Vladimir Askinadzi, the searcher who found Lyudmila Dubinina and the other three bodies in the creek in 1959, has lived in Sevastopol with his family since 1973. At the time of my visit he is 87 years old. He is born same year as Zina whom he knew since they lived in the same dormitory, but they were more than acquaintances, they were friends. Vladimir Mihaylovich still keeps her hat which she gave him as a gift. He was wearing it at the time of the search in 1959 (photos).
Askinadzi opened a cognac bottle left by Elena Dmitrievskaya, a previous visitor obsessed with the Dyatov group. Vladimir Mihaylovich poured us a drink and we began talking.
Vladimir Askinadzi insisted on giving me the tour of Sevastopol although all I came for were his memories of this sad May in 1959 when he discovered the bodies of Lyudmila Dubinina, Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle, Semyon Zolotaryov, and Aleksander Kolevatov. Remembering objectively firsthand, and still keeping the spirit of mountaineering from that era is essential to understanding the decisions and behavior of the members of the Dyatlov group and what might have led to their demise. Askinadzi is a great man who not only agrees to repeat what he remembers for decades but also takes to heart our new attempts to unearth new evidence. He gives me priceless advice on what to do on the expeditions to the Dyatlov Pass. When I tell him stories of our trek, this is how he reacts:
While taking my sweet time looking at your photos, I caught myself thinking about where I would be sitting by your fire now (without remembering my sore leg!). And probably closer to you! I used to love sitting by an camp fire, going over in my mind the notes in my diary (navigational directions), listening to the sound of the river, watching the guys who were passionately discussing the adventures of the past day. But I have a remark about those wet socks that you hung almost over the buckets. If you have a saw (and you should have one, at least a hacksaw), a good fire can be made even in heavy rain. Instead of small, wet logs, you need to pile up some good "dry logs", cut them into chunks, chop some firewood and then you will get a good fire from them, since they are always dry inside. And no rain will dampen it. This fire is made separately from the one where the food is cooked. We called the big fire not for drying, but for evaporation. This advice may be useful to you in future expeditions.
Не спеша рассматривая фото, я ловил себя на мысли, а где бы я сейчас сидел у вашего костра (при этом, не вспоминая о больной ноге!). А, наверно, поближе к тебе! Я в своё время очень любил сидеть у вечернего костра, мысленно редактировать фразы дневника (лоции), слушать шум реки, наблюдать за ребятами, которые горячо обсуждают приключения прошедшего дня. А вот по тем «тряпочкам», которые вы развешали почти над вёдрами, вам замечание. Если у вас есть пила (а она должна быть, хотя бы ножовка), хороший костёр делается даже в сильный дождь. Надо вместо маленьких, мокрых чурок завалить хорошую «сухару», разделать её на чурбачки, наколоть дровишек и из них тогда получится хороший костёр, поскольку внутри они всегда сухие. И никакой дождь его не заглушит. Этот костёр делается отдельно от того, где варится еда. Мы называли большой костёр не для высушивания, а для выпаривания. Этот совет может пригодиться вам в будущих экспедициях.
I felt as if I needed to personally compensate for the lost lives of all the perished souls. We need to be better, stronger, braver, if we are to have a chance. If Love is the answer, then what is the question and who is asking? Spending the day at the embankment with the Monument to the Sunken Ships in Sevastopol was surreal. So quiet, so at peace. I will cherish the memory.
"My dear, beloved, friend. I wish you success in solving the Dyatlov case. If not you, then who else. You are the closest to the end of this world mystery. With love"
signed V. Askinadzi 17 August, 2024
«Дорогая моя, любимая, подружка. Успехов тебе в жизни на поприще дятловедения. Если не ты-то кто-же. Ты всех ближе стоишь финалу етот мировой загадки. Люблю тебя.»
подписано В. Аскинадзи 17.08.24