Protocol inspection of the storage (labaz)


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inspection the storage (labaz)

March 2, 1959 Search party base camp in the upper sources of Auspiya river. Attorney forensic Sverdlovsk region Ivanov prosecution in the presence of the head search party comrade Maslennikov (city of Sverdlovsk, Zavodskaya St, 32) and Slobtsov Boris Efimovich (Sverdlovsk, Lenin St 13-a, apt. 23) in accordance with Art. 78 Code of Criminal Procedure made this Protocol as follows:
on this date in the upper sources of Auspiya river, below the pass of the river Lozva, the labaz (cache of food supplies) of the Dyatlov group was discovered.

Labaz is located at a group's camp site well hidden packed with fire wood, covered with planks and spruce debris. At the storage one pair of skis is propped in the snow and a torn gaiter is slipped onto it,

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upon excavation of the cache the following products were found:

  1. Condensed milk 2.5 kg
  2. Meat canned banks 4 kg
  3. Sugar - 8 kg
  4. Butter - 4 kg
  5. Cooked sausage - 4 kg
  6. Salt - 1.5 kg
  7. Kissel-compote - 3 kg
  8. Oatmeal and buckwheat 7.5 kg
  9. Cocoa 200 g
  10. Coffee - 200 g
  11. Tea - 200 gr
  12. Loin - 3 kg
  13. Milk powder - 1 kg
  14. Sugar - 3 kg
  15. Crackers - 7 kg and Noodles - 5 kg
  16. Also found:
    mandolin, a pair of shoes 41 size, and worn socks inside, pair of insulated boots, mounting set, 2 batteries mounted with the bulb for lighting

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According to Blinov the insulated boots belonged Dyatlov.
Since the products are not of interest to the investigation, they transferred the head of the search party comrade Maslennikov as an emergency reserve. All containers of product, and mandolin, two pairs of shoes, socks and the mounting set are confiscated.

Protocol is read, and written correctly.

Maslennikov (signature)

Slobtsov (signature)

Attorney forensic Jr Counselor of Justice Ivanov (signature)


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