Inspection of the scene where the bodies were found
On May 6, 1959, the prosecutor of city of Ivdel in Sverdlovsk region Jr Counselor of Justice Tempalov, in the presence of witnesses Dilevich Yuri Davydovich, address city of Kiev, Cominterna St. №12 room 11, Fyodorov Vadim Ivanovich, address city of Sverdlovsk, Stachek St. №19, apt. 222 and Artyupov Georgiy Semyonovich address city of Sverdlovsk .......... wrote this protocol of the scene where the 4 bodies were found. On the slope of the west side of height 880 in the ravine of a creek 50 meters from the known cedar were found four bodies of them three men and one woman. The body of the woman is identified as Lyudmila Dubinina. The bodies of men can not be identified without lifting them.
All bodies were in the water. They were excavated from the snow from 2.5 meters to 2 meters deep. Two men and a third lay their heads to the north along the stream. Dubinina's body lay in the opposite direction with her head against the current of the stream. Dubinina is wearing a scarf on her head, a yellow tank top, a checkered shirt and two sweaters, one gray one of another dark color, on the legs dark leggings and brown ski trousers, on the feet on one 2 woolen socks, the right foot is wrapped in half of a sweater of beige color. on the back of her head and neck there are signs of damage from the probe to which testified citizen Astenadze V. M., who found Dubinina. Her body has decayed. The first body of a man is dressed in a khaki storm jacket on his first hand are two watches brands "Pobeda" and "Sportivnye" the watches show - pobeda 38 minutes past 9 hours, and the sportivnye 15 minutes past 9 hours, the head and legs of this body are not visible, i.e. not the whole body is dug out from under the snow. And two bodies lie embracing, there is nothing on their heads, not all hair is left on their heads, one of them is wearing a storm jacket, the same for the second, what else it's on them can only be established after lifting their bodies from the stream. The lega are not visible, since they are not fully excavated from under the snow. The bodies have decayed. The bodies are photographed. The bodies should be immediately taken out from the stream, they can further decompose even more and they can be carried away by the stream, because the current is very fast. Up the creek in a distance of six meters along the tracks a den was found at a depth of 3 to 2.5 meters. The flooring consists of 14 fir tree and 1 birch tops in the snow. Items were found on top of the flooring.
Half of beige sweater was found 15 meters from the creek under a tree. Half of the ski trousers were found where the branches were cut for the flooring 15 meters from the den \towards the forest/. also ebonite sheath and a tablespoon of white metal were found under the snow at the location where Dyatlov group tent was found. At the inspection of the scene was present Astenadze Vladimir Mihaylovich, address Sverdlovsk, Lenin St. 66, apt. 303, and Kuznetsova Nikolay Igorevich, address Lenin St. 66, apt. 338.
Prosecutor of the city of Ivdel
Jr. Counselor of Justice
Witnesses: |
Inspection of the scene where the bodies were found
On May 6, 1959, the prosecutor of city of Ivdel in the Sverdlovsk region Jr Counselor of Justice Tempalov, in the presence of witnesses Dilevich (the letter "G" is written on top of the letter "D" - ed. note) Yuri Davydovich, address city of Kiev, Cominterna St. №12 room 11, Fyodorov Vadim Ivanovich, address city of Sverdlovsk, Stachek St. №19, apt. 222 and Artyupov Georgiy Semyonovich address city of Sverdlovsk ... wrote this protocol of the scene where the 4 bodies were found.
On the slope of the north-west side of height 880 in the ravine of a creek 50 meters from the known cedar were found four bodies of them three men and one woman. The body of the woman is identified as Lyudmila Dubinina. The bodies of men can not be identified without lifting them.
All bodies are in the water. They were excavated from the snow from 2.5 meters to 2 meters deep. Two men and a third lay their heads to the north along the stream. Dubinina's body lay in the opposite direction with her head against the current of the stream. Dubinina is wearing a scarf on her head, a yellow tank top, a checkered shirt and two sweaters, one gray one of another dark color, on the legs dark leggings and brown ski trousers
on the feet on one 2 woolen socks, the right foot is wrapped in half of a sweater of beige color. on the back of her head and neck there are signs of damage from the probe to which testified citizen Astenadzi V.M., who found Dubinina. Her body has decayed.
The first body of a man is dressed in a khaki storm jacket on his hands are on the first two watches brands "Pobeda" and "Sportivniy" the watches show - pobeda 38 minutes past 9 hours, and the sportivniy 15 minutes past 9 hours, the head and legs of this body are not visible, i.e. not the whole body is dug out from under the snow. And two bodies lie embracing, there is nothing on their heads, not all hair is left on their heads, one of them is wearing a storm jacket, the same for the second, what else it's on them can only be established after lifting their bodies from the stream. The legs are not visible, since they are not fully excavated from under the snow. The bodies have decayed. The bodies are photographed. The bodies should be immediately taken out from the stream, they can further decompose even more and they can be carried away by the stream, because the current is very fast.
Up the creek in a distance of six meters along the tracks a den was found at a depth of 3 to 2.5 meters. The flooring consists of 14 fir tree and 1 birch tops in the snow. Items were found on top of the flooring.
\second/ Half of beige sweater was found 15 meters from the creek \south creek/ under a tree. Half of the ski trousers were found where the branches were cut for the flooring 15 meters from the den \towards the forest/, also ebonite sheath and a tablespoon of white metal were found under the snow at the location where Dyatlov group tent was found
At the inspection of the scene was present Astenadze Vladimir Mihaylovich, address Sverdlovsk, Lenin St. 66, apt. 303, and Kuznetsova
Nikolay Igorevich, address Lenin St. 66, room 338.
Prosecutor of city of Ivdel
Jr Counselor of Justice
Witnesses: 1) Artyukov (signature)
2) Kuznetsov (signature)
3) Askenedze (signature)
4) Gilevich (signature)
5) Fyodorov (signature)