To Baranov
Immediately organize search at all costs
Received by Temnikov
№103 words 32 on 23.II at 1130
To Sulman
Mansi have agreed to join the search party for a fee of 500 rubles per 4 individuals. Mansi discovered prints 90 km from Suevat Paul toward the Ural Mountains. Give your consent to the search
№401 words 13 on 23.II at 14:30
To Baranov
Give 500 roubles per day to the Mansi. Agreed. Warn them about strict execution of the search
Received by Temnikov
To Sulman
Mansi have agreed to join the search party for a fee of 500 rubles per 4 individuals Mansi discovered prints 90 km from Suevat Paul toward the Ural Mountains. Give your consent to the search
Note: Text is same as sheet 137
From Suevat- Paul 23.II
To Sulman
We intend to leave at 2 pm, but locals say that two days is not enough for the search since we need to hike to the ridge where they were seen by the hunters. Stepan Kurikov and three more, with me 5 in total. No one have seen the hikers, but they saw tracks from their skis as well as the overnight campsite. It seems that the group went that way
№426 words 46 24.II at 10-50
Hand over immediately
In addition to our search for the students today at 11.30 it became known that the hunters saw a fresh ski trail and the campsite of a group of people on the side of the ridge from Suevat-Paul. A group of Mansi lead by Stepan Kurikov including our radio operator goes on reindeer carrying first aid kit and food supplies. In addition, we sent an airplane with our representative to conduct aerial search, which proceeded at 11-40 to Suevat-Paul taking the course of the watershed ridge.
Please inform the Polytechnic Institute
24.2 10-30
Shepherd Anyam Andrey about 8-9 days ago saw a trail of narrow sports skis, the number of people is not established, the tracks start from the upper Auspiya in the direction of the eastern slope of the ridge to the north of the upper sources of Lozva. It is necessary to search for this place in the upper reaches of the Auspiya Lozva and also on the western slope of the ridge to the upper sources of Vanya and Vishera rivers.
Received by Temnikov
26.II 10-45
To Sulman
We are located 6-10 km from the mouth of Auspiya river in the village at the mouth of Auspiya river were found tracks of narrow sport skis it is a pretty good trail there were a lot of people it might have been 8-10 people who passed through 15 days ago tracks are clearly visible in the forest and quite covered with snow in the open areas we will follow these tracks to the upper Auspiya where we will search the mountains at the mouth of Auspiya river we will spend the night and continue searching
Received by Temnikov
26.II 13 h
To Sulman
We joined up with the Vizhay rescue squad. They surveyed the upper Lozva and there were no traces. They crossed over to the headsource of Auspiya. The last campsite [of the Dyatlov group - ed. note] and the ski track that goes to the ridge and in the mountains disappears. They [the Mansi- ed. note] divided into 3 groups one group is on the ridge along the Auspiya
The ski track goes to the ridge where it disappears. The rescue team is divided into 3 groups of which one will search at the ridge. Upon their return we will discuss what is the best approach. There is only one of them who stayed to meet us.
To Maslennikov
Report if in early February Blinov or Karelin met a group of seven hikers from the Rostov Pedagogical Institute.
27.II 17-25 h
Received by Temnikov
№1712 27/2
To Sulman
Urgent. Right after the descend we dug out and identified the four bodies found as Dyatlov Zolotaryov Krivanischenko Kolmogorova the deceast were thrown out of the tent by a hurricane, some without boots or pants jackets. The direction of the hurricane was northeast-east so all of them are on one line from the discovered tent the furthest approximately two kilometers from the tent. In the mouth of the creek which flows into the Lozva river we found remains of a fire with several charred logs. Nearest Kolmogorova has a broken head examination will continue tomorrow we will set up a camp in the valley of Auspiya river so we won't disturb the traces of the accident can't get in contact with Akselrod I think they have to join us.
Note: At first Doroshenko was mistakenly identified as Zolotaryov.
27.2 9-00
To Artyukov Sulman
Reporting that the search in the area of Dyatlov tent started yesterday and today four people have left already if we catch up with them will instruct to hold the search till the arrival of the dogs. Now is calm visibility over 10 km
Received by Temnikov
27/2 1540 msk
To Sulman
They are difficult to identify because there is a lot of damage to their hands, feet and faces. Some of the rescuers setup the camp prosecutor with Maslennikov continue the efforts to identify the hikers, the search for the remaining continues they were nine
Received by Temnikov
27.II 1745 msk
To Sulman
Couldn't explore the tent due to heavy snow on top heavy objects ripped through the tent and the strong wind blew people standing down the slope period
Helicopter can drop off Akselrod here period Three bodies were partially visible from the snow fourth was found by the dog.
