It is hard to understand who was in charge really. Who made the decisions, who signed the papers, and there is also an overseeing body. Galina Sazonova, a Dyatlov Pass researcher, tried to explain:
The case was opened by Tempalov on Feb 26, 1959.
The case was closed by Ivanov on May 28,1959.
But the Protocol of inspection of the scene where the bodies were found was signed on May 6, 1959, by Tempalov, not by Ivanov.
So it looks like by looks like by May 6, 1959, Tempalov still had the position of lead investigator. In the case files there is no order for Tempalov to have been replaced as lead investigator.. The 2nd volume of the case files is not literally a 2nd part.
All criminal cases are overseen by a highest authority, and the 2nd volume of the case files is the result of this supervision. In Russian is called "наблюдательное дело". Ivanov can not run and control the same case at the same time. It looks like the Tempalov still had the position of lead investigator and Ivanov was overseeing it. Lev Ivanov's boss was Evgeniy Okishev and he says there was an order from above to say that the Dyatlov group died in an accident. The order was related to him by Ivan Urakov, Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR, supervised the investigation department. In 1959 he was sent on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR to Sverdlovsk to keep control over the investigative activities concerning the Dyatlov group case. Whois →
In this case, why did Ivanov close the case? He shouldn't have the authority to do this. According to the paperwork Lev Ivanov is closing a case that hasn't officially been transferred to him.... again... since he is overseeing it at the same time, and Tempalov keeps signing documents.
On the other hand Korotaev hasn't signed any papers. And because he is a source of all kinds of information the late head of the Dyatlov foundation Yuri Kuntsevich asked officially what was Vladimir Korotaev's position at the time when the case was opened and this document says: "...from December 8, 1958 to April 2, 1999, successively holding the positions of investigator of the prosecutor's office of the city of Ivdel, assistant prosecutor of the Oktyabrsky district of Sverdlovsk with the duties of an investigator, senior investigator of the regional prosecutor's office, investigator for especially important cases of the prosecutor's office of the region." Vladimir Korotaev claims he signed documents but his signature is nowhere to be seen in the case files. Are the documents missing or did Korotaev embellish his role in this case? He died in 2012 at the age of 77. Whois →
USSR Prosecutor's Office | |
Assistant Attorney General of the USSR | Kamochkin Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the USSR Prosecutor's Office |
RSFSR Prosecutor's Office | |
Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR | Semyonov Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the RSFSR Prosecutor's Office |
Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office | ||||
Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region, State Counselor of Justice, Class III | Deputy Prosecutor of the Region for Special affairs, Senior Counselor of Justice | Junior Counselor of Justice and Criminal Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region | Head of the Investigation Department | Investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region, Junior Counselor of Justice |
Ivdel Prosecutor's Office | Polunochnoe | Novo-Lyalinskoe | |||
Attorney Prosecutors Ivdel district of Sverdlovsk Region, Junior Counselor of Justice | Investigator of Ivdel district, Sverdlovsk region, Associate Class I | Investigator for Particularly Important Cases of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region | Chief of the Ivdel Police Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate | Captain of the Polunochnoe Village Police Department | Prosecutor of the Novo-Lyalinsky District, Junior Counselor of Justice |
Prosecutors | Investigators | Operative search |
Прокуратура СССР | |
Помощник генерального прокурора Союза | Камочкин Заместитель начальник Следственного Управления прокуратуры СССР |
Прокуратура РСФСР | |
Заместитель начальник следственного отдела прокуратуры РСФСР | Семенов Заместитель прокурора РСФСР |
Прокуратура Свердловской области | ||||
Прокурор Свердловской области государственого советника юстиции III класа | Заместитель прокурор области по спец делам старший советник юстиции | Прокурор-криминалист младший советник юстиции Свердловской области | Начальник следственного отдела | Следователь прокуратуры Свердловской области младший советник юстиции |
Ивдельская прокуратура | Полуночное | Новолялинское | |||
Прокурор прокуратуры г. Ивдель района Свердловской области младший советник юстиции | Следователь прокуратуры Ивдельского района Свердловской области юрист I класа | Следователь по особо важным делам прокуратуры Свердловской области | Начальник Ивдельского Городской отдел милиции Управление внутренних дел | Начальник Полуночьного поселкого отделения милиции капитан | Прокурор Новолялинского района младший советник юстиции |
Прокуроры | Следователи | Оперативно-розыскные |