Liya Ginzel Medical Dynasties Volume 1. Presented to us with notes from Olga Litvinova.
In 2023, a unique five-volume publication was presented in Yekaterinburg "Medical dynasties of the Middle Urals". Each volume consists of a collection of biographical essays about the families of Ural doctors of various specialties. And the very first volume of the "Dynasties" was published back in 2018, in which an essay was published about the medical dynasty of the Padlovskiy - Yaroslaviy - Vozrozhdeniy - Kuznetsov. If you expect to find out details about Boris Alekseevich’s criminal record, then you are definitely going to dissapointed, because there is not a word about this in journalist Liya Ginzel’s essay "Warm Home". However, this publication is interesting in that it contains many clarifications and details about the family of Boris Alekseevich in his second marriage, with Rosa Vyacheslavovna Padlovskaya, who came from a family of hereditary doctors. But since the Padlovskiy - Yaroslaviy - Vozrozhdeniy are no longer alive, basically all the memories are written down from the words of Nikolay Nikolaevich Kuznetsov - the husband of the eldest daughter of the Vozrozhdeniy, Galina Borisovna (05/30/1952 - 10/14/2010) and Anna Nikolaevna Plaksina (Kuznetsova), one of the granddaughters of Vozrozhdeniy. Although it is possible that the essay was partially written on the basis of this data.
The essay begins with the memories of Nikolay Nikolaevich Kuznetsov about his parents, as well as how he chose and mastered the profession of a doctor. Now he is a talented scientist and a wonderful neonatologist. Below are published pages 143-155 from Medical Dynasties Volume 1
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My parents ended up in Vorkuta not because of a good life, and not by choice. They both had seen pain in their life. My father even buried the first family who died in besieged Leningrad. Their age difference was a quarter of a century. And yet, Nikolay Yakovlevich, having seen young Maria for the only time, announced publicly: "My future wife." The eldest son of this couple, a doctor, specialist in the field of hemostasiology and neonatology, Nikolay Nikolaevich Kuznetsov, believes: "Probably, he decided to save..."
My father, a fire officer in a previous life, was a miner in Vorkuta. Twice he fell into rubble without much hope of rescue. He was lucky both times. But there was no more desire to tempt fate. In general, the couple, who were already in the settlement, went on the run, were caught and sent to the north of the Sverdlovsk region, to the village of Kamenka, Novolyalinsky district, for logging.
20 km away was Kytlym. The places are beautiful - forests, mountains... All of Kamenka - six streets. Half of the population are dispossessed peasants, the other are deported Volga Germans. White houses, flowering front gardens under the window. No drinks.
My father, of course, missed Leningrad. Then, in calmer times, I went there on vacation. He will collect berries, mushrooms, all kinds of provisions, and go on the road. It will take a day to reach Sverdlovsk, then another two to reach St. Petersburg. He will spend the night talking with his sister, and then take the same route back home. Because Kamenka has already become a home.
Mom was the first to decide: "Kolya will be a doctor." And even when the father said to his grown-up son: "Come on, go to work, it’s hard for me to support my family..." she rebelled. She got the school principal involved, but she defended the boy. A doctor, and only a doctor. She herself was known as a herbalist. She knew every blade of grass in the forest, every leaf... She knew when to collect, how to dry, what to use. All the closets were hung with fragrant bunches...
The son did not argue. Why not a doctor... When he was just a boy, he helped his father when Tomka, the cow, gave birth to a calf. He wrapped the newborn baby in rags, dried it and for a long time then fed it from the nipple and put it on its feet. This is probably how it should be with human babies... By the way, Nikolay Nikolayevich’s youngest daughter and colleague, Anna, later admits: for her, dad is a man who fits a baby in a strong man’s palm.
He submitted documents to medical school after the eleventh grade. He had to pass the exams, and then there’s mowing. Nikolay Yakovlevich sighed as usual: "If you don’t get in, we won’t have time to make hay." He got in. They were taught well.
The teachers, who had recently been separated from their children during the entire war, did their job honestly. With soul. For boys and girls from villages far from the center, higher education turned out to be quite accessible. However, there were no more doctors in the class.
And, by the way, they prepared the hay. They made it. And the father was so inspired that then every month, from his small income, he sent his son 15 rubles plus a scholarship, and even tried to take him homemade supplies. He would bring a pork leg to the dorm, or minced beef...
Nikolay wanted to become a surgeon. He wasn’t at all afraid of cutting frogs. He bled dogs. He didn’t faint during the pathology examination. By the way, they weren’t allowed to wear masks in the morgue; students had to not only look, but touch and smell. From the second year he took an elective class. He worked in hospital surgery with Miloslav Stanislavovich Savichevsky. Zoya Alexandrovna Shuvalova was in nursery. Graduate school was already looming ahead, but fate brought Olga Aleksandrovna Sinyavskaya. And everything changed.
