I will forever cherish the company of the people that showed up to support me. The photos below are chronologically listed. It made me feel like a winner from the very beginning, even before the announcement of the laureate.
With Alexander Alekseenkov (Shura) I have been to two expeditions with Alexander Alekseenkov (Shura). He is the embodiment of the Dyatlov Pass for me. He is the man who has been on the pass more times than anyone else. The invitation for the ceremony was for two people. I chose Shura Alekseenkov to be my plus 1. The rest of the support group is fate. Galina Sazonova and her husband live in Vietnam. They haven't been in Russia for years. Galya and Landau (not present at the ceremony) introduced me to Igor Pavlov, and Galina is still by my side helping me to this day. Then, Natalya Varsegova from Komsomolskaya Pravda showed up with Galya. This was a double win. At the height of my joy at winning, I was with the best friends one could wish for. It was indeed a magical night. Thus renewed, I am encouraged and energized to continue my investigation.
"I accept this award in memory of my co-author Igor Pavlov who, unfortunately, left us before the book was published.
The Dyatlov Pass appeals to people from all over the world. This book has been translated into 3 more languages. And in all languages the truth sounds the same: 1079.
I am grateful to everyone: both those who like the book and those who have completely different ideas about what happened in 1959, for not giving up the search for the truth. All of us Dyatlov case obsessives work together to find evidence, only theories divide us.
This book is more than 90% factual. There is an attempt to explain what happened only in the last chapter. And I believe that this is how books about the Dyatlov group should be written."
«Принимаю эту награду памяти моего соавтора Игоря Павлова кто, к сожалению, ушел от нас до выхода книги.
Перевал Дятлова волнует людей со всего мира. Эта книга переведена на еще на 3 языка. И на всех языках истина звучит одинаково: 1079.
Спасибо большое всем: как тем, кому книга нравится, так и тем, у кого совершенно другие представления о произошедшем в 1959 году, за то, что не бросают поиски истины. Все мы, дятлововеды, работаем вместе, чтобы найти доказательства, только теории разделяют нас.
Эта книга более чем на 90% основана на фактах. Попытка объяснить произошедшее есть только в последней главе. И я считаю, что именно так следует писать книги о группе Дятлова.»