According to Karelin, separate (loose) sheets with diagrams and a list of search groups were folded inside the notebooks.
Brown notebook cover
On the back: Slobodin V.M. D1-85-41 h. 57
Radio 2/III '59
1) Continue the search at any cost.
2) Replace part of the group - Slobtsov and Mansi (without Nevolin) pull off.
3) Send Lt. Col. Busygin - group with probes (12-14 men).
4) Send sappers with a mine detector
5) Recruit new mansi
6) 1st flight corpses + 5-6 men
2nd flight - evacuate all replaced people
7) Forecast - no worsening is expected
3-5 March t=-12, wind 5-6 m.
Radio transmitter R-114=Akselrod
-----//---- R10=
? Bivouac in another place v Food -3+3 v Products - Sogrin v Yura - topo of the area | 30 men | Chernyshoev 5 Akselrod 3 Headquarters 3 Mansi3+2 Slobtsov9 Karelin 5 28 + 2 =30 men | Ivanov Lev Nikitich Д1-63-34 кв Elena Grig. D1-49-66 work secretary D1-32-04 |
On 2/III '59 | ||
| Search labaz = mansi 2 + Slobtsov 3 Search for the pass = Chern 5 + Akselrod 3 + Car. 5 + Masl. On duty = Pass=helicopter= |
2/III '59 The weather is improving
Today we will look for a labaz in the upper sources of Auspiya. Sending Send on-duty on the helipad in case of arrival of the helicopter. Send group to the pass to search for victims. The first flight will take Ivanov, Yarovoy, 4 corpses, the second - 6 people from the group of Slobtsov.
Considering Questions:
1) Send to Chernyshev’s group four hoods from for raincoats.
2) Fly 2 helicopters or one in two flights.
3) No need to replace the Mansi that are going back - this is our opinion and Nevolin.
4) Since the area of work is well defined and the nature of the work requires a different experience is not difficult, I consider it appropriate the leadership of the detachment to entrust to Captain Chernyshev,
so that the composition of the detachment becomes military. Make The detachment and comrade Chernyshev agree on this. Set It also raises the question of withdrawing Blinov Borisov Serdytih
5) It would be nice to clarify whether a new type meteorological accident crashed over the ridge area, launched on the Urals on the evening of the first of February.
6) Thank you for your concern in the delivery of products, we ask halva oil, condensed milk, sugar, coffee, tea, cigarettes. Maslennikov.
(one sheet is torn)
Transmission 2/III
Sidorov - take off
Report weather 9-12-15h local. Detail summary of the expedition at 18.
Sapper 8 men, 10 sportsmen. Busygin
Helicopter 3/III; at 11-12h, 2nd helicopter after 20-30 mins
Kurikov group left 25/II looking for deer 24/II to 3/III '59, then turned back.
2/III '59 Found in the labaz
Condensed milk 0.4 6cans = 2.5kg Meat 0.35 10 cans = 4kg Sugar 8kg Butter 4kg Cooked sausage 4kg Salt 1.5kg Kissel compote 3kg Cocoa, coffee, tea = 0.6kg Oatmeal porridge (in br*) = 5kg Buckwheat porridge -//-2.5 Brisket = 3kg Powdered milk = 4pcs = 1kg Sug. bulk = 3kg v Noodles = 5kg | Mandolin Krivonischenko 1 pair leather** boots size 41 1 pair insulated boots Dyatlov Рepair kit - fastened Lighting = 2 batteries First aid kit - 1 box |
54.5kg |
* Example: semolina in briquettes
** Could be worn (нош.) or leather (кож.)
Radiogram 2/III '59
Searches in the Lozva valley today failed. Twenty-two people went to the pass and then were forced to go back because of a snowstorm, there is no visibility stop. Instead, we prepared firewood, strengthened the camp, prepared it for the arrival of replacements. 400 meters from our camp going up on Auspiya search groups of Slobtsov and Kurikov discovered found Dyatlov labaz. In the labaz were found nineteen items and products weighing 55 kg, as well as a spare first-aid kit, Dyatlov warm boots, one spare ski boots, a mandolin, a set of batteries with light bulb and a spare set of skis. List and weight of products available listed in investigator Ivanov's protocol. Products by decision
of the latter left the camp.
