Sheet 232
questioning the witness
March 23, 1959 Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of the city of Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region, Jr Counselor of Justice Tempalov interrogated in the office
as a witness, in compliance with Article 162-168 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR
On the responsibility for the first part of Art. 92 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for refusing to testify and under Art. 95 Criminal Code of the RSFSR for giving knowingly false testimony is forewarned. Signature (Mansi sign).
The witness said: I understand Russian well. I can sign only in Mansi. I personally do not think that anyone from Mansi attacked Russian hikers, as this never happened before. I would still hear from Mansi if anybody attacked the hikers because I keep my ears open. But there is no reason for Mansi to attack hikers. Sacred mountain, I know for sure is in the upper sources of the river. Nobody lives there in neither summer or winter. The sacred mountain is not guarded by any one. Russian people are allowed to go there. About the fact that near the sacred place there live five Mansi or any people, and that they are afraid of Mansi, I personally did not say any such thing, that includes the police. There are no Mansi people who do not go to Ivdel. There were no outsiders in the area, that Mansi did not know about. We would have known about strangers, that is, because Mansi hunt and would have met them. There are no Mansi in the region that would have treated Russians badly. Why and how the hikers died, I am absolutely at lost how could this happen.
Recorded correctly, it was read to me
Prosecutor of the city of Ivdel signature