and up close experience of the the terrain and conditions, what it takes to traverse in the same time of the year, and apply it to their theory of the falling (katabatic) wind.
Press conference with Prosecutor's office
4 Feb 2019
February 2, 2019
Photos kindly provided by Dyatlov Pass tragedy researcher Vladimir Borzenkov (WAB).
March 2018
The first expedition on dog sleds to Dyatlov Pass in Northern Ural.
February 19-23, 2016
Mount Kholat Syakhl noticeably rose against the background of the other mountains and was covered with a dense blanket of a swirling giant cloud that hides the flowing lines of the mountain relief beneath. In the boiling foam of this cloud on the background of an absolutely cloudless sky, snow-white whirling foam sparkling in the sun emerged, broken by the wind into shallow icy dust, which descended with terrible force, picked up by the hurricane wind. We have not seen anything like this in our lives!
December 2014
Mystical place
A place that every extreme traveler must visit. The place, shrouded in unsolved mystery for 55 years! That same cedar and that very stream will freeze blood when you realize what happened on February night of the 59th year.
November 16, 2018
Teodora Hadjiyska on the Art Bell's radio show with Dave Schrader
Fri Nov 16, 2018 9-11 pm PDT