27.II 8-45
To Nevolin
Recruit Mansi until the end of the searches will be paid for all days period Let them assist in the search period
Try to catch up with the departed search party on deer or ski to help them take apart the tents before the arrival of the dogs
27.II 17-20
To Maslennikov
Why did the products remain in the tent if the hikers were blown from the tent
How did you manage to find the bodies.
Please advise if Akselrod should remain on Otorten
Note: It looks like questions asked in sheet 151 are answered in 150, so these two radiograms should be swapped but the time stamps will not correspond then.
Received by Temnikov
To Sulman
To determine the time of the accident request the weather report between January 30 and February 2 position and placing of the bodies is indicative of a hurricane
Maslennikov Nevolin
Received by Temnikov
27/2 1500 msk
To sulman
By 16 h we found four people in different places all under dressed and barefoot as if they were blown out during a storm. we could identify only zinaida kolmogorova. the search continues. all the groups are in the tent area. there is no communication with akselrod group
brusnitsyn nevolin chernousov
Received by Temnikov
27/2 1755
To Sulman
A group from Rostov passed Aleksander Bahtiyarov yurt at the end of January haven't met them. At the request of the prosecutor call Sverdlovsk Ivdel medical examiner to do the autopsy.
Received by Temnikov
27/2 1740
To Sulman
Group established a camp the mood is normal. Most of Dyatlov group were discovered and the rest should be not far under the snow a bag of Dyatlov is found with all the documents. we wall talk tomorrow at 3 pm
It is proposed earlier session at 1300 msk
Maslennikov Nevolin
To Maslennikov
To Maslennikov
Grebennik group left Ivdel. Second helicopter has arrived
Received by Temnikov
28.2 1305
To Sulman
We didn't find anything else, dug up the tent and recorded all the items found the Dyatlov tent and now are protocoling everything. The bodies were transported to the top to be airlifted by helicopters
Received by Temnikov
28.2 1315
To Sulman
Maslennikov is not here, he is in the mountains will be back in about an hour. I was at Dyatlov tent there are backpacks 9 pcs a few storm jackets, 3.5 pairs of felt boots, eight pairs of boots one pair is missing and - other personal items and food supplies but not all the products some of it should be somewhere else.
Received by Temnikov
28.2 1707
To Sulman
Couldn't get in touch with Akselrod, from him that is Akselrod a helicopter flew off. The search has not given anything yet. It was possible to find traces of 8-9 people from the tent about 1 km down the slope, further the traces were lost. One person was wearing boots, the rest in socks and barefoot. Further down the slope the snow is very deep and investigation of the tent did reveal anything. Dogs today could not do anything, the snow was deep. 3 bodies were transported to the heli pad. The fourth will be picked up tomorrow his face - completely unrecognizable therefore there is an opinion that this is Doroshenko and not Zolotaryov. They are both the biggest guys. We examined the place of the tent and made a report, the items were let down to the heli pad. They will be sent to you in the tent there were 10 sets of sheets 8 pairs of boots 9 backpacks, all the personal belongings of the victims, supplies for for 2-3 days, the remaining products for 8 days were left in the cache site in the upper sources of Auspiya river the whole group was together. Why did the entire group half-dressed abandoned the tent was not possible to establish completely incomprehensible. Tomorrow we will probe to look for people in a section of deep snow in the size of
150 meters to five hundred about one kilometer below the tent. Hikers belongings are ready to be transported you need send a helicopter for them. All documents of the group except maps and personal notebooks were taken away by the prosecutor including three copies of the route book you can send off dog breeders
1 / III 18 h
To Maslennikov
Akselrod and the group got to Ivdel
What help is needed to continue the search.
Reconsider the advisability of sending off the dogs
I / III 18 50
To Maslennikov
I / III 18 h
To Maslennikov
If the weather permits you will given a helicopter at 13 h to prepare the dispatch of bodies and if there are sick people and people you do not need for work. Your proposal is correct, we will take measures to replenish the group on March 2-3
To Sulman
Nobody is sick, but there are not enough people for the task, and some of them are tired
Received by Temnikov
1.3. 1630
To Sulman
The 30 members of the squad feel well and all work together and in an organized manner. However, if bad weather lasts for 3-4 days and if you give permission we can leave the detachment within 2 days to the Northern Lozva where we can be lifted by a helicopter. We can prepare a landing pad in the middle course of the Auspiya river.