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The Great, as N.N. Kuznetsov calls her, O.A. Sinyavskaya said: "Surgery is the consequences of the disease, and we will deal with prevention. And prevention at its very origins." And it immediately became clear that it simply couldn’t be any other way. Even the fact that graduate school didn’t work out right away wasn’t a disaster. He worked as a local pediatrician for three years. And then, already at VOSKHITO (the former name of the Ural Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics), he continued to study the problems of blood clotting, at the same time mastering the skills of a clinical laboratory assistant.
In the end, Olga Aleksandrovna took the faithful student to her place, to the 23rd hospital. And now they were already struggling side by side with the hereditary and acquired factors of blood diseases, looking for ways to regulate them. In 1982, Nikolay Nikolaevich defended his Ph.D. thesis. The topic sounded surprising and incomprehensible to the uninitiated ear: "The role of AT-III in hemocoagulation disorders in allergic and infectious-allergic diseases." But the initiates realized that the ways to treat such patients are far from being exhausted.
In 1992, Nikolay Nikolaevich Kuznetsov headed the department of neonatology and perinatology at the Medical Institute (now the university) for “two five-year plans” (his words). At the same time, he was the city’s chief neonatologist. There was sorely not enough time for a doctorate. And it wasn't enough. But N.N. Kuznetsov continues to study the hemostasis system as a sentinel system that responds to any changes in the body. And not without his participation, tests for blood clotting are now prescribed in all medical standards. And thanks to his consulting and direct supervision, 12 Ph.D. theses were defended.
He is still there today. Thanks to the efforts of Nikolay Nikolaevich and his colleagues, it was recently possible to rescue from the other world a little baby who was almost killed at 7 days of age by aortic thrombosis. We fought for three months to save our lives. And they won. But the doctor’s ideal is the same: to prevent the disease, and not to fight it. Here's the challenge. Warn before birth. And even before conception. Taking into account heredity, taking into account the ailments of parents, remembering the consequences.
The story how Nikolay Kuznetsov met Galina Vozrozhdennaya (Boris Alekseevich’s eldest daughter), at that time students of SSMI. They are the third generation in the dynasty of the Padlovskiy - Yaroslaviy - Vozrozhdeniy - Kuznetsov.
He met with his future wife in his sixth year. Sophomore Galina, like him, was involved in artistic gymnastics. So they've met before. But they started talking for the first time only at the institute’s New Year’s party, under the Christmas tree and with the light hand, apparently, of Santa Claus.
They met... and immediately parted. The young man went as part of a student detachment to cut down forest. During the holidays, we agreed to lay a 10-kilometer (40 m wide) clearing in the Taborinsky district for power lines-500. It was very difficult and dangerous. They cut down trees in the snow and in the wind. They took risks every minute. It was only by miracle that there were no accidents. They saved themselves from hunger by hunting black grouse. When the students got up for work in the morning, the birds were already basking at the rising sun. In the evening, returning back, tired workers found them still looking at the setting sun.
Very little time will pass, in May of the same year, Nikolay will take Galina to listen to the wood grouse. And it will be real romance. At two o'clock in the morning they will go to the place of grouse gatherings, in their native Kamenka each family has its own. They will lie down in the hideaway and will quietly and anxiously wait for the start. Then, fluffing its tail, the first, most impatient black grouse will stomp. The next one is behind him. And again, and again... Soon the sounds calling for love and happiness will fill the entire area, merging into a single bird choir. And the love birds will return without prey. And at home they will make fun of such failure.
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The beginning of the entire dynasty was laid by Tcheslav Yakovlevich Padlovskiy and Anna Evgenievna Yaroslavova. But Rosa Vyacheslavovna, the future wife of Boris Alekseevich, was raised by her adoptive mother Anna Evgenievna Yaroslavova. Amazing life story. And Anna Evgenievna herself, a truly heroic woman, was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the medal “For Victory over Germany and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” In peacetime, she was awarded the title of Honored Doctor of the RSFSR, and in 1961 she was awarded the Order of Lenin; for a quarter of a century she was the chief physician of the Chetkarinsky Central District Hospital of the Sverdlovsk Region.
Babanya (Anna Evgenievna Yaroslavova) and Anya (Anna Nikolaevna Plaksina), 1986.
Galina Borisovna will introduce Nikolay Nikolaevich into a truly dynastic family.
Tcheslav Yakovlevich Padlovskiy... Very little is known about him, apparently the founder of the family. Born at the end of the 19th century (1890), in Poland. Graduated from the Krakow Medical Institute. He received the specialty of a general practitioner and pharmacist. In 1941 he was transferred from Western Ukraine to the Tugulym region. He served as a doctor on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. After demobilization, he worked at the Pyshminskaya Central District Hospital. They say he was a good diagnostician and also a good hunter. And all my life he yearned for the abandoned (was it not on his own will?), but not forgotten Motherland.
