My name is Teodora Hadjiyska. I am an independent researcher of the cold case dubbed the Dyatlov Pass incident. I have been investigating for 12 years now. I translated the case files and many more documents related to the case. I went on location with Discovery Channel: Expedition Unknown (host Josh Gates) in 2019.

Josh Gates, Teodora Hadjiyska, and Mike Libecki

Since then I have been to the pass on my own in 2022 and 2023. I co-authored a book "1079" with a groundbreaking theory that solves the case. All I need now is proof and I keep finding evidence. This is the only theory that has produced a prediction that was later corroborated. I found a can from condensed milk made in 1958 where there should have been nothing since it is presumed that the hikers died there without any supplies. Five meters from the bodies I found a tree fallen in the first month of 1959. I am not saying this lightly. Behind every fact there is enormous work of forensic experts. For the tree that has been on the ground 65 years, as long as the tragedy took place, I was donated a special borer, then submitted the core sample for a dendrology analysis.

Teodora Hadjiyska core sampling the Dead Cedar

I investigated and traveled cross country to meet with directors of the plant that manufactured the tin can.

Lyubinskiy Molochnokonservnyy Kombinat

Dyatlov Pass expedition 2022

To continue my work I will need to get to the Northern Urals with a professional metal detector since the artifacts are deep in the ground. The case has been cold for 65 years now. I am turning to your generosity and hoping to touch your curiosity and attract you as like-minded people. Everyone likes a good mystery but how many can say that they have helped to solve one?

Expedition Unknown \josh Gates and fis film crew

"Researcher Teodora Hadjiyska is the world's foremost expert on the Dyatlov Pass incident, having compiled and translated every known document related to the case before putting it on the web for the public to analyze." — Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown

Dyatlov Expedition Lottery

I want to bring something from the Dyatlov Pass to all of you but I am limited in what I can carry, hoping I will be loaded with artifacts found in the ground to be analyzed. I came up with this lottery.

  1. The donations will be automatically listed by PayPal so every amount will be assigned a number.
  2. We use the first ten numbers listed here https://www.kslottery.com/previous-numbers drawn after the date when the amount ($3,000) is reached.
  3. Donations between $50-$199 that hit the lottery numbers will be awarded whatever they choose from the perks below excluding the book.
  4. All donations of $200+ already won a book and a perk.
  5. Donations are accumulative. If the same person gives more than once the first number of the donation that puts them in the $50-$199 bracket will be considered for the lottery.
  6. If the donations from one donor reach $200 they get a book + perk.
  7. If the number drawn hits someone who is not eligible for the lottery (less than $50) or someone who has already won (this incl. $200+), the next number in line wins.

I will ship the awards from Europe and the US, giving you the option to reimburse me for the shipping. Those who win the perks and still want to purchase a signed book can tell me at the time when I ship the souvenir. The only priceless items are the particles from the Dyatlov Pass. The place is considered magical being in the thoughts and hearts of so many people around the world. It affects everyone differently. It has already altered the course of my life, the choices I make, and the paths I take. My life has not gotten any easier, but I am true to myself. You may not be able to make it to the Pass, but I can bring the Pass to you.

Stone from Dyatlov Pass

Stone from Dyatlov Pass

I will never harm the Boot Rock because I don't want the wrath of the Dead Mountain upon me. I will bring you what the winds have weathered away. The stone has to have willingly separated and began its own journey .... to you.


Stone from Dead Mountain

Stone from Dead Mountain

The Bird Rock is on top of the Kholat Syakhl (aka Dead Mountain). This is the closest you will get to a sacred place. People that are aware of its existence ask for permission to go to Otorten, the final destination of the Dyatlov group. The stone that I will bring you will be loose, I will not harm the rock or else I wont live to mail it to you.


Stone from Otorten

Stone from Otorten

This is a tough one because I, like the Dyatlov group, have never reached Mt Otorten. It was their final destination. This year, with your help, I hope to reach this magical place. Legend has it this is a gate to another dimension. There is a warning not to go through the gate. There are things that are "not for us to know". The mountain is dubbed "Don't go there". I will not dare to break a piece, rather lift a stone fallen on its own. The top of the gate has weathered to nothing. it is believed that once the gate opens all hell will break loose, and I do not want to be around when it happens.


Water from the creek

Water from the creek

This is not my idea. A scientist, author of a book "The Nature of Holy Water" asked me if I can bring him water from where the bodies laid for 3 months. His research shows that the structure of the water changes after it is blessed. He is photographing educed crystals. He wanted to see if the water in this creek is any different from the water in other parts of the mountain. He calls it "the memory of the water".


Pine cone from a cedar

Pine cone from a cedar

The tree under which the bodies of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko were found very rarely produces pine cones, so I am not going to lie that I can bring you pine cones from this particular cedar, but there are plenty of cedars nearby. These trees are 200 year old. They all witnessed the tragedy. On the photo is Prof. PhD Momchil Panayotov from the Dendrology department of the University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria, who is helping me with the case. In exchange he is more than happy to accept a pine cone from the Pass!


Signed "1079" book

Signed "1079" book

The book is available in four languages: Russian, English, German and Spanish. Igor Pavlov died before the book came out. I am the only author you are left with to sign the book. You will get it with personalized inscription tanking you for contributing to my fourth expedition to the pass. I believe this expedition will be crucial for the case.



Russian Detective 2024 2024

"1079" won the "Russian Detective 2024" award for "Documentary Detective"

June 8, 2024

"1079. The Overwhelming Force of Dyatlov Pass" won the "Russian Detective 2024" award in the category "Documentary Detective". Links:

Komsomolskya Pravda
Acceptance speech in YouTube

The invitation to the award ceremony came with a week's notice. In the invitation it was written that I am a finalist, who wins the award is known when you are on stage and they open the envelope (as in the Oscars). I felt gut even though the competitors were famous Russian writers, Sergey Leontiev, "Radiation", and Nikolay Svechin, "Ural Echo".

So to be in Moscow on a week's notice I sold my car, a Peugeot 106. I did not touch the money that I am asking you to donate for the expedition that is in one month. Please, those of you who haven't donated yet, give a small amount, if half of you donate $5 each I will be on my way to the Dyatlov Pass. Please, I am not asking for large amounts, every $ counts.


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