Received by Temnikov
1/3 1635
To Sulman
Searches can continue, but half of the group must be replaced by more fresh forces you need to relief Slobtsov and Mansi group. Sappers will be more useful with probes and not mine detectors since people under the snow do not have metal objects. We need 20 pcs 2.5 m probes todays forecast is that weather deterioration is expected on March 2-4. In case it doesn't it will only be to our advantage since violent blizzard is raging outside the tent and the weather gets worse by the hour. In addition, we inform you that at 4 pm on the way back from the search we found the supplies sent by air and took them down next time please send newspapers.
To Sulman
2/III-59 - 18.30
The search in the valley of Lozva today failed. twenty-two people climbed to the pass and were forced to return back due to blizzard there is no visibility period instead gathered firewood and strengthened the camp prepared it for the arrival of the replacement period the search group of Slabtsov and Kurikov found Dyatlov group storage site 400 m from our tent above Auspya river with nineteen labeled bags weighing 55 kg among them spare pharmacy Dyatlov's warm boots one ski boots mandolin set of batteries with bulbs and a spare set of skis period list and weight of products are indicated in Ivanov protocol period Products by the decision of the last left in the camp moving exactly from the place of overnight campsite to the pass in bad weather Dyatlov group could quite take the crest of the spur of the mountain 1079 for the pass to Loazva period but the main mystery of the tragedy is why the whole group flee the tent period the only other item besides an ice ax found outside the tent a Chinese flashlight on the roof confirms the probability of one dressed person gone outside to have given grounds to all the rest hastily to leave the tent period
The reason could be some kind of extreme natural phenomenon or the flight of a meteorological rocket that was seen on 1/II in Ivdel and on 17/II by Karelin's group period Tomorrow we will continue the search together with the new forces and make the planned shipment of goods. Small messages 0I Chernyshev and Sidorov groups amicably ask to be the last ones left here 2 candles are needed only 5 pieces left 3 tomorrow morning Kurikov group is going back gave them reference for their work period 4 I ask you to give a telegram Sverdlovsk Pervomayskaya 104 energochermet Maslennikov I am in the mountains healthy Zhenya
The sappers I ask to be obliged to work with probes after the mine detectors 2 you are informed the coordinates of the labaz 3 give consent to Sidorov's resignation 4 except three members of the Sladkov group all other students are leaving Blinov missed many classes 5 I ask to call me for a report and to decide on the issue of leadership of the squad
To Sulman
2/III - 13.30
Today we will look for the storage in the upper parts of the Auspiya period We send people on duty to the helipad in case of a helicopter arrival period Sending a group to the pass in search of victims period With the first flight we are sending off Ivanov Yarovoy 4 bodies the second 6 people from the Slabtsov group period Questions : send Chernyshev group four hoods from the cloaks period how many trips flew one or two? 3 helicopters or one in two trips 4 no need to send more people to replace Mansi this is my opinion and nevolin period 4 Since the search site is quite determined by its nature of work and requires other experience I find it efficient to entrust it to the detachment of Captain Chernyshev, especially as the detachment becomes military period There is consent from the detachment and Chernyshev on this account period also put on the question of removing Blinov, Borisov Serdityh period It would be good to clarify whether a new type of meteorological rocket flew over the area of the accident on the evening of February 1st period 6 Thank you for taking care of the products, please send oil halva condensed milk sugar coffee tea cigarette
Received by Temnikov
1/3 1500
To Sulman
1/3 58. today, despite a sudden deterioration of the weather, searches continued about 1000 meters of a 30-meter-wide zone in the area of the hikers campsite. Searches did not give anything snow is 1-2 m deep and it snowed more today the wind reached 30 meters there is no visibility searches can not be continued in such weather. Concerning the expediency of further searches, it can be said that searches in this area, even in good weather, may not yield results this will require at least 100 people if at all. If there was good weather, one or two more sites could be searched.
