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Yuri (Georgiy) Alekseevich Krivonischenko
Yuri Krivonischenko, along with Yuri Doroshenko, was found one and a half kilometers from the tent in the forest under the cedar. It is believed that both Yuri died the very first, since all the outer clothing was cut off by other hikers in order to warm themselves. According to the examination, Krivonischenko and Doroshenko died from hypothermia. But at the same time, chopped branches were found right under the cedar. Why both Yuri froze in a calm forest near a fire and in the presence of firewood is unclear.
Our correspondents met with Yuri's elder brother - Konstantin Krivonischenko.
Konstantin Krivonischenko with wife Nina Panteleevna
To many researchers of this tragedy, Yuri Krivonischenko seems to be a rather mysterious person. It is known that he worked at the Mayak secret nuclear enterprise. It is believed that he was a KGB recruit. Yuri’s clothes turned out to be radioactive. For some reason, Yuri Krivonischenko, as well as another victim - Semyon Zolotaryov, was buried separately from other hikers in a prestigious and already closed city cemetery.
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Camping photo: Yuri in the center on a raft in a scarf
Yuri’s brother, Konstantin Alekseevich, now lives in Kiev. This is what he told us.
What to say about Yuri? He was a sociable and cheerful guy. He wrote very emotional poems. His favorite song was "I love you, life, and I hope this is mutual". And when he died, our mother found a piece of basalt, attached a silvered plate with an engraving on it with this line from Yuri’s favorite song. She put it on a shelf in memory of Yuri.
Krivonischenko's father saved by Stalin
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What did Yuri's father know from eyewitnesses
In this regard, it is interesting to recall Krivonischenko's father testimony from the case files. We give it completely with all grammar errors.
Krivonischenko witness testimony
Sheet 273
witness testimony
On April 14, 1959, the prosecutor criminologist of Sverdlovsk region Romanov interrogated as a witness in District Prosecution Office, in compliance with Article 162-168 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR
Warned on the responsibility for the first part of Art. 92 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for refusing to testify and under Art. 95 Criminal Code of the RSFSR for giving knowingly false testimony is forewarned. Krivonischenko (signature)
Witness testified: After the funeral of my son on March 9, 1959, I had students over at the apartment, participants in the search for the nine hikers. Among them were those hikers who at the end of January and the beginning of February were on an expedition in the north, a little bit to the south of Mount Otorten. There were apparently at least two such groups, at least the participants of the two groups said that they had seen the light phenomenon that struck them on February 1 north of the location of these groups: the extremely bright glow of some kind of rocket or projectile. The glow was so strong, that some of the hikers that were already inside the tent and getting ready to go to sleep, were alarmed by this glow, went out of the tent and observed this phenomenon. After a while they heard a sound like a strong thunder from far away. I don't know the names of those who said that, because I have never seen them before and I don’t know them, but obviously the students who saw and heard this light and sound phenomenon can be tracked, as there were several people, and it was not difficult to determine which groups were in the North at that time. The students said that they had observed a similar phenomenon twice: on the first and the seventh of February 1959.
The students said that near the fire under the cedar were found belongings that were not on the deceased - my son and Doroshenko, at the same time, they didn't have shoes but there were socks laying around. We can assume that there were more people at the cedar tree than the two found there dead. The rest must have gone away when two
Krivonischenko (signature)
Sheet 274
were already dead, or if they were still alive and left at the campfire like a temporary base - then the abandoned did not see the clothes, since when freezing they would have probably put on everything that could get their hands on.
The students said that the fire at the cedar didn't go off due to lack of wood, but because nobody maintained it. This, too, obviously could be either because people who were at the fire did not see what to do, or because they were already blind or dead (blinded) mistake signature. They say that a few meters from the fire there were dry branches fallen from a tree that were not used. In the presence of a fire, it was not possible not to see something that could be easily used, so being blind seems like possible explanation. Both hikers found at the campfire gradually lost sight (but very quickly) and although they could maintain the fire wile the wood lasted - they could not do it after they couldn't see what to do. They froze after they were already dead. This is only a guess of mine.
Krivonischenko (signature)
Interrogated (signature)
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Shortly before his death, Yuri resigned
To clarify. The Mayak disaster occurred on September 29, 1957. And Yuri, for sure, came under exposure there. His relation with the company soon went south. The family archive contains Yuri's letter of resignation dated August 15, 1958.
"Please provide me with payment and accept my resignation at my own request from the company PO Box 404/10 due to complete unwillingness to work in this system".
The resolution of the authorities on the letter is: "We can not find a reason for dismissal. It is necessary to fulfill the order of the head of the enterprise and begin work on the site "Ozero".
But Yuri still quit. He took a break and went to Otorten. It is possible that Krivonischenko went on the expedition in the same clothes in which he had been at the enterprise. This means that the radioactive elements found on his sweater and pants (only a sweater - ed. note) could be picked up while working on the rehabilitation site "Ozero".
Yuri Krivonischenko letter of resignation
This video is not part of Komsomolskaya Pravda article.
There are photos of Yuri Krivonischenko on 6:28 and 6:58
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Yuri’s mom didn’t part with her son’s belongings
We thank Konstantin Alekseevich and Nina Panteleevna for the warm welcome and for sharing these memories.
We took some of Yuri's poems from the family archive. They may seem imperfect to someone, but they tell us a lot about the character of this person. Let Yuri rest in peace, as well as his comrades in this tragic expedition.
Yuri Krivonischenko with a friend. Perhaps it was to her that he dedicated his poems.
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Skis in the corner, backpack on the closet,
Mandolin hanging on the wall.
Photo Album. Letters from friends,
Hiking treks - only in dreams…
Abandoned by fate to devil's horns:
There is no talk of mountains here,
Everyone calls me "fanatic"
They shed "crocodile tears".
And laugh, dipping noses in furs,
In life you will never know,
A snowstorm in the mountains,
How the wind plays the taiga.
You will never know grander,
When resting at the top,
And hundreds kilometers along
The green sea of the forests.
You will never see how rocks fall down,
How does the "Sayan vains" grow,
You have never seen the horns of a red deer
And roaring down stream from a clif.
You meet both winter and summer
Behind the double frame of the window,
And don't know the "power"
of sleeping by the fire in winter.
What do you boast about laughing at me?
With ignorance of your vast country?
Going to London, Paris, New York
To dance rock and roll, eat a couple of lobster
To buy fancy pants!
I feel sorry for you!
Y. Krivonischenko.
I look at the burning fire.
Pink glowing flames won't last.
Comrades asleep, the day was dire.
Why can't you be with us?
Where on the world are you now
With a backpack and an ice axe,
What road are you dealt now
Always exploring the fate?
Maybe you’re making your way through the taiga
Knee-deep in the swamp waters,
Or wander under the ruthless sun
Somewhere in the Kazakhstan steppe?
Maybe you are in the snow of the Arctic,
And the blizzard sweeps your track?
Maybe this early morning
You meet the dawn in the Pamirs?
Covered with road dust
Hundreds of miles away from home,
Maybe your night is starless
And you don't think about me?
And you don’t know how often at nights
I move closer to the fire
And remembering you with longing,
I sing this sad song...
I look at the burning fire.
Pink glowing flames won't last.
Comrades asleep, the day was dire.
Why can't you be with us?
Y. Krivonischenko
Yuri Krivonischenko has beautiful sense of rhythm and rhyme that I haven't taken the time to match, translated word for word, except the strophe in italic, that repeats at the beginning and at the end of the Campfire poem.
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