Protocol inspection
scene February 27, 1959
Attorney Ivdel Sverdlovsk region, Jr. Counselor of Justice in the presence of the head of the search party Evgeniy Maslennikov Polikarpovich residing in Sverdlovsk, Zavodskaya St 32, room 84 and witnesses Yarov Yuri Evgenyevich residing in the city of Sverdlovsk, M-Sibiryaka St №57, room 81, Slobtsov Boris Efimovich residing in Sverdlovsk, Lenin St 13a, apt. 23, Kurikov Stepan Nikolaevich residing in Ivdel region, village Suevat Paul wrote this protocol upon finding the bodies discovered on the northeast slope of the mountain "1079". To the northeast of mountain "1079" and half kilometer in the origins of the right source of Lozva river beginning in the pass between the heights of "1079" and "880"
cedar about 2 - 2.5 meters broken off dead branches. The branches are broken off on the tree itself. Half burnt branches in a hole under the cedar are indicating a makeshift fire. Around the campfire are discovered charred sock and a checkered shirt. In the shirt money - 8 rubles. Charred balaclava greenish color. To the north of the fire at a distance of one meter heads west, feet to the east two bodies lie next to each other. Identified by: Yuri Alekseevich Krivonischenko face up, wearing a checkered shirt, torn pants. Head thrown back, eyes closed, mouth closed, lips pressed, right arm above his head, left arm bent, the wrist is raised to the chest. Right leg extended, left - slightly bent at the knee. Right foot barefoot on the left wearing a torn brown sock
identical charred sock found in the fire. On the back of the left hand skin is missing. Blood between his fingers. Index finger is peeled. The skin on the left lower leg is torn off, blood present. Other bodily injury by external examination is not established. Next to him with Krivonischenko, lies the body of Zolotaryov? (on top is written in brackets: "error"), Aleksander Alekseevich. The body lies belly down. Wearing a checkered shirt, blue shorts, underneath long blue underwear - torn. On his feet wool socks on top - torn knitted socks. Ear and nose blood, bloodied lips. On the left hand middle finger bloodied. Bodies photographed at the crime scene. In the same area south-west of the two bodies at a distance of 400 meters is found
a body, lying belly up, legs slightly bent at the knees, his hands pressed to the chest. The left arm rests at the elbow on a birch branch. The head is entirely behind the trunk of a birch five to seven centimeters. Clothes: bare head on the body - fur jacket, underneath a sweater, under the sweater colored checkered shirt. On the feet wearing ski pants, long underwear underneath. Wool sock on the right leg, cotton on the left. Injuries not detected by external examination of the body. Frost on the face and under the chin. In the same area strictly in a southwesterly direction on a slope of mountain "1079" at a distance of 500 (on top written "58" or "56") meters away from the body (proved to be Dyatlov Igor Alekseevich) is found a female body. It's identified as Zinaida Alekseevna Kolmogorova.
The body lay in the snow, under a layer of solid firn snow. Nearby in a radius ( "in a radius" is inserted) of 70 meters there is not a single tree. The body lay her head in the same direction as the previous bodies face to the ground on her right side. Hands bent under the body. Both legs half-bent. Right leg lifted to the stomach (it seems that the person climbed up the hill). On the head is a pink wool cap. On the body she was wearing a ski jacket and a checkered shirt underneath. On the feet wearing ski pants underneath leggings and underwear. On her feet woolen socks. Face is bloodied. On the back near the waist abrasions, blood present. By the pose of the body we can assume that Kolmogorova was not climb up in the mountain, but she was trying to hold her position in place. The body is photographed.
Hereto attached is the document with the valuables that were taken from the tent of the missing Dyatlov group and presented by the participants of our search unit. Attached to the protocol is the following:
1. Camera "Sharp" with a tripod and a broken light filter. Camera № 488797. Filmed 34 frames.
2. Camera "Sharp" № 486963. Filmed 27 frames. Deep scratches on the case. Strap is torn.
3. Camera "Sharp" № 55149239. Filmed 27 frames.
4. Hand compass
5. Railway and bus tickets
6. Field bag
7. Flashlight electric
8. Two tins with wires, etc.
9. Diary that belonged to Slobodin
money and a letter from the department of trade of the city executive committee.
10. Money in the amount of nine hundred seventy-five rubles
11. Diary of Kolmogorova. Last date of entry January 30
12. Protocol Routing Commission
13. Letter on Dyatlov name
14. The route book number 5, in the amount of three pieces.
15. Sealed bank. In it 10 films, a roll of film and money in the amount of seven hundred rubles
16. Тrip assignment on Dyatlov's name.
17. Maps, tracing paper and photocopies 9 pieces
18. Expedition plan
19. (could be read as "11" - ed.) A cover letter from the Trade Union of the Institute
12. Passport on Dyatlov's name
Attorney Ivdel Jr Counselor of Justice Tempalov signature /Tempalov/
Head of the search party E. Maslennikov signature /Maslennikov/