27 March 1947 - 11 August 2021
Yuri Kuntsevich died at the age of 74 in Yekaterinburg on the morning of August 11, 2021. For 20 years he headed the Dyatlov Group Memory Fund.
He was hospitalized after an expedition to the Dyatlov Pass that started on July 31, 2021. A group of ten people gathered, including British journalist Graham Phillips. Yuri Kuntsevich was forced to turn back after only 6 km on the first day of the trip because he felt an old knee injury. He was escorted back to the base camp on Auspiya river by a member of the group who then caught up with the rest. From the campsite on the Auspiya river, Yuri Kuntsevich joined the next group going back to Ivdel. During the expedition, Yuri Kuntsevich complained that his knee hurt. Upon arrival, he was admitted to a hospital due to overall weakness. In the hospital, it turned out he had damage on 40% of his lung. Yuri Kuntsevich died due to Covid-19.
Yuri Kuntsevich is survived by wife Olga (Yekaterinburg), son Aleksandr (at his funeral), who lives in Moscow, and a daughter, who lives in Australia.
Evidently his subconscious mind programmed him to die under mysterious circumstances, for his own death to be investigated the way he investigated the deaths of the 9 hikers! In America we call this life imitates art. This button detail the mystery behind this is it is simply a subconscious programming but the mystery remains: what did he die of? what was he injected with? Big Pharma substances in the hospital perhaps retaliation from the government because he revealed too much to the Americans in their Yeti Massacre documentary?
Eine großartige Person die leider zu früh gehen musste v-v
gewinnt man einen Schutzengel dazu.“
"When you lose a loved one,
you win a guardian angel. "
mein herzliches Beileid .
Habe sehr viel über den Datlov Vorfall erfahren können.
Liebe Grüße Sylvia
Danke dass ich vieles erleben und Erfahren konnte.
Eine gute russische Seele ist von uns gegangen.
Und Danke Yuri Kuntsevich, für deine Nachforschunge.
Condolences to his family and friends.
Ich wünsche ihnen viel Kraft und
Zusammenhalt ,der zu diesen Tagen sehr wichtig ist.
Ich bin Yuri dankbar , das er so viel tat ,damit das Dyatlov ,Pass Drama nicht vergessen wird.
Ich hoffe ,das sein Werk weiter geführt wird.
Yuri lässt sich vom Tod bestimmt nicht abhalten und macht von da weiter ,wo er ist.
Herzliche Grüße
Jasmin Hädecke
You are all heroes !
Danke für deinen tollen Arbeit.
Mein herzliches Beileid an die Familie.
Покойся с миром. Мои соболезнования семье.
Condulences to his family and his friends.
Meine Gedanken sind bei Dir....
Mein Herzlichstes Beileid an die Famile und Freunde !!
Danke für alles Yuri !!!
Condolences to his family and friends.
Reast in Peace.
Coronavirus. Now who will continue his work? Dyatlov foundation will close? I hope much no!
Condolences to his family and friends.
He is now reunited with the Dyatlov group.
He could have died literally on the Dyatlov Pass. What a tragedy.
God bless
Yuri was a wonderful, kind and generous man. People flocked to his apartment to not just share information on the Dyatlov Pass, but to share music, discussion and friendship, it was a joy to see. I’m sorry I never had the chance to see you again Yuri. Rest In Peace, and my deep condolences go out to his wife.