Moving from the place of the last discovered overnight stay from the storage to the pass in bad weather Dyatlovets Dyatlov's group could easily have taken the ridge of height 1079 for the pass to Lozva. But the main mystery of the tragedy remains the exit of the whole group from the tent. The only thing besides an ice ax found outside the tent — a Chinese flashlight on the roof — confirms the likelihood that one dressed person would come outside, which gave some reason for everyone else to hastily throw the tent. The reason could be some extraordinary natural phenomenon or the passage of meteorological intercepts, which Ivdel saw on February 1 and on February 17, saw Karelin’s group. Tomorrow we will continue to search together with new forces and ship the planned cargo.
Questions: Small messages
1. Chernyshev's group and Sidorov both are asking to leave the latterhere.
2. Need candles, five pieces left.
3. Tomorrow morning, we are sending Kurikov’s group back, giving them reference for their work.
4. Send telegram on my behalf to Sverdlovsk, Pervomayskaya 104 Energochermet
24 u. (unquoted - ed. note) 16'=
To Maslennikov=
tomorrow, in your area weather is expected to improve and decided to send two helicopters to you at the same time after reconnaissance of the area and they will drop off 8 sappers with mine detectors and a group of ten men headed by an officer while you remain the leader of the search your deputy is appointed captain Chernyshev. by the general party the instructions given to the plant manager to consider you on a business trip. Against the evacuation procedure proposed
by you today we do not object make the most expedient decisions independently requested products will be sent to you use food from the labaz after the inventory nothing against the evacuation of Borisov Serdityh why send Blinov is necessary to send Blinov back. we clearly don't have flying weather continue the search for the whole group untill the whole group. We will send a telegram to your wife now. Send the coordinates of the labaz = Commission =
09 1000 130 Moscow time to give only weather on the airfield in the absence of Maslennikov these sessions are not mandatory, and with me at 1300 main control session at 1600 rc. (reverse check - ed. note)
5) Please call me to report and resolve issues with leadership of the detachment.
To Maslennikov
1. If Sidorov agrees we have no objections. Other questions will be answered tomorrow.
1 call at ?12
1/III '59
We consider today the final day. Will feel with probes the whole area with deep snow. If we do not find anything with the probes, we will have to wait for spring (May-June). They didn't go further than this place. Snow here in places is more than 2m. It is established that the disaster occurred on the night of February 2.
On January 31, during bad weather, the group left Auspiya from an overnight stay, which was discovered first and went up to the pass. But the wind stopped them and they returned to the tree line of the forest at the upper sources of Auspiya and set up a camp here. This is about where our camp is now. The next morning they made a storage shed and left some of their products here. At 15.00 (in the afternoon they built
storage) they again went to Lozva through the the pass and climbed to the place where the tent we found was pitched. Probably during the blizzard they took the slope of height 1079 (main ridge) for the pass from Auspiya to Lozva. They went up to the ridge and were driven away by a hurricane wind, decided to set up a camp at this place at 6 pm The tent is installed very firmly, according to all the rules, all skis are under the tent, then empty backpacks, padded jackets, on one side there are food supplies, on the other - shoes. There were also all the blankets, all personal belongings of the group. The tent is set up with accounting for the strong wind from above.
Radio 3/III
continuation 1/III -----------
the group had dinner (there are food leftovers in the tent) and began to undress in order change their wet clothes, boots and put on dry ones. It was at that moment that something happened that made the group half-dressed run out of the tent and rush down the slope. Perhaps someone dressed came out to relief himself, he was blown away. The responders to the scream were also carried away. The tent is pitched at the most dangerous place went it comes to wind. It was impossible to climb back from 50 meters, as the tent was (see page 9) (ed. note - here 26)
3/III '59
overcast 6-8 height at the level of the mountains is visible 5-7km wind west down 2 in the mountains 8-10 temp. -5°.
50 to 09 50 kg helicopter
3/III-59 1200 to 1400 rc. (reverse check - ed. note)
A group of sappers arrived, 8 people safely reached the camp. The corpses were sent by helicopter, the prosecutor and correspondent also arrived. 17 people are participating in the search. In the morning the weather was better, now the wind is increasing. The search continues. Chernyshev.