Received by Temnikov
1/3 1025 msk
To Sulman
We consider today finalizing the search with probes the whole area with deep snow was searched if we do not find anything with the probes we will have to wait for spring beyond this place no one left. Snow here in places more than 2 meters. the catastrophe was precisely established to be on the night of the second of February. 31/1 in bad weather the group left Auspiya from the overnight which was found first and climbed to the pass but the wind stopped them and they returned to the forest border in the sources of Auspiya and set a camp. It's about the place where our camp is now. In the morning they made a storage and left part of the food here at 15:00 they again went to the pass to Lozva and climbed to the place where the tent was found. Probably they took the slope at the time of the blizzard at altitude 1079, the main ridge behind the slope from the Auspiya to the ravine ascended to the crest, driven by a hurricane wind decided against it and set camp at this place. The tent is installed very tightly under all the rules under the tent all the skis then empty backpacks quilted jackets from one side stacked products on the other shoes, not all the blankets are here all personal things. The tent is set taking into account the strong wind from the top the group had supper in the tent left the food and began to change
to take off the wet clothes and shoes and put on a dry ones. It was at this moment that something happened that made the group half-dressed run out of the tent and rush down the slope. Maybe someone dressed went out to relief himself and he was blown away. Jumped to his scream - the rest were also taken down tent is pitched in the most dangerous windy place here is the strongest wind. It was impossible to climb back fifty meters since the tent was torn down the ones further down may have commanded to abandoned it and go into the woods advancing on the slope towards xxxxxxxxxxxxx Auspya where the forest was closer to them they wanted to hide here they could try to find the place of their previous campsite but the terrain is very stony and to the forest is 2-3 times farther. Dyatlov and Kolmogorova lit the fire they were better dressed and went back to look for clothes. They couldn't and they fell. The position of their bodies speaks of this. Everyone agrees on this version of the disaster. Today, four people will be looking for the storage, all the rest are going to search for the missing. The group feels well we sleep in a big warm tent, everyone is healthy. Please send 15 kg crackers and 5 iron shovels. Advice xxxxx on the weather in the next three days they asked about the group from Rostov whether they took Grebennik group.
3/3 1240
The group of sappers arrived 8 people safely arrived to the camp period Bodies were sent by helicopter comma the same way the prosecutor and correspondent flew out period 17 people are participating in the search period In the morning the weather was better now the wind is intensifying period The search continues
Received by Sysoev
There remained a section - - - one and a half kilometers long and 100 m wide, which needs to be passed through with the probes period With this all work will be completed comma there is nowhere more to search period it will take 3 days if the weather doesn't worsen
Atmanaki, ivanov has their addresses. 3 postgraduate korolyov left the institute without paperwork please call 4 need to send garlic 5 Tell relatives of members of Chernyshev's group that everyone is ok 6 it is necessary to prepare to replace the remaining students with army men
The amount of work at the place, the cuts of the fir trees suggests that apart from the two there was still somebody else period Tomorrow this area will be subjected to a more thorough inspection period On the way back from the search we were taken as passengers in the second helicopter period we are sleeping in one tent comma as before we are still 30 people period
Tomorrow the search will continue period Because despite our request half of the probes were not delivered to us half of the squad will be working on the helipad landing site for the campsite, we found the site period our requests send 1 two kerosene lamps instead of the candles 2 if possible put the request of sending the leaders of the search groups engineers karelin akselrod a t
Received by Sysoev
3/3 –
Blizzard with snow lasted all day period Wind on the pass is up to 25 meters visibility 5-8 period Search went on period The group of captain Vlasov carefully examined the valley of the stream in the sources of which - - - - - - - - took place the accident of Dyatlov group period The group reached Lozva period No traces of xxxxxx Dyatlov were found comma the creek is the place of snow-throwing from the main ridge comma snow is very deep period The probability of leaving the part of the group xxxx in this valley is the same as in Lozva comma here moiseev and his dogs went through very thoroughly period Another group continued to probe the slope period Passed two hundred meters deep snow width - - - one hundred meters another xxxxxxxxxxxxxx to Kolmogorova period Nothing found period Once again surveyed the site at the cedar period
In addition to the two military groups of chernyshev and shestopalov is organized a civilian - - - - group of akselrod the whole camp consists of 34 people period inform about the results of the investigation of Dyatlov group belongings this can help the search period What was the weather like on February 1?
