Sogrin group Subpolar Ural 1959

Sogrin's group trek to the Subpolar Urals, simultaneous to Dyatlov's in the Northern Urals, is important to the tragedy in two aspects:

  1. Zolotaryov was enlisted in this trek, Zina was invited on this trek, but both decided to go with Igor Dyatlov. They were so close to missing this dire fate.
  2. The expedition had so many misfortunes, including burning down their only tent on the first days of the trek hence they spent the remaining 13 nights in snow bivouacs, many days blizzard, one of the hikers fell sick, couldn't walk, another burned his boots and had to traverse in valenki, same thing Thibeaux-Brignolle was wearing when he was found dead. Nevertheless, Sogrin's group was the world's first winter ascent on Sablya and Neroyka. ​Judging by what the hikers were capable to overcome​, what could go wrong with the Dyatlov group?


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