Radiogram 3/III
Snowstorm lasted all day. Wind over the pass to 25 meters, visibility 5-8. The search continued. The group of Captain Vlasov carefully examined the valley of the stream, at the sources of which was Dyatlov group accident happened. The group reached Lozva. No traces of Dyatlov was found, creek is a snow dump site from the main ridge, the snow is very deep. The probability part of the group to have left this Lozva valley are none. Moiseev also passed here thorough with the dogs. Another group continued to probe the slope. Two hundred meters of deep snow, one hundred meters wide leading to Kolmogorova's dying place stop Nothing
was found stop Once again examined the site at the cedar stop The amount of work done at the site cutting the fir trees suggests that besides two there is someone else stop Maybe this spruce branch is used for the snow pit in which the rest sleep. Tomorrow this site will be subjected to more thorough inspection. On the way back from the search we gather the passengers from the second helicopter. We are staying in the same tent, we are still thirty people.
Tomorrow we will continue searching. Since the probes, despite our request, were not brought to work half of the detachment ten people. The rest will be working on a helipad near
the camp, found the site.
Our requests:
1) Instead of candles, send two kerosene lamps.
2) If possible, put a question on travel arrangements for search team leaders to engineers Karelin Akselrod Atmanaki. Addresses at Ivanov.
3) Postgraduate Korolyov left the institute without registration, please call.
4) Need to send garlic.
5) Tell the relatives of Chernyshev’s group that everyone is alive and healthy.
6) Need to prepare for the replacement of the remaining students with army men. M-v
1. Due to the great difficulty of landing helicopters, please consider finding a new landing area for your camp area covered from strong winds conditions for a site with a radius of one hundred meters under low trees. At the center of the site, trod a square 10 by 10 meters.
2. Ten more people will be sent tomorrow. Prepare to send someone you consider possible, but not more than 10 people.
3) We consider it extremely necessary for Maslennikov to organize a search for all the people who arrived for 2-3 days after which he may be reporting. 4. Inform the search plans for the coming days.
5. Instead of candles, send two kerosene lamps.
6) All heads of institutions in Sverdlovsk, of which people are busy searching, are instructed to extend business trips = Pavlov =
There is a section one and a half kilometers long, one hundred meters wide, where the probes should pass. With this, all the work will be completed, there is nowhere esle to search. This will take three days if the weather does not worsen. M-v
be healthy, wish you success
Maslennikov in your home was serkova reassured all right =
30 men | ||
Nev Masl. Lt.Col. | 1) 8 sappers 2) 3m. duty 2+1 4) 10m. probes Kar.4 + Chern.1 + Aks.4+2 5) 4m cedar Vlasov 4m + 2sap + 2sap 5) 5m-helipad + 3duty. (27) Chern.1 + Slobtsov.3+ Shevk.3 + Blinov.1 Karelin - in charge of the men on duty | Karelin - 3ч. Blinov - 1 Slobtsov - 3 7 |
(monument scheme)
(Ed. note: In March it was decided to establish a temporary monument. According to unconfirmed data, this pyramid was installed in the area of the helipad on the pass by April (before the arrival of Blinov group)
(ed. note - continuation from 17)
torn, the (hikers - ed. note) down the hill could command to abandon it and go into the woods. Knowing the slope in the direction of Auspiya, where the forest is near, they wanted to hide there, maybe find the site of the storage. But the slope to Lozva is very rocky and 2-3 times farther from the forest. They made a fire and Dyatlov with Kolmogorova (they are better dressed) went back to look for the rest and for clothes. Couldn't keep up and they fell. The position of their bodies speaks of this.
Today 4h. will look for the storage, the rest will search for the dead. We feel well, please send 15kg of crackers, 5 shovels. Advise the weather for 3 days, did Grebennik get going. Maslennikov.
In the direction of the wind at 10-15m from the tent lay sneakers and socks, a storm jacket, a fur jacket, pro
Tent for 10 people
N S | ^ | | | | | x | flashlight x ice axe | °880 | |
1079 | x spare skis | ||||
° | ° 900 |
Slobtsov dropped off 23 on Otorten
24/II | went to Lozva, then to the foot of the ridge Charka-Nur | ‹ ridge | x entrance | products slope› |
25/II | reached Dyatlov campsite on Auspiya | |||
26/II | 3 groups went up, down, to Purma to meet with mansi | |||
27/II | All groups gather on 1079 |
4/III | Lt.Col. Shestopalov: area 300х150 |
The weather is very good. Search continue, 31 people worked from half past nine to six. Processed three hundred meters by two hundred and sixty wide. Another group began to probe the cedar area. Found a handkerchief two and a half pairs of socks, torn cuff from a gray sweater sleeve. Nothing more can be said. Three people were preparing the site for a helicopter right outside the tent, an area of 50x50 was cut down. Climbed the ridge, where was pitched
Dyatlov tent and height 1079 as well. No traces of ascend were found. Mine detectors are useless, and lieutenant colonel immediately switched to probes
11+10+8+5=34 men
In addition to the two military groups of Chernyshev and Shestopalov, Akselrod’s civilian group has been organized, the whole camp is 34 people. Report the results of the investigation Dyatlov items, maybe it will help finding the place. What was the weather on February 1. Maslennikov
Reply 4/III '59
1. The commission considers it necessary for Maslennikov to prepare for the flight for the report on March 6. Pay special attention to all human and wolf tracks, their direction, quantity, from the film on which tracks are photographed.
