August 11, 2019
Cedar Core from the old cedar
August 6, 2022
FT1 Fallen tree near the cedar (diameter) - 35cm at 1,3m from the roots, H (height) - 10,95m the preserved part of the trunk.
Cedar: (trunk) overgrown with moss, blueberries, birch shoots, mountain ash.
The center of the core is rotten, there is preserved wood near the surface.
Riabina 1 core from mountain ash №1, taken 50cm from the roots on the north side of the trunk, tree is 7m east of the old cedar.
Riabina 2 core from mountain ash №2 6-7 m from the first mountain ash: core from live mountain ash №2.
Riabina 3 core from dead mountain ash №3 - partially alive, there is a side shoot alive.
11 августа 2019
Cedar Керн от старого кедра
6 августа 2022
FT1 Поваленное дерево у Кедра d (диаметр) - 35см на высоте 1,3м, H (высота) - 10,95м сохранившейся части ствола.
Кедр: (ствол) зарос мхом, черникой, поросль березы, рябина.
Сердцевина керна сгнила, есть сохранившаяся древесина у поверхности.
Riabina 1 керн с рябины №1, с северной стороны, h 50см в 7м от старого кедра, к востоку от него.
Riabina 2 керн с рябины №2 в 6-7м от первой рябины: керн с живой рябиной №2.
Riabina 3 керн с мёртвой рябины №3 - живая частично, есть боковой побег живой.
Prof. Momchil Panayotov is a member of the Dendrology department of University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria. The gist is that the dead cedar's last discernible ring is from 1948, although we could be missing some material that rotted on the outer side of the trunk, which could translate to years. The second important observation is that the tree is completely rotten in the middle. The tree could have stopped forming rings but stood until it fell from the harsh weather. This could have happened in 1958-59 according to the expert. He can't tell when exactly it hit the ground. The mountain ash clearly showed that something happened to it in 1959. Camping always leaves traces on the trees. We could find the Dyatlov group campsite on this horrific night, as well as the geologists' camp which must have been nearby. The last reassuring news is that due to the cold climate trees in Ural can be preserved on the ground for centuries.
According to case files 341-343 the den was made from 14 fir tree and 1 birch tops. Yuri Yudin later noticed the discrepancy that there were only spruce trees that were cut near the den. Another strange fact is that there is no mentioning of a knife found at the scene, only a ebonite sheath, but the tree tops were cut. In Lev Ivanov's resolution to close the case it says "Near the bodies, Krivonischenko's knife was found, which cut off the young firs near the fire." Finding a knife is not documented anywhere and is not reflected in any of the memories of search participants.
Typical mounting of the tent the Dyatlov group were carrying. Assembled from two old tents stitched together, it was all riddled with holes from the very beginning. The stove used only for warming needed additional rope to be suspended inside the tent. The tarpaulin was burned with many wholes from the sparks that came out from the stove. Grigoriev writes: During the night, holes were added to the tent from the sparks. And in the sun they lit up like stars. The radioman, Nevolin, said "We have become a whole planetarium." None of this is described by Churkina, the expert who examined the tent, because she was asked very specific questions: 1. Is Dyatlov group tent cut? 2. If yes, are the cuts made from inside or outside?
Askinadzi on setting up a tent in winter (from my private mail exchange):
It is at the sole discretion of the leader of the group if to put up a tent on skis or spruce branches. In winter when the days are short, sometimes there’s not enough time to set up a good camp (we arrived at the end point late). This is where you need to show power! Setting up a tent on skis takes much less time than on spruce branches, but there are some nuances - does the group have enough warm clothes to lay for insulation?
If the leader decided, and he had the opportunity, to put up a tent on the spruce branches, it means he had enough daylight for this. But, in this case, he must either be an alpha leader or a the group to work well together. Setting up a tent on spruce branches will take much longer than with skis. At least half of the group will be diverted to this activity. If the hike is multi-day, the leader, even before setting out on the route, decides who will set up the tent(s), so that people know their job (this is practiced in training hikes) and, without a command, take axes and go to harvest spruce branches. Skis were sometimes placed under spruce branches when there was not enough spruce branches.
Ставить палатку на лыжи или на лапник решение только руководителя. Зима, день короткий, иногда мало времени на хорошее устройство лагеря (поздно пришли на конечную точку). Вот здесь и требуется проявить власть! Установить палатку на лыжи нужно гораздо меньше времени, чем на лапник, но есть нюансы - есть ли у группы достаточно тёплых вещей, чтобы подстелить их под себя?
Если руководитель решил, и у него была такая возможность, поставить палатку на лапник, значит, у него было для этого достаточно светлого времени. Но, в этом случае либо должен быть альфа-руководитель, либо хорошо схоженная группа. Установка палатки на лапник займёт гораздо больше времени, чем в случае с лыжами. На это мероприятие будет отвлечено минимум пол группы участников. Если поход многодневный, руководитель, ещё до выхода на маршрут решает, кто будет устанавливать палатку (палатки), чтобы люди знали своё дело (отрабатывается в тренировочных походах) и без команды брали топоры и шли на заготовку лапника. Лыжи под лапник иногда клали, когда лапника было не достаточно.
Dyatlov took part on this trek in 1958 in the Subpolar Urals. If you are going to spend the night away from the treeline you need to carry firewood and pitch the tent while securing it to something that simulates the trees in the forest e.g. additional side ropes on skis. On the fateful night the Dyatlov group did not have firewood and did not secure the tent against the strong wind that is always blowing on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl, hence the name Dead Mountain. Otorten means the Windy Mountain. Why do this if there are trees one hour behind you and one hour ahead of you?
What you don't see is just as important as what you can see. The tree that killed them is already under the snow. It definitely fell before the photos were taken. My goal is to prove that this tree died simultaneously with the Dyatlov group. The bodies were staged days before they were officially found, while the tree had been under the snow for a month.