According to Karelin, separate (loose) sheets with diagrams and a list of search groups were folded inside the notebooks.
Anyamov A.A.
Bahtiarov T.E.
Anyamov N.P.
Kurikov S.N.
Group list
Headquarters: Maslennikov, Blinov, Yarovoy, Chernousov, Karelin, Akselrod, Slobtsov, Chernyshev
1) Sappers, please work with the probes after the mine detectors
2) The coordinates of the storage (labaz) have been reported to you
3) Give approval to leave Siderov
4) In addition to the three members of the Slobtsov group, all other UPI students leave. Blinov missed a lot of classes.
(next page in the notebook is blank)
Plan for the joint rescue squad in the region of Mount Otorten under the leadership of comrade Maslennikov to find Dyatlov group.
range in the direction of the Lozva river, height 1079, Mount Otorten and the region of the lake under the peak of Otorten.
of team leaders and the chief of staff accurately and timely, as well as unconditionally implement the existing rules for movement in the mountains during search operations.
Colonel Artyukov 27/II 59
Radio 27/II 59
Immediately after the descent, the four found corpses were excavated and identified. They are Dyatlov Zolotaryov Krivonischenko Kolmogorova. Protocols were made. The victims were thrown out of the tent by a hurricane, half-dressed without their boots, some without trousers jackets. The direction of the hurricane is northeast east, therefore all of them are in the same line from the discovered
tent comma the farthest about two kilometers from the tent in the upper sources of the stream that flows into Lozva made a fire, there are charred logs. The closest Kolmogorova 500 meters broken head. Tomorrow we will continue the examination now we are setting up a camp in Auspiya valley, so as not to confuse the traces of the accident stop Akselrod has been contacted there is not answer yet we think they should join. Maslennikov.
To Maslennikov
Tomorrow continue the search what is the mood did everybody made it to the camp? Tell us what help you need set the time for contacting you tomorrow morning we will contact Akselrod stop how do you determine that they were nine people
= Zaostrovskiy Sulman
Group gathering break camp Feeling all normal The strongest part of the group found then all the others are also here, we must look under the snow
Dyatlov bag found with
aal the documents of the group We will talk tomorrow at three am
To Maslennikov=Why did the tent stay with items when people were blown out of the tent. How did you find the bodies stop what is your opinion whether to leave Akselrod on Otorten =
Did not have time to inspect the tent. Probably objects were piled high with heavy products. Akselrod can return with the helicopter that will be sent to us stop
Three bodies were partially visible in the snow. A dog found the fourth
To Maslennikov=
Report whether Blinov or Karelin met with a group of hikers from the Rostov Pedagogical Institute consisting of 7 people in the beginning of February
=Zaustrovskiy Sulman
A group of Rostovites went through the yurt of Aleksander Bahtiarov at the end of January, our troops did not meet them. At the request of the prosecutor, call a medical examiner from Sverdlovsk in Ivdel for the autopsy
of the bodies
To Maslennikov=
At a conference the plant sent Maslennikov allowed to be replace here
To determine the time of the accident, request a weather report on January 30th February 3rd. Position and \place/ of the bodies is indicative of a hurricane
Radio 28/II 59
Weather in th emountains is very good comma if Akselrod flies by a helicopter, send pearl barley buckwheat concentrates 10 kg same as the ones sent with 7 year expiration comma also iron probes, that is, bars with a length of one and a half meters about ten pieces. Will contact the expedition at 3. Maslennikov
Tent Sharavin
Corpses - Sharavin
Dyatlov - mansi
16 h - search results.
The following documents were found in Dyatlov's field bag:
1) Nine train tickets Sverdlovsk-Bogoslovsk for 23/1
2) Trek plan (with all the details)
3) Trip book №5 (3 copies - 1 signed Ufimtsev)
4) Protocol of the route commission 1 copy
5) Maps: Sheet R-39, 40 (Syktyvkar, Khanty-М), part of the Ivdel forestry map, several photo maps, 3 tracing paper from forestry maps
6) Diary group Kolmogorova 24/1 and 30/1, no 31st
7) Letter of the trade union UPI in City trade department (Slobodin, Gordo, Ishtenko)
8) Letter of the trade union UPI to all soviet and community organization - to support Dyatlov group (Slobodin, /Ishtenko, Gordo)
9) Dyatlov passport
Timetable (from Dyatlov route book 23/I) | |||||
23-24 | 1-2 | Sverdlovsk-Polunochnoe | |||
25 | 3 | Polunochnoe-Vizhay (auto) 15+16\+3/+ 2nd N → Auspiya +3 |
+10+7+20 Lozva Otorten |
26-27 | 4-5 | Vizhay-2nd North V | 55 | 61 55 116 |
28 | 6 | (started at 1145) |
29-30 | 7-8 | up Auspiya (30/1 started at 1030) | |||
31 | 9 | Pass at upper Lozva | 14 | ||
1 | 10 | Ascend on Otorten | 20 | ||
2 | 11 | Otorten-upper Auspiya | 18 | ||
3 | 12 | Pass at upper Unya | 22 | 116 74 112 302 |
4 | 13 | To upper Vishera | 22 | ||
13 days | 5-6 | 14 | To Niols river 15.Oyko-Chakur | 22-18 | |
7 | 16 | Along North Toshemka | 25 | ||
V | 8-9 | 17-18 | North Toshemka-Vizhay | 50 | |
10-11 | 19 | Vizhay-Polunochnoe | |||
21 | Polunochnoe-Sverdlovsk |
Radio 28/II - 1/III