2. Advise who to be in charge of the search team while you are away.
3. What is product availability 4. A telegram was received in the name of Maslennikov: Business trip extend wish successful assignment Chernavin
dvd Chernavin
5 Investigation of items (from the tent - ed. note) is not over.
6 Weather February 1 in Ivdel was temperature 17 northwest wind 14 meter per second.
7. Avalanche probes are in Sverdlovsk tomorrow the sixth, will be here, and send to you
The approach to the helipad should be one hundred meters, at least on one side. Send the telegram to your Moscow comrades and greetings to everyone =
wish you success in further search and good health =
gb sk 1900 Moscow time
N ^ | | S | scheme | Search site Lt.Col. Shestopalov 4/ |
Search chart (comments):
(10) to 6=8 hours 930 → pr.250m - 40 min з/ч - 50 meters 1000 meters 20 times 40 mins 800 min 600 200 10+4=14h | 250m - 1hour 2000 meters 8 hours |
5/III day
1) Probes are needed by the end of the day 5/III. On the helipad 2 men Chern. + 2men Shest.
2) Sr Lieutenant Avenburg will lead a group of sappers, Lieutenant Colonel Shestopalov must return.
3) We have no missiles to connect groups during bad weather.
temp 8-9 wind west 10-14 meters sec gusty
Radio 5/III
Today was windy again, the wind swept 15 meters, visibility is poor. Yesterday, the Shestopalov group passed a section near the cedar 300x120 meters. Today the detachment worked especially hard, covered 500 meters from 250 to 150 meters wide. Halfway between Kolmogorova and Dyatlov, a fifth body was found under 15 centimeters layer of snow. This is more than likely Rustem Slobodin. Wearing a warm ski cap on his head, black sweater cotton pants underpants three pairs of socks. Abrasions in several places on his face. There is a wound on the hand.
On one leg, a black felt boot. A watch pobeda on his wrist stopped at a quarter to nine. Lying with his head bent in the direction of the mountain. An act is drawn up. Tomorrow afternoon we will carry him up. Remained area of 500x100 square. All groups are merged now for the search in one, walking with probes close to each other in a front of 30 people sectors on the search site divided in squares. It will be tomorrow too. The tent is guarded around the clock from the first day of work, Weapons here are more than enough.=
The address and telegram of Atmanaki Revda of Sverdlovsk Engels 29 Atmanaki I am in the mountains healthy don't worry I'll be around the tenth Georg Zhora.
The names of Muscovites
Baskin Semyon Borisovich
Bardin Kirill Vasilyevich
Shuleshko Evgeniy Evgenyevich
We will all write letters today
To Maslennikov
very necessary here. Tomorrow will be sent a new man.
Alcohol Sausage Cond. Milk no bread sent
Regarding will regard w account products your we will take into account your request, maslennikov is allowed to departure 7 Mar=Pavlov
1200 We wish you success in work and good health
Protocol №1
Finding the body of Slobodin from UPI hiking group (leader Dyatlov)
We, the undersigned, Evgeniy Polikarpovich Maslennikov (Sverdlovsk, Zavodskaya, 32-84), Ivan Alekseevich Vlasov (Ivdel, Mekhanoshina, 20), Sergey Antonovich Verkhovskiy (Ivdel, Krasnoarmeyskaya, 52 b), Semyon Borisovich Baskin (Moscow I-51, Malokaretnaya 3, apt. 1)
drew up the present act as follows:
signature Maslennikov
signature Vlasov
signature Verkhovskiy
signature Baskin
Drawing of the Dyatlov tent location and cedar
Drawing of Kolmogorova, Slobodin, Dyatlov and the cedar tree
Plan for Mar 6, 1959
Remain - Sidorov, Vlasov, Nevolin, √
Transportation - 6 men Potapov +1men Chern.
Search - 22 men.
