Materials from the new investigation


We can review some of the results from the Prosecutor's preliminary investigation. The documents were immediately bombarded with criticism by the case researchers and experts on the Dyatlov Pass incident. We start with the location of the tent, with which Kuryakov spoke very proudly at the press conference held in the Komsomolskaya Pravda editorial on July 11, 2020.

Dyatlov Pass: Search 1959
Feb 28, 1959
Dyatlov Pass: Investigation 2020
Mar 18, 2019

Summit 905 →, ← 4th tributary to Lozva, Photo №10, 18.03.2019 2:06 pm, East slope of Kholat Syakhl, tent location №1, view to the East, Prosecutor Kuryakov signature, M.M. Malishev signature

Dyatlov Pass: Search 1959
Feb 28, 1959
Dyatlov Pass: Investigation 2020
Mar 18, 2019

Photo №11, 18.03.2019 2:06 pm, East slope of Kholat Syakhl, tent location №1, view to the North, Prosecutor Kuryakov signature, M.M. Malishev signature

The calculated data are given in the table with accuracy of determining distances ±50 m.
Here is the original document.

SK-42 X, Y GPS coordinates Altitude ΔX ΔY Lenght Slope Angle
Kholat Syakhl 6852000 10627820 61.75437 59.41858 1096.7
Tent 6852608 10628425 61.75962 59.43045 894 -608 -605 858 880 13.3
Kolmogorova 6852920 10629160 61.76217 59.44458 709 -312 -735 798 821 13.0
Slobodin 6852980 10629300 61.76266 59.44727 685 -60 -140 152 154 9.0
Dyatlov 6853080 10629450 61.76351 59.45018 652 -100 -150 180 183 10.4
6853250 10629720 61.76494 59.45541 633 -170 -270 319 320 3.4
6853200 10629650 61.76451 59.45405 637 50 50 71 71 3.2

Crash course on coordinate conversion from SK-42 to GPS (WGS-84) systems.
You need to know which zone are you in method 1 or method 2 and then use the GPS calculator selecting  Пулково 1942 10 ГОСТ 51794-2008 [EPSG:28410]  from the drop down.

Russians vigorously disagree with the Prosecutor's results. They have been going to the pass year after year and have pinpointed the location of the tent with certainty. On the photos of the prosecutors the pole with the red flag is positioned very close to the cairn and pin (red arrow) left by Russian researcher KAN marked on the map below as TENT. Somehow through calculations the prosecutors managed to put it at a distance of 116 m north.

Dyatlov Pass: Location of the tent controversy

We have updated the information to the Google map with the latest coordinates. You can uncluttered your view by selecting and deselecting the layers from the icon to the left.

Kuryakov said that according to the situational and behavioral specialists, after Krivonischenko and Doroshneko died, all of the remaining started off towards the tent. Kolmogorova, Slobodin and Dyatlov backtracked their footprints while Zolotaryov, Dubinina, Kolevatov and Thibeaux-Brignolle had to break trail and didn't go very far.

Dyatlov Pass: String of death


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