Received by Sysoev
Received by Sysoev
3 people prepared a landing site for the helicopter right at the tent area of 50 to 50 was cut down to the crest of the spur comma under which Dyatlov tent was pitched and also peak 1079 period No signs of ascent were found
The mine detectors do not find anything comma lieutenant-colonel immediately switched to probes
Received by Sysoev
The weather is very good period The searches continued 31 people worked form half past ten to six period Covered 300 meters wide by 240 period Another group began to probe the cedar area period There were found a handkerchief two and a half pairs of socks torn sleeve from gray sweater period
Nothing more can be said period
We ask you before landing on the mountain to fly into the camp and try out the site
Received by Sysoev
No need to send a man to replace verhovskiy period recommendation for food supplies sausage condensed milk alcohol period Corpse is photographed in several positions period In Chernyshev's group everybody is healthy tomorrow they will send letters with verkhovskiy period Tomorrow all sites will be completed allow me to fly 7/3 xxx period
Address telegram Atmanaki - - - - - - revda Sverdlovsk еngels 29 atmanaki I am in the mountains healthy do not worry i'll be till around the tenth xxx the names of the people from moscow baskin semyon borisovich bardin kirill vasilyevich shuleshko evgeniy evgenievich period All will write letters today period The helipad landing site is ready
Received by Sysoev
The person has abrasions in several places and there is a wound on the wrist of the hand period On his wrist a watch pobeda stopped at a quarter to nine period The head is bend to the side of the mountain period The protocol is written period xxxxxxxxx Tomorrow we will take him to the top period An area of 500 square meters remains period All the groups are gathered in one place of search comma we move with probes close to each other in line of 30 people covering the search area in separate squares period xxxx will be tomorrow period From the first day of work around the tent is organized round the clock duty, Arms here more than enough
Received by Sysoev
Today again was xxx windy blew wind 15 meters bad visibility period Yesterday - - - - the group of shestopalov covered a section of the cedar 300 to 120 meters period Today the squad worked especially tightly comma covered 500 meters from 250 to 150 meters in width period Half of the way between kolmogorova and dyatlov was found a fifth body under 15 cm layer of snow period that it slobodin dressed warmly ski cap on the head black sweater cotton trousers underpants three pairs of socks black felt boot on one foot period
Ready to fly tomorrow to report
Received by Sysoev
Ground under the helicopter pad is uneven can't use anything to clean the snow to the ground period We are leveling it by stomping comma xxx the helicopter landed 10 meters closer to the tent from the center of the site period it's advisable to know the plans of the management for the search for the nearest period of time period we are surprised by the large amount of products sent
Received by Sysoev
Weather search was not favorable search team passed the whole valley of the stream 250 meters long with a width of 100 m period Nothing was found period Small group passed the forest boundary at a height of 880 along the ridge over the emergency stream period Part of the group moving away from the cedar through this ridge is excluded since here the snow is deep and loose along the whole slope period Tomorrow probes - - - - - - pass gully 50 meters from cedar extending to the pass between between elevations 1079 and 880 period Will will also go through second time a small area of the top part of the slope under the dyatlov tent period There is nowhere else to look
Moscow comrades insist on departure
Muscovites insists on returning to Sverdlovsk to check the materials for the preparation of the hike of the Dyatlov group and the city section of tourism
The landing pad is expanded rammed and filled with water let it try to sit down again
Maslennikov xxxxxxxxxxx
Received by Sysoev
28 people continued to search all day long period No results in 450 meters under the tent found flashlight turned on comma 20 meters from the tent a piece of broken ski period Tomorrow March 8 is declared a day off period I think that the search must be stopped till the end of April period The weather is getting worse period Tomorrow with me fly three Muscovites, it is desirable to take off part of the civilians.
Specify the exact time and order of replacement
solovyov bruised his leg and knee it is desirable to take off tomorrow
solovyov went on skis slipped and bruised his knee against a stone
now the knee is swollen there is a pain when he moves
Received by Sysoev
1. An area forty meters in width on the left side of the dell was searched from the stone ridge to the stream nothing was found period 2. Continue to work on the landing area near the tent today period 100 buckets of water were poured on it period 3. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Received by Sysoev
Inventory of products oil 22 kg condensed milk 16 kg beans with beef 28.5 kg vermicelli with minced beef 28.35 kg beef stew 30 kg potatoes dried 18 kg chaff 35 kg millet 35 kg rice 20 kg concentrates 3 kg rusks 15 kg sugar 8 kg salt 6 kg bread 75 rolls 112 kg
Received by Sysoev
1 surveyed area around the cedar with a radius of 150 m period passed the site behind the ravine on the right side of the creek with a width of 40 meters with a length of 150 meters while searching nothing was found period 2 we think to go tomorrow on the left side of the dell from where Kolmogorova was found going down period 3 Further expansion of the searches around the cedar is not considered expedient period 4 Once again please advise the exact date of evacuation of the group
Received by Sysoev
The landing site is trampled and flooded with water laid out square 7 to 10 80-100 m below cut trees period 2 The overall condition of solovyov is satisfactory but the leg hurts 3 air temperature minus 7 wind speed below 5 on top 15 m/s
Received by Temnikov
9/3 1600
A search group of 16 people passed to the right of the ravine from Kolmogorova to a cedar 20 meters wide. Once again the dell from the stream to the place of where slobodin was found was tested the group consisting of moiseev and borey with the dog passed through the nearby passes nothing was found tomorrow is planned to survey the channel of the stream and the left side of the dell. please send cigarettes
Potapov Korolyov