Leaving Lt.Col. Shestopalov (Verhovskiy)
1) It is necessary to pay for the skis, which made the sled.
2) Need to send Tipikin Sogrin Akselrod
Forest 3-5 meters around the site is cleared and 7x7 meters area is cleaned to the ground
Radio Mar 6, 1959
Weather is not good for search. The search team passed the entire valley of the stream at 250-meter-long by hundred meters wide. Nothing found. A small group passed the forest border below 880 along the ridge above the stream of the incident. Part of the group going further from the cedar across this ridge is excluded as there is deep, friable snow all over the slope. Tomorrow the probes will go through a deep ravine of 50 meters from the cedar, going to the pass between heights 880 and 1079. Also we will go through a small section of the upper part of the slope under the Dyatlov tent for the second time. There is nowhere else to look.
Ready to fly tomorrow to report. Maslennikov.
Due to the fact that the helicopter tomorrow will undergo a routine inspection its departure to you is scheduled for March 8. Assign comrades to the additional equipment of the site according to the instructions received by you from the crew. =Pavlov=
The ground under the helipad is uneven, so we don’t need to clear it from the snow to the ground. We will level it and press the helicopter to the ground, 10 meters closer to the tent from the center of the site.
It is advisable to know the leader's plans for the search for the near term. We are surprised by the large number of products sent.
To Maslennikov
Further plan for the search will be discussed after your departure.=
We wish you success in your search and good health bye 1200
1. Tomorrow the presence of Yuri Yudin and Stepan Nikolayevich in Ivdel is desirable.
2. Whether to wait today helicopter?
3. Please send telegrams
a) Sverdlovsk Zavodskaya 32 apt. 84 Maslennikova Greetings on your holiday will be back soon Zhenya
b) Akselrod
c) Atmanaki
d) The whole group of Chernyshev asks to convey congratulations to their wives today in regards to Happy 8th of March.
7/III '59
28 people continued to search all day. No results. A lighted flashlight was found 450 meters below the tent; 20 meters from the tent - a piece of broken skis. Tomorrow, March 8, is announced to be a the day off. I think that the search should stop until the end of April. The weather is improving.
Tomorrow, three Muscovites will fly out with me, part of the civilians is desirable to leave.
Tomorrow, at about 11-12 am local time, a helicopter will arrive which you must fly to report on the results of work and measures for further search. Tomorrow communication only with the airfield. Please Moscow comrades to stay in the camp until measures for further searches are determined. Take with yourself Verhovskiy from the group of Chernyshev. Congratulations to all men on Women's Day. Your telegrams are all transmitted. Landing a helicopter at the usual place =Pavlov=
Helicopter landing will be at the usual place=
Once again we ask the Moscow comrades to stay=Pavlov=
Due to the extraordinary tragic case checking the materials of preparation of Dyatlov group’s expedition is entrusted to a special commission, so there is no need to do this work additionally and the team can check the work of the city’s hiking section in 2-3 days. In this regard, we once again ask you to postpone the departure for a few days. =Commission=
(Calculations for the search) 5=1 500 000 :30
1500х200= 300 000 sq.m. х 8=2 400 000 :30 50 000 pokes
80.000 pokes
2000 х 5=10000 pokes
Section length 1500 m
Width - " - 200 m
Area 300.000 sq. m (30 hectares) (74 acres - ed. note)
Q-ty pokes per sq. m 5 p
Total pokes 1 500 000 p
Per man (from 30) 50.000 p
Per day 10.000 p
In one hour 1 man covers 250 m → 1250 p
For 8 hours → 10.000 p
Schemes of measurements on the scene of accident
(the valley of stream of Lozva r.)