It is not known exactly where fate brought them together with Anna Evgenievna Yaroslavova. And how did they divorced - too. It was not discussed in the family. One thing is certain: Tcheslav Yakovlevich’s own daughter, Rosa Vyacheslavovna, remained with her adoptive mother after the divorce.
Nikolay Nikolaevich found Anna Evgenievna. She was small, fragile, even puny, and at the end of her life she was slightly hunched over. In the family she was called Babanya, Babanechka (then the youngest great-granddaughter was given her name), but in fact she had enormous willpower.
During the Great Patriotic War, she worked as the head of the department of an evacuation hospital, and in those days when her granddaughter, Rozina’s daughter Galina, got married, she headed the Chetkarinsky hospital in the Pyshminsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. And she had not only military awards (the Order of the Red Star and the medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"). Already in the peaceful sixties, Anna Evgenievna earned, perhaps, the most prestigious Order of Lenin in the USSR. And you can’t even count the certificates.
Fair enough, by the way: under her, the hospital flourished - there was oncology, surgery, and tests could be done on the spot. If the need arose, at night or midnight, off-road in autumn and spring, in the cold in winter, Anna Evgenievna went on calls to neighboring villages. And when it happened that patients were sent for further treatment to Kamyshlov or Pyshma, she considered it her duty to visit the patients. Sometimes she did this together with her son-in-law Nikolay.
Nikolay Nikolaevich and Galina Borisovna spent all their holidays with Babanya. She lived in a house on the hospital grounds.
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She lived very modestly. Life was especially unsatisfactory. If there was a heart attack among the patients, she asked her son-in-law, who was deeply involved in the study of blood clotting, to calculate the dose of the drug necessary for treatment. In the evenings, colleagues, they sat in a row and looked at the filmstrips ordered by Nikolay Nikolaevich from Leninka (Lenin Library in Moscow) on the whitewashed wall. For example, such as "The role of antithrombin 3 in allergic and immunological diseases." After watching, they discussed. Cases from practice were recalled. Anna Evgenievna never mentioned the war. Why talk about bad things?
Anna Evgenievna spent the last ten years of her life in the Kuznetsovs’ house. She didn't see well anymore and had difficulty walking. Anna, the great-granddaughter, remembered an old, wrinkled Babanya and in her arms an old (and also, it seemed, wrinkled) lapdog Umka...
The second generation of the dynasty - the Vozrozhdenniy couple.
Rosa Vyacheslanovna (Vozrozhdennaya by marriage) and her husband Boris Alekseevich had an intelligent house. With a piano. But that’s not all - the house was warm and simple, recalls Nikolay Nikolaevich. The walls were crowded with landscapes by Boris Alekseevich’s hand. In the top drawer of the old, Soviet-style wall, brushes and paints were stored (this is from the story of Anna’s granddaughter). At the bottom are surgical instruments. There were also gorgeous anatomical atlases.
Rosa Vyacheslavovna and Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenniy, 1949
When the future son-in-law crossed the threshold of the apartment for the first time, it seemed that he had been here a thousand times already, and had known the owners a long time ago. Growing up in a medical family, Rosa Vyacheslavovna graduated from the medical and preventive faculty of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute. She first worked as an epidemiologist, then as a therapist at City Clinical Hospital №2. She subsequently headed the therapeutic department of this hospital for 17 years.
Granddaughter Anna is sure that Baba Rosa inherited her leadership qualities from Babanechka, who raised her. But, while commanding the department, Grandma Rosa (Otinka in the family), who naturally adored her granddaughters, did not forget to bake a honey cake with walnuts for the holiday. And a special holiday for little Anechka was to sneak a finger at it and then lick it for a long time and with gusto.
Grandpa Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenniy, unlike grandma Rosa, had no ancestors on the medical line. Why he chose the medical faculty of the 1st Kharkov Medical Institute for himself is now unlikely to be explained. But it is known that in his second year, it was 1940, he was mobilized by special recruitment into the ranks of the Red Army. He fought in the Great Patriotic War and was wounded twice. Demobilized in 1943. Until 1947 he worked in medical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
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He graduated from the State Medical Institute. The examination protocol sheet with continuous "excellent" marks has been preserved. Until the end of his life he worked in the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medicine. By the way, he was a forensic expert in the case of the death of the Dyatlov group, but true to his word, he kept the conclusions of that time a secret even from his relatives. Already in the position of deputy head of the bureau, he developed methods of correlation analysis for identifying individuals and combined graphic reconstruction of the appearance of the skull, which were used in identifying the remains of the Royal Family. He had "Excellent in healthcare" title, awards and certificates, but for his granddaughters Natasha and Anya he remained simply a beloved grandfather, in whose house they spent their holidays year after year.
Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenniy before retiring, 1986
Memoirs of Anna Nikolaevna Plaksina (Kuznetsova), about her mother Galina Borisovna, the eldest daughter of Vozrozhdenniy.
Galina Borisovna Kuznetsova at her desk, 1981
The house (dacha) was next door to Babanechkin. Centuries-old birch trees grew there and also spruce trees, seedlings of which my father brought from Kamenka. Grandma Rosa commanded the garden, where there were thickets of gorgeous raspberries and cherries bearing fruit. On the wall in the house there were clocks that chimed the hours and minutes. Water was taken from a well. They had a pig. There was always a plate of berries on the table. Fresh milk was a must. At five or six in the morning we went with my mother and grandmother to the forest to pick mushrooms.
Mom... Galina Borisovna began her medical career as an obstetrician-gynecologist. When her husband took up science, Boris Alekseevich told his daughter: "Enough. You will work in the forensic department and wait for your husband at home. It’s not a good idea to spend nights on duty." So she mastered the path to an old wooden building on Rosa Luxemburg Street, where the service was then located.
All examinations on violent crimes passed through her hands. She knew all the experts in the area. All investigators. The wrong side of life appeared before her, no longer in books.
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The Kuznetsovs had two children: Natalya and Anna, this is already the fourth generation in the Padlovskiy - Yaroslaviy - Vozrozhdeniy - Kuznetsov dynasty. The granddaughters of Boris Alekseevich also chose medical professions.
Today they remember that they did not particularly talk about the future with children. Medicine, at least on my daughters, was not forced upon me as a profession. Natalya, a serious, modest girl, when the time came, she chose medical school. Faculty of Pediatrics is like a dad. Natalya Nikolaevna Kiseleva (Kuznetsova) completed her internship in neonatology. She worked in the neonatal surgery department of the CSCH No. 1. For the last 12 years she has been working as an allergist-immunologist in the clinical immunology department of the same hospital.
Anna wanted to become a jeweler. He admits that it was not because of his love for women’s jewelry. I liked the diligence of my fingers when performing precise small operations, the feeling of this painstaking work. And yet, following her sister, she also went to medical school. And she studied, she says, "so as not to let my dad down".
In 2007, Anna Nikolaevna Plaksina (Kuznetsova) was the chosen one of the city professional recognition competition "Medical Olympus", nomination "Student of the Year". In 2010, she became the first in the competition "Ural State Medical Academy Scientists for Healthcare of the Urals". She is the winner of the 5th International Congress of the World Association of Reproductive Medicine, laureate of the Congress of Perinatal Medicine Specialists.
She has 50 scientific publications, 19 publications in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, author and co-author of four certificates of official registration of a computer program, two patents for an invention. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Since 2010 she has been working at the Bonum multidisciplinary clinical medical center as a neonatologist, pediatrician, head of the diagnostic and treatment complex, and head of the Regional Center for Preventive Pediatrics. Since 2018 she is Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Work.
Anna Nikolaevna Plaksina (Kuznetsova) with her husband, also a representative of a medical dynasty, Rustam Faridovich Muhametshin, 2010
A.N. Plaksina is engaged in the nutrition and rehabilitation of premature babies and those babies who have damage to the central nervous system. And Anna Nikolaevna is the executive editor of the journal "System Integration in Healthcare". She is a mother and has her own house in the village. But perhaps the most valuable and significant thing is that it happens that babies come to her for treatment, whom Nikolay Nikolaevich Kuznetsov helped into the world, or whose lives were saved. And, if the father’s help is not enough, Anna Nikolaevna’s husband, anesthesiologist and resuscitator of the CSTO №1, Rustam Faridovich Muhametshin, also a representative of the medical dynasty, steps in.
The Padlovskiy - Yaroslaviy - Vozrozhdeniy are no longer with us. Galina Borisovna also left after a serious illness. Today Nikolay Nikolaevich has a new family, little Timosha and his wife Marina Aleksandrovna Shapkina, an employee of the laboratory of molecular biology, immunophenotyping and pathomorphology of the Center for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology. And Natalya Nikolaevna’s son, Daniil Pavlovich Kiselev, is ready to continue the dynasty, for now, of course, just Daniil, a 5th year student at the medical university.
Boris Alekseevich and Rosa Vyacheslavovna raised two daughters, Galina Borisovna (05/30/1952 - 10/14/2010) and Marina Borisovna (born 1958). The essay talked only about the eldest Galina, since only she followed in the footsteps of her parents, and after studying to become a doctor, she worked for many years in the Sverdlovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination.