In case №659 inventory №1 fund R-2259
filed and numbered (400) four hundred
from №1 to №402, p. 370, 375 - missing sheets
Sheets №76,77 - maps, sheets №78-81 - drawings
Sheets №393-402 - photos
On sheets: 388 - 2 photos; 389 - 3 photos; 390 - 3 photos; 391 - 3 photos; 392 - 2 photos
Тreasurer of the funds (signature)
6.II.1996 г.
Sheets 370 and 375 are present: they are the materials of radiological examination (formerly kept in a secret package). Photos on sheets 388-391 - are glued to the results of the technical examination of the tent (a photo of cuts and tears of the tent).
In the original Volume 1 of the case after the cover follows Urakov's letter from Moscow - a receipt about the return of the case files. The letter says that the appendix to it is the case in volume 1, the album, and the third position is crossed out. Distinguished is: "A copy ... of Slobodin." The middle of the writing is "sheet", or "letter" (apparently, at first they wanted to transfer a copy of this letter to the chairman of the trade union in UPI).
After the Urakov letter follows the contents of volume 1, and then - the sheet numbered 1 "Decree on the institution of criminal proceedings ..." Prosecutor Ivdel Tempalov."