(ed. note - very popular drawing by Maslennikov)
(search scheme)
(slope steepness and trace patterns)
(blank page)
The list of search groups on location of the incident with Dyatlov group
№ | Name | Organization | From what date in the mountains |
1 | E.P. Maslennikov | Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant | Feb 27 |
2 | Karelin | SRI of Metallurgical Heat Engineering | Feb 27 |
3 | Atmanaki | ПНТЗ | Feb 27 |
4 | Akselrod | Hydromash plant, Sysert | Feb 26 |
5 | Sogrin | UPI | Feb 26 |
6 | Tipikin | UPI | Feb 26 |
7 | Korolyev | UPI | Mar 3 |
8 | Chernyshev | Ivdellag | Feb 26 |
9 | Yablonskiy | Ivdellag | Feb 26 |
10 | Nevolin (rad. op.) | Northern Expedition | Feb 25 |
11 | Avenburg | sapper unit | Mar 3 |
12 | Savelyev | sapper unit | Mar 3 |
13 | Kudin | sapper unit | Mar 3 |
14 | Golubev | sapper unit | Mar 3 |
15 | Vasilchenko | sapper unit | Mar 3 |
16 | Mordovin | sapper unit | Mar 3 |
17 | Tymkov | sapper unit | Mar 3 |
18 | Potapov | Ivdellag | Mar 4 |
19 | Zauzin | Ivdellag | Mar 4 |
20 | Biryukov | Ivdellag | Mar 4 |
21 | Sautbekov | Ivdellag | Mar 4 |
22 | Syunikaev | Ivdellag | Mar 4 |
23 | Polyakov | Ivdellag | Mar 4 |
24 | Borey | Ivdellag | Mar 4 |
25 | Peremot | Ivdellag | Mar 4 |
Loose page | |||
26 | Ivdellag | Mar 4 | |
27 | Ivdellag | Mar 4 | |
28 | Moiseev | Ivdellag | Jan* 27, Mar 6 |
29 | Baskin | Moscow "Burevestnik" | Mar 3 |
30 | Bardin | Moscow "Roskomfizkult" | Mar 3 |
31 | Shuleshko | Moscow "Roskomfizkult" | Mar 3 |
Head of the group (E. Maslennikov) Mar 8, 1959 | |||
* Must be a typo, it says "I" instead of "II" for February |
Message 8/III '59
I Organizational side
a) Bivouac Replacing groups Duties - doctor, supplies manager, duty officer, | Slabtsov Kurikov Chernyshev Moiseev Karelin Akselrod Miners Potapov Korolyov |
II Search organization. Ridge probing system
° ° ° ° ° | Inspection, probing with sticks, Mansi Search the labaz (storage site - ed. note) |
Plane takeoffs - 46 takeoffs 10/III, 120 airplane/hours, 200K rubles
(blank page)
III. Search results. Tent, footprints
27/II 3 bodies - on top of the snow cover.
27/II body of K - found by a dog
5/III body of S. - search. party
4 bodies are not found 2/III - labaz (storage - ed. note) found
At the cedar - items, at the tent - flashlight.
All the people are here, not gone anywhere (hours 3-4).
IV. Our suggestions (where could they go?)
30/I - overnight on Auspiya
31/I - attempt to go over the pass and overnight at the labaz (storage - ed. note
1/I - Storage site and at 15-00 left
At 18.00 - overnight at the slope Mt. 1079
\return Dyatl./ At 22-23.00 - escape from the tent (time-moment changing clothes)
Did the group intentionally camp on the slope
Error during a snowstorm - the slope is identical
Not intentionally - Dyatlov cautious, storage site, easy, previous overnight stay is bad,
Reasons for leaving the group from the tent:
1) Exit one person, fall, exit the rest. Calculation on the storage site, could not return
2) Meteorocket night, explosion, fright
3) Attack Mansi - knew about the group, went to Otorten, scare the infidels,
(blank page)
Shotguns, come out one by one, run (Caucasus).
Cons: No traces. Gone from above.
4) Attack by animals (wolves)
5) Group psychosis - panic.
V. Search prospects:
a) Stop - the whole area was examined, the snow was very dense, frosted, we went over 2-3 times.
b) If continued - replace all completely, can not work more than 3-4 days. Physical and Moral Factor.
Dig up the valley. 8-10K probes per day, the whole area is inspected - no diligence.
End of april, begining of may - Chernyshev group.
(blank page)
Radiogram 9/III '59
Today at 12.00 pm prepare for the departure of the following comrades:
Shuleshko | Sogrin |
Landing from the top platform.
To Potapov
It is advisable to start work on the left side of the ravine from the stones ridges and reach Kolmogorova, because further it's been already passed three times. You can stop working with around the cedar, we misunderstood you at first.
With your search plan on the left
(blank page)
(scheme of fixture of the monument?)
