Winter trek category III in 1958, Subpolar Ural: st. Kozhim - Severnaya Naroda - Mt. Narodnaya - Manaraga river - Kosyu river
Moisey Akselrod (leader), Pyotr Bartolomey, Igor Dyatlov, Nikolay Han, Vyacheslav Halizov, Evgeniy Chubarev
End of January 1958 six students from Sverdlovsk went to ascend winter Manaraga. They were forced to split up at the very start - at Kozhim station - to fly into the mountains by plane. The second three - Igor Dyatlov, Pyotr Bartholomey and Nikolay Han, had to catch up with the rest. They went to the eastern slope of the Urals, to the Severnaya Naroda base, in extreme conditions, without sleeping bags and a stove.
Pyotr Bartolomey, recollections 7 Feb 2015:
At that time there were no maps. We went to the Polar Ural Expedition since we knew that they had maps scaled 1:100 000 (1cm=10km). They asked us: "What, you are gonna sit here and retrace all day long? Let us fly you along the route." Akselrod with Dyatlov flew and circled the entire route. On the way back to Kоzhim the pilot said: "There are 70 kilometers of tundra, practically there is no forest, you have to carry all the firewood on your back." The other pilot said: "Why are you going to walk here? We’ll drop you off on the other side of the ridge, but only we have to make two flights because it takes a full gas tank to get there [i.e. you are too heavy to fly all together]. Three people will fly in the first round and the other three will fly in the second." And when they returned three people grabbed some backpacks, not their own, but they grabbed three backpacks, sat down and flew there and they were dropped on the other side. When the aircraft returned the weather turned bad and 3 people, including Igor and me stayed for the next day. The weather didn't clear for two days.
We went to the mine, not because we wanted to, but because there was an accident. We were needed to take pictures. We were given coats and lamps. After getting the job done we didn't look much different than the miners. The accident was with an electric cart that collapsed and it had to be pulled out, but they had no labor at that time, there were hard times so we had to help. I just want to say that these pictures were taken by Igor Dyatlov. We had time, because the next day the weather was even worse than the day before and we could not fly. In the meantime we were researching crystals.
Peak Manaraga 1662 m is a landmark in the Subpolar Ural Mountains. Read more in Ural Stalker ("Уральский Следопыт") about the beautiful nature of the Urals and the trek in which Igor Dyatlov went in 1958, a year to his death.
Part 1 UralStalker 2017 №4 expedition in 1956 led by Korolyov in which no member of Dyatlov group participated
Part 2 UralStalker 2018 №2
Part 3 UralStalker 2018 №3
Part 4 UralStalker 2018 №4
This video is about the Polar Ural Expedition and Kozhim station and mines where this trek started.