We failed to establish a connection with Axelrod, we saw how from, we asked Axelrod to point it out, send a helicopter to us stop New search didn't yield results. We found footprints of 8-9 people from the tent itself for about one kilometer down the slope, further traces are lost. One person was wearing shoes, the rest were wearing socks and barefoot. Further along the slope there is a very deep snow and probing with sticks has given nothing. Dogs for a full day of work could not do anything, the snow is deep. Three corpses were carried to the helicopter landing site. The fourth will be carried today tomorrow. The guys say that one is not Zolotaryov, but (he lay face down) He, He lay face down, now The face is visible and there is an opinion that this is Doroshenko
Investigated the place of the tent and wrote a protocol comma things lowered to the helipad. We will send them today tomorrow if there is a helicopter. In the tent there were 10 pairs of skis, 8 pairs of boots, 9 backpacks, all the personal belongings of the victims, products for 2-3 daysX. The whole group was assembled. The reason why the whole group, half-dressed, left the tent, was not possible to establish, it is completely incomprehensible. Tomorrow we’ll use probes to look for people in deep snow in a 150 meter by five hundred approximately one kilometer below the tent. Ready to send all the things found (in the tent - ed. note) and the bodies, need to send a helicopter. All documents of the group topos and personal notebooks were taken
Х the rest of the products for 8 days are left in the storage at Auspiya.
the prosecutor, including three copies of the route list. You can send dogs and guides.
Alselrod group left for Ivdel. Tell me what help you need? po? zv? prom?raz?gelero?
[ed. note: Case files (sheet 161): Radiogram 1/III 18h
To Maslennikov
Akselrod and the group got to Ivdel
What help is needed to continue the search.
Reconsider the advisability of sending off the dogs
(next page in the notebook is blank)
Drawing of the Dyatlov tent location
The action plan for March 1 provides:
- On the first MI-4 flight, send Comrade Akselrod with his group of three to help you. On the return flight, you should send from the camp two dog trainers with dogs, a radio operator with the inoperative radio station R-114, and part of the property found in Comrade Dyatlov's tent;
- The second flight will send you 150 kg of bread, cereals, meat and other products for the entire camp, you must send the corpses of four comrades and all the property of Comrade Dyatlov's group.
If you have sick people, take measures to send them by helicopter, you also need to do with people you do not need. I ask you to be very careful, as on March 2, 3, and 4, the weather is expected to deteriorate and in the future it will improve. If you have time, write briefly what's new and what requests you have. Greetings to you and all comrades from our group
1.03.1959 Ortyukov
Radio 1/III 59
Today, despite the sudden deterioration of the weather, the search continued. We walked about 1,000 meters of the 30-meter-wide zone of the most likely area to find the injured. The search yielded nothing, snow depth of 1-2 meters or more. Today, the wind reached 30 meters, there is no visibility, so in this weather, the search can not be continued. *
The whole squad of 30 people feels fine, they all work in a friendly and orderly manner. However, if the bad weather continues for 3-4 days and if you give permission taking into account the bad weather for 3-4 days, we can leave the whole detachment within 2 days on our own to the 2nd Northern or Lozva, where we can be taken by helicopter.
* Regarding the expediency of further search, it can be said that searches in this area even in good weather may give nothing. If the weather was good, one or two more plots could be checked.
1) We can continue the search, but half of the group should be replaced with more fresh forces. It is necessary to remove the group Slobtsov and Mansi.
2) Sappers will be more useful with probes, not mine detectors, as people under the snow do not have metal and metal items. Probes need to be 2.5 meters pieces 20.
3) By order of today it follows that weather is expected to deteriorate on March 2. If not, then we will only be pleased, as we have a strong snowstorm at the tent, and the weather is getting worse every hour. I also inform you that on the way back from the search at 4 o'clock in the afternoon we took the products sent by helicopter and carried them down. Next time, please send newspapers. M-v.
[on the inside of the back cover]
Today we will look for a cache (labaz - ed. note) upstream Auspiya. send people on the helipad in case helicopters land for the shipment of the four bodies The only thing left outside a Chinese flashlight on top of the tent roof confirms the likelihood of one dressed person going outside, which gave some reason for everyone else to flee the tent. Meteorological rockets of a new type, launched beyond Sverd in the Southern Urals over the Urals, landed in this region. I ask you to request an urgent inquiry whether such a rocket was in the area on the night of February 2.
[writing on the back cover]
Tomorrow three Muscovites will fly with me stop advisable to part some of the civilians stop
Maslennikov Evgeniy Polikarpovich (1924-1978) Master of Sports, head of the regional hiking club, leading the search operation in 1959.