(blank page)
10 Mar
Specify the search location
(blank page)
(overnight tent scheme)
(blank page)
Search groups
v | 1) Yuri Evg Yarovoy |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
v | 2) Blinov - " - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
v | 3. Karelin | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Atmanaki | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. Serdityh vv | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. Shavkunov | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. Borisov | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8. Скутин v Withdrawn | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
v | 9-17. Slabtsov group | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
v | 18-22. Chernyshev group | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23-24 Dog trainers Moiseev + Mostovoy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
v | 25-29. Akselrod | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
v | 30. Maslennikov | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
v | 31-35чел. Mansi (Kurikov) + radio operator (Nevolin) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
36. our radio operator - Chernousov |
Search plan
1. | Camp setup | Comrade Slabtsov |
2. | The work of the guides | |
3. | The work of Akselrod | |
4. | The work of Slabtsov | |
provide Task - Responsible group leaders (??) Leadership in general Communication Composition of the detachment: Discipline Strict following of instructions Strict adherence to rules for safety in the mountains when carrying out the search work Evacuation back |
helicopter chairman labor union committee Slobodin D1-85-86 add.
Feb 21, Gordo + Blinov + lag-
Feb 22, 1 group 2 Mansi 10 people UPI=hikers (2 groups)
Feb 24, Vishnevskiy + Artyukov (Otorten)
Group of Northern Expedition = 4 sleds+radio set=
3 teams of reindeer Feb 23, 1959 (in the morning or at noon)
1) to Oyka-Chakur 2) to the ridge in the middle of the route.
23 - from Sverdlovsk 3) to Otorten. 26-31
26 - From Vizhay 80km from Ivdel 1-6 5-6days
1) Feb 28 - left 2nd Northorn Vizhay-Otorten 1182 = 56.5х2=113km 6 days
2) Feb 12 - left Vizhay Otorten-Oyka-Chakur 1279 = 46.0х2=92km
Chistop 1292m O-Ch = Vizhay (7-10) =52.0х2=104km 4days
155km+15%= 310km
3 times a day - Gordo (from Ivdel)...
Organized shifts (around the clock) in the UPI trade union committee
Feb 21, Vizhay-2nd Northern-Auspiya-radial ascent Otorten )?? pass)-
Feb 22, Vizhay-source-from south Oyka-Chakur-yurt-Ivdel
another helicopter flew - Vizhay-yurt-
Yak-12 2nd Northern-Ushma-Purma-Auspiya-Chistop from the west-
Feb 23, Group to Otorten-up Lozva-Mt Ot-landed one and the second group
Feb 24, We were again at Otorten, the group stayed down the mountain, the group was not found. They went to Vishera, along it-to Lypya-B. Moyva river-Oyka-Chakur-Vizhay-to the north Toshemka
Feb 6-7 - up Lozva - narrow ski tracks
Blizzard Feb 12-15
Chernyshev group (military) | Hikers 12=00 25-26-27- 28 Military 11=23 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
petty officer Slesarev (District 70): talked with Dyatlov in the evening 10 pm on Jan 26 in Vizhay He had a gun | Yaburov Boris
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mechanic of the Northern Expedition Titov: Mansi group went out only on Feb 25, 9am The hunter gave information - in Auspiya - - overnight with a tent |
E=Economic, Mt=Metallurgical, M=Mechanics, Pt=Physicotechnical, Rt=Radiotechnical
Burmantovo Feb 1
time | weather | wind | mph | temp °F |
3 pm | overcast | N | 11 | 17.6 |
6 pm | cloudy | - " - | 2.2 | 14 |
7 pm | - " - | - " - | 6.7 | 12.2 |
9 pm | - " - | - " - | 2.2 | 8.6 |
11 pm | - " - | W | 2.2 | 23 |
12 am | cloudy | NW | 6.7 | – 5 |
3 am | clear | W | 6.7 | – 5.8 |
Meeting 10/III
Ermash, Chernyshev, Vishnevskiy, Artyukov, Ivanov, Maslennikov.
(blank page)
From Dyatlov Route book
25/I Ivdel post office 25/I Vizhay post office
26/I went out in Vizhay office of Ivdel IFL MIA (IFL - Ivdel Forced labor camp, MIA - Ministry of Internal Affairs, ed. note)
Topos Y. Krivonischenko:
Group diary "In the country of mysterious signs"
New tent construction.
New method of walking - 5 min w/o backpack, rest 10-15 minutes and catch up the group (nonstop method)
31/I - Dyatlov: we came out of the tree line. Wind is western, penetrating, with a speed similar to the air draft created by a taking off airplane. I can't even start thinking of setting up a storage. It's close to 4 we are going down Auspiya river. Not enough firewood, frail damp firs, started fire with logs, supper in the tent. Warm. "It is hard to imagine such a comfort somewhere on the ridge, with a piercing wind, hundreds kilometers away from human settlements."
1/II Slobodin - didn't write anything.
"Evening Otorten" №1
1/II '59
Editorial "Greeting the XXI convention"...
Science: snowmen in N. Ural in the area of Otorten
Philosophical seminar: on the theme of "love and tourism" every day — Dr. Tibo and Ph.D. Dubinina
Armenian Quiz: Can 9 hikers get by with one stove and a blanket?
Technology News: Hiking sledge (good while riding on the train, by car and on horseback). Not recommended for freight transportation on snow.
Sport=new world record for stove assembly - 1:02,27.4 (Dor+Kolm-radio technicians)
(blank page)
Conversation in Serov - gratitude.
Notebook with inscription.
Mansi: Auspi - Ya (creek)
Nyer - bare peak
Oyka - man
Ekva - woman
Kolmogorova - 30/I tonight we'll set up a labaz
Tibo: The opinion about the group is good, the group is friendly, well prepared. In general, great chaps.
(blank page)
Discussion of the death of Dyatlov
K. V. Bardin: The opinion is firm - Dyatlov's group did not die because of omissions in the preparation of the expedition. However, there are many omissions. If it were to collect information in Sverdlovsk and Ivdel, the culprits would be the people who organized the group.
Discussion in the City Committee of Physical Culture and Sport 16/III '59
In UPI - Disregard of documentation and the resulting lack of control. Sports club does not know anything.
Documents and equipment issued w/o protocol.
In the route commission of the tourclub.
Project and 3 copies of the protocol, route and documents
Hikers cards
Protocols are stored unstitched
Everything is stored at home
Need a petition
Need a calendar plan for group's arrival
1st winter hike in this region.
Were eligible to participate: 3 overnights in Манараге; 8/I group approved. Route book received 23/I '59
Expedition: | 23=from Sverdlovsk in Serov |
Control date 12/II, deadline moved to 15/II (according to Yudin-Blinov).
18 - inquiry to Vizhay
19 - reply from Vizhay
20 - Gordo and Blinov go to Ivdel
22 - headquarters Slobodin with staff Slobtsov flew
23 - Otorten, 24 - upper Lozva, 25 - Auspiya, 26 - tent
24 - Kurikov and Bahtiyarov
25 - Grebennik group, Karelin
26 - Chernyshev
27 - Base camp established, search begins.
General plan of the trip - route, plan equipment, food, estimate
Does the group meet the requirements
Retreat measures
Communication with institutions - direct and control
Hiking - III category. Questioned. Help hikers. Rescue service. Equipment. People.
Corpus delicti: | Legal Responsibility for autorization - City Committee of Physical Culture and Sport |
Bureau of the CPSU 27/III '59
Lack of control led to the death of Dyatlov. Many digressions from main instructions. Personal responsibility. All in words, there is no control over the work of hikers - in the sportsclub.
Siunov - does not pay attention to sports work,
Zaostrovskiy - same, slow in search.
Lack of control, irresponsibility - City Committee of Sports club, Sports club UPI, Routing Commission.
Control - completely unorganized for groups of III category.
Deficiencies in the instructions (2 - about organizations and route commission).
The unsatisfactory organization of searches by UPI: learned only on the 16th, and search began after 5 days.
Gordo: Allowed hiking Sogrin and Dyatlov with funding. Milman asked documents Dyatlov, he promised.
There are flaws in the organization of hiking.
Death of Dyatlov - due to lack of control, irresponsibility
Siunov, Zaostrovskiy - unresposive, weakness in search.
Ivanov: It was not necessary to send in February. There was nothing supernatural, the group is to blame.
Ermash: Careless attitude to the organization of such expeditions. Tent dilapidated. Must look at the forecasts. Moral qualities of the group are low - 3 hours, place of tent inappropriate, fled.
Control - criminal: Gordo, City Committee of Sports club
Leaders had irresponsible attitude to the organization of hikes: Slobodin - reprimand, Gordo - dismissal, reprimand,
Siunov, Zaostrovskiy - put on observation.
(blank page)
vv Control terms, points, communication not possible - no fixed max, min
vv Radio transmitters, - no
vv possible assistance - 2 weeks hike from the neares settlement.
vv Why can not refuse, - everything in check
Violations of the instructions
In short - the amount of search work.
Who is searching, search tips.
Maslennikov Evgeniy Polikarpovich (1924-1978) Master of Sports, head of the regional hiking club, leading the search operation in 1959.